Fan Fic

16 And In Love: Chapter 3

By: Dark Magician Duo
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Okay. I know I have been re-tuning the first and second chapters over and over again, and I'm sorry that it's confusing alot of people. Just know that I STILL need pre-readers to helped me out. I'm begging! So far, the only one to help me out is Hawk Eye who helped re-do the first chapter. Anywho, Dark Magician Duo presents Chapter 3 (Pre-read by my friend, Chris Jackson) of "Neon Genesis Evangelion: 16 And In Love"

Chapter 3

The First Date

Shinji woke up to a new day and a new year on earth. To him, however, it was just another day to him. He ruffled his hair a bit and rubbed his eyes to better get his energy up. He sat up on his bed and looked around his room where all his new gifts were scattered around. He looked at the clock and realized it was still quite early.

"5 o'clock. And I can't sleep anymore." Shinji mumbled to himself. He thought about his school and wondered if it would still be closed. He took the remote and turned the T.V. on to the news station to find out if anything was new about the situation at school. It was, as a matter of fact, the top story of the morning.

The reporter stated. "Good Morning Tokyo-3. Our top story today is the unexplained explosion in a local public high school. The fire chief has closed the school for further investigation and will open it to the public after that has been concluded. Now for a quick look at the weather, here is chief meteorologist Maya Ibuki."

The camera switched to the former Nerv technichan Maya as she started with her weather forecast. "Thank you, Satsuki. The weather today is looking great. Barely a cloud in the sky with temperatures in the lower 80's and with a slight breeze to make this day almost perfect." Shinji was surprised to see Maya on the news, but was pleased to know he could see her everyday now on T.V.

Shinji shut off the T.V. and laid back down on his bed. "Another day off." He thought to himself. But he soon sat up, just then realizing that his situation with Crystle has just been compromised. He was supposed to meet her at the front door of the school at the last bell. However, if the school was closed, than they wouldn't be able to meet at the last bell. "Oh no. What am I going to do now?" Shinji asked to himself. He was already panicing and it was only five in the morning. He got up from his bed, opened his door and headed for Misato's room. He knocked on the door, trying to get an answer from her.

"Misato, are you up? Hey Misato?" Shinji asked repeatedly, but he still didn't hear anything in her room. "Misato, I'm coming in, alright?" he warned her as he twisted the knob to the door open and stepped inside. What he layed eyes on was a scantily clad Misato wearing only a sheet with an empty Yebisu beer can in her hand and another form under the blankets next to her which could only be interprated as Kaji. Shinji's eyes were wide open as a huge sweat drop rolled down his head. He didn't want to wake them up for fear that he would get the beating of his life from all his roommates if anyone else were to find out what he knows. "I didn't see anything. I was still asleep at the time. No one will have to know anything." He thought to himself as he started to walk to the kitchen for a drink, but was stopped in his tracks by the apartment pet, Pen-pen.

Shinji looked at Pen-pen and Pen-pen looked at Shinji. Shinji stuck up his index finger to his lip and and told Pen-pen. "Shhhh. Be a good little penguin and go back to sleep." But the bird just stood there and stared at him. He thought he must be hungry. "You want a treat?" This was Shinji's one and only mistake as the warm water penguin let out a squak. "Squaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!"

Quickly, everyone in the apartment was up and out of their rooms to see what was going on. Misato was wrapped in her blanket, Kaji wearing some sweatpants and an undershirt, and Asuka was in a long T-shirt and blue short-shorts. Misato was completly paniced. "What the hell is going on here!?!?!?" Asuka was just as scared as Misato. "Are we being robbed? What's going on?" Asuka asked frightened. Shinji was scared stiff. He could only think up a lie at the very last second. "Well...I...was...up to get a drink, and Pen-pen must have seen me and gotten scared. Yeah, that's it." Shinji hoped and prayed that everyone would buy it.

Misato gave a sigh of relief." I thought we were being robbed." However, she then turned her attention to Shinji and Asuka who were staring at her poorly covered self. "Aggggghhhhh! You two didn't see anything! I was going to take a shower!" Misato was trying to come up with an excuse herself, but failed miserably. She ducked back in her room and closed the door, leaving Kaji out with the two teenagers.

Kaji, a bit embarrased by the whole ordeal, spoke up. "Umm... It's not what it looks like. She was getting chaffed up in her dress, and she was too..." but he was cut off by a very pissed Asuka. "You two make me sick! You can't even wait for your wedding night. And with us in the other rooms! I never expected anything like this from you! Misato, maybe, but you!?!?!?" Shinji took this opportunity and snuck back to his room. and lied back in bed and watched some T.V. for the rest of the morning trying to drown out the rampage going on in the hall.

Later that morning, Shinji was walking with Toji, Kensukei, and Kouru towards the Horaki residents. Shinji explained to them his situation and Kouru thought it would be best to ask Hikari if she knew where Crystle lived.

Kouru said with a smile on his face, "You're a real lucky man to have gotten a date with that girl. It's best you don't screw up before it can even begin."

Toji addressed Kouru with his fist. "Listen, we're here strictly on business, got it? If you so much as smile at Hikari while we're there on business, I'll wipe it off your face with my foot, got it?"

Kouru simply smiled as they stepped in front of the apartment complex where Hikari lived. They stepped in the elevator and pressed the button for the 4th floor. They stepped out as it's doors opened and walked down to the end of the hall towards the last door. Kouru pushed the button for the bell, but was shoved aside when Hikari's voice came on the intercom. "Hello, this is Hikari. May I ask whose there?"

Toji answered in a very polite manner. "It's Toji, Ms. Horaki. I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time, if it's not too much trouble." Shinji, Kensukei, and Kouru where shocked at their friend for having such regard for the class rep.

Kouru gave a smirk and taunted Toji again. "So, the brute actualy knows some manners. Now if he can just learn to use a shower...."

That was the last straw for Toji as he drew back his fist. "Why you little son of a..." He was caught, however, by Hikari as she opened the door and looked at Toji about to strike Kouru.

