Fan Fic

Dragonball Absolute

By: Kenji Moroboshi
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Dragonball Absolute

Written by Kenji Moroboshi

Chapter Two – “Peaceful Daze: Gokarrotto and Videl”


It has been three months since the death of Majin Buu. At the time of its conception, the idea of using the Potera earrings was brilliant. Indeed, it did seem like an excellent idea; the result, Gokarrotto, was the perfect warrior. His power was incredible, exceeding that of the two Saiya-jin warriors that created him. However, once Majin Buu was dead, the flaw of Gokarrotto became disturbingly real.

There was no more Goku or Gohan. They had ceased to exist at the very moment they donned the Potera earrings. Now, there was only Gokarrotto. The question became, what would he do now that there was peace? Would he continue Goku’s life? Or would he continue Gohan’s life? Perhaps he would continue both, or neither? The question was very real…

Vegeta, of course, provided no help in the issue. The Prince of the Saiya-jin race had become even more obsessed with surpassing Goku in strength. As far as he was concerned, Gokarrotto was merely another form of “Kakarrot.” And, now that Kakarrot had surpassed Vegeta even farther, the Saiya-jin Prince’s obsession only became more fanatical.

Young Goten was relatively indifferent to the change. He was happy that Gokarrotto was around. The only thing that bothered him was whether to call Gokarrotto “Daddy” or “Big Brother.” Gokarrotto did his best to play with the young Saiya-jin as much as possible.

Goten’s mother, Chichi, had maintained her distance. She simply didn’t know how to deal with the new situation. Was Gokarrotto her son, or her husband, or was he a completely different person? There was no real answer, so she kept away as much as possible. Whenever Gokarrotto came to play with Goten, she would offer food and placid conversation, but nothing more.

Kuririn took it at face value. Gokarrotto was just a combination of Goku and Gohan. So, he treated him like he would treat Goku or Gohan. His wife, Artificial Human #18, was completely indifferent. She was never particularly close to Goku or Gohan, or any other Saiya-jin, and Gokarrotto was no exception.

And, finally, there was Videl, the daughter of Mr. Satan. Like Chichi, she didn’t know how to act, either. She had fallen in love with Gohan, but, then again, Gokarrotto wasn’t exactly the boy she knew. Every once in a while, she would wander to Gokarrotto’s house to talk or train. Beyond that, she didn’t know what to do about him…


One particular day, in midmorning, Gokarrotto was performing punching exercises in a vast grassy field. Every day was a rigorous training session for the fused Saiya-jin. After all, preparations had to be made for the next Tenkaichi Boudoukai. After all, a warrior needs money to live, and the only way Goku really knew was by tournament fighting. Gohan most certainly didn’t mind that kind of lifestyle.

That was the plan, train hard, then beat Mr. Satan and claim the championship. Obviously, no amount of training was necessary to actually defeat the blowhard; however, no one could know who might appear from god-knows-where, looking for a challenge. One must always be ready for the unknown challenge; if Gokarrotto learned anything, it was that. Besides, Vegeta was sure to show up, perhaps even Gotenks.

So, training was, in fact, necessary. After all, someone unexpected always seemed to show up…

This in mind, Gokarrotto continued his training. After a few minutes, he finished his punching exercises. His attention then turned to a group of seven targets, fifty meters away from him, and twenty away from each other. He dropped into a back stance, digging his back foot into the soil.

He quickly uttered, “Kamehameha!”

A blue beam of ki arced from his outstretched hands, and into the first target. The simple wooded circle was instantly vaporized; smoke curling from the place it once stood.

Gokarrotto continued, firing golden balls of ki into three other targets in rapid succession. Each were hit dead-on, and vaporized. The Saiya-jin then raised his hands into the air. Slowly, blue ki energy emanated from all over his body as that energy was collected from the grass around him.

He yelled, “Genki Dama!!” and hurled a blue ball of ki. It struck the sixth target, laying it waste. Gokarrotto then leaped into the air, hovering far above the seventh, and final, target…


Another, larger, Kamehameha attack was launched. It buried itself into the ground where the target was. The target ceased to be, and a large crater was created where it once stood.

Gokarrotto was satisfied. This was a good way to open up a training session. By no means was it enough; after all, he was perfectly capable of this about a decade ago…

“Gokarrotto!! Hey, Gokarrotto!”

The Saiya-jin, his thoughts now interrupted, turned to look for whoever was calling him. There she was, flying toward him. Videl…

Videl flew up to the Saiya-jin warrior, a smile on her face. Gokarrotto smiled, “What’s up?”

“I just decided to drop by. How are you?”

“Alright. I’ve been training this morning, so…”

Videl shook her head, “I don’t see what the big deal is. The next Tenkaichi Boudoukai is still more than two-thirds of a year away. There’s no rush, y’know.”

Gokarrotto frowned, “You know as well as I that fights don’t always occur along with the tournament. In fact, the most dangerous fights are outside the Tenkaichi Boudoukai, sometimes even right after one. You do remember Majin Buu, don’t you?”

“But… Buu is dead, isn’t he? I mean… isn’t it over?”

“Is he dead? Yes. Is it over? Hardly. I don’t think you really realize what we’ve been through… I mean, Goku and Gohan. You know about Buu and Cell, right? Well, before that, there was this guy named Freeza. He wanted to be the Emperor of the Galaxy. Thankfully, I… I mean, Goku, stopped him. I haven’t traveled through space since, but there may be more like him. Then there’s the future. You might not know, but Cell actually came from the future. Something else could come back at anytime, too. So, y’see, we’re never in the clear.”

Videl blinked, “Whoa… I never would’ve guessed…”

Gokarrotto nodded, “Yeah. The universe is far more dangerous than you imagined, isn’t it?”

Videl scratched her head, “It’s insane…!”

Gokarrotto chuckled.


Meanwhile, at the home of Bulma Briefs, another Saiya-jin was training intensely. In fact, one could make a case that his training was even more intense than Gokarrotto’s. For, as far as Vegeta was concerned, he had a lot of ground to cover if he hoped to reach Gokarrotto’s level…

As has been the habit since his youth, Vegeta trained in an enhanced gravity chamber. Currently, he could train at 600x Earth’s gravity without a problem, and survive at 700G’s. And, as usual, he was training Beyond the Super Saiya-jin (SSJ2).

