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Canta per me Sing for Me
Canta per me a Dio
Quel dolce suono
Nei passati giorni
Mi stavi nella mente
La vita e l'amore
Dilette del cuor mio
O felice tu anima mia
Canta adagio

Tetra la cetra e canta
L'inno di morte
Ah, no, si schiude il ciel
Volano adagio
La vita e l'amore
Dilette del cuor mio
O felice tu anima mia
Canta a Dio

La vita e l'amore
Con in mente te, cuor mio

Transcribed by Agnese* <>

Sing to God for me
That sweet sound
In passed days
You was in my mind
Life and love
Favorite of my heart
Oh, happy you, my soul
Sing slowly

Gloomy the Cithara and sing
The Death hymn
Ah, no, the sky is opening
Fly slowly
Life and love
Favorite of my heart
Oh, happy you, my soul
Sing to God

Life and love
With you in my mind, heart of mine

Translated by Agnese


* - Agnese rulez ^_^