Hikari was mad, to say the least, as she ordered him to stop. "Toji, if you dare, I will make you regret it for as long as you live. Now put your hand down and come in." Toji was beet red as he droped his fist and stepped inside. Hikari offered them some tea and jelly rolls, and Toji greatfully accepted the offer. "So, what brings you boys over to my place?" Hikari asked. "If you want me to do your homework again, I told you before I won't do it!"

Kouru just smiled as he answered. "No, it's not that. We just wanted to know if you had Ms. Karsnook's phone number. You see, Mr. Ikari here has a date later today and there seems to be a bit of a mix up with where they're supposed to meet."

Hikari was shocked at what she just heard. "Shinji and Crystle on a date!?!? Is this some kind of joke? Because It's not a very believable one. Why would she go out on a date with him and not tell me about it?"

Shinji was turning red at those words. He was a little hurt and offended as well. Hikari noticed how red he was and put her hand up to her mouth and began to apologize. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! You were serious after all. I didn't mean to offend you at all. It's just kinda surprising that you would be on a date. And even more so that it would be with someone like Crystle." She tried to make him feel better, but was only putting him down deeper and deeper. Finally, Kouru stepped in. "I think you're just putting him down some more. Were just here to see if you know Crystle's phone number. When we get that, we'll be on our way."

Hikari was blushing after she realizes what she had blurted out. "Oh, of course! Wait here for a moment." She got up from her spot and walked to the desk in the other room. Shinji was aching from the blow his pride took from Hikari's words. But then it just hit him. What if he screws up on his date? What if he made a wrong move like grabbed her hand or say something to offend her? He started to sweat heavily and was getting dizzy. Kensukei took notice to this and asked Shinji, "Hey, Ikari. Are you okay? You don't look too good."

Shinji could barely speak. "I...I...I don't think...I can do this you guys." And passed out face down on the floor. Toji was taking a sip from his tea and nearly spat it out when he saw Shinji fall to the floor and started out laughing. "Nice try, Ikari" Toji said." C'mon. Get up and call the girl. Hey Shinji?" He crawled over to Shinji and nudged him in the shoulder to get him up. He was, however, really out cold. "Aw crap! Quick, get him a cold, wet cloth and a blanket!" Toji ordered kensukei, worried about his friend. Hikari came in and looked at Shinji and dropped the phone book from her hands. "Oh my gosh! Is he alright?" Hikari asked with a gasp. "I think he's just fine." answered Kouru. "I bet it was just a panic attack. Not one like I've ever seen, but still, the circumstances are fitting for one."

A few hours later, Shinji woke up on a sofa with a moist cloth on his head. He was staring at yet another unfamiliar ceiling, when an oh-so-familiar voice caught his attention. "How are you feeling, Shinji?" he turned his head and layed eyes on what appeared to be an angel, but then he rubbed his eyes and realized it was more like what Toji would interpret as the devil herself. "HOW DARE YOU WORRY ME LIKE THAT! YOU WERE OUT FOR SIX HOURS! I CAME OVER TO HIKARI'S PLACE FOR SOME GIRL TALK AND I FIND YOU HERE PASSED OUT WITH A FEVER!" Asuka took the warm cloth and dipped it in some cold water and put it back on Shinji's forehead. There was a knock on the door when Shinji tried to sit up. "Come in." Asuka said.

Kensukei came in and took a seat next to Shinji and Asuka. "So, how's he doing?" he asked with his usual grin on his lips. Asuka ignored his grin. "His fever's gone down. I guess Kouru was right. Nothing more than a panic attack. He'll be fine. Now you have to help Toji and carry him home.

Shinji took off the rag and stood up, causing Asuka to yell at him. "You sit your ass down third child! You had me worried sick about you, and I'll be damned if your going to fall on your face because I allowed you to be up and walking!"

Shinji was stumped at the concern Asuka was showing for him. She never showed any concern for him about anything that's ever happened to him, and now she wanted to keep him from getting any worse than he already is.

Shinji shook his head and looked at Asuka. "Thanks Asuka. I really owe you one, but I feel just fine now." Shinji said. Asuka just took her hand and flicked him in the forehead as she said. "I wasn't worried about you. I was worried about what Misato would do. She heard what happened to you from Hikari and said I better go check on you or it's my ass!" Shinji let out a sigh, partially relieved that the same old Asuka was still around. "Oh yeah." Asuka added. "About your date. That girl stopped by and said for you to call her at this number." She handed him a small piece of paper with some digits written on it.

Shinji looked at the paper, jumped off of the sofa, ran to the kitchen and grabbed the phone. He quickly dialed the number and was begging for her to pick up. There was a click on the other end and a voice came up. "Hello. This is Sorata." Shinji was a bit taken by surprise when he heard a mans voice pick up. He hesitantly answered, "He-hello. This is Shinji Ikari. By any chance, is Crystle home?" There was an akward silence, untill the man on the other side said with a dead-serious voice " You little punk! I swear iif I find out who this is I will screw off your head and spike it into a nightmare you couldn't begin to imagine! I will fight you to the death if you ever call my daughter again, got it!?!?."

Shinji turned pale white and felt like he was going to throw up. Untill a burst of laughter scared him back alive. "Hahahahaha. I'm just teasin' you. She's right here." Shinji was relieved to here the next voice on the phone.

"Hello. This is Crystle. May I know who's calling?" she asked. Shinji was a bit shooken up at what he heard a second ago, but managed to answer. "This is Shinji. I'm calling because...well I was wondering if we were still on for today. At lunch, I mean." Shinji was still nervous around her, even if it was just on the phone. She gave out a sigh and asked him, "Are you sure you're okay? When I stopped by at Hikari's place, you were out-cold. If you think you're fine, then I'll be right over." Shinji's eyes lit up like fireworks. "Yeah. I'm fine. I feel great! How about we meet at my place at 6:00?" Crystle gave a giggle and said, "Sure. Date's back on. I'll be there soon. Bye-bye."

