"Hitomi?" Yukari ran to catch up with her friend. "That was a good run. You've really gotten better at the sprint. Hitomi shrugged, and just smiled.
Yukari looked at her friend apprehensively. "How are you? I haven't really seen you around for a while... Are you OK?"
Hitomi looked at her for a second, before answering, "I'm fine, Yukari. I'm just a little... tired. I've been really busy, I guess."
Yukari looked down at the ground, a little scared to look Hitomi in the face. She felt so guilty because of Amano... "Ano... Hitomi. I want to talk to you about something- it's about Amano. Well, I... I'm going out with him. I'm sorry! I know you liked him a lot, but I've loved him for so long, and when he asked me... I'm sorry." Yukari looked at Hitomi, wondering what her reaction would be.
Hitomi walked over to Yukari, and hugged her. "Don't be sorry. You love him a lot, and that's the most important thing. I thought that I loved him from the bottom of my heart, but I know now that I didn't... I don't love him like I used to, and I never loved him as much as you did. So don't be afraid, Yukari. I'm happy for both you and sempai."
Yukari stared at Hitomi in amazement. "You're really not mad? I thought that you had already found out, and that was why you were avoiding me."
Hitomi shook her head. "I did know, but I only realized it recently. But I haven't been avoiding you. It's nothing..."
Yukari stopped walking. "Hitomi, I want to ask you something else. Do you remember when you did the run, for Amano? This sounds crazy, but I remember such strange things from that night. I remember this dragon, and this strange boy, but then I remember something else, where you go flying off on another dragon, with that same boy. Then I remember what really
happened... you just finished the race, and nothing like that happened... Hitomi, I'm really confused. I've talked with Amano about this, and he
remembers this, too. I keep on getting dreams about how you were missing for weeks and weeks, but then you haven't been gone at all. Then you just come in the next morning, as usual, but now, you won't do fortunes anymore. What's going on?"
Hitomi looks down at the ground. "It's not important, Yukari. Don't worry about it."
"What do you mean, don't worry about it? How can I not? I thought that I was going crazy, until Amano said this was happening to him, too. But if it's not me, that what's really happening?" Yukari grabbed Hitomi by the shoulders, and looked into her eyes. "You're hiding something from me... Why? Is it because of Amano? Do you not trust me anymore? If it is, then-"
Hitomi yelled out, "No, it's not that at all! Yukari, just... just trust me. I can't explain now, and I don't think that I should. Besides, even if I did tell you, you'd just think that I was crazy. So, please, just let me keep my secret for now. I promise that one day, I'll tell you everything."
Yukari wanted to ask her, to demand that she tell her everything. But she looked at her best friend for real, without any of the fear that had been clouding her eyes for the past week. She saw so much more in Hitomi's eyes; pain, fear, power, love, all new things that hadn't been there before. "I'll trust you, Hitomi. I promise that I won't ask, but I hope that you'll tell me what happened, someday. Trust me enough, too."
"I trust you, and I'll tell you when I can, later. But for now... Anyway, tell me about you and Amano. Have you gone anywhere together yet? Has he kissed you? Come on, tell me!"
"Yukari-chan, have you told Hitomi about us yet?" Amano asked, while sitting down at the cafe table.
"Yeah, I told her. She doesn't seem to mind..." Yukari looked down at her hands. She still felt a little nervous about the two of them, even if Hitomi wasn't jealous.
"That's good. I don't want our friendships to break up over this. Did you ask her about our dreams?"
"I did, but she says that she'll tell us someday, just not now. I don't think that we should try to push her now. She's been through something that I can't even guess yet. But I know that when she can tell us, she will. That's the most important thing, right?" She looked up at his pensive face, and took his hand. "Let's not ask, OK? Let's trust her enough."
Amano gazed down at her, and replied, "OK, we won't ask her. But lets go talk to her anyway together. I haven't seen her for a few days, and she hasn't seen us together, either. This may be a good way for us to see if she really is all right about us."
"Let's go, then." They both get up. "I think that she's still at the track. She said something about needing to practice some more." Yukari got her bag, and they both started back to school.
After they got to the track, they did see Hitomi sprinting. The two were about to go talk to her, when they noticed her stopping suddenly.
Then they saw Hitomi start to apparently talk to herself, stopping at times, as if she heard someone replying to her.
"What's she doing?" Yukari whispered. Amano answered, "I don't know. I think that she thinks that she's talking to someone..."
"Yeah, I'm fine. I've gotten back to school, and I've started to get used to this world again. I hadn't realized how much I had missed this world, until I had gotten back, and seen my family, and my friends again... But I still miss everyone back on Gaia, too." Hitomi stopped, and looked at Van for a second. "Van, you look tired. Are you all right?"
