Shoji's Journal


Celestial gave me this odd book to record what I think about what I feel about all this that's happening around me... but Thats not what I heard from Celestial when he was talking to Angio, but o'well. Oh Yeah, I remembered it was my Birthdy two days ago Hehe. Well anyways, I'm still trying to figure out how this thing works... its kinda like that COMPUTER thingy Celestial told us about. It even makes it look like my hand writing!! I can even talk to Angio with it!!! Well the day we went into the future it was wierd we landed were Phillipines was, but now its all we went to Japan and Thailand after that but they still looked the same... at least. We went over to a place called America to find another crossover but we didnt find him... so we just waited. Once we got to te facility i just went back to sleep, but of course i wrotein the journal before well thtas what i am doing right now....Hehe. well thats all... for today...^-^ good night


Hey! today I went through a training simulator with my cousin Angio. IT WAS HARD!!! I was only equiped with 2 swords and a pistol. We couldnt even get throught the first level for about 3 whole tries! then we finaly stopped after around the middle of level 5.. im still tired..... Well.... Good night im tired.....night night...... 12/9/3056

Today Angio and i went to another training sim. but his time it went by fast. We completed 2 levels though.... but oh well...Angio and I went on the "COMPUTAH" thing today. I designed a new helicopter. I gotta prepare cuz tomorrow were gonna go on a 6-day training sim. Well thats all...Night Night...^-^ ^o^ *Yawns* he he he


IM SO TIRED!!!!! I just went in a 6 day sim with my cousin. I have all these scars. So far my whole time here we've only had 8 hours of sleep, I think. Every day we work in the sim. After that we eat, Then go to sleep, or write in the journal-- I mean, type. Grr... Celestial keeps telling me "go to sleep..." but I rarely ever listen. I gotta go, peace. -.-