Shinji was floating among the clouds when he looked at Asuka who was still staring at him with a pissed-off _expression. "I thought you were sick? Did the third child make a miracle revovery so soon? Or is it that you're so eager to get your first kiss tonight?"

Kensukei smiled and butted in "But it wouldn't be his first kiss, now would it?" Shinji's heart was pounding like it never did before. Asuka was clenching her fist and was turning red as she turned to face Kensukei and asked, "What are you saying? Do you know something that shouldn't be known by you or the other two stooges? Would what you know happened to have taken place about two years ago?" There was a demonic growle that ran through her voice. Kensukei was sweating beads. ", he didn't exactly tell us anything per say. It's that..." Kensukei was starring death in the face. Death with fiery aburn hair, blue eyes, and a name that struck fear into his heart. Asuka. At the last second, Kensukei confessed to the world. "TOJI DRAGGED IT OUT OF HIM! NOT ME! I DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING! PLEASE SPARE ME! I'M NOT READY TO DIE!"

Toji picked the wrong place and the wrong time to make his appearance. "Did somebody call for me?" Asuka took one look at him as he entered the door and walked over to him. "You think it's cool to meddle around in my personal life? You just stay the hell out of my business, got it?" She gave one swift kick of her leg and landed straight in a place that god only meant to be treated nicely. He fell to the ground, groaning with his hands between his legs. Hikari and Kouru heard the noise from her room and came in to investigate. "What's going on here? What were those noises? I heard a real loud thud and maybe a crack."

Asuka just gave a humph and headed for the door. Before she left, she looked at Shinji with disgust. "I never expected you to ever kiss & tell." Everyone looked at Asuka. Except Toji, who was still rolling around in mind numbing pain. She looked like she was on the brink of tears. She put her shoes on and before she left, she looked at Shinji with a look he's seen so rarely in his life. Not a look of hatred, but rather a look of betrayal and abandonment."Idiot. "Those were the last words she said as she ran out the door.

Kouru looked down at the rather pathetic position Toji was in and nudged him with his foot. "Whatever you did, I'm sure you deserve that ten-times over." Kensukei shook his head. "No way man. Doesn't matter if he's a total jackass at times. You just don't kick a guy there. It's not right." Hikari sat Toji up and looked at Shinji. "What could he possibly have done to deserve this?" Shinji felt like it was all his fault. He was so sorry for what Asuka did to Toji. He answerd Hikari, "She found out about what I told Toji. I told him that we kissed two years ago. But that was it. Nothing else happened." Hikari looked shocked. She didn't think Shinji could stoop so low. She had to know. "Why would you tell them such a thing? Why?"

Shinji had to tell the truth "Because...he asked." Hikari gave him a look of disgust as well and then turned to Toji. "Why did you have to pump it out of him? You have to know every little thing that goes on between them? You deserve a kick like that a hundred-times over!" Hikari looked at Shinji once again and reminded him with a sarcastic scowl. "You'd better get going. You don't want to miss your big date now, do you?" She ran to her room and slammed the door behind her.

Kouru looked at Shinji and sighed. "We better leave now. Are you sure your feeling okay, Shinji?" Shinji just nodded and got up. He looked at Toji and tryed to help him up. "Are you alright? Toji?" Shinji was worried but Toji stood up on his feet, still limping from the low blow. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just fine. It takes a lot more than that to take me down." Shinji was not one bit convinced. "I don't think so. We better get you home first." Shinji offered, but Toji still refused. "I said I'm okay, really. You need to get home for your date. If I let myself get between you and this girl, what kind of a friend would I be?"

Kouru Shook his head and put Toji's arm around his neck. "Kensukei and I will take him home. You go home now and get ready for your date." Kensukei took the other arm and looked at Shinji. "Yeah. And tell us about it tomorow morning too!" Kouru looked at Kensukei with a look of astonishment. "Have you just forgotten what happened to this poor fool? Do you want to end up like him tomorrow?" Kensukei gave a gulp and said "On second thought, just have fun and keep us the hell out of it." Shinji gave a faint smile. "Sure. I'll keep my mouth shut this time." With that, he put on his shoes and was running out the door.

As he was running away from Hikari's place, Shinji couldn't help but wonder what Asuka must be doing right now. She seemed real upset about his friends knowing about that kiss. It wasn't like it was a serious kiss. She was bored that night and she didn't seem to enjoy it either. 'Why was she so angry?' he thought. 'And why did she go after Toji instead of me?' He put these questions aside and pushed his legs harder to get home fast. He was running so fast, however, that he was mere inches away from crashing into Rei Ayanami as she came around the corner carrying a bag of cat food and kitty-litter. Ayanami was taken completly by surprise and stepped back to dodge the speeding fool, but fell off the curb of the side walk and fell on her rear, dropping her bags. Shinji looked back to apologize when he noticed who it was that he nearly ran over because of his eagerness.

"Oh my gosh, Rei I'm sorry!" He said as he ran back to help her pick up all her groceries. Rei got up and dusted herself off. She looked with a cool _expression at who it was that knocked her down, but warmed up as she saw Shinji who was quickly picking up her pet-supplies and putting them back in the bag. He handed her the bag and bowed down to apologize. "I'm really sorry. I wasn't looking ahead and I didn't see you coming around the corner. Sorry again but I'm in a real hurry, okay? Bye." Shinji was speeding down the street so fast that he didn't even notice Rei getting a ride from Misato.

"Wow! He sure is in a hurry. He's headed staight home." Misato said, confused. "Why didn't he just ask us for a ride?" Rei was just as puzzled. "I'm not sure. Perhaps he needs the exercise." Misato opened the door for Rei as she stepped in the car. "Why don't we stop by my place to see what's gotten into him." Rei gave a slight hint of a smile as she answered "Sure. This could be entertaining."