Since reaching Super Saiya-jin Level Two, Vegeta had been forced to train his attributes: such as strength, speed, and agility, completely separate of each other. With that in mind, the Saiya-jin Prince divided schedules that would allow him to increase his attributes in all these areas, and end up stronger in general. True, he could concentrate on strength, and reach his goals in far less time, but his speed would suffer the consequences. To be slow was to be dead; it was just that simple. If Vegeta wanted the slightest chance against Gokarrotto, then he must be stronger overall.

His son, Trunks, watched him train. Ever since the time spent in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, coupled with the victory over Buu, Trunks wouldn’t train on his own initiative. At first, Vegeta would force his son to train, but, as time wore on, and Gokarrotto began to occupy more and more of his mind, the Saiya-jin Prince began to care less and less about his son’s strength, and concentrated on his own. Finally, he just simply wouldn’t talk to Trunks unless it was absolutely necessary.

Thus, father and son kept their distance. But, every once in a while, Trunks would drop in on his father’s training sessions. At even greater intervals, he might train, too. Vegeta would ignore him, continuing on his own business. So, after a short while, the boy would lose interest and leave.

This time, however, Trunks just sat and watched. Even though he was ignoring it, Vegeta could feel his son’s stare easily. It was maddening! But, it was all about perseverance. He could stand this. He could stand this. He could stand this…

“What the hell do you want?!”

Trunks balked, surprised. He didn’t expect his father to explode like that. Nevertheless, he regained his composure and spoke, “Mom wants to talk to you.”

Vegeta growled, “Is that all? Tell her I’m busy!”

“No, I think she wants you now.”

The Saiya-jin Prince spat, “Well, maybe you should tell her to come here!”

Trunks blinked. His father seemed more testy than usual. He had been getting worse, day-by-day, since the death of Buu. The mauve-haired boy shrugged, and left the gravity chamber.

Vegeta scoffed and continued with his training. Foolish weakling boy! And his mother was no better!

The Saiya-jin Prince could sense his own madness, as well. However, he felt that it was a necessary evil. Once he beat Gokarrotto, then things could go back to normal. Things could calm down, but only when he was strong enough.

The chamber opened again, and in walked Trunks. He closed the door and turned to his father, “Mom’s outside the chamber. Just go out there and talk to her.”

Vegeta stopped again, “Tell me what it’s about and I might consider it…”

Trunks shrugged, “She didn’t tell me. I guess it’s for your ears only, Father…”

“Fine. So be it.”

Vegeta walked over to the gravity control and reset it to 1G. He exhaled, and returned to his normal Saiya-jin form. Once that was done with, he opened the door to meet with his wife, Bulma.

Bulma had her hands on her hips, and didn’t seem particularly happy. Vegeta matched her gaze, frowning. Finally, he said, “What?”

She gritted her teeth, “What’s this about?! Is it so damn hard to walk out of that damn chamber and walk over to wherever I am and then ask, ‘What?!’ Aren’t you a Super Saiya-jin?! How much energy would it take to haul your ass out of that grav chamber and over to the garden, or the kitchen, or the hall?”

Vegeta crossed his arms, “That is beside the point. The point is that I am here now. So, what is this about?”

She sighed. Her husband’s attitude certainly hadn’t gotten any better, “Well, it’s good news…”

“I’m listening.”

A small smile appeared on Bulma’s face. She took Vegeta’s hand and put it on her stomach. In a soft voice, she said, “Vegeta… I’m pregnant…”

Suddenly, the Saiya-jin Prince’s eyes widened. He tensed up (more than usual) and his teeth ground together. Bulma, a concerned look on her face, asked, “Vegeta… Are you alright…?”

He snarled, “Alright? Alright?! Should I be ‘alright’ to learn that, in a few short months, there will be yet another sniveling, whining brat in this house?! Should I be happy to find out that there will be yet another weakling with royal Saiya-jin blood?!! Another supposed heir who is unworthy to bear that title?! That is not ‘good news!’ That is, by no measure, good news!! When you have news that I want to hear, then tell me!! When you’ve had a miscarriage, tell me!! That will be ‘good news!!!’”

With that, Vegeta turned on his heel and stormed back into the gravity chamber. In a few seconds, Trunks was expelled roughly from the room and the door was sealed shut. The boy looked to his mother, confused.

Bulma sat against the wall, shuddering, tears running down her cheeks. Trunks kneeled close by, “What’s wrong, Mom?”

She sobbed, “N-Nothing… Nothing for you to concern yourself with…”


Gokarrotto leaned back in his chair, “Wow… I’m stuffed!”

Videl’s eye was twitching, “N-No kidding…!”

Plates upon plates were stacked on the table. Videl had lost count, but she believed that the Saiya-jin had eaten over forty plates of food. To this day, she still couldn’t figure it out…

The restaurant staff was even more stunned. They had never seen anything like this before. A man wanders in, asks for the buffet, and cleans the entire place out! It was uncanny!!

The manager approached cautiously, “Um… That will be all… won’t it?”

Gokarrotto nodded, “Yeah. I’m finished. Hey, Videl, you want anything else?”

She smiled weakly, “No… no thanks…”

“Suit yourself then. I guess we’re leaving now.”

Thus, Gokarrotto and Videl walked past the startled patrons and out the doors to the buffet, which would have to close ten hours ahead of schedule…

Shortly, they were back at Gokarrotto’s cabin. It was a simple, dome-shaped cabin that came in a Hoy-Hoy Capsule. Nothing fancy at all. The set up was a gift from Bulma when Gokarrotto was trying to resolve on where he would stay. It would work fine until a permanent residence was ready (somehow).

The Saiya-jin Fusion worked on two-ton weights while Videl was lying on his bed, watching. She shook her head, “What, you just train all day? Is that it?”

Gokarrotto nodded, “Yeah. That’s pretty much the way it goes…”

Videl scoffed, “If only my father had that kind of commitment. Ha, then he might actually become the strongest man on Earth…!”

