Grappler arms were originally manipulators that were attached to EPE crafts. At
first, it was the Chinese pirates that put the arm's abilities to new and devious
uses. After the Chinese transport carried dragonite from planet to planet, the
pirates began to attack their own craft with surprising intensity. To the pirates
of the era, arms symbolized the strength of their ships and before long they
integrated the arms into their attack methods. The Federation Space Forces became
extremely irate with this situation and began developing grappler arms of their own,
bragging that they planned to formally equip space forces fighters with them in the
near future. They would be a force to be reckoned with. Because of the complicated
manner in which space lighters used these grappler arms, space combat was clearly
impossible without the aid of powerful computers. The combination of grappler arms
and potent computers savagely pushed human physical and mental capacity to their
limits and those that survived battle were spoken of with respect. They were known
as grapplers.
Horus: We have entered the same orbit as the asteroid.
Hilda: Alright, I'm gonna take us it.
Jim: Whoa!
Hilda: Okay guys, we're going over.
Jim: Whoa! Awesome!
Gene: So this is it.
Melfina: Ah...
Hilda: That's it, the XGP15A-II. A special ship. Built with the pirate's brains and
the space force’s technology. C'mon, let's go.
Gene: Oh hey. Wait a minute, don't leave us here.
Jim: Ah... Poor little baby. I'll hold your hand if you want me to.
Gene: Lay off, will ya.
Melfina: The XGP... 15A-II...
Hilda: Melfina, come!
Melfina: I'm coming!
Gene: Check it out! The controls are pretty unusual.
Hilda: Like I told you, this ship is pretty special.
Jim: So what's that Hilda?
Hilda: It's an alarm claft.
Gene: You mean to tell me the pirates and the space forces worked together to build
this thing?
Hilda: The pirates couldn't have developed this ship on their own. They used money
and connections to get space forces to sign on.
Jim: But what in the world are you doing with a ship that’s hidden in a place like this?
Hilda: It's here because I swiped it from them.
Jim: Wow, I'm impressed. You managed to get on the bad side of the pirates and the
space forces.
Hilda: I owed em one.
Jim: Wow!
Gene: Hey what was that sound?
Gilliam: Good morning and good day to you. Ladies, and of course gentlemen.
Gene: Who are you?
Gilliam: I am myself. But it is inappropriate for me to subjectively define who I am.
I'd take means to test the veracity of any such definition. And the
restraints therefore have been placed within me restricting such an act.
Gene: What the heck kind of answer is that?
Gilliam: The only answer I have in regards to myself is that the name I have been
granted is Gilliam II. And that I have been authorized with the maintenance
of this vessel.
Jim: Hey, he's the ship's computer Gene.
Gene: Yeah? Well why didn't he say so?!
Gilliam: Incidentally, just who might you two gentlemen be?
Hilda: They happen to be the crew.
Gilliam: One moment please... Oh dear, there seems to be a problem. It appears there
is nothing regarding this that’s been recorded in my memory.
Hilda: Of course not, you've just recently been activated. Just start from now.
Gilliam: One moment please... It appears part of my personal service regulations file
has been deleted. Shall I attempt to recover it?
Hilda: No that’s not necessary we are the crew. Obey the orders of the crew.
Gilliam: Understood. As it stands, I have no authority to run a search on you.
Gene: This is really ticking me off! Just launch the stupid ship, Gilliam! Do it
right now!
Gilliam: Of course sir.
Gilliam: Oh my, and who might this be? Interesting.
Gilliam: Personnel recording complete. However, currently I am unable to launch this
Gene: Say what?! Are you trying to tell me you aren't the ship's navigational computer?
Gilliam: I support all operations of the XGP15A2 except matters pertaining to piloting.
They are outside of my control.
Gene: Jim, what’s wrong with this guy?
Jim: Maybe everything's done manually?
Gilliam: No, that’s unlikely.
Hilda: Melfina will handle it.
Jim: Huh?
Gene: Huh, Melfina?
Melfina: Did you say... You mean me?
Hilda: That’s right Melfina. She will assist you, Gilliam.
Gilliam: Is that so? Then it is understood.
Jim: What's understood?
Gilliam: That you are this ship's crew.
Gene: Ah... This is driving me insane.
Hilda: Gilliam, report the ship's status.
Gilliam: Navigation is possible but all equipment is not on board.
Hilda: Just as long as you can fly.
Gilliam: Crew furnishings have not been loaded and food stores are limited to 10
emergency packs. Furthermore, the XGP15A2 has not yet been appointed a
Hilda: No name, huh?
Jim: How bout Genius James?
Gene: Give it a rest.
Hilda: The ship's name is...
Horus: This is Horus. Hilda, its the pirate ship. Distance, 6000.
Hilda: It can't be!
Old Man: Impossible!
Horus: Magnetic aberration in enemy ship's Tao field delayed detection. Its closing
in fast.
