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I will do requests!! Yes! For Fanart and Fanfiction. I prefer Fanart more because it's easier to whip out than a Fanfic. I do have Limits so...


1) I will NOT do full out hentai, or porn. Domie outfits are alright, but nothing fully showing boobs or... *sudders* other things...
2) *sigh* Though I don't really like to, Mary-Sues are okay... It's just that... (see next rule)
3) I'll do original characters of yours... It's just that you NEED to send me a pic or a VERY detailed description of what they look like. I'm just scared of getting it waaaaaay off.
4) I'm open to ALL pairing. Though you should know, I really can't draw Marron, Gateau, Tira or Chocolate... Okay, so I can't draw any of the hunters except Carrot... Though now I THINK I'm getting better.
5) There is no rule number five...
6) Don't pressure me about it... The more you bug about it, the longer you'll have to wait. I'm sorry. Depending on when you ask me, it might take long. I will TRY to do your request ASAP but I'm only human...  During the end of December, all of January, and June, are  NOT good times to ask. Usually I'm stressing over school around those times.
7) Sometimes I will have a major curse and will not be able to draw... Sometimes I get that...
8) Sometimes I will have MAJOR writer's block that evil fortune cookies place before me.
9) I can't draw muscles... sorry... I try... I really do...

That's all!! Gotta request? Send it here.