The time was 5:30. Shinji just had 30 minuts left as he stared at his watch in the elevator. "Come on. This always takes longer than it's supposed to." Shinji said as the doors of the snail-paced elevator finally opened. He dashed out the doors, ran to the end of the hall, passed his cardkey through the slot and went inside. There in the living room was Misato and Rei relaxing and sipping on some cool lemonade. Shinji took one look at them and ran to his room and shut his door. He quickly unbuttoned his shirt, slipped it off, and about to take off his pants until it just hit him that it was Rei that was sitting in the living room. Rei. The person that Shinji nearly ran down at a corner ten blocks away. He came out of his room and went straight to the living room where the ladies where still relaxing.

Rei took a long sip from the straw as she looked at Shinji whose face had a vague _expression. "What is it, Shinji?" Rei asked, knowing what it was that was plagueing his mind. Misato asked as well. "Yeah, you look like you ran a pretty long way to get here. Is something wrong?"

Shinji just shook his head and said, "When I get back, I want to know how the hell you did that." Shinji rushed back to his room to prepare for his big date. When Misato and Rei heard the door close, they let out a burst of laughter that lasted a good full minute. "I can't believe he couldn't put it together right then and there!" Misato said with a giggle in her words. Rei calmed down a bit, but was sill gigling and she couldn't stop. "I know. He's always the last to know anything." Misato gave a sigh of relief as she finally stopped laughing so she could speak. "I don't know about you, but I think he's been working out." Rei nodded in agreement. "Yes, he's been staying late after school to work out at the gym. Not to mention study hall."

Pen-pen came in to see what all the laughter was all about. He came in to see the two women relaxing and having a good time. He simply shrugged his shoulders and went to the fridge where the snacks and Misato's beer supply were always in check. He pushed the open button and grabbed a can with his beek and waddled back to his cozy little freezer with a can to last him through the night.

Misato looked at the clock and quickly searched for the remote. "It's five o'clock. Time for "Planets Funniest Animals." She pushed the on button and quickly turned it to Animal Planet. Shinji came in with a pair of kaki's that Misato got him a few months ago, a plain white T-shirt, and his birthday jacket he recieved from Misato and Kaji, and his silver cross necklace he recieved from Asuka for his birthday just the other night. He cleared his throat and spoke up from behind the couch.

" do I look?" Misato just waved her hand over her head without even looking. "Fine, you look great." Shinji gave a humph and asked Rei. "What do you think Rei? Does this look good, or should I just dress as I normally do?" Rei turned from her seat and just stared at him with her usual cold gaze. Shinji was worried that she would point and laugh at him, but she simply closed her eyes, nodded, and approved. "I think you look very handsome tonight, Shinji."

Misato just sat there and laughed as a woman on T.V. was being chased by a goose after her wedding. That brought up the thought for her own wedding. Misato was also thinking of what her wedding was going to be like. She had just been recently engaged to Kaji and she hasn't even picked out the flowers or even been out shopping for a wedding dress.

'I realy need to get serious about this. Tomorrow, I'm going to get down to business and plan out everything.' She thought to herself, but then started out laughing at the T.V. again as a boy smushed his bulldog's face all together and then stretched it out like an explosion.

Shinji gave up on Misato. She was already sucked into the television set as she was laughing away with the dog that was trained to bring his master a beer. "I wonder if Pen-pen could..." Misato thought with a grin. Suddenly, there was a ring at the door.

Shinji took a deep breath and stepped towards the door. He lifted his hand to the open switch to the door and gently pressed it. He was met with two pairs of eyes. One pair was blood-shot, as if they had been crying for awhile. The second were the pair he grew quite fond of. The glistening, emerald green eyes of his date for the night. She was dressed in a leather skirt and a white blouse with a leather mini-coat on and a gold bracelet on her left wrist. (edit. note: I'm not the best fashion expert. I think it would look good.)

Shinji was about to say hello, but was shoved aside by Asuka as she made way to her room. Shinji was truly sorry for ever saying anything about that night. He knew he was going to have to make it up to her, but he would have to do it after he gets back.

Shinji straightened his jacket and regained his composure as he welcomd his date in. "Hi. I was just waiting for you to show. Whenever you're ready." Shinji had never been more nervous about anything in his life. He was, however, keeping his cool and making sure to double check every word he said. Cryslte swept a strand of her shining, black hair away from her face. "Sure. I'm ready." And with that said and done, they were out the door ready for a night on the town. Misato was just finishing up her beer, totally unaware of Shinji's absence and Asuka's presence in the house. "Damn, another beer gone, and I don't feel like getting up either." Just then, Misato had an idea. "Hey, Pen-pen..."

The sun was shinined as the young couple walked through downtown Tokyo-3. Shinji was so happy to be on a date with such a beauty, that he didn't even know where they were going. This hit Crystle fast. "So, where would you like to go for dinner?" Shinji thought about it, but he noticed what she just asked. "Dinner? I thought it was a lunch date?" Crystle gave a lite giggle. "It's kinda late for it to be lunch, so let's make this an early dinner. Okay?" Shinji simply smiled and noded. "Sure. So, how does seafood sound?" Crystle gave him a wink "Sure. I love sea food. I always wanted to try sushi. I heard it's a delacacy here." Shinji gave a fake, little laugh. "It's not as good as you'd think. I was thinking more like Red Lobster." Crystle was surprised that there was a Red Lobster in Tokyo-3. "I Love Red Lobster. They have my favorite, popcorn shrimp." Shinji wrapped his arm around hers. "Well let's hurry then." he said as they walked through the busy streets of their beautiful city.

As the couple walked into the lobby, the host greeted them. "Welcome to Red Lobster. My name is Hyuga and I'll be your host for today." Shinji was surprised to see him working here. "Hey Hyuga. I didn't know you worked here." Hyuga was surprised to see Shinji here at his work place.

