
This might be the longest, but last in "The Chat" series. Don't worry! I said "might!" Maybe people are getting tired of it. I dunno. If you don't want "The Chat" series to stop, then say so when you review my story! Also, Marron is talking NOT using chat slang. (About 15 peeps told me about the chat slang thing. Be happy!! Your wish is granted!) Also, don't laugh at my Japanese! (I know Spanish so Hah!) and, all the screen names you can't figure out, are probably my friends and I (Even though I like Carrot better than Marron!). Now for the actual disclaimer, I do not own Sorcerer Hunters. Satoru Akahori, and Rei Omishi do. I just like to make funny stories about them! Please don't sue me!! I'm very poor!! I used my money to buy the first Spell Wars Video! $$

Welcome message: Welcome to the NEW and IMPROVED Sorcerer Hunters Chat Room.

Sorcerer Hunters Chat Room

El_Love_Machine: Wow! I love what they did with the place! We can actually have sn's !!!

Hot_Cup_o_Chocolate: I know. This is the perfect place 2 cyber darling!

El_Love_Machine: NO WAY!!

THE_Whiper has entered the chat

THE_Whiper: Hi every1

El_Love_Machine: Hey Tira! ; D

THE_Whiper: Hi Carrot! #^_^#

Hot_Cup_o_Chocolate: Tira?

THE_Whiper: yea?

Hot_Cup_o_Chocolate: IM me NOW!!

THE_Whiper: y?

Hot_Cup_o_Chocolate: NOW!!!!!!


THE_Whiper: What do you want?

Hot_Cup_o_Chocolate: R u and Darling...

THE_Whiper: NO!!

Hot_Cup_o_Chocolate:I didn't say n-e thing yet...


Hot_Cup_o_Chocolate: YOU ARE!! YOU ARE!!

THE_Whiper: yea...

THE_Whiper: u there Chocoate?

Hot_Cup_o_Chocolate is off line, and unable to receive IM

Sorcerer Hunters Chat Room

El_Love_Machine: I'm just a love machine! And I won't work for nobody but you! *sings*

BuffnBlonde has entered the chat

Buffnblonde: where's marron? He said to meet him here. : |

El_Love_Machine: Eww....Don't tell me about ur love life with my brother! : P

El_Love_Machine: Anyways, he's barely turning on his computer. He'll b on in a few min.

BuffnBlonde: Y r u here by yourself?

El_Love_Machine: I was talking 2 Tira and Chocolate.

BuffnBlonde: Sure... Baka.

El_Love_Machine: I wouldn't b talking u dumb blonde!!

BuffnBlonde: Nobody gets away with calling me that!!!

El_Love_Machine: Wat r u gonna do? We're online!! HA HA HA!!!!

BuffnBlonde: I know where u live.

El_Love_Machine: So?

BuffnBlonde: I can come and get you.

El_Love_Machine: Yea Right. Marron can just get you with his magic. He's very protective of me!

BuffnBlonde: Hey! Where is Marron?

El_Love_Machine: I'll go check brb

BuffnBlonde: ok

El_Love_Machine: He's looking at some magic stuff. I dunno. but he's going here now.

BuffnBlonde: Tell him to hurry.

El_Love_Machine: Okay.

Phoenix_Flame has entered the chat

Phoenix_Flame: Sorry I kept you waiting.

BuffnBlonde: Hey Marron. Ur looking very sexy today.

El_Love_Machine: Eww... That's not right.

BuffnBlonde: Well, you don't have to read it.

El_Love_Machine: Don't u 2 have IM?!

BuffnBlonde: Yea... Hey Marron! IM me!!

Phoenix_Flame: Okay.


BuffnBlonde: I swear Marron. U r looking very sexy.

Phoenix_Flame: Gateau, Don't say that when you haven't even looked at me yet.

BuffnBlonde: But I bet you do!

Sorcerer Hunters Chat Room

El_Love_Machine: Girls! That's all I really want is Girls! *singing*

Lil_Cup_o_Joe has entered the chat.

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: Hi peeps! ^_^

El_Love_Machine: Chocolate?! Did u change ur sn?

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: no. who's chocolate? Ur gf?

El_Love_Machine: NO WAY!! FAR FROM IT!!!

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: oic

El_Love_Machine: a/s/l?

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: 16/f/Spooner Continent u?

El_Love_Machine: 17/m/Spooner wat's ur name?

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: Café Latte wat's ur's

El_Love_Machine: Carrot Glace. Weren't u the gurl who came in here last time?

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: yea. But this time I'm NOT in the wrong room.

El_Love_Machine: okay then...*sweatdrop*

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: do u have a gf

El_Love_Machine: yea

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: kewl who is it?

El_Love_Machine: Tira.

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: Who's Tira?

El_Love_Machine: THE_Whiper angelbearbuggie has entered the chat

angelbearbuggie: wuzz^ every1?!

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: Hey gurly! Wassabie?!

El_Love_Machine: Dude! Y r u gurls coming in here?!

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: cuz this cute guy named marron is suppose to be in here!

angelbearbuggie: yea! He's really dreamy!

WITHa CHERRYonTOP has entered the chat.


angelbearbuggie: no not yet! Hey love machine, do you know when he'll be here?!

El_Love_Machine: Um... I dunno. he's on IM with a friend. Let me tell him.


El_Love_Machine: yea. He's my brother!

angelbearbuggie: then u must b cute too!

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: yea. How do you look?

El_Love_Machine: um...I have a gf

WITHaCHERRYonTOP: so... she doesn't have 2 know....

El_Love_Machine: nope. U don't need 2 know.

THE_Whiper has entered the chat

THE_Whiper: hey Carrot. U didn't fool around did u?

Lil_Cup_o_Joe: NO!! HE WOULDN'T DO IT!! : (

THE_Whiper: Good! : )

El_Love_Machine: So wat did Chocolate want?

THE_Whiper: she found out we were going out.

El_Love_Machine: oh...um... how did she take it?

THE_Whiper: not very good.

Paprika182 has entered the chat

Paprika182: IS HE HERE YET?!! ^_^

WITHaCHERRYonTOP:no not yet. But his brother here!

Paprika182:wow! I bet he's cute! Who is he?!

Lil_Cup_o_Joe:Love machine. I bet he is 1 too.

Paprika182:Ooh! Love Machine! IM me!

El_Love_Machine:Um...I have a gf.

Lil_Cup_o_Joe:but she's not here right now.

THE_Whiper:Yes I AM!!!


El_Love_Machine: I've Been Good!!!

THE_Whiper:I know u have. #^_^#

El_Love_Machine:u, me, and a bottle of whine, at my house.

THE_Whiper:isn't ur brother marron home?

Paprika182:AAH!! MARRON!!

angelbearbuggie:HE'S SOOO CUTE!!!




Phoenix_Flame has entered the chat

Phoenix_Flame:wow! There's a lot of people in here.


Lil_Cup_o_Joe:AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARRON!!!!!!!! IM ME!!!!!!!

angelbearbuggie:U R SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM ME!!!!!!!!


Paprika182:I'M SPICY!!!! IM ME HOT STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


El_Love_Machine:so, Tira. Wanna go to the park? ; D

THE_Whiper:ok!!!!!!! ^_^

THE_Whiper has left the chat

El_Love_Machine:hope u can pic wich gurl 2 IM

CARROT_LVR has entered the chat

El_Love_Machine:Chocolate? Did u change ur sn?!


El_Love_Machine:AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! MILPHEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

El_Love_Machine has left the chat

CARROT_LVR:tee hee hee hee.......

