A thief once opined: A thief might steal, but that does not make him inhuman. Those outlaws who are adrift and roaming the universe say, You may not have the urge to break the law, but you are still bound to ignore it. The blind and self serving vanity of the thief. The archaic and old fashioned code of the pirate. The vain, glorious and narcissistic pride of the outlaw. These may merely be white lies to delude themselves to others that they may to some extent, be considered upright people. Whether fact or fiction, the outlaws live by and follow a code they take pride in. On the other hand, ruffians who live outside the law and follow no code at all cause some of the greatest calamities. // On the Outlaw Star... Jim: Gene, are you sure you want to go through with this thing? Gene: Calm down. All I gotta do is just cut one of em, right? Jim: If you cut the dummy wire, it'll blow us to pieces! Melfina: So that means that we only stand a fifty-fifty chance. Gene: Hey, trust me. You'd never guess it, but gambling's my specialty. Jim: Help me! --------------------------------- Final Countdown --------------------------------- // In space near a dock at Heiphong. Dock Guy: Dock 217 ready for entry. Dock Guy 2: Gorgeous Mitsuru, you're clear to come in around 7A12. Dock Guy 3: Number 382, hurry up with these preparations. Gene: Ah... This is killing me. I can't believe that I'm stuck up here sitting around
with this loser space tug boat job. Gilliam: I agree. This is no job for the galaxy's most advanced Grappler ship. // Aisha comes in on the screen. Aisha: Will you quit your whining! You just got a request to do a catch and release
on an ad ship. It's heading your way on course AC3, you're to haul it back to the
space port now! I mean you humans are always complaining about not having work, so
now's your time to work for your damn... Gene: C'mon Jim, will you close the channel already? // He does. Jim: You know what, if we help out with the station job, they'll give us discount parking
planet side. Now you can't beat that. Gilliam: Still, I don't understand how they could use the first place privateer of the
space race as a tug boat. Melfina: Speaking of which, it looks like the race has been good advertising. Gene: Well its making us a laughing stock. Darn it! Why is this area so crowded? Where
is everybody going? Jim: I hear there was a big time jewelry store on the station that was celebrating some
kind of renovation. Huh? Hey, that's it, that's the ad ship Aisha mentioned. // They arrive at the ship. Gene: Erh... Melfina, display the rendezvous course. Melfina: Sure. It's huge. Gene: Yeah, its too big. Sure, it'll get your attention, but it can't make sharp turns
so getting it into port is a big hassle. Jim: Like that's the reason why they need a tug boat. Now quit your yapping and lets get
to work. Melfina: Now matching relative velocity. // They anchor on to the ship. Jim: Okay, locking complete. Gene: Alright, now begin deceleration and put us on a docking course. // The ship's screens switch to 'gotcha' and anchors shoot the Outlaw Star. Gene: What's that? What do they mean by gotcha? Gilliam: Virus penetration in progress. Virus penetration in progress. Unable to purge,
system shutting down. // Gilliam shuts off, Melfina comes out of her tube Melfina: Uh... Jim: The virus seeped into the system right when those anchors locked on. Now Gilliam's
completely shut down. // A message comes through. Message: Congratulations. You're a lucky winner. You've been selected to go on a tour
of heaven. Gene: What the heck? Uh. Aisha... We're busy now, call us later. Crackerjack: Later doesn't exist for people who only have 5 hours left to live. Gene: What?! What the heck are ya? Crackerjack: Well now, lets see... You can call me Crackerjack for the time being. Gene: For the time being? Crackerjack: I suggest you remain calm. My name is the least of your problems at this
moment. The ad ship you're currently connected to happens to be loaded with a high
yield bomb. Jim: Uh... a bomb? Crackerjack: If our demands aren't met, the ship has been set with an automatic detonator
which will blow itself up along with your ship. You only have 5 hours. Jim: That's ridiculous. Gene: So what are these demands of yours anyway? Crackerjack: Feast your eyes and listen. Crackerjack: I repeat. We, the People's Liberation Front demand the immediate removal
of the viceroy of Heiphong and any of his personal aides. He is nothing but a puppet
of the Tenpai Empire. We expect total independence granted to Heiphong. Gene: Independence...? Jim: No way. Crackerjack: ... end to colonial rule! Crackerjack: You heard them. If our commands are met unconditionally, you will be set
free. Oh right, I almost forgot. The bomb's extremely delicate. If you try and dismantle it, it is programmed to detonate immediately. Please don't think of trying anything foolish. Do enjoy yourselves gentlemen. // The ad ship starts heading towards Heiphong. Gene: Oh c'mon, now what... Jim: Its gonna blow Gene: Darn it, he's changed our orbit. Mel, calculate our orbit. Melfina: Right. Gene: Okay, and Jim you put together a damage report. Jim: I'm on it. // On Heiphong... Reporter: The rage of the terrorist group, the People's Liberation Front, known to be
highly aggressive has currently hijacked a tug boat near the station and implores
Heiphong be granted its independence. We can only imagine how the Viceroy will
respond to such unheard of demands. Viceroy: Heiphong will never be independent. And we must never give in to terrorists,
not while we're out here on the frontier. // At Starwind and Hawking Enterprises... Reporter: We now have confirmation on the registration of that captive tugboat. Aisha: Okay... so who are the morons? Reporter: It has been determined that the ship is the Outlaw Star. Her hostages are
her captain Gene Starwind... Aisha: Not Gene?! // Back on the ship... Jim: I've purged the virus, but the memory is pretty trashed so Gilliam is still offline.
