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Ah... so you like my site so much, you feel you must now depart? I'm hurt. Just kidding. Here are some liks to some of the more popular Tenchi Muyo sites/shrines out there on the web. The banners are free for use, I didn't make 'em, most sites like it when you use their banners on your site (hey, it's free advertizment!) What I'm getting at is that if you want them, take em! Heheh. My site's banner is at the bottom of the page. I wouldn't mind if you used that, either. Have fun!

The Unofficial #WASHU# Page

The Ayeka Fan Club

GenSao's TMFFA


Temple of the Teal-Tressed Goddess

Church of Evil Kiyone

MY Banner!!!  Isn't it great?!?

Would you like to join #WASHU#? Washu's Academy of Science and Higher Understanding
is a society dedicated to Washu-chan. (I'm a member myself)!!! If you would like to join, just click here!

[Join #WASHU#]
Last but not least, is the Nausicaä Mailing List (ML), which I founded. We talk about Nausicaä in specific, manga and anime in general, and anything else as well. Hope you come and see us!

Enter your email to join Nausicaä ML today!


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