Hyuga pushed up his glasses "Shinji! I'm glad to see you! It's bee a long time. How have you been?" Shinji looked real puzzled. "Hyuga, you were at my party last night, remember? Misato made a complete fool of herself and you gave me a gift certifacate because you forgot to get me anything else." Hyuga rubbed the back of his neck and faked a grin. "Yeah, that was my bad. How about tonight's dinner on me?" Shinji and Crystle were real pleased to hear what they just heard. "Wow! Thank you so much. People in Japan are real friendly." Crystle said bowing her head at Hyuga. Shinji offered his hand as a gentleman. "Shall we?" Crystle gladly accepted. "Why of course, kind sir."

Shinji and Crystle were seated by Hyuga in the large booth in the corner and handed them their menus. "Order anything you like. It's on me tonight. Think of it as a late birthday gift and my way of saying thank you for all you did two years ago." Shinji gladly accepted the kind gesture. "Thanks Hyuga. Your great for doing this for me." Hyuga smiled at them and headed back towards the lobby. Crystle was a bit curious about Shinji's history. "So, what did you do two years ago that got us this free dinner? I've only heard rumors and I never did find out why everyone calls you "third child."

Shinji gave a sigh, trying to bring back memories of times he wish to have forgotten. Some good, some horrific, and others that are but a blur. He spoke with an uneasy voice. "Well, you see... I was a pilot of this...giant robot called Evangelion. It was used to fight off giant beasts called Angels, but my father wanted to use them for other purposes that I can't even explain." Crystle gave a quiet little chuckle at what he said. "Yeah, right! What were these angels like? Big wings and halos?" Shinji shook his head at that comment. "No, I'm serious. Rei, Asuka, Toji and I were all pilots. The worst thing weren't the Angels though. My father was a greater threat then any other. He forced me to nearly kill Toji, he took my mother away from me. This all happened because of that man who I no longer consider my father."

Cryslte's smile quickly faded when she realized he was serious. "So it's true. Everyone said you piloted a robot before and there were even more rumors on the internet that those monsters where hellbent on destroying the world. I could never believe it until just now." She notice Shinji's eyes were sparkling from a tear that was about to come out of the corner of his eye. "Are you alright? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable talking about this." Shinji rubbed the tear away and shook his head. "No, it's fine. It's all history and none of that matters anymore." Shinji settled himself as the waiter came in to take their orders. "Good afternoon. I'm Seishiro and I'll be your waiter for today. May I intrest you in some of our great appetizers? Or shall I take your drink orders?" Cryslte sat up and quickly gave him her order. "Oh sure. I'll have a sprite and some of those mozzarella cheese sticks please." Seishiro wrote it down quickly "And you sir? What can I get for you?" Shinji looked at his menu and reached a quick decision. "Just a coke, please." The waiter took it down on his order slip. "Fine. I'll be back in a sec to bring you your drinks and take your orders. If there's anything else, don't hesitate to ask." He stuck his pen back in his pocket and walked towards the kitchen.

Crystle looked through her menu to check if they had her favorite. "Oh, I love these! Lemon-pepper shrimp with popcorn shrimp and french fries and a salad. I know what I'm getting." Shinji was still looking, but he didn't know what he should get. "Umm...this is tough. I've never really been here before." Cryslte was stumped "What? I thought it was your idea to come here in the first place." "Well, I only passed through here when Misato would go shopping with Asuka or when she would drop me and the guys off at the arcade." Shinji said. Cryslte scooted a little closer to Shinji, which made him jump nearly out of his seat. "Well, the snow crab is always great. You should get that if you're not sure about anything else." Shinji thought about it for a second. "Well, if you say it's alright then I'll give it a shot."

After the couple decided on their orders, Seishiro brought it to them. "Here we are. A cold sprite, a refreshing coke, and some zesty cheese-sticks. And when you're ready, I'll take your orders." Crystle looked one more time at her menu. "I'll have your shrimp special with popcorn and lemon-pepper shrimp with french fries and a salad with ranch dressing." Seishiro wrote it down fast and asked the same to Shinji. "And you sir? What can I get for you?" Shinji decided to go with what Crystle recommended. "I'll have the snow crab with some tariyaki rice and salad with italian dressing." Seishiro took the order and their menus. "A nice choice sir. I'll be back soon with your order."

Shinji sipped on his coke through a straw and just enjoying himself. He was more relaxed than he thought he would be with such an intriguing young woman. Crystle took a quick sip from her drink to help loosen her tongue. "So, Shinji, what's your typical day like?" Shinji thought long and hard about it. His average day may seem like a circus to everyone else. Finaly, Shinji spoke "Well, I wake up everyday around six, fix breakfast, and head off to school with Asuka. I do all my work and stay awhile to study and hang out with Toji for an hour. Then I head home and do my homework and by the time I'm done, I fix dinner and with the little free time I have, I watch some T.V. or listen to my music. That's pretty much my entire day."

Crystle wasn't buying it. "Oh come on! You can't fool me. After seeing your roommates at the party, they must be twice as fun every other day than the party. I'm sure that redhead is a real troublemaker and gets into fights all the time. And your gaurdian seems like a real party animal." Crystle was sure of this as she looked Shinji in the eyes trying to get the truth out of him.

"Well..." Shinji was dumbfounded at her accuracy. She hit every nail on the head with her interpratations of his home. "You're right." he said. "They are the wildest people in my life. Asuka's always looking for some reason, some excuse to raise hell with me. As for Misato, lets just say a beer every day..." Shinji decided to cut himself off right there. He didn't want to insult Misato if he didn't have to. Crystle laughed at his choice of words. "I knew it. Your life isn't as dull as you made it out to be. Tell me about your friends too. Especialy the one with that's always so mellow." Shinji knew well who that one was. "Oh, you mean Kouru. He was a..." Shinji just then realized that he couldn't tell her the truth about him, so he did what he had to do. He thought up a lie. "Oh...well, I've known him ever since he moved moved here. It was a few months after I did and we became best friends ever since. He's cool and is always calm in any situation. He's the kind of friend that's always dependable and you can talk to about anything."