The Saiya-jin chuckled, “Heh, if only…”

A bead of sweat inched down his face. Videl watched as it found its way down to his jaw, and dropped off onto the floor. She blinked. Was that the first drop of sweat she had seen on Gokarrotto? Insane…!

He tried to start some conversation, “So… how is your father, anyway?”

“I guess he’s a lot more cautious, especially after the entire Vegeta-blowing-up-the-Tenkaichi-Boudoukai-arena incident. But, he still plays the part of the Champion… So, he’s pretty much the same.”

Gokarrotto grinned, but made no reply. Videl propped herself up on her elbows, “Say, how’s Goten? I haven’t seen him in a while.”

“Goten… Well, he’s doing okay. He’s kinda bummed out because Trunks doesn’t want to play as much anymore, but he’s still willing to play with me. I guess you could say that he’s okay.”

“Is there something wrong with Trunks?”

Gokarrotto shrugged, “Can’t say for sure. I guess he just doesn’t sense the importance of training. That Hyperbolic Time Chamber… it does mess with your head a little… But, I guess, with proper incentive, Goten and Trunks will return to their old ways.”

Videl nodded, considering this. It would be a shame if Goten and Trunks didn’t remain friends. But, hey, all things change, don’t they?

After a few moments of silence, she asked, “Tell me the truth. Do you think there is any way for me to turn my hair gold and get powerful like you?”

Gokarrotto grinned, “You, turn into a Super Saiya-jin?! Please, Videl!! Forgive me, but that’s not possible. I mean, you’re human, for one. You gotta have Saiya-jin blood, and be really powerful, before you can even think of transforming! I mean, I’m not saying you’re weak or anything, but you can’t exactly blow up a planet…”

Videl frowned, “I already know about the whole Saiya-jin thing. What I mean is, is there some kind of human equivalent? A ‘Super human’ or something?”

The Saiya-jin scratched his head, “Uh… Not that I know of. I’ve never seen any ‘super humans’ or anything like that. I know humans that are strong, like Kame-senin, Kuririn, or Yamucha… But nothing like an equivalent to Super Saiya-jin…”

He grinned, and continued, “Besides, if there is such a thing, I’m sure that you’ll be the first to turn into one, Videl!”

She laughed, “Thanks, Gokarrotto. That means a lot to me…”


Somewhere in the future, at least a decade-and-a-half from the present day, a fierce battle was being waged. A man with long, white hair wearing Saiya-jin armor was fighting a demonic creature wearing an elaborate blue suit and white cloak.

Trunks, Son of Vegeta, was fighting the monstrosity named Dabura, the King of the Demon Plane. Trunks had been in tough spots before. He came from the alternate future in which the Artificial Humans had taken over the Earth. He had gone back in time to stop them. Afterward, Artificial Human #21, better known as Cell, began to plague him. It took another trip into the past to kill the android, but it was well worth the effort. Trunks had returned to his future to kill Imperfect Cell, and take his place as the world’s strongest.

Now, a few years later, he was fighting a new battle. Kaio Shin, or the Supreme Kaio, had enlisted him to fight against the wizard Babi-Dee and halt the resurrection of a terrifying creature called Majin Buu. This brought Trunks face-to-face against Babi-Dee’s most powerful servant, Dabura.

It seemed as though Dabura was more bark than bite. Trunks was having little trouble fighting him in normal Saiya-jin form. Even though this wasn’t enough to kill the Demon King, Trunks knew that it wouldn’t take too much more power to finish the job.

He had just landed a particularly wicked blow to Dabura’s jaw, which sent the warrior flying. The two levitated, only a few meters apart, staring each other down. But then, the Demon King grinned, “Your skills are impressive, Mortal. No other mortal has ever lasted this long against me…”

Trunks scoffed, “Don’t worry, you won’t last much longer, yourself. I haven’t even begun to reveal my true power…!”

Kaio Shin called from the sidelines, “Don’t be so cocky, Trunks! Don’t underestimate Dabura’s power!”

The Saiya-jin grinned, “Don’t worry about me, Shin!! I’ll be fine! Worry more about this Pussy King, instead!”

Shin grimaced. This Saiya-jin was impossible to deal with!

Trunks turned back to Dabura, “Ready for another go? Or do you need to catch your breath?”

Dabura growled, “You will die for that insult, Mortal!”

The two launched into a flurry of punches and kicks. In reality, they were merely testing each other, searching for weakness. This time, Dabura got the upper hand, and planted his fist into Trunks’ gut, knocking the wind from the Saiya-jin. The Demon King then slammed his elbow into Trunks’ arched back, sending him into the ground.

Shin yelled, “TRUNKS!!!”

Dabura chuckled, “You put up a good fight, but there may be only one winner in the end.”

From the choking dust, Trunks’ voice rang out, “Y’know what? You really hit the nail on the head when you said that…”

In an instant, there was a blinding flash of golden light. Dabura shielded his eyes and moved away from the source of the radiance. Shin watched intently, now things would get interesting…

The dust cleared, revealing Super Saiya-jin Trunks. The golden-haired warrior frowned at his opponent, slowly rising into the air, “Well then, I guess it’s time for Round Two. Are you ready to die?”

Dabura snarled in reply, “Imbecile!! Do you think I can be frightened into submission by a simple light show?!”

SSJ Trunks shook his head slowly, “Oh, it’s more than a ‘simple light show,’ as you’ll soon find out… Ready for the pain?”

Instantly, the Super Saiya-jin slipped into light speed. Dabura’s eyes widened as the warrior suddenly appeared overhead, without warning, and slammed his fists into the Demon King’s skull. The demon fell like a rock into the sea, and just as quickly burst out of the surface.

Dabura swung at SSJ Trunks, and missed. The warrior appeared from behind and fired a ki blast into the Demon King’s back, sending him flying once again. The Super Saiya-jin went into light speed again, reappearing in Dabura’s flight path. He kicked him in the jaw, sending him flying straight upward. Once again, SSJ Trunks slipped into light speed, and reappeared directly above his opponent. He slammed both feet into Dabura’s abdomen, and sent him straight into the ground, making a seven-meter-deep crater in the process.

