Death Extended Summary

A completely original summary of the Evangelion: Death. This section is just the extended version. It's almost an exact script, so it's rather long. Back to Movies. To Rebirth Extended Summary. To End of Evangelion Extended Summary.

Text appears saying: Antarctica, 2000 A.D. Location UN underground base 02. Someone says so this is Dr. Katsuragi's Super Solenoid theory the whole thing seems just so untenable. Another person says it's just a theory. Someone says well the S2 theory is the only feasible explanation. Another person says not to mention it was proven. Someone listening to the conversation says scientists always think they have all the answers. Someone says delusions of grandeur. Another person says they're so caught up they lose their grip on reality. Someone says and yet they're supposed to be leading the rest of us on the quest for truth. Another person says how ironic discovery brings joy understanding leads to control they're just trying to find happiness. Someone yells cut that surface light it's exceeding the projected growth limitations. Someone says Adam's genetic structure is undergoing fusion A.T. Field has spread to maximum capacity. Someone says the Lance! Put the Lance back. Another person says it's sinking. Someone says do whatever you can to minimize the damage. Someone says commence sub-atomic structure analysis. Another person says incredible it's walking. Someone says surface team has given us a visual confirmation on walking. Another person says the wings are going to spread evacuate the area. A young Misato is put in a capsule she says is that you dad. The hatch shuts and there is a large explosion with wings and a sound coming from it. In the water the hatch opens and Misato looks out. Text appears saying: 15 years later she was held by a man. Misato is in bed. Misato says Ritsuko must think I'm pretty shameful. Kaji says appearing to give into our sexual desires makes for a more realistic appearance. Misato says to deceive intelligence department or commander and Ritsuko or me. Kaji says no, no I meant myself. Misato says don't you mean the others you never show interest in others but you want their attention you really are just like my dad. Text appears saying: 9 months earlier he was watching the stars. The moon is out as Asuka and Kaji are on the deck of the aircraft carrier taking them to Japan. Asuka says so tomorrow I'll be in Japan Misato said she'll come pick me up at noon I guess I won't be seeing you for awhile how dull. Kaji says once you get to Japan I'm sure you'll have lots of new boyfriends in fact I heard the third child is a boy. Asuka says I don't care about any stupid little kids my heart belongs to you Kaji. Text appears saying: 7 years earlier she ran into a room. A young Asuka says mamma, mamma they chose me I'm an elite pilot now I'm the best in the whole world. A door opens. A young Asuka says I must keep this a secret but I'll only tell you mamma. A door opens. A young Asuka says everybody's so nice to me now I don't feel lonely anymore. A door opens. A young Asuka says I'm okay now even without papa around. A door opens. A young Asuka says look at me look at me mamma look mamma. A door opens to the sight of a body dead by hanging. Ritsuko says Asuka your synch ratio has dropped an entire 8 points don't think about anything else just concentrate. Asuka says I'm trying to. Maya says Asuka's synch ratio is going down what does that mean. Ritsuko says it means trouble let's concentrate our efforts on fixing Unit 0. Naoko says good morning commander did you bring your child today oh wait I could have sworn you had a little boy. Gendou says oh no, this isn't Shinji I've decided to take care of the child of an acquaintance her name is Rei Ayanami. Ritsuko says hello Rei. Text appears saying: 5 years later she met him again. A picture of Shinji attached to some papers. Shinji says it's no use this is dumb I shouldn't have come here maybe I should find a shelter. He sees Rei. The 3rd Angel Sachiel breaks through armor causing debris to fall. Shinji runs over to Rei, looks at Unit 1 and looks at the blood on his hand. Shinji says I mustn't run away, several times. Text appears saying: Several months later he was forced to make a decision. Kaworu