Dance Dance Revolution: Sorcerer Hunters Mix

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DDR is one of the best games in the world!!!!! ^_^ And Marron is a major fan of it! His favorite mix is DDR fifth. He can play ALL of the songs on Maniac. WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! DDR!!! So you may ask, “Why is lil section here if it has nothing to do with Carrot?” Well it does!!!! Here is a lil scene of what happens when the nummy widdle Glace Brothers play DDR….


Marron: *plays Paranoia on maniac, and passes. (incase you didn’t know, that’s the hardest)*

Carrot: um…

Marron: Try it brother dear.

Carrot: Er…I dunno….

Marron: But brother… try it! It’s fun!

Carrot: Okay… *goes on DDR machine and does 1, 2, 3, 4, 007 on basic. (that’s the easiest song)*

Marron: uh…*sweatdrop*

Carrot: *stomps on DDR machine*

DDR Machine: FAIL!!!

Carrot:……………*stomps off*

Marron: Brother!! Wait!!!

Carrot: *comes back with baseball bat, and whacks DDR Machine*

DDR Machine: Did you have breakfast today? Don’t worry, there’s always tomorrow. *keeps insulting Carrot*

Carrot: DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *keeps whacking DDR Machine*

Arcade Security: *drags Carrot away*

Carrot: ……………….*being dragged away*

Marron: *plays DDR*


The End