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MISUGI'S: Mebius' love


Page 1:

I'm Jun Misugi.

I take part in the Japanese Junior Youth team as a coach.

This team is formed by the best members. Everyone is a extraordinary player.



He too...


Hyuga: There! Go!


Kojiro Hyuga



Page 2

Wakashimazu: Captain!

Ken Wakashimazu!!


Yes. Hyuga.

You're always with Wakashimazu...


- Captain!

- Hyuga!

Sorimachi: Captain, I'm exhausted already...


Kazuki Sorimachi

Takeshi Sawada



I'm sooo envious of you two!


If only I could be so close...


If only...


Katagiri: Ah, Misug...


Page 3

Katagiri: Are you alright Misugi?!!

No, not only that.

If I could get even closer...

(Maurice - reference to the film - Come on, puke! - drawing of the bucket)

If only...

Misugi: HAA...(big gasp)

Katagiri: Misugi???

Misugi: Auuuu....auuuu

Katagiri: Misugiiiiiii


Japan Junior Youth Team Coach

The ace of the Grass', Jun Misugi, suffering continues...


Katagiri: Misugiiii