The oxygen circulation is still working somehow, but the temperature regulator is shot.
Weapons and Navigation is pretty much gone of course. Attitude control is about all
we can do at this point. And the air locks won't open either. Gene: So then we couldn't abandon ship as a last resort even if we wanted to. Well,
is there anything that does work? Jim: From what I see, the only things working are the grappler arms, it looks like
their system is linked directly to the cockpit. Gene: Ugh. Melfina: I've calculated our orbit. I'll put it on the screen. We're circling above
Heiphong 3's equator and loosing altitude. Jim: Blast, that means even if the bomb doesn't go off in the 5 hours that they programmed
it for. Gene: We'll carry the bomb right into the station when we hit it, won't we? // People start evacuating. Announcer: An evacuation order has been issued for the station. Will everyone remain
calm and evacuate the station. Lady: Wait, my jewels. Bank Guy: Getting out of here is much more important m'am, they're insured, you don't
have to worry. Lady: Oh my... Guy: Gorgeous Misturu lifting off. Guy 2: Get around to dish 28. // Meanwhile, in his hiding place... Crackerjack: Exactly according to plan. // He heads outside his room and gathers his pals. Crackerjack: (laughs) Commence operation! // Back to Aisha... Reporter: Spaceships are fleeing the station one after another. Calculations show... Aisha: Gene, whets happening up there, tell me! Gene: Shut up Aisha! Jim, end transmission. Aisha: Will you stop telling me to shut up! Suzuka: Don't you know that yelling at him won't solve anything? Aisha: So what do you suggest I do? Suzuka: Its very simple, I'll go ask the man who built the bomb how to stop it. Aisha: Huh? Suzuka: Asking the man behind it is the most certain way. Aisha: Huh? Hey wait, but I don't understand how you're gonna do that. // Meanwhile... Aide: I've got bad news Viceroy. Viceroy: What is it? Aide: The simulation of the bomb hitting the station predicts that the orbital elevator
will crash into the ground! Viceroy: What?! Aide 2: Viceroy, we must not endanger the planet. Viceroy: We have no choice, we'll have to blow it up with the hostages before it comes
near the station. Aide: But sir, that's what I, uh... Viceroy, I must tell you according to the terrorists,
the ship is loaded with large quantities of radioactive materials. Viceroy: Erh. Can't we do anything about it? // On Outlaw Star... Jim: Gene, are you really gonna do this? Gene: Do you have any other ideas? Huh? Jim: No, but its crazy to disarm a bomb with an amateur like you. Gene: Show some backbone. Mel, I need you to handle the scanning. Melfina: Right. Now beginning inferred scan. // Crackerjack and his pals head to the station. The Grappler arms come out on Outlaw
Star. Gene: All we have to do is cut the power connected to the fuse. Its really no different
than cutting the cord to an ordinary spark plug, right? Jim: Yeah, but an engine doesn't explode when you happen to cut the wrong cord to a spark
plug. Melfina: The inferred scan is now complete. I'll put it up on the screen. Gene: What?! There's nothing there, its mostly hollow. Jim: Because its camouflaged. That's how they got it to pass inspection before it
