Fan Fic

16 And In Love

By: Dark Magician Duo
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To Chapter 2

It was a typical day in the Katsuragi Household. at 7:00 sharp. Shinji's eyes fluttered as rays of sunlight flew in threw his open window waking him up slowly. Shinji finally opened his eyes taking a short look around his room as he slowly rolled off of his bed. Shinji reminded himself to clean it up again as his homework from last night was still on the floor. He must have been studying too hard again. Normally Shinji cleaned up often but work in school had gotten noticeably harder. He slowly pulled his earplugs out as he lay his SDAT player onto the clean table. Being careful not to drop it. Shinji rubbed his eyes once more yawning as he slowly glanced at the clock. Shinji rubbed his eyes again but the picture remained the same.

"I overslept!" Shinji groaned quickly getting off the bed and moving to the closet in the side of the room to grab his school uniform.

Shinji got dressed quickly and smartly aware of how time was ticking by. Shinji moved fast to the bathroom, deciding not to bathe this morning as time was short. Shinji washed his face quickly and by order of his stomach, he quickly moved out of the bathroom towards the refrigerator. With a quick look Shinji muttered a curse as he moved to the pantry to look for other snacks. The pantry had recently become Misato's spare beer closet and Shinji had to search quite thoroughly before he found some remaining pop tarts.

"Better than nothing." Shinji muttered to himself

Shinji ran to the door feeling a bit strange as everyone was still asleep. Normally Misato or Asuka would be awake by now. Shinji no longer woke Asuka up due to the fact that she had finished collage and had learnt it all. Asuka had also picked up on her Kanji so she did go to school but could pass tests without any study at all and missed school often, she was currently searching for a job. Shinji thought about job opportunities for himself as he pulled on one of his socks grabbing for his shoe with his other hand.

Just as Shinji reached out for the door handle slipping on his left shoe he heard a yawn and looked to his right to see Misato leaning against the door frame in her blue short pajamas which could have been classified as undergarments.

"Heya Shinji. Why are you up so early on this day?" Misato asked yawning loudly in the middle of her sentence.

"Misato!" Shinji said pointing to the clock on the wall. " What are you talking about! it's Thursday! I have school!" Shinji said moving towards the door.

Misato stared at him. Misato just couldn't believe that he had forgotten what day it was. It had been over 2 years after the 3rd Impact, and Tokyo-3 and the rest of the world has been spared by Lilith, everyone else has been returned to life. The secret government organization Nerv was disbanded, the city was rebuilt, and the Evangelion's were no more. Shinji, Misato, and Asuka had lived normal lives for the last 2 years. At least, as normal as possible with Shinji Asuka and Misato involved.

"Why didn't you wake me then?" Misato asked Shinji accusingly knowing full well that even though she was an English teacher in Shinji's school Shinji still didn't wake her up as it 'took too much time' as he said.

"Because your a teacher. Your allowed to be late." Shinji said off handily. "What's so special about today anyway?" Shinji asked.

"What are you STUPID?" Came the voice of a certain red head alerting everyone to the fact that Asuka was awake.

Asuka stood in the door way behind Misato leaning casually on the wall dressed in her casual clothes.

"How could YOU have forgotten what day TODAY is?" Asuka said quite exasperated hitting Shinji on the back of his head. Asuka and Misato exchanged looks which only they could exchange. While Misato and Asuka didn't get along often they were still quite close. Dispite the arguments Asuka and Misato were like a Mother and Daughter. A Mother and Daughter who fought allot, but still a Mother and Daughter.

"What did I forget!" Shinji yelled at them getting ready to leave. Shinji watched as Misato and Asuka simultaneously and slowly pointed at the Calendar.

The date.

Was circled.



With the caption.


Shinji stared at it a moment feeling the color rising into his cheeks.

"Quick stop him Misato or his head will implode!" Asuka cried in mock horror waving her arms frantically causing Shinji to blush further.

"I can't believe I forgot my own birthday!" Shinji said shamefully.

"Well you have been studying pretty hard you probably just forgot the day and month." Misato said tapping Shinji on the shoulder. "Lucky I got everything prepared in advance." Misato said sharing another grin with Asuka.

"Prepared what in advance?" Shinji asked them watching the exchanged look immediately suspicious.

"Your Birthday Party!" Misato said happily. "I invited everyone we know!" Misato said obviously quite proud of her work.

"Is Kaji coming?" Asuka said suddenly realizing she had forgotten about the love of her life.

"Of course!" Misato said, "However I hope you don't cling onto his arm too hard! It still hurts his ribs when you pull at that bullet wound in his lung. It hurts whenever he has to do strenuous activity." Misato said playing up the role of doctor.

