Next part peoples, I didn't think It was gonna take this long,sry guys =^_^=
Title: Strings Attached part 3
Author: Duette Maxwell a.k.a. Vanna
Rating: R violence, swearing,
Category:song-fic i guess "no strings attached' by N'sync, Shonen-ai, sap,
Duo - torture, Zechs & relena bashing,AU fic these boys dont pilot Gundams
there just really good friends
Disclaimer: No I dont own them Im using them for mine and I hope everybody
else's enjoyment so I promise to play nice and put them back when I'm done ,
'sides u wont get much from me anyway I'm a student people, It may feel like
a job but the pay sux, oh yeah all the lyrics I use belong to there respective artists, N'syncs 'no strings attached'
feedback: PLEEEEEAAAASSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE with hot fudge and whipped cream and a
cherry on DUO?
Pairings: at the beginning 6x2 (duo torture) then later on we get some fun
1x2 action

'//' means a thought

( ) is an author(s) note

{} is song lyrics
(okay guys this si kind of like a songfic, I get this vision everytime I hear the song sooo, here we go)
Strings Attached 3

The five boys walked right up to the 6 foot 5" bouncer of the elusive 'Violet Leash' who which Trowa talked to for about two minutes before they were escorted into a bar/dance floor/stage, where the tables where right up on the floor. And true to the name, everything was bathed in a soft violet glow.

Not even 5 minutes after the entry did Quatre,Heero and Trowa disappear, and Wufei went to get refreshments, leaving Duo with a hostess who was currently leading him to the front of the stage where a table lay waiting for Duo in the center of all the partying.

/Great, where the hell did everyone go?/

Not a minute later did Wufei appear behind him and hand him a drink. Duo just nodded a thanks and took a long pull from the glass.

Only to feel the warm burning sensation all the way down his throat to his empty stomach.

The violet eyes widened, as he gave a sideways glance to Wufei.

"trying to get me plastered before the party's even started?"

Wufei shrugged.

"I thought you'd be man enough to handle a little Vodka now, You are eighteen after all. Or was I wrong?"

an eyebrow twitches.

"is that wufei tryin' to say I can't handle my liquor, cause I know you did not just assume that"

Wufei shrugged before taking a sip of his own drink and looking away, as if he didn't just insult the birthday boys pride.

Duo narrowed his eyes and finished off his drink.

Wufei hid a smile with his hand and went to refill shinigami's glass.

Duo was on his 4th...or maybe 6th glass, he frowned, maybe it was 7th, awww screw it who cares.

/hmm, wonder where Hee-chan is/

"Hey wufie, where's hee-chan and Q, and tro?"

"they went and left us allllll by our lonesome, and on my birthday of all times, they have no honor, ne wu-babe, aren't you gonna join me in my justice speech?"

Wufei chuckled.

"I guess I was wrong Maxwell, you can hold your liquor, you just talk to much to let it do any harm"

Duo frowned.

Scratched his head.

/was that an insult, aww screw it/

So the two guys were just sitting there, when the steady beat of the DJ's music stopped. Everyone dancing stopped and looked around confused.

A single spotlight shone on a lone figure, in the center of the stage, with his back turned legs spread.

Duo's eyes raked from the floor to the ceiling

/hmm, combat boots, leather pants, nice ass, black tank top/

in a flash of lights the figure turned around, excess lights turning on to show his two companions.

Duo's eye's bulged.

For on that stage in the spotlight was non-other than Heero Yuy flanked by Quatre winner and Trowa Barton who wore similar dress.

It was then that Duo noticed the microphones in their hands.

{Baby you're not the only one}

Duo nearly passed out.

{oh, ohhh, oh yeah, hey yeah}

Heero stopped right in front of Duo and started to sing the song to *him*

{I see, the things he does to you,
All the pain that he puts you through,
And I see what's really going on,
Staying out at night while your by the phone}

Quatre and Trowa did backflips behind Heero, switching their positions. as they both sang:

{Take it from me}

Heero stepped behind them as all three continued to dance.

{It's a lesson to be learned,
even the good guys get burned}

{take it from me}

{see I would give you love,
the kinda love that you've only dreamed of}

all: {Baby your not the only one, you dont
have to be afraid to fall in love,
and I know that you've heard in the past,
but if you want it heres my heart,
No strings attached}

Quatre moved to the center position as Heero and Trow danced next to him.

{He doesn't give you the kind of attention,
that a guy like you needs,}

T&H:{that a guy like you needs}

{he always looks around,
his eyes wonder 'round,
he doesn't see you like I see}

Trowa and Heero both moved Identically behind Quatre.
before Quatre stepped back and Trowa took the center position.

{Take it from me
It's a lesson to be learned,
even the good guys get burned}

Q&H {take it from me}

T;{baby I would give you love,
the kind of love that you've only dreamed of}

Duo was shaken, he couldn't grasp it, were they doing this for him? The words struck to close for home, what were they offering?

all:{Baby your not the only one, you dont
have to be afraid to fall in love,
and I know that youve heard in the past,
but if you want it heres my heart,
No strings attached}

Heero stepped up again.

{Take it from me
It's a lesson to be learned,
even the good guys get burned}

Q&T:{take it from me}

H;{baby I would give you love,
the kind of love that you've only dreamed of}

{so if you wanna take a chance with me }

All three did a backflip, accompanied by a bright flash.

And before Duo knew it all three guys were right in front of him, as you can expect the crowd was ROARING in awe at the hot guys, doing a performance in the club.

Duo gulped.

Heero closed in like a panther stalking his prey.

and slowly brought the micro phone to his lips

{if you,
take a chance with me,
I'll be, Everything you need}


all: { it's our destiny,
Baby your not the only one, }

{baby, your not the only one}

{you dont
have to be afraid to fall in love,
and I know that you've heard in the past,
but if you want it heres my heart,
No strings attached}

all:{ You don't have to be afraid,
I know that your hurting,
you dont have to be afraid,
and if you want it heres my heart,
No Strings attached}

And as the last dance moves were made, and the music stopped, Quatre , and Trowa had moved back up to the stage, leaving Heero in front of Duo.

"Happy Birthday Duo, I meant it."

And they all disappeared back stage.

The crowd was going wild, nevermind that an incredibly hot guy had just offered himself to another incredibly hot guy, the song and dance rocked the whole place and Duo just sat there, with Wufei next to him, Smirking slightly.

BWAHAHHAHAH mega cliffhanger, Bwahahah i feel so evil right now, FEEDBACK people live by it