WAAS UP EVERYBODY!!! I just added a preview page and it has a clip from a music video that i am working on.
NEW Music VIDEO! It's the low quality video, but still it is ok if you get the song. I think it turned out really well. Go Music Videos
I'm Back......hahahhaha. Ok so it has been what 6 months man that sucks. But I'm Back and i have a lot of ideas. Like I have deleted some of the videos to make space for new stuff which you will find out soon. Don't worry i made sure it was the videos people didn't want. Man it feels good to be back.
Ok this isn't a big update i've kinda been grounded so......Anyways, I changed some stuff which you can see any suggestions email one of us. You can get the E-mail address from the ContactPage.
Ok my browser is still screwed up but i will try to put more images up, and mabey a music vid.
Hey Happy New Year!!!Ok sorry about the lack of updates but my browser is not working right, it will let me work on my site sometimes but not others like now......Anyway I have a lot more Music Vids that i need to put on so as soon as my browser is fixed there will be more updates..See YA!!
Hey finally a update I don't thinks it is a good one. The Superman Video Is Now Gone.......O and i am working on a Music Video, It is POD "Boom". It is about the fight between Goku and Vegeta. It is great! See Ya
Hey another update!!! The Woo Hoo mv is gone with the Can't Touch This. Anyway the special is up and from what i see and hear the Mortal Kombat is better than the special. I would have never thought of that.
Ok here. The Can't Touch This MV is gone now. So if you wanted it sorry. Anyway there should be some new mvs comming in a little while. I just don't want to upload them. So i hope everyone who comes here has a great day!!!
Heck yeah thanks for the hits. Keep bringing them in.