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Meilin is Li’s cousin. She is also his fiancée because she wants to marry him. She looks surprisingly like Madison, due to the hair colour, but her attitude is just evil. She is a spoilt brat, proud, and over possessive and obsessive of Li. When they were younger, they used to pretend that they were card captors, but when Li became one, Meilin was left out. She is very good at Martial arts, but cannot capture cards. She thinks she can though… She never actually realises the power of the Clow cards, and spends a lot of time getting other people hurt and in trouble. She is a worthy competitor of Sakura, but is very selfish, and lets glory go to her head. She despises Sakura, as she thinks that Sakura is taking Li away from her, even though Sakura tries to make friends. She is jealous of Sakura, she wants to be the one working with Li, but she has no magic at all. She tries too hard, and always messes things up. She is actually rather smart, but she turns that into a chance to compete. Poor Meilin.

Her profile:

Birthday: March 25th
Favourite Colour: Red
Favourite Food: Sesame dumpling/Peach bun
Thing She Most Wants: New Clothes and magic
Favourite Subject: Music/Gym
Least Favourite Subject: Japanese
Hates: the cold

Magical powers:

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