About Carrot

Name: Carrot Glace

Age: 17

Homeland: Spooner Continante

Mother:Apricot Glace

Father: Onion Glace

Siblings: Marron Glace

Nicknames: Niisan/El Love Machine/Darling/Carrot Dear/Hentei Boy/That One perverted guy/Horndog/The Dude who uses that sword, but never uses it

Occupation: Sorcerer Hunter

Rank as a Sorcerer Hunter: Leader (But not a very good one ^__^)

Carrot Writes: I'm a sesitive guy! I also like girls! Girls!! Girls!!! I work as a Sorcerer Hunter. Yeah it sounds cool, but when Big Mamma gives you assignment after assignment...I can't take it anymore! The only way I can get out of it is by killing myself, or have someone else kill me (But I don't wanna die a virgin!)! I can't use magic, I don't have much strength, and I really don't have power. Then why am I a Sorcerer Hunter? Cuz whenever a sorcerer hits me with magic, I turn into a really cool beast and consume them. Now isn't that cool? I do have a sword, but I don't use it that much. People say I'm really not good in battle, but I can be just as good as um... uh... I gotta go!!

Why Make a Carrot Shrine?

I know a lot of people don't really like Carrot, But I do! (That's pretty good cuz Carrot is my man after all! ^_^) First of all, there aren't a lot of Carrot Shrines (Searching the web I've only found one, and that one's gone!!). Second Carrot is the Funniest Sorcerer Hunter!! How can you not like him?! Third, Carrot has Zoanthropy!! Now isn't that cool?

Without Carrot, Chocolate and Tira would have nothing to pound on. Marron would have nothing to be "PMS'd" over. Milphey would just be hangin wit da gurlz. Zaha Torte would still be a Haz Knight, then there would be no plot! And Gateau.... being the Carrot hater, *growls* he would be pretty darn happy! So you see?! Carrot IS Sorcerer Hunters. Without him, it'd be your everyday "Let's go fight!" anime.

Carrot can be a little annoying, and sometimes a little perverted. But after you see him in "A Dreamy Girl at Lakeside," you see he has a really sweet side.

The sad thing is that there is a lot of bad rap on the web about Carrot. *cries* Well, I love Carrot, and this site was made to appreciate him!! And if you don't like him, then...uh...GO MILK A COW!!!*I'm okay now*
