Sorcerer Hunters Dreams

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Flirtation Grass?!


Okay, my dream was like this….


            I was walking in some…. Random place and I saw Carrot!! ^_^ He did his whole race car, run thingie, and suddenly he was holding my hand? He started flirting with me for some reason and… yeah… He sounded like he was flirting, but all this random stuff came out like, “Pickles and Mayonnaise butter describe your pancreas beautifully.” Don’t ask me why…. -_-;;; Then Tira and Chocolate came around and they were all like, “Girl-Friend, back off our man!” But I didn’t want to because I found all the random flirtations very sexy… (?!) So they transformed, and then…. I did to!! It was really weird… I had their “Transformation Music” and my lil Transformation sequence was like, a pink background, and then a black cape popped out of nowhere, and there I stood in a shower of grass dressed like domie Tira only with a cape…. It was all very strange…. I don’t remember the rest…


            Destruction God


Okay, I dreamt this after I saw “Prelude to Ruin” and wasn’t able to see anymoreBecause of my bed time… -_-;;


            Marron and Gateau were in their “God Forms” (?) and were going to kill Carrot while he was in beast form. Tira and Chocolate were in their bondage garb (I think…) and I was just standing someplace… I don’t remember… But then Gateau yelled to me, something like, “Hey Girl!! Give us a hand!!” I went over to him and to my surprise I was in the bondage uniform described in the dream above. I stood next to Marron and I asked him, “Didn’t you die a minute ago?” and then he just blinked… then the Carrot-Beast roared and the Misu Sisters ran after him holding machine guns. Carrot-beast clawed at them, and then they were two Sisters on a stick. The scary thing is, that Tira was winking and giving one of those “Happy Anime Smiles.” Now it’s a little disturbing seeing a happy lil face like that on some bloody mangled body hanging off the claw of a giant bull-beast. I was scared… Then Gateau and Marron gasped, and… Then Carrot (In human form) came over next to me. He was dressed normally except he had on a red and green Christmas scarf around his neck. He raised his sword and started to sing, “La Bamba.” That was disturbing also… Then the God of Destruction suddenly appeared and exploded killing everyone but me. Then I woke up to a car honking…


            Drive-By Shooting


This dream actually scared me and I woke up crying…  :’( It was on Halloween

Night and I had just gotten Manga Vol. 3 in the mail. ^_^ Plus that Necromancer guy was really scary….


            I just remember drawing with my friend Kaze and some other girl I don’t know, outside on my porch. Then all of a sudden I dived into my house and landed on my linoleum floor with a thud. Then all these bullets wizzed by and I started screaming. After the bullets, I asked Kaze if she was all right and she shouted that she was okay. (Which is really weird since Kaze doesn’t raise her voice above a whisper!) My grandma was like, “Is there a drive-by going on?” and I screamed, “yes!” Then I heard something in my room so I ran over there. My dad was behind me and then I saw that one Zombie/Death Master dude from manga Vol. 3. (After he uses the Necronominicon on himself.) Then there was this masked robber-ish guy pointing a gun at me. I thought I could absorb it (Like Carrot.) so I just stood there. Then he shot the gun and the bullets went right through me and hit my dad in the head! He died, and then I started to bleed!!! So I woke up crying after that…… -_-;;;


            No Money?!


This one is so screwed up!


            Okay, I was at this store, and then they were selling Sorcerer Hunters tapes for one dollar each. I knew I had money in my wallet so I got all of the tapes there. I waited in like and when I got to the register, the total was something like, $100.50, but I knew I had the money. When I went in my wallet to get it…. the wallet was empty.


He’s Mine


This is my friend Cherry’s dream as she described it to me…


She was somewhere, and Marron hit her up about Gateau. (She likes Gateau a lot) She said he was snapping his fingers and was saying stuff like, “Girlfriend, don’s be messen with my man!” Then she was in a cat-fight with him… That’s all she told me…



Got a Sorcerer Hunters Dream you’d like to share? E-mail it to me at the e-mail below.