"Oh yeah Misato I'm sure you'd know all about such 'strenuous activity'" Asuka grinned evil as Misato blushed hotly.

"Who else is coming?" Shinji asked curiously.

"Everyone! Karou, Toji, Kensuke, Kaji, and even Ritsuko Maya, Hyuga, Aoba, and Professor Fyutski. Plus they all get to bring a guest."

"Wow! All the Ex-Nerv members!" Shinji said happily.

"Yup. And with one guest each this party’s going to be a blast!" Asuka said happily.

Suddenly Shinji had thoughts of his past as he asked Misato a question he never wanted to ask again.

" " Shinji choked back the word he was about to say. He figured that that man had no right to be called father. "Is my former commander going to be there?" Shinji finally finished.

Misato suddenly became serious. "No. Former Commander Ikari Won't be here tonight." Misato said touching Shinji’s shoulder gently.

Shinji sighed with relief. He couldn't wait to get to school to ask his friends who they were going to bring. Wait! School!

"School!" Shinji's words echoed his thoughts as he grabbed his school bag from the floor stumbling over his half put on shoes as he dashed out into the elevator.

"I can't wait to ask who Karou, Toji and Kensuke are going to bring." Shinji said as he hit the down button on the elevator.

Misato and Asuka waved before the elevator next to Shinji's opened to reveal Toji Kensuke an Hikari coming out of the opposite elevator. Asuka began to laugh while Misato just kept waving and smiling.

"Hey Asuka!" Hikari said as Kensuke and Toji argued behind her. Hikari bowed low to Misato. "Good morning Mrs. Ryoji." Hikari said with a twinkle in her eye.

"Good morning" Misato replied not the least bit embarrassed by her dress as Toji and Kensuke’s conversation dissolved into drooling. "Shinji just left by the opposite elevator." Misato continued as if unaware of her effect on the two young males.

"That idiot forgot his own birthday!" Asuka said exasperated hitting herself gently in the head. "We didn't even get to tell him that schools been closed due to a damn gas leak in the science lab. That geek can miss at least one day of the year!" Asuka said going back inside motioning for Hikari to follow.

Toji quickly turned to Kensuke whispering "That kid's always the last to find out anything. Oh, and you made sure your got rid of any evidence that can be traced to us. Right, Kensuke?"

Kensuke just nodded.

"Hey would you two go to get Shinji?" Misato asked Toji and Kensuke. Both reluctant to do any physical work began to start and excuse before Misato stood in the doorway fully only in her thin pajamas doing her best 'sexy' pose. The boys took off. Toji and Kensuke would fight an angel with a torch and fists if Misato would wish it so. All she had to do was say the word. This left the girls alone in Misato's Apartment.

"So, we better start wrapping presents, gathering decorations, Oh! I also need to get the cake I ordered last week. I presumed you girls already have a guest to bring?" Misato inquired, asking Asuka and Hikari as she began to look for the keys to go get the cake.

"Nah, anyone I would invite would only want to climb up the popularity ladder or make a move on me." Asuka said with a toss off her hair.

"Well, I invited that new American exchange student. Oh, what's her name again...? Oh right! Cystle Karsnook" Hikari said happily proud of inviting the new student and playing her role as class rep.

(ed. note: This is a very good friend of mine. just for the record. and Sorry Crytle if I mis-spelled your name. ^^;)

"You mean that girl from Vegas? She seems nice enough. a bit quiet, though. kinda like Rei." Asuka remarked quite interested in gossip of the new student.

" Okay. I need to run to the store and pick up a few things. I'll be back in an hour or so." Misato said glancing at the clock.

"But Misato, your not dr..." Asuka began but was cut off by Misato.

"Sorry. Tell me when I get back. I'm in a rush!" Misato said swinging the keys around her finger as she ran outside. And just like that, she was off. She was in so much of a rush, Misato forgot to change out of her pajamas. This was a scene that Asuka found too precious of an opportunity to pass up. "Hey Hikari, you wanna see her face when she realizes she's in her P.J.'s?" Asuka asked Hikari, Hikari could only nod smiling. As they were off. both UN-aware of the fact that Asuka just made the same embarrassing mistake as Misato. She had left only wearing HER P.J.’s. To be Continued...


Not bad If I do say so myself.(And I did say so.) I will follow up on this fiction if I get enough requests or if one person REALLY begs me. I wanna thank my Mom for giving me the inspiration, my dad for telling me it's better than sitting on my ass all day watching nothing but anime, and for Crytle who let me use her name in this fic, and my sister .who doesn’t watch anime AT all, although she claims to be pen-pen's biggest fan. Oh and one more thing. I am reachable at and my AIM is ditto FREE ALUCARD!!!

To Chapter 2