says thank you Shinji. Shinji says Kaworu but why. Kaworu says it is my destiny to live forever though my survival will destroy the human race however it is possible for me to be killed and whether I live or die makes no great difference death is the only absolute freedom. Shinji says what? Kaworu I don't understand what you're talking about Kaworu. Kaworu says this is my final request. Kaworu says please give me freedom otherwise you will be destroyed only one life form can be chosen to evade the destruction and seize the future. Text appears saying: 18 months earlier. A door opens and a shadow is on the floor. Text appears saying: Nagano District Neo-Tokyo 2 (Formerly Matsumoto) In the Auditorium of High School 3, 22 Minutes Prior To String Quartet Rehearsal Cello, Fourth String. Shinji is sitting in a chair with his cello. Text appears saying: Tuning. Text appears saying: Johann Sebastian BACK Suiten für Violoncello solo Nr. 1 G-dur, BWV.1007 1. Vorspier. Text appears saying: EVANGELION (backwards): DEATH. Credits roll by. Different pictures of a stage similar to ones seen in last two episodes are shown. Unit 1 is shown and someone says begin launch sequence. Someone says Eva 1 beginning launch sequence. Someone says removing primary lock bolts. Another replies removal confirmed. Someone says removing the umbilical bridge. Someone says removing primary restraints. Someone says removing secondary restraints. Someone says roger move Eva Unit 1 to the launch pad. Text appears saying: Test Type: Unit 1. Someone says Evangelion ready for launch. Text appears saying: Launch. Unit 1 launches. Text appears saying: FIRST SORTIE. Unit 1 reaches the surface. Text appears saying: Final Safety Equipment Release Eva 1 Lift Off. Misato says Evangelion Unit 1 lift off. Unit 1 takes a step. Text appears saying: First Activation. Emergency. Ritsuko says where are his defense systems. Maya says the signal's not working. Hyuga says his field's not unfolding. Text appears saying: Head Injury. A spike goes through Unit 1's head and sends him into a building. After the spike is withdrawn blood spews from Unit 1's head. Text appears saying: Bloodshed. Misato says status report. Hyuga says the head is damaged extent of damage unknown. Maya says we're having trouble maintaining activation. Aoba says we're not getting any readings on the pilot. Maya says it's completely out of control. Text appears saying: Silence. Ritsuko says berserker. Unit 1 reactivates. Text appears saying: Reactivation. Unit 1 roars. Text appears saying: Running Berserk. Unit 1 jumps and lands on Sachiel. Text appears saying: The Beast. Unit 1 pushes off. Text appears saying: Counterattack. Fuyutsuki says we've done it. Ritsuko says it's an A.T. Field. Text appears saying: Absolute Terror FIELD. Maya says Unit 1 is expanding it's own A.T. Field it's neutralizing the phase space. Ritsuko says no, it's breaking through it. Unit 1 rips through A.T. Field. Text appears saying: Threat. Unit 1 roars and is blasted in the face. Text appears saying: Lose Control. Unit 1 breaks Sachiel's arms. Text appears saying: Bloodshed. Unit 1 kicks Sachiel into a building. Text appears saying: First Battle. Unit 1 charges and runs into Sachiel. Text appears saying: Hand-To-Hand Combat. Unit 1 rips off rib-like thing on Sachiel's chest and uses them to hit its core. Text appears saying: Coup de Grace. Unit 1 hits. Text appears saying: Massacre. Unit 1 hits. Text appears saying: Massacre. Unit 1 hits. Text appears saying: Massacre. Unit 1 hits. Text appears saying: Massacre. Text appears saying: Panic. A close-up of Sachiel is shown. Text appears saying: Panic. Sachiel grabs Unit 1. Text appears saying: Death. Sachiel self-destructs. Text appears saying: explosion. Unit 1 is walking after the explosion. Misato says Eva's true form. Text appears saying: Eva 1 DECISIVE BATTLE WEAPON Humanoid Robot Evangelion Test Type: Unit 1. In Misato's apartment Misato says they should have delivered all of your stuff already Shinji I just moved here myself. She opens the door and says hey come in. Shinji says uh… I don't … want to intrude. Misato says Shinji this is your home now. Shinji steps in and says I'm… I'm home. Misato says welcome home. Someone says who is she. A young Misato is in a