Crystle was happy to hear him open up to her. "What about your other friends? The tall one and the one with the glasses?" she asked. Shinji shuddered when she brought them up. He still could here the deafening thud of that kick from below. "Well, Toji's sister was injured when I first piloted an Eva and he be beat me up pretty good for that. But when I saved them during the next attack, he figured it couldn't be helped and we became good friends ever since." Shinji took a break as he sipped on his coke a little more. He set it down and continued with his story. "Kensukei was already friends with Toji when I first came to this city. He was always fixated with battle and it was his dream to become an Eva pilot no matter what. He finally gave up, however, when I was discharged and Nerv was dissolved.I kinda envy the guy because he'll never have to go through any of the hell that I've been in."

Crystle was really feeling where Shinji was going with his friends. She could tell that he really cared for everyone in his life. Even if they hit him, scold him, or embarresed him, he would always be a loyal companian for all of them.

Shinji looked at Crystle and asked, "So, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?" Crystle looked quite pleased that he asked her that question. "Well I'm from Las Vegas, Nevada. I lived with my parents and came to Tokyo and I live with a foreign exchange family. I like watching "Friends", "The Simpsons", and playing video games, and anytime I can I go out jogging, walking my dog Lucky, and listen to Staind, Korn, and Linkin Park."

Shinji was a bit lost with the words that came out of her mouth. "Did you say you like video games?" Crystle nodded "Yeah. My favorite game of all has to be "Final Fantasy XV!" I want to get the new "Grand Theft Auto: Yakuza Deals", but my parents don't really approve of it." Shinji cuoldn't believe that she loved to play the exact same games he did. Shinji said ecstaticly, "I love the Final Fantasy series! And Grand Theft Auoto is always great. The guys and I play it all the time at Kensukei's place."

Crystle gave him a cute smile. "Well, looks like we have alot in common. What about music? Do you like anything from America? Or do you only listen to Japanese pop?" Shinji thought about it for a minute. He soon realized he never realy listened to any other music, other than classical. Shinji answered reluctantly "Well...I never really get a chance to listen to anything else. I like classical music alright, but I never really gave anything else a chance." Shinji was starting to get nervous again as he rubbed the back of his head.

Crystle shook her head. "That's a shame. You should really give my music a chance. I think you could realy like Staind. Some of it's real hard rock, but a lot of it is real soothing. I sleep to their music every night. My favorite song has got to be "Outside." Shinji thought about it for awhile. "But isn't your music in English? I mean, I only know a few words and I'm still learning in Misato's class how to speak English."

Crystle sat up when she heard Shinji say that. "Your guardian is your teacher?!?!" she said with a look of total disbelief. "That's real freaky. You have to live with your teacher and she speaks English too!" Shinji was a bit confused. "Why is that weird? She used to be my commander when we where with Nerv. What's weird is the fact she has a pet penguin living with us in his own little fridge."

"Oh, so that’s what that extra freezer was for. I thougt you just eat in a lot." Shinji and Crystle both bursted with laughter as Seishiro came with a tray in hand and with a smile on his face.

Seishiro spoke while handing them their plates. "Here we are. One shrimp dinner with french fries and a salad with ranch dressing. A snow crab with tariyaki rice and a salad with italian dressing." Shinji looked at his plate with a bit of a confused look on his face. "Um...thanks a lot." Seishiro smiled back. "No problem. Just call if you need anything else."

Shinji was a bit hesitant to try his food in front of him. He didn't know how to eat crab or even use the shell cruncher to break open the shell. Crystle looked up after eating a few fork-fulls of salad. "What's the matter?" she asked. "Why aren't you eating any?" Shinji poked at it with a knife, noting it's hard shell still attached with it's claws and pincers at the end. "I'm not sure how, exactly, to eat this." said Shinji, still poking at it. Crystle took one of the legs in hand and picked up the shell crusher to show Shinji how it's done. "You just put a leg in between the cracker and press down, take the shell off and eat the meat inside." Shinji felt like a fool as he smacked himself in the forehead for not getting it sooner. "Oh, that's how it's done." Shinji said trying to stay calm, but failed as his cheeks once again flushed red from embarrasment.

Shinji took the piece of meat from the already cracked shell and dipped it into the small dish of butter and placed it into his mouth. His eyes shot open with a festival of taste in his mouth. It was like sushi, but had a sweeter taste and the butter made it more superb than his mind could handle. It was like his taste buds where overjoyed to have this blessing come to them. "This is probably the best food I've ever tasted in my life." Shinji said after finally swallowing. Crystle gave him a wink from her beutiful eyes. "See? I told you it was good. Now finish up the rest before I take one." She warned him, but it was too late as she stuck a fork onto his plate and dug a piece of crab from the shell. She stuck her tongue out at him and placed the delicious meat in her mouth.

"Hey, that's mine! It's only fair if I take one of yours." Shinji said as he grabbed a shrimp with his hand and stuck it in his mouth. He wasn't aware of the fact that he wasn't supposed to eat the tail. "Hey, don't do that, You could..." Crystle tried to warn him, but it was too late as he began to choke down the shrimp tail stuck in his throat. He pounded on his chest trying to get it down, but to no avail. Crystle handed him his coke. "Here, drink this, quick!" Shinji quickly grabbed the glass and guzzled down his drink, forcing his food to go down easier. Shinji gasped as he breathed precious oxygen into his burning lungs. Shinji was panting heavily. "Huuh...huuh...thanks...a lot...huuh...Crystle." Crystle smiled although still a bit worried. "Sure. Next time, though, take your time and make sure you don't eat the tail of a shrimp." Shinji nodded and started on the rest of his plate in front of him.

About half an hour passed when both of them finished their meals. Shinji hadn't had a good dinner like that for a long time. Misato was on a teacher's pay so Asuka and he had no choice but to eat her instant garbage every day.

