Old news

From April 2002. Large amounts of images, movies delayed, and forum taken down.

4/30/02 In Eva news, the DVD will apparently be two sided, one with extra content and the other with the movie. I added a new section that will review and give a brief summary of other animes. The first to be in Anime Reviews is recently released Spriggan.

4/29/02 Not much of an update, once again. I added a link to Links and changed the poll a bit to specify American Release.

4/28/02 I added some more Pen Pen and Eva images to Images. I have been looking for a new Forum to use, but so far I have not found what I am wanting.

4/26/02 Took down the Forum because someone's idea of a joke was to leave messages by "me." I will try to get it up again soon, and improved. I added another image (wow, one whole image) to Images and a mediocre Pen Penny, still go ahead and check it out.

4/25/02 Nothing much, just a few images in Images.

4/24/02 Another Mp3 at Mp3s Page 2. I added the artist and e-mail address to the new fan art in Fan Art. I also added another Pen Penny.

4/23/02 Another Mp3 at Mp3s Page 2. A new fan art in Fan Art by a friend. I don't know what they want put up by the pic but I will ask.

4/22/02 Uploaded another Mp3 at Mp3s Page 2. I also linked specific image pages to their various counterparts in Profiles. One more thing, fan fics for Eva will be taken. If I get any I will post it with a brief description.

4/21/02 No real update, just the following. Slightly altered images sent to me will not be posted in fanart as it is not considered fanart. Images actually made, will be. Penny also moved to Previous Pennys.

4/20/02 I fixed a problem with the images, the thumbnails wouldn't take you to a larger picture on a few images. I also added seven more sounds to Sounds Page. Check them out.

4/19/02 Another Pen Penny added. A few tweaks here and there to different sections. A little description added just above also.

4/18/02 I added a new section to Images, entitled Main Graphics which contains different images used for different purposes on the site. At long last, I also added a new poll. In other news, Animenation changed their format from green to blue, it looks nice. The ADV Films website has also been redone. Also, although it's official release date is this Tuesday, the 23rd, I got my hands on my very own Spriggan DVD. It saw a limited theatrical release and has been highly anticipated, I must say I was quite pleased. Great all around movie. Spike Spencer (Shinji's voice Eva dub) gives a great performance as the nutty and demented "Little Boy." Spriggan is highly recommended, check it out.

4/16/02 I added an image to Images. That's right just one, I originally missed it when uploading all the others. I also fixed a small error on this page that messed a small part up. I really don't think anyone noticed.

4/15/02 I got up the images on the Images Main for easier navigation and to improve the look. In other anime news Warner Bros, reportedly, has announced that they will do a Western genre adaptation of Akira. They want to "preserve the tone, the visual and the epic scope of the original" while making it more accessible to Western audiences.(source: Dark Horizons) I don't really hold high hopes, because I think Akira is overrated.

4/14/02 Another Pen Penny up. Moved several back to Previous Pennys.

4/13/02 Yesterday I forgot to add that I added a Pen Penny. Today, I added an Mp3 in Mp3s Page 2 and I added another fanart, by yours truly, to the Fanart Page. That makes it a grand total of two.

4/12/02 I hate being the bearer of bad news, but Eva Death and Rebirth and the Movie have been delayed yet again. Manga Entertainment announced that Death and Rebirth will now be released July 30th and the Movie will be released September 24th. Of course that is expected, they may delay it again. Meanwhile, the LA Times had an article on Evangelion you can find Here. For some reason it says they are psychic and says that Death and Rebirth and the Movie are different endings, not so. Oh, well.

4/11/02 Well, at long last the images have been reorganized. I also added about 120 images in the process. Images Main. There is an explanation on the arrangements in the section. Right now it's just text links, but I will add pictures next to them.

4/10/02 Nothing again, to explain my abscence I must say I have been working diligently on organizing the images and adding about 120 more to my gallery. It has proved a more daunting task then I previously thought, and may start putting them up as I finish. I will try to have them all done before Monday, no promises. I will focus on that for the time being. Sorry.

4/8/02 Just a reminder, the Perfect Collection comes out tomorrow.

4/7/02 Another Pen Penny and another Mp3 at Mp3s Page 2.

4/6/02 I added another Mp3 in Mp3s Page 2. It seems FOX plans to release the DBZ live-action movie late 2003 or early 2004 and plan to have it part of a series of movies.

4/5/02 I once again added another Pen Penny. I also finished up the March Old News if anyone is interested. I also added Manga.com to Links.

4/4/02 I added another Pen Penny. Perfect collection comes out Tuesday, if you want it time is running out.

4/1/01 I took down the odd background with minutes left on the day. Honestly, it scared me. A picture of the metal colletor's DVD box has been released:

Click on it for a larger pic. I don't know about anyone else, but I like it. Good to see a comment on the poll. To answer their question. Misato had Pen Pen go live with Hikari when they left the city near the end of the series. I didn't get around to updating anything.
