Angio's Thoughts


Today, Celestial gave me this journal, to perhaps, record my feelings of what's happening around me, and to give memories of things I might have forgotten. I'm feeling very, very puzzled right now... I was taught about technology, weapons, chemistry, evacuation strategies, weapon wielding, evasive maneuvers, a whole new language, and new history from a time that never happened=). This is really going to be hard, yet, still kinda fun. I hope to learn more in the future-- er, later. But, one thing I like about this timeline... Video games... I'm HOOKED! I'll get past it once... I go through another training sim... AHH!!! Oh well, Gotta go, imahalin mo ang angel, meaning Love The Angels.


Well, that's a little too hard on the new guy. I woke up today at 2:00, and I ran through a 2-mile obstacle course. Then, after I finished that, after about an hour or so, I had to run a training simulation, which makes an entire battlefield scene. I was given a pistol and a taser, and I had to infiltrate a train. After finishing level 1, after about... 3 TRIES!!!... I finally went on to level 2. The day ended once I finally finished the 5th level. I'm just about dead by now, so I'm gonna sleep now...mahilin mo ang angel, meaning Love the Angels...


This is quite an excerpt. Today, I went through a lvl 6 training sim, and then, I had to only use what I was given to by the guards. I had to learn to escape from a prison cell, and save 4 other scientists that were captured,while minimizing the guards. This took 6 tries, and wore me out. This could have KILLED me, but thankfully, the sim ends when someone is about to die. Unusually enough, I didn't miss home. I'm gonna be gone for a LONG time, because I'm gonna run a full sim of an island paradise-type sim, which will take a 6 day run. Everyone is psyched, because all of us are going. I'm ready, without a doubt. Well, I guess I won't be writing until... Dec. 15th. well, until then, mahilin mo ang angel.


Man, I feel so tired right now. With a 6-day sim, I was shot 17 times, and most of the time, the sim didn't end! This thing is crazy! Anyway, Celestial told all of us that pretty soon, we're going on our first mission; the protection of one of his earliest colleagues, Mr. Rizal. This guy is supposed to be some type of leader of a secret organizational faction that is driven in the roads of peace. One of his first accomplishments is annihilating 15% of drugs these days. Unfortunately, some people don't agree with his next term of action; the removal of all nuclear weaponry. We're supposed to tag along on his New Year's Eve party celebrating his next accomplishment, and protect him and his family of a wife and two daughters. I just read a background on Mr Rizal, and it seems he's a descendant of the famous Jose Rizal, who was my cell partner a couple thousand years back. It seems he did a lot for my family, and many others. Well, I'm about to pass out now, so I'll leave now... mahalin mo ang angel...