The Super Saiya-jin watched the crater warily, and called out, “Had enough?”

Dabura’s voice echoed through the smoke and dust, “I haven’t even begun to fight… Prepare to witness my true power, Mortal!”

The Demon King rose slowly to level with SSJ Trunks. Around him glowed a blood red aura. This aura seemed pitiful when compared to the great flare that engulfed the Super Saiya-jin, but Trunks was smarter than that. Dabura had unlocked the greatest extent of his powers, which was enough to at least match those of a Super Saiya-jin. Now it was getting serious.

SSJ Trunks charged his opponent, yelling his battle cry. Dabura drew in a deep breath, and blew a powerful jet of fire at the Super Saiya-jin, who barely dodged the attack. Another jet of fire was launched, and dodged. And another. And another. Finally, SSJ Trunks was at point-blank range. He slipped into light speed just as Dabura raised his arm to block an incoming attack. He reappeared a few meters behind the Demon King, and fired a ki attack into Dabura’s singed back.

The Demon King fell forward, but regained his composure. He spun around to face his golden-haired opponent, seething with fury. He held out one hand, yelling, “Sword!”

A wicked-looking blade appeared in Dabura’s right hand. Trunks found himself wishing that his Zed Sword hadn’t been broken…

Kaio Shin called out, “Be careful, Trunks!”

SSJ Trunks gritted his teeth, “You don’t have to tell me that, Shin! I can see the danger for myself!”

Dabura shook with laughter, “Indeed, Mortal, you can see the instrument of your death. Soon, this blade will be coated with a layer of your blood!!”


In the present time, the mauve-haired Trunks landed in front of the cabin where the sparse remnant of the Son family resided. He walked forward and knocked on the door. Chichi answered.

Trunks waved, “Hello! Is Goten here?”

Chichi smiled, “Hello, Trunks. I’ll get him. GOTEN!!!”

In a few seconds, Son Goten was at the front door. He grinned at the sight of his best friend, “Hi, Trunks! What’s up?”

Trunks smiled, “Care to talk, Goten?”

The Son of Goku nodded, “Sure! Let’s go!”

And they were off, running through the wilderness. Goten could barely hear his mother yelling for him to be careful. As they were running, he asked, “Is something wrong, Trunks?”

The Son of Vegeta shook his head, “No, nothing really. I was just thinking, and I decided that I wanted to talk to you. So, here I am.”

The two Saiya-jins leapt through bushes and around the trees, keeping their breakneck pace. Soon, they were running side-by-side again.

Trunks rebutted his own reply, “Well… Father got angry at Mom… and I don’t know why…”

Goten was confused, “Isn’t your father always angry?”

Trunks rolled his eyes, “C’mon Goten, everything’s relative. I meant ‘more angry than usual.’ There, is that better?”

Goten laughed. The two separated for a second to let a few large trees through, then came together again. Goten then asked, “So… do you want to train with me?”

Trunks nodded, “Yeah. If you don’t mind, I think we should become Gotenks. I just gotta take my mind off of things, and I think you can help…”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Alright, then, let’s go!”

The two stopped in a grassy field. Quickly, they performed the Fusion Dance that they learned from Goku so that they could fight Majin Buu. At the same time, they yelled, “Fusion!”

In a blinding flash of light, both Saiya-jins disappeared. When the light finally died down, a single form had taken their place. He was Gotenks, a tall, thin boy with striped black-and-mauve hair. He was wearing the standard Fusion Jacket and white pants.

Gotenks was first used against Majin Buu, with less-than-spectacular results. But, once Goten and Trunks returned to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, the great power of the Fusion was revealed. In quick succession, Gotenks had learned to go Beyond the Super Saiya-jin and Beyond the Beyond the Super Saiya-jin (SSJ3). The only flaw of the Fusion Dance was the half-hour time limit, which was what cost Gotenks the battle against Buu.

When it came down to pure strength, the only known warrior more powerful than Gotenks was Gokarrotto.

Gotenks grinned and cracked his knuckles, “Well, then… what shall I start with today? Too bad there isn’t anyone here to fight…”

He paused, as if expecting some challenger to just drop from the shadows in the nick of time. Of course, that sort of thing almost never happens. Gotenks assumed a thoughtful stance, wondering about what he would do for half an hour.

Finally, he shrugged, “Ah, well… I guess I’ll train by myself for a while… Here we go!!”

His hair flew straight up and turned gold. The telltale golden aura engulfed Gotenks as he transformed into a Super Saiya-jin. He leapt into the air and flew above the canopy. Shielding his eyes from the sun’s glare, he searched the landscape below for anything interesting. Nope. Oh well.

SSJ Gotenks shot off southward, performing crazed loops and other acrobatics in the air, and genuinely having fun with it.

Unbeknownst to Gotenks, a small flying camera was recording his movements. As the Super Saiya-jin moved closer to the horizon, jets on the camera activated allowing the craft to pursue its quarry.

A few miles later, SSJ Gotenks opted to hover in a particular spot, and perform punching and kicking exercises midair. The exercises proceeded smoothly and sharply, with the young Super Saiya-jin fighting imaginary monsters and clones of Majin Buu. Being a child’s fantasy, SSJ Gotenks obviously had the upper hand.

But, then, something pricked his senses. He stopped in mid-punch and looked around. That was when he spotted it. The white, flying camera. Apparently, its master thought that Gotenks was so occupied that he wouldn’t notice an eavesdropper. Unfortunately for it, Gotenks was very aware of its existence.

“Hey, there!” cried Super Saiya-jin Gotenks, inching closer to the camera.

The craft used its maneuvering jets to back away, very slowly. This only caused Gotenks to increase his speed, which, in turn, caused the camera to increase its speed. In response, SSJ Gotenks went faster, and so did the craft. Before long, the young Super Saiya-jin was moving at incredible speeds, trying to catch up with his watcher. But, the alien craft always matched his speed, and managed to elude him.

Gotenks growled, “Hey! Stay still!”