"Wow! That was great. I really need to come here more often." Shinji wiped his mouth with his napkin and looked over to Crystle. "So, you ready to leave?" he asked her. Crystle nodded "Sure. We have to thank Hyuga for this when we leave." Just then, Seishiro came with a small black leather folder with a small peice of paper and a pen on a tray. "What's this?" Sinji asked. Seishiro smiled "Why, it's your bill, Mr.Ikari." Shinji's eyes shot open when he heard those words.

There must be a misunderstanding! The host said that the meal was on the house." Seishiro's smile quickly turned upsidedown. "I'm sorry, but he was mistaken. It's our policy not to serve meals on the house unless there was a mistsake on our part."

Hyuga looked around the corner to see if Shinji and Crystle were leaving. 'I'm just happy that he dropped off his coat with me. I wouldn't want to ruin that gift right after his birthday.' he thought to himself. He was dressed as a waiter with a tray of deserts in his hand. "Well, here I go. Please forgive me Shinji, I mean no embarrasment for you." he said to himself. With that, he was walking straight for Shinji's table with both of his shoes untied.

"Sir, if you cannot pay, then I'm afraid you'll have to come with me." Seishiro was about to take Shinji to the back when Hyuga came from the kitchen with his tray of icecream sundaes in hand. "Hey, Shinji!" Hyuga said a loud. "Don't you want some desert to go with your meal? This stuff realy hits the-wha!" He was cut off as he tripped over his intentionaly untied shoe laces. Icecream flew into the air. Everyone looked at the airborne frozen treat hover just for a second over Shinji's head. Shinji looked straight up noticing it right above him. However, it kept flying, went right to Crystle and made a direct hit all over her glamorous dress. She looked down and noticed it would definely stain and was about to burst into tears. That is, until the silver lining of this very gray cloud started to shine.

"Oh my!" Crystle exclaimed. "My favorite dress is ruined." She gave a very furious loook at both Seishiro and Hyuga. "I'll expect you to pay for the cleaning bill untill you get the stain off entirely!" She shouted, making sure she get's her message through. Seishiro looked in horror at what his co-worker did to her beautiful dress. "Yes, of course, ma'am. The resturaunt will pay the cleaning bill and the meal is on us. I'm terribly sorry for this." Seishiro left with the bill and Hyuga stood up after landing on his face.

Hyuga straightened his glasses and looked up at Shinji. "Oh god! I'm so sorry! You'd better get home and try to get that washed out right now!" Hyuga said loud enough for the entire resteraunt to hear. Shinji looked at him with a puzzled look on his face until Shinji figured it out.

Shinji pointed his finger at Hyuga still on his hands and knees. "You mean you did this on purp-," He was cut off by Hyuga shoving his hand over Shinji's mouth. "SSSHHHHHHHHH!" Hyuga whispered. "If they find out, I'm fired. Now quick. Get out of here." Shinji simply nodded and took Crystle by the hand helping her out of the booth. And with one last look back at Hyuga waving goodbye with a smile on his face, grabbed their coats as they left the resteraunt.

As they walked away from the resturaunt, Crystle looked down at her dress and shook her head. "I can't believe my favorite dress is ruined." she said on the brink of tears. Shinji noted that she was about to cry. "Hey, don't be upset." he pleaded to her. "I'm sorry." She said holding back more tears. "I don't know what came over me. It's just a dress. I shouldn't get upset." Shinji noted it was quite chilly and Crystle's coat didn't seem to keep her warm enough. "Here. You look like you need this." he said as he slid off his leather coat and set it on her shoulders. Crystle wrapped it around herself. "Thanks. I really appreciate it." she said as they walked down the road. It was starting to get dark and the street lights where coming on. "Damn." Crystle said. "I have to get home soon. My exchange parents wanted me home before dark and as far as I can tell, they're pretty damn strict." Shinji was getting worried.

"Well, I can walk you home real quick. I know this city better than anyone. Just tell me where you live and I can get you there in no time." Crystle smiled with reassurance. "Ok, it's at this apartment complex around the corner of this supermarket and a theatre across the street from it." Shinji thought for a second and realized exactly where she was talking about. "Oh, you mean the Hinoto Apartments. That's not far from here at all. We can make it in five minuts without rushing." Shinji turned down a street and into an ally between a laundry mat and a drug store. At the end of the ally there was a movie theatre and sure enough, the Hinoto Apartments where right down the street.

Shinji walked her the rest of the way to the entrance of her new home. She stopped in front of him, turned around and lifted her gaze into his brown eyes. "Well, I had a good time, despite the dessert your friend spilled on me. I hope I'll see you at school tomorrow. Good night Shinji." With that, she stepped in the elevator, pushed her floor, and the doors closed between them as he waved to her. "Good night, Crystle." he said back to her, but it was already too late. He stayed there for a moment to think about all that's happened in one day. He caught Misato with Kaji naked in their own room, he walked over to Hikari's, passed out, Asuka tended to him while he was out.



He thought about Asuka. About her and the kindness she had towards him. About how she must have felt when she heard that Toji and Kensukei knew about the kiss. About how she had the right to kick him in his crotch as well. "I'm sorry, Asuka." he said as he walked down the road with only light traffic by his side.

It was 7:00 at night when Shinji got home. He slid his key through the slot and stepped in as the door opened. "Hello! I'm home!" Shinji shouted through the house, but no one seemed to be in right now. He looked in the fridge to find Pen-Pen snoring with a big bubble on his beak and an empy Yebisu in his hand. Shinji gave a grunt at the site. "Pathetic. Just like Misato." he said as he looked in the bathroom and the kitchen. There was nowhere he hadn't checked in the house. Except the room right next to his.

'Should I? Or should I not?' Shinji was thinking about weather to disturb Asuka if she was in her room. He figured the only polite thing to do would be to apologize and do all her chores for a month. He decided. "Asuka? I'm coming in, okay?" he warned her as he turned the knob and opened the door.

