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Kasuhito's true appearance

OAV Kashuhito

In the OAV's, Kasuhito is just an old man, keeping up the Shinto shrine... Yeah right. From the very beggining, he seems just a mite too fast for the old man he is. Then, when he has no problem with the "Demon" that has started to reside with him, and also knows swordmanship practiced only on Jurai, he seems more suspicious. So, when Kagato starts calling this old man "Yosho", the lost prince of Jurai, and the tenchi-ken (the Master Key) reacts to him, nearly everyone puts two and two together. Lucky Yosho. *He* gets to stay at home, while everyone *else* has to drop everything and go fight Kagato. Ah, well. Those are the priveleges of age and wisdom (I guess...)

What Kashuhito normally looks like in TU and the OAV's

Tenchi Universe Yosho

Not really that much to say, except you only see flashbacks of what he looked like way back when, his history with Kagato is a it different, and he never really uses the tenchi-ken. He just acts wise, knows more than a grandpa should, and uses the mysterious "Jurai Power" once or twice. He doesn't do much at all for or against the series.

Shin Kasuhito and Washu

Shin Kasuhito

Nope, he *isn't* the legendary Yosho in *this* series (darn, why break a winning streak?). He *is*, in fact, an "Earth Guardian", a defender of the planet. From what? Aliens, most notably the ones who reside at the Masaki household, *and* those that would do the Earth harm. Kasuhito doesn't really play a big par in this series, just at the beggining and the end. He's just another character who is dramatically lessened in the series.

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