The Super Saiya-jin entered light speed, reappearing behind the camera. Before the craft could react, Gotenks had caught it in his hands. He held the craft to his face, examining the lens and the chassis. It was very smooth and quite hard to maintain a grip on, but he was managing. He watched as the lens attempted to focus on his face. What he didn’t notice was a small compartment opening. He didn’t realize what was going to happen until a surprisingly powerful bolt of energy shot from the craft and into his hand.

Gotenks instinctively released the craft, “Yeow!!”

Taking full advantage of the opportunity, the camera turned around and shot away at full speed. Gotenks, now especially angry and indignant, gritted his teeth, “That was a dirty trick! You’ll pay for that!!”

In a flash of light, Gotenks transformed Beyond the Super Saiya-jin. Electricity crackled through the aura as he sensed the location of the camera. It was trying to climb through the atmosphere, and reach space. Well! Surely SSJ2 Gotenks could cut him off in time!

Another flash of light, and the Level Two Super Saiya-jin was off. In a very short time, he could see the alien camera trying to reach the haven of space. SSJ2 Gotenks swung a wide arc, grabbing the craft once again. This time, he would be prepared for the little bugger’s weapon.

Indeed, when the craft shot its weapon a second time, Gotenks didn’t even flinch. Seeing that its primary weapon failed, the camera turned to its secondary weapon. A large beam gun popped out of its dorsal casing, aimed itself at Gotenks’ surprised face, and fired.

“AAAUGH!!! Little creep!!”

Again, the blast was far more powerful than the Level Two Super Saiya-jin expected. Again, the little craft arced toward space, gunning at top speed. Again, Gotenks was angry.

“You’re not gonna get away this time!!”

With another flash of light, Gotenks transformed Beyond the Beyond the Super Saiya-jin. Golden hair reached down to Gotenks’ knees. His eyebrows had disappeared and his face and body had become much leaner. However, his power was now much greater than ever before.

Another flash of light, and SSJ3 Gotenks was after the alien craft again. Once more, he grabbed the camera and proceeded to dive toward solid ground. Again, the large beam gun popped out of the casing and aimed at Gotenks’ face. Again, it fired. This time, the weapon had no effect. So, the craft turned to its tertiary, and final, weapon.

In a great ball of flame, the alien craft self-destructed. It was a flash brighter than the sun, and louder than nearby thunder. The flame was white, and it was powerful enough to blow away a city.

When the smoke cleared, SSJ3 Gotenks was hovering in the epicenter of the blast, a confused look on his face. He looked at his hands, then the sky, and then his hands again…

“Drat! He must’ve gotten away!”


Back in the alternate future, Dabura was slashing away at SSJ Trunks, who was just barely dodging each attack. Things were not looking good for the Super Saiya-jin. Then, suddenly, Dabura fired a ki blast that hit Trunks in the chest. As the Son of Vegeta fell back, the Demon King leapt forward to deliver the final blow.

The sword was swung downward, and SSJ Trunks caught it between his palms. A great test of strength ensued as both warriors tried to overpower the other. Soon, both auras were flaring to full strength.

The sword couldn’t take it. It snapped in half under the immense pressure. Both warriors hovered, each holding their end of the sword. SSJ Trunks tossed the blade into the ocean, where it disintegrated. The Demon King snorted in frustration and tossed the broken hilt aside.

Trunks grinned, “I guess it’s time for Round Three, wouldn’t you say?”

The Super Saiya-jin was suddenly engulfed in golden light once again. Dabura shielded his eyes and moved away. When the light died away, there stood Beyond the Super Saiya-jin Trunks, ready for battle.

The situation had suddenly turned on the Demon King, and he knew it as well. Dabura stretched out his right hand again, “Lance!”

A long lance appeared, with a diamond head and a lacquered haft. The Demon King twirled it twice and dropped into a lancer’s stance, “Attack if you dare, Mortal!”

SSJ2 Trunks slowly smiled, “I thought you’d never ask…”

Electricity crackled in the golden aura as the Level Two Super Saiya-jin collected his energies. Meanwhile, Dabura prepared to throw the lance. Finally, Trunks had all the energy he needed.


Dabura hurled the lance. His accuracy was remarkable, as it was headed straight for Trunks’ heart. But, the last remaining Saiya-jin was ready, too. He threw his hands forth and screamed, “BURNING ATTACK!!!”

Golden ki energy shot from SSJ2 Trunk’s palms. The first thing the Burning Attack struck was Dabura’s lance. It simply vanished. The ki blast continued, straight into the Demon King, himself.

Dabura only had a split second to realize that his death was imminent. The Burning Attack struck him dead center. Within seconds, the Demon King had been vaporized. Trunks was the victor.

Slowly, SSJ2 Trunks descended to the ground. Breathing a sigh of relief, he returned to his original form. He turned toward Kaio Shin, who was speechless, and grinned, “See? It wasn’t so hard, after all!”

Shin could only reply, “Amazing…!

The door to Stage Four opened wide. Trunks ran over to the opening and beckoned to Shin, “C’mon!! Babi-Dee awaits!”

The Saiya-jin leapt into the shaft, followed shortly by Kaio Shin, who thought to himself, “Indeed… Babi-Dee awaits…”


The door to Gokarrotto’s cabin swung open. In ran Gokarrotto himself. After a few seconds of jogging in place, he ran back to the door and yelled, “Videl!! Where are you?!”

Gokarrotto stepped to the side, still jogging in place, and Videl staggered in, gasping for air. She dragged herself over to the Saiya-jin’s bed and threw herself into it, “Oh… my God…! How… how… how… How can you… just… Waugh…!”

Gokarrotto blinked, still jogging in place, “Huh? You okay?”

Videl coughed, “Okay…?! Am I okay…? I… just ran… top speed… for thirty miles…! I… am not… okay!”

The Saiya-jin grinned and scratched his head, “Heh… Sorry. I guess that not all fighters are sprinters, are they?”

Videl: “… sprinters? … Thirty-mile sprint…?!”

It was all Videl could do to not fall over. Unbelievable!

Of course, Gokarrotto couldn’t see any problem with a thirty-mile sprint. After all, it was so easy! In fact, the Saiya-jin felt like he could sprint at least ninety more miles…


“Huh? Yeah?”

Videl sat up on the bed, “I was wondering… Have you decided on what you’re going to do?”