room. Someone says the only survivor of the research team she hasn't said a word in almost two years. Another person says how terrible. Someone says she saw hell first hand her physical wounds could be healed but repairing the psychological damage could take time her name is Katsuragi. Ritsuko says Misato you said. Misato says yup Misato Katsuragi pleased to meet you. Ritsuko in voiceover says dear mother, I have just become acquainted with a girl named Katsuragi. I understand she is the sole survivor of the original research team she used to be mute but now she talks so much it seems like she's trying to make up for lost time. Young Misato says do I want to be good I have to be a good girl because I have no daddy because I have to be good and not bother my mommy but I don't want to become like my mom. Misato is drinking and it is Shinji's first night in the apartment. Young Misato voiceover says when father is not here she always cries I can't cry I can't depend on anyone else maybe my father won't hate me if I'm good. Misato voiceover says but I hate my father and I hated being a good girl I hate it I'm tired of it. Asuka says Misato used to go out with Kaji I don't really like her, her life style is a little bit much. Shinji says Misato Katusragi. Shinji is taking a bath and thinks she's not a bad person so much has happened since I came here before this I lived with my teacher it was calm and boring in those days I wasn't really doing anything but I was fine with that there was really nothing that I had to do I didn't have anything to live for. Shinji is training in Unit 1. Kaji says did you hate people. Shinji says I didn't really care as much however I really hated my father. Maya says I wonder why Shinji agreed to pilot again. Ritsuko says it seems that he simply does what he's told to do I suppose that's just his way of getting through life. Shinji repeats position target in the center pull the switch position target in the center, pull the switch position target in the center, pull the switch. Unit 1 shoots the 4th Angel Shamshel. Shamshel's tentacles destroy buildings and Unit 1's umbilical cord is cut. Shinji says I mustn't run away I mustn't run away. Unit 1 charges and stabs Shamshel's core. Misato says today the fourth Angel attacked out of the blue Unit 1 intercepted the Angel and destroyed it. Misato says Shinji wake up how long are you going to avoid school Unit 1 is already completely repaired you're the pilot are you going to leave it sitting there Shinji. She opens the door and sees an empty room except for an envelope "To Misato Katsuragi" and I.D. card on a desk. Shinji is sitting on a train. Misato voiceover says it's been raining for the past 4 days now in a row work on the sample analysis has been postponed due to the weather other than that nothing else to write about well the sun finally came out for a while today but over all it was partly cloudy nothing else to write about today. While Shinji and Kensuke are around a campfire Kensuke says I like it out here at night because those noisy cicadas don't chirp it was pretty quiet when I was a kid but there are tons of them now. Shinji says Misato says that the ecosystem was returning to its former state. Kensuke says Misato said so huh I really envy you, you live with such a beautiful woman and you get to pilot the Evangelion. Shinji is in an isolation chamber. Misato says the Eva is on standby will you pilot it or won't you. Shinji says you're not going to scold me for running away of course you're not I'm no relation to you am I if I say that I wont pilot Unit 1 what are you going to do with it. Misato says I suppose that Rei will do it you won't pilot it. Shinji says it seems a little bit unrealistic for you to force everything on her don't worry I'll pilot it. Misato says but you don't want to do it. Shinji says of course not it's not something that comes to me naturally Ayanami and you and Ms. Ritsuko. Misato says stow that line of crap this has nothing to do with any of us if you don't like it get out of here just forget all about Eva and us and go back where you came from we don't need someone with that attitude here. Shinji is practicing his cello. Toji says of course if you're leaving we'll have to leave this city soon but we can't