"I'm just working hard, restoring Farnelia to what it should be. It's not as hard as it could be, because all the countries are cooperating for once, and King Shido sent help as well." Van looked around, seeing her world, and her happiness. "I'm glad that you're so happy to be back to your home. You seem much more relaxed and content now... that's good."
Hitomi moved her hand toward him, almost touching his cheek. "I know that we'll always be able to talk together like this, so I don't mind not being with you so much. But still... I sometimes wish I was back on Gaia. I feel a little guilty because you have so much work, while I'm back home, not doing anything important. I could be helping you-"
Van interrupted her with an impatient gesture, his hand almost passing through hers. "Don't talk like that. You're home, where you should be, doing all the things that are important, to you. You shouldn't feel guilty, just because you're happy. Besides, you're doing what you should be doing, and I'm doing my duty as well. Just be happy, for now, and maybe someday..."
Hitomi and Van just looked at each other for a minute, each knowing that it was time to separate. "I wish that we could touch..." Hitomi whispered, while Van's intangible hand went through her cheek, leaving nothing but a slightly chill feel. Van replied, "Our wish will someday be granted, by our love. Believe, Hitomi." With that, he vanished, leaving her staring at the sky, looking vainly for a planet that could not be seen from her home.
Amano and Yukari stood, frozen, while Hitomi got her bag, and left the track. Amano started to go after her, but Yukari stopped him. "Amano, we should let her be." Amano protested, "But she just-" Yukari interrupted him, saying, "You know that Hitomi is special. She has a gift, that makes her different from other people. What we saw might not be what is true, and I don't want her to think that we were spying on her, or something like that. Trust her, and she'll tell us when she thinks that she's ready, or when she needs too."
Time passed, and both Amano and Yukari noticed that while Hitomi was happy, she seemed less and less focused in the real world. She was still running track, but now, she seemed to be running toward something that she could never reach, and this seemed to sadden her. They never noticed her carrying on an animated conversation with thin air again, but Yukari did see her gesture, and smile into nothingness, when Hitomi thought that no one was looking.
For Van and Hitomi, they knew that they could never truly be apart. However, Hitomi soon realized that her own world was less than what she had remembered it being, and Van knew that his work was not complete, without her. But they were both silent, each knowing that the other's heart would feel what they felt, and were content to stay as they were, until the time that both had decided on, secretly in both their hearts. Hitomi knew that when she had grown up enough to be ready, she would go back with all her heart, and Van knew that someday, she would come back to him.
"Congratulations Hitomi! Yukari-chan!" Amano shouted, as the two came toward him. He handed flowers to both of them, as the two new graduates thanked him. "I'm glad I could stop by from the university for this. How are both of you feeling?"
"I feel so relieved. I'm finally finished with high school!" Yukari exalted, while Hitomi looked both sad and happy. "I'm glad that high school is over, too, but now..." With that, Hitomi looked with sad eyes to her friends, and then said, "I want both of you to come to the track tonight. I'm going to finally explain what happened two years ago, because soon, I'll be..." With that, she turned, and ran back toward her parents, who started to congratulate her.
Yukari and Amano stared at the retreating girl, before Yukari commented, "Finally, she's going to tell us? I'm glad, but I think that there may be a reason for this that we probably won't like..."
"Mom, Dad, there's something that I have to tell you..." Hitomi gazed up at her parents with saddened eyes. They both stopped their chatting and looked at their daughter with surprise. "What's wrong, Hitomi? Are you feeling tired? I thought that you'd be happy that we went out to an early dinner to celebrate, so that you can meet your friends later." Her mother looked at Hitomi with concern, noticing the depression which had become more and more noticeable within her daughter.
"Do... do you remember that time, a few years ago, when strange things happened for a while? When you thought that I had disappeared, but I hadn't, and-" Hitomi was interrupted by her father, who said, "Yes, my memories of that time are still confused- but why are you bringing that up now?"
Hitomi spoke to her mother directly, ignoring her father. "Mother, do you remember grandma's experience, with the other world?" Her mother replied, "Of course I do. But why are you bringing that up?" Then realization dawned in her eyes. "Hitomi, you visited that place? Is that why we are so confused, about that time? That would make sense- you seemed so different, so distracted for a time after that..." There, her father interjected, "What are both of you talking about? Hitomi, tell me what's going on!"
But he was ignored, as Hitomi's mother looked at her daughter with new eyes. "Is that why you're so sad? Because-"
"Because I have to go back, to see-"
"To see that man, right? Like your grandmother did... she knew, that you would be the one to follow, to that other world. That's why she gave you that pendant. But are you sure?"
Then she looked at her daughter, and answered herself. "Of course you're sure. I can see it in your eyes. This is why you've become so depressed lately, isn't it? Because you knew that it was time for you to go back, soon. To go after that man of your destiny- but now?"