“I don’t understand your drift…”

“What I’m trying to say is… are you Son Goku or Son Gohan?”

Gokarrotto sighed, “What difference does it make to you?”

Videl replied softly, almost… coyly, “You should know… Gohan.”

Time just seemed to stop, right at that instant. Gokarrotto noticed something in that girl that he had never seen before, at least, that Goku hadn’t seen and Gohan was too thickheaded to see. Was Videl really looking at him that way…?

No, it was impossible. After all, Gokarrotto was a married man. Or… was he? After all, Chichi was keeping her distance and… well… Gokarrotto wasn’t exactly Son Goku. The Saiya-jin knew that Videl was in love with Gohan and, apparently, that endured despite the fact that father and son fused permanently. He couldn’t really say that for Chichi.

No… it was wrong. It had to be. Chichi was just confused, that’s all. She still loved Goku and he was still her husband. That applied to Gokarrotto, too. Also, there was Goten. How could the little guy understand if his father/brother ran off with another woman? It was wrong. Too wrong…

There was another voice in Gokarrotto’s head. Neither Goku nor Gohan had heard this voice before. This was probably due to the fact that Goku suffered brain damage at an early age, and Gohan hadn’t fully matured yet. But, since they fused, and Gohan’s superior mental capability made up for Goku’s lack, all of the primal Saiya-jin senses had been awakened.

What that primal voice said was so incredibly simple and logical. Chichi was old, Videl was young. Why settle for the older mate when you can have the younger? It was that simple to Gokarrotto’s instincts. And Saiya-jin instincts were incredibly difficult to control…

What’s the matter, the voice asked, it’s true, right? There was nothing particularly wrong with the idea. She was offering herself to him. He wasn’t forcing her. So, it should be okay, right? Right?

The Saiya-jin was pulled by his reverie by Videl’s concerned voice, “Gokarrotto… are you okay?”

He nodded, still troubled, “Yeah… I’m fine…”

She smiled softly, “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to startle you or anything… Forget about it.”

Gokarrotto smiled, “No, no, it’s okay… It’s okay…”

He sat next to her, still smiling, albeit weakly. Videl smiled back, a mixture of hurt and hope in her eyes.

She finally asked, stuttering, “Tell me the truth… Do… do you…?”

Gokarrotto leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips. He pulled away and smiled, “Yes… I do…”

Videl smiled, then wrapped her arms around the Saiya-jin’s neck; “Then… let’s…”

Gokarrotto nodded, “Yes…”

He kissed her again. It was as if the room had been electrified. Videl could think of nothing but the moment at hand. Nothing else entered her mind. Not the dangers. Not the repercussions. All she could think about was Gokarrotto, and the way his strong arms held her tight.

Gokarrotto’s Saiya-jin instincts bade him to continue, and he lay back on the bed, Videl straddling him. She smiled softly and began to pull off her shirt…



Back in the future, Mirai-Trunks and Kaio Shin stood before the great bloated ball that contained Majin Buu. The evil wizard Babi-Dee stood between them and the ball, and he was quite frightened. Dabura hardly stood a chance against Trunks, and he was the most powerful warrior the wizard had on his side. His only chance was to release Majin Buu, or Trunks would surely squash him…

Shin stepped forward, “You’re finished, Babi-Dee!! Trunks and I are here to put a halt to your evil plans!”

Babi-Dee tried to mask his fear with a manic chuckle, “Oh… You mean, kill me as you killed my father, Bibi-Dee?! I think not!!”

Trunks crossed his arms and sneered, “Oh, really? I think you had better kneel down, Wizard, for you stand before the strongest warrior in the Universe! If you give up now, I promise you a quick and painless death…”

Babi-Dee started to titter, a sickening sound. He raised his arms and uttered a phrase which the Saiya-jin couldn’t even begin to comprehend or pronounce. The room suddenly turned pitch dark. When light returned, Trunks found himself standing just outside the buried ship. Shin, the wizard, and the ball were also in the open.

The last remaining Saiya-jin frowned, “What’s your angle, Wizard? What are you trying to pull?”

Babi-Dee snickered again, “Well, it seems as though you’ve pushed the clock forward. While Majin Buu isn’t quite to full power, he’s close enough! I shall release him now!!”

Shin gasped. This was not what he wanted to hear! Trunks gritted his teeth, “Oh, no you don’t! I’m not about to let that happen! I haven’t fought the Androids and let my sensei die just so you and your freak pet can destroy the world!!”

The Supreme Kaio began to back away, “Perhaps we should leave, Trunks… and live to fight another day…”

Under normal circumstances, the Son of Vegeta might have taken the advice. But, they were so close to accomplishing their goal! All that was necessary was the death of Babi-Dee before he could invoke the spell to release Majin Buu! It was so close to their grasp!

So, Trunks shook his head, “No… not yet. I’ll kill this wizard before it’s too late!”

Light enveloped Trunks as he returned to his Super Saiya-jin form. He focused all of his ki into a single attack, “Prepare to die, Wizard!”

Babi-Dee stepped back, frightened. If he didn’t cast his spell soon, the Super Saiya-jin would surely kill him, and all of his plans would be for naught. Well, that wasn’t about to happen so quickly…!

The wizard turned to the ball and began to chant the necessary incantations. The last thing he heard was:


Before he knew it, Babi-Dee was dead. However, the blast was too powerful. It not only turned the wizard into a vapor, but it continued forward, and struck the ball of Majin Buu!

Shin: “OH, NO!!”

SSJ Trunks stood in shocked silence, not moving from his attack position. The Supreme Kaio and the Super Saiya-jin stayed silent for what seemed like hours, watching the freakish ball. Nothing happened. To be safe, they waited some more. No response from the ball. After what seemed like forever to the Kaio, Trunks relaxed back into his original form.

He said, “Well… I guess that’s that. No Buu…”

Shin still hadn’t moved, “I wouldn’t be so confident, Trunks…”

A wry smile crept onto Trunks’ face, “Oh, come on, Shin! You don’t think that Babi-Dee would go through all that trouble if Buu could let himself out of the ball, do you?”