blame you for that we saw how you suffered in the Eva and anyway if anyone does try to blame you I'll beat them up. Shinji says I'm the one who deserved to be beat up, not you I'm a coward I'm dishonest I'm sneaky and a wimp. A road moves by quickly. Misato says Shinji you mustn't run away not from your father and not from yourself Shinji are you sure about this. Shinji says I don't mind living alone I'm alone anyway. The buildings of Tokyo 3 rise. Shinji says it's awesome the buildings are growing. Toji says of course if you're leaving we'll have to leave this city soon but we can't really blame you for that we saw how you suffered in the Eva. Misato says you protected this city. In the apartment at night while Shinji is in bed Misato says I forgot to tell you something you did something very good and very noble today you should be proud goodnight Shinji hang in there. A train pulls away and Shinji is still standing in the same spot. Misato says we believe that mental and physical exhaustion were causing a strain on the 3rd Childs health he was given 4 days leave his status has returned to normal no further problems. Shinji says I'm home. Misato says welcome home. Asuka enters the practice area. Asuka says good morning Ikari. Shinji says good morning. Text appears saying: High School 3 Auditorium, Inside 10 Minutes 30 Seconds Prior to String Quartet Rehearsal. Asuka says what are we working on today. Shinji says Pachelbel's "Canon." Asuka says Cello's so easy all you have to do is play arpeggios. Text appears saying: Violin Second String TUNING. Text appears saying: Johann Sebastian BACK Partita III für Violino solo E-dur, BWV.1006 Text appears saying: 3. Gavotte in Rondo. In the apartment Shinji is listening to his SDAT Asuka opens door Shinji turns off his SDAT Asuka comes back from bathroom and lies down next to Shinji. Shinji accidentally presses fast forward and leans closer to Asuka. Asuka says Mama. She cries Shinji is on other side of room and says you're just a kid yourself. Asuka steps on Toji's hat. Asuka says hello Misato how have you been. Misato says just fine goodness you've grown. Asuka says uh huh and my figure's filled out as well. Misato says let me introduce you this is the designated pilot of Eva Unit 2 the 2nd child Asuka Langley Sohryu. Images of Asuka flash by while Kensuke and Toji voiceover. Kensuke says she's arrogant. Toji says egotistical. Kensuke says conceited. Toji says freaky. Kensuke says self-absorbed. Toji says twisted. Kensuke says coldhearted. Toji says schizophrenic. Kensuke says saccharine. Toji says unsympathetic. Kensuke says self-centered. Toji says totally absurd. Kensuke says and just plain annoying. Asuka is in a bathtub in the ruins of what used to be a house. Kaworu says are you that afraid of other people I know that by keeping people at a distance you avoid a betrayal of your trust but you must endure the loneliness man can never completely erase the sadness because all men are fundamentally alone pain is something that man must carry in his heart and since the heart feels pain so easily some believe life is pain. Kaji says what do you think about Shinji Ikari. Asuka is on the carrier talking to Kaji. Asuka says the great Third Child he's boring. Kaji says and yet his synchronization ratio was well over 40% in combat. Asuka says synch ration zero. Asuka is at the top of an escalator as Shinji goes up she says hey Third Child. Asuka is in the bathtub and says I can't be the Second Child anymore. On the escalator Asuka says you're coming with me. Shinji standing with Asuka by Unit 2 says Unit 2 is red I didn't know that. Asuka says Units 0 and 1 were the prototype and test models the fact that Unit 1 synchronized with an untrained pilot like you is proof of that however Unit 2 is a little different it's been built for combat my Unit 2 is the world's first real Evangelion the final production model. There is some shaking. Shinji says what was that. Asuka says undersea shock waves and it sounded close. Ships are sunk. Text appears saying: Enemy Attack. Unit 2 activates. Text appears saying: Eva Unit 2 Production Model. Unit 2 jumps from ship to ship. Text appears saying: flight Production Model: Unit 2. The Angel gets partway on the carrier. Text appears saying: Progressive