started the port entry course. Gene: So we have no idea of telling whets inside unless we open this thing. // Elsewhere... Suzuka: What about the owner registration on the ad ship? Surely you have that. Guy: But we can only give that information to the police. Aisha: Quit stalling and tell us everything we wanna know. // On Outlaw Star... Gene: We have gotta take a look inside. We just gotta take that chance. Jim: Don't do it, Gene. Melfina: Its too dangerous. Gene: Is that it? Lets do it. Jim: Na ma ga Na ma ga Na ma ga Na ma ga Na ma ga Na ma ga Na ma ga Na ma ga Gene: Huh? What the? // They open the hatch and a bomb goes off. Aisha and Suzuka: Huh? Suzuka: Gene? ----------- Eye catch ----------- Melfina: I'm getting no response from the tip of the right grappler arm. Other than
that, there doesn't seem to be any serious damage. Gene: Ah man, that scared the heck outta me. Jim: Exactly, so lets forget the whole thing, huh? // A sound goes off. Gene: Jim quick, trace the signal. This is the Outlaw Star. Crackerjack: Didn't I tell you not to try anything stupid? Gene: Shut up! That was supposed to be some stupid bluff. I thought the whole thing
was supposed to blow us away. Crackerjack: Now now, that isn't very smart, is it? We'd lose everything if an idiot
like you set it off before the Vice Regal could give into our demands. If you try
anything else again, you won't get off with just a warning. Gene: I realize you're very proud of this bomb, but I'm still gonna have to try and
destroy it. Melfina: You know, you shouldn't aggravate terrorists. Crackerjack: (laughs) That's a good one, you blunder into the most rudimentary of
traps and you think you're capable of dismantling a bomb I personally made? Don't
even try to outsmart me, you little tugboat pilot. Gene: Well look who's talking, you're nothing but a useless mad bomber. Crackerjack: If you insist now I dare you. Give it your best shot, tugboat. Gene: That jerk likes to hear himself talk. Did you get a trace on him? Jim: Its hopeless. Normal radio waves don't have directivity. But wait, there was
no lag time so he's probably at least within 30000 kilometers or so. Gene: 30000 huh? Melfina: I'm not getting a signal from any spaceships within that radius. Looks like
they've evacuated. Gene: Are they on the surface? Jim: Are you nuts, you think they'd hang around on the surface when the orbital elevator
might come crashing down? Melfina: Where do you think they've all gone then? Gene: Jim, what do you think, can we send out a jamming signal? Jim: A jamming signal? Uh, well the comm system is working so I guess I can come up
with something. Crackerjack: Huh? Oh, heh. Looks like tugboat has a brain after all. // Outlaw Star taps on parts of the ad ship. Melfina: There's a pitch change over here. This is the only section where the sound
is different. Gene: Great, that's it Mel. Jim, can I use the torch gun? Jim: No, its hooked up to the power system. The buzz saw has internal batteries
though you can use that. Jim: Aru kan busanba Aru kan busanba Aru kan busanba. Gene: Bingo, that's it. Jim: Forget it, this is the real thing. Gene: Here goes... // They find a bomb inside. Gene: Wise guy why'd you have to do that? Melfina: That small tube like object appears to be a detonator. I can't determine
whether the explosives are directly inside or not. Jim: You see those 2 wires over there? One of them carries the signal to the detonator. Melfina: Then what do you suppose the other one's for. Gene: Hey, don't worry about it. I grew up watching tons of movies with bombs in them.
The instant the dummy wire is cut, it sets off a relay that's a signal to the real one.