Trunks’ eyes widened and Shin’s fears were realized when the most horrible thing imaginable happened…

The ball split in half.

Trunks and Shin waited for Buu to come out, but nothing ever happened. In fact, all that came out was a pink vapor, which seemed more like dust than a planetary destroyer. False alarm.

The Saiya-jin relaxed again, “Wow, all that trouble for nothing. If we had just let him be, then Babi-Dee would’ve found out for himself that it was just a dud. A guess that millions of years of dormancy really takes its toll, huh?”

He noticed that fear was still etched in Kaio Shin’s eyes. Trunks shook his head with disbelief, “You’re really uptight about this, aren’t you? The battle’s finished. We won. I’m going home…”

As he turned around to fly toward his home, he heard Shin say, “Trunks… Look… look above you…!”

Trunks turned back around and looked up. To his surprise, the pink vapor from the ball was collecting high overhead. To Shin’s horror, the vapor condensed and became solid. Hovering high in the sky, in the place of the vapor, was a grotesque pink blob wearing a purple cape and white pants.

The blob looked down upon the Kaio and the Saiya-jin and descended to the earth, landing just in front of them. It edged toward them, a grin on its face.


At the sound of the horrid, high-pitched squeal, Trunks leapt into fighting stance, ready for this new adversary. But… the battle never commenced. The creature seemed to lose interest, and wandered around the clearing.

The Saiya-jin pulled Shin aside, “Is… Is this Majin Buu?!”

Shin nodded gravely, “Yes. This is the Destroyer of Worlds, Majin Buu…”

Buu could be heard off in the distance, “Buu, Buu, Buu, Buu, Buu…”

Trunks asked, “Are you sure?!”

Shin nodded again, “Very sure…”

The Saiya-jin breathed a sigh of relief, “And to think I was worried! Millions of years really do take their toll! Wow…!”

“Buu, Buu, Buu, Buu, Buu…”

Shin hissed, “Don’t be fooled by his appearance and infantile personality… Majin Buu was always like this…!”

“What…? Are you serious? Then… that means…”

Shin nodded, “Either we attack now, or fight another day…”

Trunks narrowed his eyes, watching the pudgy creature warily, “Not much of a choice… Damn…”

“Buu, Buu, Buu, Buu, Buu…”

They watched as Majin Buu slowly approached them, that grin still on his face. Trunks dropped into fighting stance again, “Hey, Shin… Should I transform? I mean, will he attack if I do?”

“I don’t think we have a choice, Trunks. Transform immediately.”

Trunks’ hair flew up as he reassumed his Super Saiya-jin form. Buu’s attention immediately turned to him. SSJ Trunks gritted his teeth as the bloated creature waddled closer and closer. They were now inches apart…



Trunks leapt back, assuming fighting stance. Buu watched him for a short while, then started to laugh. It was a very childlike laugh, but hinted at the evil within that pudgy frame…

“Ha, ha, hah!! Buu scare you!”

SSJ Trunks snarled, this was ridiculous! Was that bloated freak going to attack or not?! Strange… he couldn’t sense Buu’s power. All he could sense was… a deep coldness, a vast abyss. It was then that the Super Saiya-jin realized that he’d need all the power he could get…

With a golden flash of light, Trunks went Beyond the Super Saiya-jin. Majin Buu’s attention turned to him a second time. This time, though, it did not waddle forward. It merely waited, and watched.

SSJ2 Trunks looked to Kaio Shin. But the Supreme Kaio was frozen in place, staring at Majin Buu. Looks like the Son of Vegeta must take control!

Aura flaring to full might, SSJ2 Trunks leapt at his adversary, delivering a savage kick to its head. To his shock and horror, Buu hadn’t even fallen over. No, it was standing on one leg, in the same spot, the left side of its face collapsed in. Well… it sure looked like progress…

So, Trunks continued the assault. He planted his foot into Buu’s gut, a fist into its head, a vicious heel kick across its face. Finally, he grabbed the tottering creature’s wrist, and delivered an especially brutal kick to Buu’s face, sending it flying across the clearing, and skidding across the bedrock.

SSJ2 Trunks landed, breathing hard. It took all of his power to send the creature flying. He hoped that this was the end of the battle. Then he heard it:

“You make Buu mad! Buu kill you!!”

To his horror, the freakish creature rose, that grin still on its face. Its body bore the collapsed impressions of Trunks’ fists and feet. But, in one swift motion, the body returned to its original state. No evidence remained of the Level Two Super Saiya-jin’s attack!! Trunks wasn’t making any headway!

The Son of Vegeta exclaimed, “Impossible!! There’s no way!”

Shin, still frozen in place, managed to whisper, “It’s over… We’re finished…!”


“Gohan!! More, Gohan!! Gohan!!!”

“Ohh… Oh, Videl…”

Unknown to Gokarrotto or Videl (who were quite occupied with each other), a flying camera was pressed against the window of the cabin, watching them. Its smooth white shell gleamed in the moonlight as it beamed images of the two lovers back to its master…


Chibi-Trunks landed at his home. It had been a few hours since the mysterious flying camera incident, and he was still trying to figure it out. Obviously, the camera self-destructed, but why? Perhaps it was an alien device? Maybe his mother knew…

So, Trunks walked into the house, closing the door behind him.

What the Son of Vegeta didn’t know was that another small flying white camera had been following him, and was almost hit by the closing door. It turned its lens in two different directions, then went on to find a window to look through…


Trunks found his mother, who was working on a scooter. He asked, “Hey, Mom. Where’d Father?”

Bulma answered in a flat voice, “Don’t ask me that.”

“Sorry… uh… Something strange happened today…”

His mother answered in an uninterested tone, “Really… what…?”

“When I was flying around as Gotenks, I found this flying thing watching me. We tried to catch it, but it self-destructed. Do you know of any flying cameras?”

“Sure. Actually, they’re quite commonplace… Capsule Corporation makes them, you know.”

Trunks scratched his head, “This one could match a Super Saiya-jin’s speed…”

Bulma immediately stopped in mid-turn, “What?”

“When we tried to catch it in Super Saiya-jin form, it could outrun us. We were surprised. Luckily, it couldn’t outrun Beyond the Super Saiya-jin…”

She turned to face her son, “Did you bring it back?”