Hilda: Alright Gene, I want you and the others to launch this ship.
Gene: But what about you?
Hilda: Horus and I will intercept them.
Gene: Wouldn't it be better for all of us to go together?
Hilda: I don't want the ship to be taken. Melfina knows how to pilot it. Do it.
Gene: C'mon, I felt like puking for hours.
Hilda: Quit your whining.
Melfina: Uh...
Gene: Erh... looks like I got no choice. Gilliam, prepare for launch.
Gilliam: Very well. Gene, please sit in the pilot's seat.
Gene: Okay.
Melfina: Uh... And what about me?
Gilliam: Over there Melfina.
Jim: I suppose I should sit here.
Gilliam: That’s fine, James.
Jim: Call me Jim.
Gene: Okay Gilliam, now what?
Gilliam: Holding for Melfina to get ready. I'll display the control manual so please
read it while you're waiting.
Gene: What’s he mean?
Jim: What the heck kind of system is that?
Gene: You're guess is as good as mine.
Horus: I am unable to determine how the enemy ship tracked us here.
Hilda: Some Tao spell. How are the engines?
Horus: Ether Drive Engine is active. Shall I release the anchor?
Hilda: They're only after the XGP and Melfina. They won't do anything drastic. Ammunition?
Horus: 34% remaining.
Hilda: We'll attack from right here.
Melfina: Connecting. Connecting. Connecting. Connecting. Connecting.
Melfina: Connection established. I'll activate the engines.
Gene: Hey, what the heck is going on here?
Jim: Awesome, she's linked up to the ship.
Gene: Well I think she's nuts to get all wet at a time like this.
Melfina: Uh oh. The engines are sealed, we need to activate them now or they won't work.
Gene: Uh... where do I, uh?
Gilliam: The engine room please.
Jim: The engine room?
Gilliam: I'll show you the way.
Jim: Okay, I'll be right back.
Gene: Sure.
Gene: Man, this ship is a royal pain.
Gilliam: It only appears that way at first. You might think of it as it were still
in its plastic wrapper.
Gene: Has it been flight tested?
Gilliam: The engine itself has been tested, but there is no record of it being
tested after installation.
Gene: Ow... are you kidding me?
Melfina: Bring up all sensors.
Gilliam: This ship outside is hailing us. Shall I open the channel Gene?
Gene: Patch her through right away.
Hilda: Gene, how much longer?
Gene: Don't ask me!
Hilda: Just picked up a case of termites, hurry!
Jim: Oh. Man, these guys are uptight.
Gilliam: I'm told that its a space forces tradition.
Old Man: Oh, so that’s it. Let's go.
Eye catch
Gilliam: Warning, intruders have entered the dock.
Gene: Say what?
Girl Pirate: Lock all guns on Horus. Once the XGP is secured, fire at will.
Hilda: Leave anchors and accelerate slowly. We'll rotate the asteroid and use it
as a shield.
Girl Pirate: Blast you Hilda, trying to protect yourself with the asteroid! Separate
the Grappler ship. Take us to the sun side of the asteroid.
Old Man: Don't fire at random! Split up and attack him from all sides!
Gene: Ah!
Gene: Gilliam, how do I get that gate open?
Gilliam: I can open it by remote.
Gene: Open it!
Old Man: Yeeeaaahhh!
Gene: Gilliam, how’s it coming?
Gilliam: Startup preparations are complete.
Gene: Alright.
Melfina: Please start the engines with the ignition key.
Gene: That’s easy.
Gilliam: Engines online. Generators operational. Switching power over from sub
circuits to main.
Jim: Oh! We're lifting up.
Melfina: All systems green. Ether drive engine standing by.
Gene: All right. We'll launch once that gate's open.
Gilliam: Roger that.
Gene: Okay then. Huh?
Gene: What the heck?
Jim: What’s that gate doing pointed at the bad guys?
Old Man: Cut your engines. If at all possible we want that ship undamaged.
Gene: Hilda! We're in trouble here.
Hilda: I'm a little busy right now. Release all anchors!
Hilda: Uh... blast it!
Girl Pirate: We have you now, Hilda.
Gene: Gilliam?! Where are the weapons?
Gilliam: The grappler arms are operational, but they have no weapons.
Gene: We're going out!
Jim: But we'll crash into them!
Gene: Its alright, I'll think of something.
Gilliam: Please focus on the task at hand.
Gene: That's an order!
Old Man: They're going to use their grappler arms. It will damage the ship but we
have no choice. Fire all anchors!
Jim: Ah! Hurry Gene, hurry!
Gene: Oh no man!
Old Man: What the heck?!
Gene: What is that?
Melfina: I'm picking up an object on sensors.
Gilliam: Its a thermonuclear missile or shell. Something of that nature.
Old Man: What the heck happened?
Pirate: We're under attack sire! That’s... that's MacDougal's ship!
