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Kiyone Makibi

Tenchi Universe Kiyone

Here in Tenchi Universe, we are treated to our first Tenchi Series with Kiyone in it full-time (she WAS in the OAV, except only in the Mihoshi Special as recollections of Mihoshi's). Kiyone is a model member of the Galaxy Police, but is cursed by one thing: her partner (Mihoshi). Kiyone was a quite promising officer until that fateful partnership (or should I say fatal... ^_^). Naturally, when Mihoshi crashlands on Earth, belived dead, Kiyone is properly sorrowed... for about ten seconds. Imagine her chargrin when she finds out her partner's demise was not quite complete. The problem with Kiyone in this series is that she is a little, how can we say, high-strung. Heh. Other than that, she is perfectly normal. (Except for when she tries to capture Ryoko... *then* she loses it.) There are plenty of people who like Kiyone out there, but her one major flaw she adds to the Universe series is that she cause Mihoshi to be a foil-character, one dimensional and utterly stupid. No intelligent but clumsy Mihoshi as she was in the OAV here. Still, Kiyone is a great character in this series.

Shin Kiyone

Shin Kiyone

Shin Kiyone.. where to begin... First off, the dress. Whoever designed Kiyone wearing that dress should be shot. Actually, except for the flattening of the hair (and *that* dress!), Kiyone looks pretty much the same in the Shin series. Her mood swings are worse, however. She goes from pschotic to depressed to happy in 2.8 seconds flat (isn't that bipolar disorder, a mental problem?) The partner problems with Mihoshi are even worse in this series. Now, from reading this, people might get the idea that I hate Kiyone, or at least dislike her. That isn't true! Kiyone is one of my favorite characters! I'm just trying to be objective, here. Kiyone does have her good moments in Shin, like some of the scenes in the public bath, or some other times, but just like all of the other characters in Shin, Kiyone's character is flattened. 'Tis more the pity.

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