Don’t let me go.

A man and a little girl are together in silence in a room. The man is standing near the door, a few meters away from the girl, as if afraid of causing her any damage. The beautiful blue eyes of the girl are sad, tears at the corners of her eyes, but they are still on the edge, without falling. Her sight focused on the land outside the window. Her little hands joined in a silent prayer. The man was looking to the girl with a forbidden love that was clear in his dark, deep eyes.

The silence fell for a couple of seconds. He, sick of distance, came closer a few steps…

A sad smile formed in the lips of the man

And again, the silence rules for a couple of moments. Just two respirations where heard in the middle of the enormous hall

The little girl stayed in silence, trying to ignore the question

The tears finally fell from the eyes of the girl. Still with her hand intertwined, the tears slide across her face, with nothing stopping their way. He came close to the little one, and very carefully, he wiped the tears from the childish face, and then he put his hand in one of the wet cheeks of the girl

The man, as all answer, held the girl very carefully in his arms. She put her head resting in his chest, a tiny smile was formed in her lips.

Zagato separated himself from Emeraude, his eyes wide open by the fear of the existent possibility

Zagato once again hugged Emeraude, feeling her scent of roses.

Very carefully, and still holding Emeraude in his arms, Zagato raised, and went out of the Praying Room, still with the little princess in his arms....


Author’s Notes:

Well, not exactly the end, but everybody knows what’s next. Zagato kidnaps the princess, the Knights are summoned, bla, bla, bla, etc, etc, etc. Actually, this is my first fic…not exactly, since I have been writing in Spanish for many years, but it is the first fic that I translate in English. There’s a Spanish version of this fic, and is in the Spanish section, the name is "NO ME SUELTES". Please, review this fic, and tell me what do you think. Don’t be very brutal when you review about grammar, please, my home language is Spanish, since I live in Mexico. I wrote this fic while being depressed. Hope you enjoyed it.

If you want me to translate more of my fics, or you have fics that want to translate to Spanish, write me ^^ I promise I will write you back, sooner or later.

Flames are not accepted, but my uncle Clef accepts them. Just tell him that his niece Kali send you ^ ^ He knows what to do, for everything else, my mail is I only read Spanish and English, so please try to write in these languages.



Hechicera (Magician) Kali