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What is there to say? Noboyuki is Tenchi's, ahh... eccentric? different? hentai? perverted? father, who is... slightly naughty. He doesn't play much of a part in the Tenchi series, except as, well, a shadow. That and his unwholesome fascination with the girls of the Tenchi crew. He wasn't always like this, however. When he was younger he was a genuinley nice young man, and depply in love with Yosho/Kashuhito's daughter Achika (Tenchi's mother). It was the early loss of Achika, however, that, ahh... unsettled his mind... a bit. Suffice it to say he isn't what he used to be. This is the same in all of the Tenchi series, so there is No Need For Explaning ^_^.

A younger Noboyuki reclining with his beloved Achika
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