Trunks rolled his eyes, “Weren’t you listening? I said it self-destructed. What I want to know is… Do you think it’s an alien device?”

Bulma sat in thought for a while, “Hmm… It may be. I can’t say I know that much about alien stuff… Your father might know, but he’s disappeared…”

“Then I’ll go find him. Thanks, Mom.”

Trunks ran out of the room. Bulma, however, was still in deep thought. Her thoughts turned back to the battles against the Saiya-jins and, later, Freeza. Was there another alien threat coming?

If Vegeta ever answered Trunks’ questions, then they’d be one step closer to an answer. There was a stab to Bulma’s heart when she thought of her husband… and the cruel things he said that morning…



The Prince of the Saiya-jins in question was flying through the night sky. He felt the need to clear his head, and perhaps calm the demons that plagued him. Maybe he would even try and see whether Kakarrot was training or not. It would make the difference as to how many years he would need to train to catch up…

Then he felt it: something strong, coming his way! It was weaker than he was… but still strong. It felt somewhat familiar… Nevertheless, Vegeta readied himself for a fight…

Imagine the Saiya-jin Prince’s surprise when Trunks appeared. Not that mauve-haired weakling living in his house, but the Trunks from that dark future. Mirai-Trunks. What was he doing here…?

Trunks, battered and bloody, his Saiya-jin armor broken, hovered in front of his father. He said, gasping, “Dad… There’s a problem… a major problem…”

Vegeta folded his arms, “What?”

Mirai-Trunks caught his breath, “I barely escaped death… My world… has been laid waste… I barely managed to get to the Chronoporting in time to get back here…”

“What is it? Spit it out!”

“A horrible monster… I tried to stop it… but it was just too powerful…! All of the cities… the people… everything… destroyed. The planet… destroyed. The entire universe… no doubt destroyed…”

Vegeta raised an eyebrow, “Really…? It was powerful enough to beat you? Who is this creature?”

“Majin Buu…”

The Saiya-jin Prince gritted his teeth. Majin Buu?! So… that bloated balloon freak managed to destroy Trunks’ world? Perhaps this was the big chance that he had been waiting for. If he could beat Majin Buu… and perhaps be forced into Beyond the Beyond the Super Saiya-jin… That would put him on level with Kakarrot!

Vegeta grinned, “Well, then. You did good to find me. After all, with Kakarrot dead and gone, I’m the strongest warrior in the universe. Lead the way, Boy.”

To the Saiya-jin Prince’s chagrin, Trunks winced, “Oh yeah… that’s right… Goku’s dead, isn’t he? What about Gohan?”

“He’s dead, too. Now, let’s get going!”

Trunks held his hand up, “Wait… Shouldn’t we train first? I mean… Buu is extremely powerful…”

Vegeta snarled, “Shut up!!”

“At least… let me rest before we go…”

The Saiya-jin Prince thought for a second, then nodded, “Fine. Find someplace to rest. We leave tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Dad…”


Meanwhile, on a planet near the center of the galaxy, a pair of eyes watched a group of screens. These screens displayed various images including: Vegeta talking with Mirai-Trunks; Chibi-Trunks flying through the night sky; Goten asleep in his room; Gokarrotto and Videl making love; and one screen was full of static.

The pair of eyes watching the Saiya-jins belonged to a white-skinned creature wearing the famous Saiya-jin armor. His name was Aisu, the youngest son of Cold, and the brother of Freeza and Cooler. Aisu had no interest in avenging his father and brothers. No, his sights were set on higher things. He knew he stood no chance against Super Saiya-jins. But… it may be a good idea to keep an eye on them. Perhaps he could use them somehow…

Currently, Aisu was enthralled in a torrential race. The Emperor of the Galaxy had been dead for years, and the various factions had been trying to lay claim on the throne. Aisu was one of those claimants, and would stop at nothing to achieve the prize.

As of yet, Aisu was high on the running. With a little more progress, he would soon be the Emperor. However, one foe stood in his way: another gang boss who went by the name of Pairou. Pairou commanded just a little more respect than Aisu. And that was only because of the humiliating defeats the Cold Clan had suffered in recent years. But, soon enough, Aisu would topple his adversary and take his place among the great Kings of the Universe.

After spending long weeks of studying the nearly extinct race of Saiya-jins, Aisu came to several conclusions. First if all, that his brother Freeza was a fool for exterminating a race with such great potential and so little intelligence. They would have made the perfect hit men. Second, these Saiya-jins were at least somewhat aware of there surroundings, judging from the way that brat tried to capture one of the filming units that Aisu had sent. The incident also not only confirmed the growing power of these remaining Saiya-jins, but also reinforced the foolishness of Freeza.

The final, and most important, point came through watching the one named “Gokarrotto.” Aisu had found a weakness in this Saiya-jin, a weakness not present in the others. By watching, the last remaining member of the Cold Clan determined that, if this weakness were properly exploited, then he could have this “Gokarrotto” groveling at his feet. An excellent opportunity, indeed!

Unlike his brothers and father, Aisu was renowned for his remarkable patience. He would watch and wait and, when the time was right, strike with deadly force. Many enemies more powerful than himself fell to his incredible strategies and planning. “Gokarrotto” would be no different. All that was required was time. In time, Aisu would have figured out the Saiya-jin’s every move, even his very thoughts. He would determine the effectiveness of exploiting this weakness, and how the monkey would react to it. It was only a matter of time…

And Aisu had all the time in the world…

== End Chapter Two ==

Next Time on Dragonball Absolute:

Vegeta and Mirai-Trunks are ready to take on Majin Buu, but is the Saiya-jin Prince powerful enough this time? Will his arrogance cost both him and Trunks their lives? Or will this battle finally put him on par with Gokarrotto?

A chill wind blows across the fields as Mirai-Trunks settles down to sleep. Will he find out that there is a more powerful Saiya-jin than Vegeta before it’s too late? Or will he return to the future only to die?

And what about the mysterious Aisu? What does he have in store for Gokarrotto? Find out the answers to some of these questions on the next Dragonball Absolute!