Sure enough, there she was. Listening to his Mp3 and watching his DVD collection in her room eating an apple in her usual royal way. Shinji aproached her with caution, but was halted in his tracks when she spoke to him. "Stay right there." She sat up and took out the ear plugs. She brushed her hair back and stood up from her bed.

Asuka looked right at Shinji with a look on her face. Not a look of anger, hatred, or even remorse. Rather, tt was a look of disappointment. She looked like she'd been really hurt. As if she was betrayed. She walked right up to Shinji and looked at him dead in the eyes. Shinji noted that they were cool. No a sign of anger in them. And also how beautiful they look can when she's calm.

Asuka finally spoke with a cool, crisp, voice. "Why did you have to tell those guys about that night?" She was so calm about the matter though, that it started to scare Shinji a little. "Why?" she asked again. "Why did you have to tell them everything about that night?"

Shinji shrugged his shoulders at the question. "I don't know. I guess it's because it didn't seem like a big deal." Shinji grabbed a chair from her desk and took a seat. Asuka stepped back and sat on her bed again. Shinji continued. "I didn't think it meant anything to either of us. You said yourself that day that you had nothing else better to do. So, I simpy obligued and that's why I didn't think it was such a big deal."

Asuka's eyes started to sparkle from tears making their way out. She was hurt. "Okay, that's fine. Next time I see Toji..." she stopped to wipe a single tear that ran down her cheek with her finger. She went on. "I'll say I'm sorry for ever striking him." And with that, She laid back down on her bed and tried to get some rest.

Shinji didn't know what to do. "Asuka, I never meant to hu-" he was cut off by a weak voice from a girl who felt like she'd been hit by a train of sorrow. "Just go. I'll see you in the morning. Tell Misato I was just tired and I went to bed early when she gets back." Shinji didn't try to make her feel any better. He knew when to surrender and when to make a tactical retreat. This was the time to let her get some rest and sleep it off. He turned around and headed for the door. Before closing it, he turned around and looked back. Asuka curled into a ball and faced the back wall.

"Good night, Asuka." That's all he could say to her as he closed her door and left her alone in her room. Feeling that he finally left, Asuka let out her sobbing. She didn't even know why , but she felt so hurt inside that she just wanted to sleep. She clenched real tightly to her chest. "What's wrong with me? It's not like there was ever a chance." She whispered to herself, but the tears wouldn't stop streaming from her eyes as she fell asleep.

Shinji walked back into the living room and threw himself on the sofa. He hated to see Asuka in any discomfort. However, he was far too tired to try to comfort her right now. He buried his face into a pillow and reached up with his hand to try to find the T.V. remote. Grabbing it, he pointed it at the T.V. set and turned the power on. As luck would have it, the news was starting and the top storiy was still the school explosion.

The news reporter in front of the school started. "Well, the talk of the town all day today and yesterday was the explosion at this local high-school I'm standing right in front of. Authorities say it was caused by a gas leak in a science class room. There is no evidence that any of it was intentional. The school will be opened tommorrow and the class room in which the explosion took place will be closed for everyone's safety."

Shinji heard this and turned the T.V. off. He could barely keep his eyes open and was drifting away. "I might as well go to bed." Shinji said to himself. "I'm sure Misato and Kaji are going to be out for half the night before coming back." He made his way to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. As he walked out, Pen-pen was standing right in front of the door holding his wings between his legs.

Shinji smiled. "Oh, sorry if I took to long." But his words went wasted as Pen-pen dashed into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Shinji was making his way towards his room until he heard a knock at the front door. "Hold on, I'm coming!" Shinji called to the door. When Shinji pressed the open button, Misato and Kaji where standing on the other side with a big white dress in hand

"Hey, Shinji? Could you be a doll and help carry the rest of the stuff in from the car?" Misato asked. "There's like five more boxes and I'm sure you and Asuka can take care of the rest." She laid the dress down gently on the sofa and just dropped the rest of the boxes on the floor. Shinji could only imagine what kind of a shopping spree she could have been on. Misato noticed the look on his face and began to explain. "It's for our wedding. Now hurry up and get Asuka to help."

Shinji didn't want to explain why Asuka was crying in her room, so he simply told another lie. "Asuka'" Misato looked up from helping Kaji who's carrying well over ten boxes. "What? Sleeping? So early? Why? Is she sick? What happened?" Misato was barraging Shinji with questions until Kaji couldn't hold the boxes anymore and dropped them everywhere. Digging himself out from the pile, Kaji asked with a concerned tone, "Is anything wrong at all? Shinji shook his head. "I don't know, but she's kind of upset with me. I'm sure she'll get over it in the morning." Shinji put on his shoes and went out the door to fetch the rest of the boxes. Misato was worried. "Kaji" she said. "Go help Shinji with the boxes. I'm gonna see if Asuka's alright." Kaji nodded. "Okay. Call me if she gets out of hand."

Misato walked to the door with a big 'No Trespassing' sign taped on. Misato knocked on the door. "Asuka? Are you in there?" There was no answer. Misato knocked again. "I'm coming in, okay?" Misato slowly opened the door open and peeked her head in. She saw Asuka asleep, breathing slowly facing the wall. 'I'll talk to her in the morning, I guess. Don't want to disturb her while she looks so peaceful." She thought to herself as she closed the door and left her alone. Asuka was breathing slowly and with tear stains on her cheek. She was indeed asleep, but one word escaped her lips as she dreamed.



To Be continued...

Okay, I know I said a week, but I just had a lot of stuff I had to take care of. I want to thank Chris Jackson for pre-reading this, Chris Nogle for saying I suck, and...wait...Screw him. and all the big companies I borrowed the names of. (Please don't sue!) One more thing. I borrowed the names of some of CLAMP's charecters from "X/1999" so don't sue me or yell at me for that either and no, they are not the same people from "X". Just the same name.

And now the quote of the month.

"It's times like this that make me want to go straight!"~*~ James from the Pokemon first season. (Makes you think. Is he...?)