And then boom. Jim: So what are you thinking of? Gene: Well, there's only one thing for me to do Jim. // The Grappler Arm takes the cutters out. Jim: Gene, are you sure you want to go through with this thing? Gene: Calm down. All I gotta do is just cut one of em, right? Jim: If you cut the dummy wire, it'll blow us to pieces! Melfina: So that means that we only stand a fifty-fifty chance. Gene: Hey, trust me. You'd never guess it, but gambling's my specialty. Jim: Help me! Gene: The red, or the blue. With this much explosives, if I screw up we're all gonna
be dead anyway. Huh? Jim: (laughs) Gene: I can't believe it at a time like this you're laughing. C'mon Jim, you're better
than that. Jim: Yeah, but when I'm really scared these things seem funny. And I can't seem to
explain it. I just know that I can't stop laughing. I know its crazy, huh? Melfina: It'll be okay, I know everything will work out. Jim: Well thanks Mel. Gene: So, what do you say we trust our luck now. Lets do it. // The message signal goes off. Gene: Huh? What is it? Didn't you send out a jamming signal? Jim: Its a directional laser transmission. And its coming from the station. Gene: The station? What do you mean, someone still there? Aisha: What do you think you're doing? Gene: Aisha? Aisha: Its been hard to reach you, we couldn't get you on the radio. Gene: What the heck are you doing on the station? Aisha: I tracked the scent of the terrorists and it seems to have led me here. Gene: The scent? Suzuka: That's not true. We tried to track down information on the ship's owner, but
it was a dummy so we found ourselves in a corner. Aisha: So we asked Fred Lowe and he gave us the information. Gene: Fred huh? I bet that really cost ya. Suzuka: Not at all. Actually, he was most cooperative when I told you it was to help you. Aisha: He even lent us a shuttle for free to get up here. Gene: So, what information did you get? Aisha: Well you see, according to Lowe, the ad ship registration is actually a fake
that was sold by pirates on the black market. Gene: Pirates? Aisha: Yeah. Suzuka: So, after that we had Lowe check and see who the pirates previously sold it to. Gene: Will yah just get on to the point? Who the heck he sell it to? Suzuka: The buyer was a lead man of a notorious group of robbers. // On Heiphong... Vice Regal: I can't sacrifice the lives of everyone on Heiphong 3. The Vice Regal of
Heiphong agrees to your demands. We recognize Heiphong's independence. Crackerjack: Perhaps you misunderstood me, what we're looking for here and demand is
recognition by the Tenpai Empire. Any decision made by the Vice Regal is totally
useless to us. Vice Regal: What? Don't tell me at this point that you never had any intention of... // They blow up a door and break into the bank. On Outlaw Star... Gene: What? This guy's not even a terrorist, he's just a simple thief? Melfina: I'm not sure I understand, why would robbers demand Heiphong's independence? Gene: I can't believe it, this whole bomb scare is a scam! It was all just a decoy
so they could empty out the station. Jim: But why Gene, I don't get it. // On the station, Crackerjack and the others break into the bank with all the jewels. Crackerjack: (laughs) Gene: I know exactly how you think now, Mr. Crackerjack. I bet this one is a dummy
too, it'll explode no matter which cord is cut. Melfina: Uh... if that's not it, where's the real detonator? Gene: I'm gonna take a look inside that hatch that blew up first. If my hunch is
right, the detonator is inside there. Jim: Oh, I get it. You would never check the same place again that you've already
looked at. // They check it. Gene: Okay. Melfina: I heard a faint mechanical sound. Gene: That's it alright, Jim can I still use the buzz saw? Jim: Well, if you're just gonna cut a small hole, the batteries outta hold. Gene: Okay, this time we're gonna get this sucker. Melfina: But even if you find the real detonator in there, what will you do if you
find two cords again? Gene: This guy's really full of himself. He'd most likely think it below him to use
the same trap. But if he did, I'd rely on my intuition and my good luck. // On the station... Crackerjack: Alright, its time. Lets do it, huh? Who are you? Suzuka: I believe that's our line, Crackerjack. Robbery under the disguise of terrorism.
Wow, you must think you're very very clever. Crackerjack: Uh... how'd you figure it out? Aisha: I really can't stand idiots like you who think they can plan out every little
thing. Crackerjack: Get them now! // Suzuka and Aisha beat up everyone. Suzuka: It looks like you're the only one left, Crackerjack. Crackerjack: Just tell me, what it is you two want and I'll catch you a deal. If you
want part of the take, how does half of it sound? You do realize that the ship with
the bomb is heading right for the station, we're almost out of time here! Suzuka: Oh yes, that. Aisha: Don't worry about it. Crackerjack: What, huh? Huh? // The Outlaw Star crashes right into the station. Crackerjack: Ah! // Gene jumps out of the ship. Crackerjack: Uh. Gene: Well, we finally get to meet, Crackerjack. Crackerjack: You? That's impossible. Gene: Oh yeah, its possible. After we disarmed your bomb, we ditched it and came straight
here to pay you a visit. Crackerjack: You stupid! // He lunges at Gene. Gene punches him in the face, knocking him out. Gene: That was a fun 5 hours, Crackerjack. The countdown is over. To Be Continued... --------------------- ---------------------
Preview: Those Kai guys have finally gotten serious, and now they're trying to wipe us out!
There's 7 of them. What do I look like, Snow White? They have all kinds of tricks
up their sleeves. Anyway, it looks like this story is finally getting interesting.
But the taking care of it is what makes it difficult. Will someone please get me
more money for this gig? Next time on Outlaw Star, The Seven Emerge. You better
get ready!