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The Stats of a, not that kind of a fart!
The Old Fart's Stats

English Name:Professor Samuel Oak (You should have figured that out by now!
Japanese Name:Professor Ookido
Hometown:Pallet Town, of course
Relatives:Gary Oak-grandson, Althought there have been rumors.
English VA:Stan Hart
Japanese Seiyuu:??? But I have heard it, I'll try to get it sometime soon!

A Short Little Biography
The main reason this is short is because there isn't much known about this old fart. Back in the stone age (when he was six), he saw an Omanyte fossil and got interested in becoming a professor. Now he is a world-famous professor who lives in Pallet conducting research on pokemon. *snicker* Research, you can go check that out here. Living close to Delia Ketchum, and her son, Ash, he became friends with them. Ash set out to be a pokemon trainer, and Professor Oak gave him a pikachu to start out (since Ash was too late to get a charmander, bulbasaur or squrtle, which he got conveniently anyway ^_^;). He also gave his grandson, Gary, an Eevee to start out with. After Ash came back from the Orange Islands, he brought a friend Tracey, who wants to become a pokemon watcher and loves to draw things! He is now staying with Professor Oak as an assistant. (And doing other, favors the Professor may think of.) ^_^; So, for how old Professor Oak might be (he may have been classmates with Yoda), that's pretty much all we know. We just love script writers!

To the Main Fart!