-You buy "Barbie and The Nutcraker" because the voices of Hitomi and Van do the voices for Barbie and the Prince and you want to see them have an actual relationship.
-You break down in a hissy fit if you miss just one episode of Escaflowne (even if you saw that episode 15 times already)
-Go go around school in a uniform like Hitomi's (your school doesn't have uniforms), call your best friend Yukari, and you demand that she steals your dessert.
-You make a website about Escaflowne. HAH.
-When you buy a new pet, you name them after Escaflowne characters.
-Even years after loving the show, you still pop it into the TV and watch it straight through.
-Your friends always tell you to stop talking about Van - he doesn't exist!
-You go into space just to see if your beeper will work.
-You call your dog Jajuka, and he/she starts to follow you around every where, even though it did nothing before.
-You join track - even though you never ran a day in your life - with hopes that an angel will take you away on his dragon.