My Fanfiction

Hello all you lovely readers, Vanna Maxwell here, I promise to get the rest of the site up, and the rest of my fanfic, If you have a fanfiction you want posted, just email it to me at:

Wars Goddess

for my long time readers, I will try to write and continue some of my older fics, and for the newbies, Enjoy the fic, But heed my warning:

I Write 1x2 yaoi fanfiction, wiht some 3x4 thrown in, and I love any pairing with Duo, he is my favorite pilot, Yaoi and Shounen ai, not to mention Yuri and Shoujo ai , is ALWAYS welcome here, I'm the mistress of my own domain, and If you don't like what you read here, e-mail me and we'll see what we can do about your disgustingly small brain.

And now my Bishounen, and Shoujo I present the fanfiction:

Strings Attached

This was my first Gundam wing story, and the one i am most known for ^_^, it's an AU fic,there's definatly YAOI and SHOUNEN-AI. It takes place on Duo's birthday, where his friends give him a special gift to get his mind off of his abusive boyfriend Zechs! The 6th part is NC-17 and parts 4-5 are also a bit...racey, so if you can't handle it, TIS YOUR LAST WARNING LASSY!! ^.~ happy reading

1x2,6x2,mentions of other yaoi ::shrugs::

Strings Attached I
Strings Attached II
Strings Attached III
Strings Attached IV
Strings Attached V
Strings Attached VI

Death Onee-chan

also AU, self-insert...kinda, pairings are 1x2,3x?,and the others are alone, the gundams are in it ^.^

part 1
part 2 teaser

Eye's of Sapphire, Heart of Glass

this is a slight crossover with sailor moon, there is still yaoi my pretties, 1x2 as usual...oooh and i left the gundams in this one too

Eye's of Sapphire, Heart of glass part 1
Eye's of Sapphire, Heart of glass part 2


Gundam Deathscythe: Prologue

Hello Hell I haven't missed you
Hello Hell I haven't missed you 1/?

Ode To a Princess
This is Original Poetry about something recently happening in my life
Too Bad



bitter ne?
William 1
poem about spike
William 2
poem about spike, the second

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