Old Man: Oh no, what is MacDougal doing?
Jim: Errh...
Girl Pirate: But why are you doing this MacDougal?
Hilda: What are you up to MacDougal?
Ron: Hey Hilda, its been a very long time.
Hilda: You'll destroy the XGP!
Ron: That’s the general idea.
Girl Pirate: You have double crossed us!
Ron: As of now our contract with you has ended. We're carrying out a new contract
and that’s all there is to it. And that contract is to wipe out the XGP.
Old Man: Erh.... Ah! At this rate we won't be able to escape the star's gravity well!
Girl Pirate: Come back please hurry up!
Jim: Ehh....
Gene: Can you see what's going on outside?
Gilliam: I'm not sure, but the dock cameras are still active.
Gene: Ah... Hey wait, I know that ship.
Gene: I can't believe it, MacDougal.
Ron: Alright, launch the Helsion Missile.
Harry: Alright! Helsion Missile!
Ron: This is my way of saying goodbye, Hot Ice Hilda. That name of yours has caused
us plenty of unnecessary trouble.
Hilda: Uh...
Harry: Man, you know brother that’s totally a waste.
Ron: Its okay, we don't need the XGP. Remember, we're the ones with the fastest ship
in the galaxy.
Harry: I meant Hilda. Didn't you tell me that she was really cute?
Ron: Sorry, she's not your type. Alright, lets go back and report to our client.
Pirate: A gravity catapult around Farfalas would put us too close to a flair. The
ship would burn up!
Girl Pirate: I know that. All engines max!
Old Man: Hilda and MacDougal you will pay for this you blasted outlaws.
Horus: We are unable to escape from Farfalas's gravity.
Hilda: Gene do you hear me? Come in!
Hilda: Gene! Melfina! Respond!
Gene: Yeah!
Old Man: Huh? Hmm...
Gilliam: The ship is now in the clear.
Melfina: Stabilizing attitude.
Gene: Once we're stabilized bring engines to full!
Gilliam: If you do it all at once the engines may not become stable.
Gene: What’s more important, the engines or the whole darn ship?
Gilliam: Well then, feel free.
Gene: Let's rock!
Girl Pirate: What kind of ship is that?
Old Man: That ship has 4 Hansueng engines. Very well, prepare for close quarters
combat. We'll board them with our grappler arms!
Hilda: Prepare the lander for launch. I'm going over.
Melfina: Engine output 81 percent. We've exceeded Farfalas's escape velocity.
Gene: Where's Horus?
Jim: Gene, the pirate ship, look! Ah!
Gene: Don't mess with me, losers!
Old Man: Aaaahhhh!
Gene: Hilda, come in!
Hilda: Grab me!
Hilda: Ah!
Gene: Hilda, no! Hilda, are you okay?
Hilda: Blast, I can't make it, you'll have to save me!
Gene: Come save you?
Hilda: Hurry up!
Gene: Well, can we do it Melfina?
Melfina: If we decelerate we'll go below escape velocity.
Gilliam: And we can't accelerate now due to that pirate ship. If you don't do something,
we'll fall into the star.
Jim: C'mon Gene, yank up that wire will ya?
Hilda: Wait, listen, don't cut that anchor yet. Sorry, but I have to leave you Horus.
Horus: I understand. Goodbye Hilda.
Gene: Move on it, Hilda!
Melfina: Increasing output 85... 86... 87...
Girl Pirate: Hilda!
Girl Pirate: Pa gu a sun fa Pa gu a sun fa.
Hilda: Help Gene!
Hilda and Girl Pirate: Ah!
Gene: Hilda, I'm coming, hang in there!
Gilliam: You mustn’t, we'll just fall into Farfalas as well.
Jim: What about the ship's anchor?
Gilliam: The distance is too great.
Gene: Errh... Blast it!
Hilda: So there's nothing they can really do. Huh?
Girl Pirate: I won't let your people survive. Pa gu a sun fa. Pa gu a sun fa.
Pa gu a sun fa. Pa gu a sun fa. Pa gu a sun fa.
Girl Pirate: What are you doing? Don't interfere!
Hilda: Still read me Gene? Just remember, outlaws never go down easy, no matter what
happens to them.
Gilliam: We have just exited Farfalas's gravity well.
Jim: Gene...
Gilliam: Gene, please lay the course.
Gene: Before we do that, there's something I've decided on.
Gilliam: Yes? What is it, Gene?
Gene: I've decided to name the ship. I'm naming it the Outlaw Star!
Ctarl-Ctarl comes right at us out of nowhere! Wait just a minute... Aren't you...
the poor little thing, away from home and abandoned by her people! This girl
Aisha's story is such a sad and difficult one that I just find myself moving to
tears! Yeah right, you're barking up the wrong tree lady. Next time on Outlaw Star,
The Beast Girl. Ready to Pounce! You better get ready!