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Sailor Jupiter/Lita/Makoto Kino

Birthday: December 5
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Blood Type: O
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Favorite Colors: Green and sugar pink
Favorite Subject: Home Economics
Least Favorite Subject: Physics
Favorite Food: Cherry pie
Least Favorite Food: none
Favorite Sport: All of them
Least Favorite Sport: none
Hobbies: Bargain-hunting
Favorite Gemstone: Emerald
Favorite Animal: Horse
Strong Points: Cooking
Has Trouble With: Airplanes
Attitude: Workaholic, aggressive, outgoing
Dream: Opening a restaurant, being a bride, selling cake and/or flowers
Pet: none
Boyfriend: none
Crush: Andrew/Motoki, etc.


In Season Sailor Moon Lita/Makoto powers up to Sailor Jupiter

In Season Sailor Moon R Lita/Makoto powers up to Sailor Jupiter

In Season Sailor Moon S Lita/Makoto powers up to Sailor Jupiter

In Season Sailor Moon Super S Lita/Makoto powers up to Super Sailor Jupiter

In Season Sailor Moon Stars Lita/Makoto powers up to Super Sailor Jupiter


Jupiter Thunder Crash-Sailor Jupiter says this to gather bolts of lightning with the antenna on her tiara, and then direct them at any target.

Jupiter Thunder Dragon-Sailor Jupiter says this to form a large amount of lightning bolts into the shape of a dragon which will engulf her enemy.

Jupiter Thunderclap Zap (Later called Sparkling Wide Pressure)-Sailor Jupiter says this to form her lightning into a small, compressed amount. She will then throw it at her target and it will expand as it soars.

Jupiter Oak Evolution- Sailor Jupiter starts spinning and sends electrifying energy in the shape of leaves at her opponents.