Hitomi nodded, and her mother said, "You know that you're going to have to visit! Don't forget us back here on Earth- but you have to go now, don't you?" Another nod, and suddenly, her mother got up, and gave her a hard hug. "My daughter- I knew that I would give you up, just not this soon. Don't worry about your father. I'll explain to him later. But now, you have to go. Don't worry about us- my mother told me that the most important thing was to trust your feelings, and follow the destiny that you make for yourself. If you're sure that this is what you're doing, then go."
Hitomi stood up from her chair, and walked over to her dazed father, who had been staring at the two as if they were insane. "I know that you won't understand, papa. But don't worry, and remember that I'll always miss you, and love you." Then she gave him a hug, and then left, hearing behind her the explanation her mother was giving her father.
Yukari and Amano met Hitomi at the track a few hours later. Hitomi
out by saying, "You know that something strange happened a few years ago,
I never explained to any of you. That's because..." There she hesitated, and
looked over their heads, to what seemed empty space for them, but had Van in
her sight. He gave her a look of encouragement, and then started to raise his
hand, which held the energist.
She took a deep breath, and then said, "I had left this world for
called Gaia. There, I found so many different wonderful and horrible things,
that I couldn't have explained it then, even if I had wanted to. But for now,
I've gathered all of you here because I'm going to be leaving soon, to go
to the other world."
Both of them were silent, utterly amazed, until Yukari exclaimed,
"What are
you talking about, Hitomi? What do you mean, you're leaving? And to another
world? I was expecting something strange, but not this!" Amano joined in,
asking. "Are you feeling all right, Hitomi? If you want, we can-"
His question was cut off as a blinding column of light came down from
the heavens. When it had cleared, a young man was standing there, holding
something resembling a pink stone, and Hitomi's pendant. "Van!" Hitomi
running and hugging him. "Finally! Finally..."
"Wha-?" Yukari muttered, as she took in this new sight. "What just
happened? Who are you? I- I remember you! You're that boy, from that dream?
How are you here? And-"
Van and Hitomi turned, hand in hand, to look at everyone on the
Hitomi said, "This is Van Farnel, the king of Farnelia, one of the countries
on Gaia, the other world. I met him when I was there, and he is my...
lover? soulmate? He s my other half, and one of the reasons why I seemed so
different when I came back. He's also the reason why I'm leaving.
He and I remained apart these few years because I wanted to go home,
and he
had to rebuild his home, which had been destroyed. We knew that we would
always be together, in our hearts, so it wasn't so bad. But still, we wanted
to truly be together, someday. I had decided, in the back of my mind, that I
would go back to Gaia, after high school was over. I love my world, but I
Gaia, too, and I miss all of my friends back in the other world. And I want to
be with Van."
Van spoke up. "I don't want either of you to think that Hitomi will
forever to Gaia. She can come back whenever she wants to, and she will, to
visit. But now, we want to be together, in body as well as spirit, and I
leave my kingdom. I hope that all of you understand that this is our wish,
fulfilled by our love. We're making our own destiny..."
The two entwined their hands even tighter. "But how can you just
Hitomi? What is so special about this guy-" Yukari asked. Hitomi answered
a look, which Yukari could see was filled with love, but also with
determination. "I'm sorry, Yukari. But I will go. That is all. But I hope
you can understand..." Hitomi turned to Van, who enfolded her into his arms,
and then, suddenly, his wings also came out of his back, to wrap around both
of them.
"To trust our feelings is the only thing we can do. That's how we
our own fate- that is all. We'll try to explain all that happened to me on
Gaia- but after that, we have to leave. I've finally grown up, I suppose, and
I'm ready to live a new life."
Hitomi started to explain what had happened to her on the other
starting with what had happened on the track. Van occasionally put in a
comment or two, and together, they told their story. Both Yukari and Amano
looked stunned at what they had been told. Neither could say anything, or
argue that the two didn't know what they were doing. Hitomi and Van, who had
never let go of each other through the whole tale, finally separated. She
over to her two disbelieving friends.
"Hitomi... I won't say that I won't miss you. But I can see why
doing this, and I can't tell you to stay. But visit every once in a while,
please!" Yukari whispered, almost crying. Amano gave her a hug, and then
turned to Hitomi. "Hitomi, I knew that you had become a different person two
years ago. But now, I see that you are truly summoning up your courage.
Running like the wind... go and fly. Be happy."
Hitomi hugged both of them, and started to cry. She told both of
"You know why I won't foresee your future. But that doesn't matter, because I
know for sure both of you will be happy together- that you'll make your own
good fate with your love."
Van held out his had, and Hitomi intertwined it with hers. Both gave
look back at the Earth and at her friends, before he held up the Energist,
the column of light enfolded them both. Hitomi smiled, gently through her
tears, as she said one silent farewell to her old life. Then she look up, at
the stars, at Gaia, and her tears ceased.