Knife (mod.) PK-02. Unit 2 gets out progressive knife but drops it. Text appears saying: Impact. Unit 2 is taken underwater. Text appears saying: UNDERWATER BATTLE. It is dragged along the bottom through what used to be a city. Text appears saying: ENEMY ENCOUNTER Old Ito Tunnel. Unit 2 is in the Angel's mouth. Text appears saying: Capture. Text appears saying: BREAKTHROUGH. Text appears saying: ESCAPE. Text appears saying: Critical Condition. With Shinji and Asuka working together they open the mouth and battleships fire into it destroying it. Text appears saying: ANNIHILATION. Text appears saying: DECISIVE BATTLE WEAPON Humanoid Robot Evangelion Production Model: Unit 2. Unit 2 is in an airlift. Text appears saying: DESCENT. Unit 2 lands. Text appears saying: SPLENDOUR. Text appears saying: SONIC GLIDE SG-01. Unit 2 cuts the 7th Angel in half. Text appears saying: Dividing Strike. Text appears saying: CLOSE COMBAT DESIGN. Unit 2 is in D-Type equipment. Text appears saying: D-Type Equipment. Unit 2 shoots. Text appears saying: Exterminate. Text appears saying: Line of Defense: Fallen. Unit 2 shoots. Text appears saying: Barrage. Zeruel lands. Text appears saying: Second Geofront Defensive Battle. Unit 2 shoots. Text appears saying: Explosion. Unit 2 shoots rockets. Text appears saying: Annihilation. The 15th Angel is attacking Unit 2. Text appears saying: Groping. Unit 2 shoots everywhere. Text appears saying: Rejected. Text appears saying: Scream. Text appears saying: Frenzy. Text appears saying: Penetration. The light surrounds Unit 2. Text appears saying: Disgraced Vitality. Text appears saying: Pain. Text appears saying: Self Destruction. Text appears saying: Recovery. Asuka is behind a quarantine line. Text appears saying: DECISIVE BATTLE WEAPON Humanoid Robot Evangelion Production Model: Unit 2. Asuka says guten morgen Shinji. Shinji says guten morgen. Asuka says why so gloomy you should appreciate I'm saying good morning to you the other one's here too right. Shinji says who. Asuka says what are you stupid I'm talking about the First Child of course. Shinji says oh Ayanami. Asuka says hello you must be Rei Ayanami the pilot of the Prototype I'm Asuka, Asuka Langley Sohryu I'm the pilot of Eva Unit 2 let's be friends. Rei says why. Asuka says because it would be convenient. Rei says if I'm ordered to I will do it. Asuka says weird girl. In Misato's apartment Shinji and Asuka are practicing coordination drills. Hikari says how are their coordination drills going. Misato says as you can see. Asuka says I knew it I could never sink down to his level the whole idea's impossible. Misato says Rei. Rei says yes. Misato says why don't you try it. Shinji and Rei have perfect synch. Asuka says I have no reason left to live. A doll is hung by its neck. Asuka says nobody cares about me anymore I am not a doll. Maya says synchrograph minus 12.8 it's barely over the starting indicator. Ritsuko says that's pathetic that's a worse score than yesterday. Misato says Asuka's not feeling well today it's the second day of her period. Ritsuko says synch ratios aren't influenced by physical changes the problem is deep within her sub-conscious Asuka's pride has been badly damaged. Misato says it's hard to blame her after she was defeated so badly what's worse is that she feels as if she was beaten by Shinji. Rei and Asuka are in an elevator together. Rei says if you don't open your mind to her your Eva will not move. Asuka says I'm closing my mind to it. Rei says yes Eva has it's own mind. Asuka says it's a big doll. Rei says you don't know. Asuka says you're giving me advice maybe tomorrow it will snow are you happy that I'm having trouble with my Eva now when the next Angel comes our invincible Shinji will ride out and destroy it we won't have to do anything I thought it was bad when Shinji was nice but when an emotionless mechanical doll like you starts being sympathetic I'm doomed. Rei says I am not a doll. Asuka says shut up you do anything you're ordered to don't you you'd kill yourself if Commander Ikari told you to wouldn't you. Rei says of course. Rei enters the instrument area. Shinji says good morning. Text appears saying: High School 3 Auditorium, Interior Viola-Third String 5 Minutes, 43 Seconds Prior To String Quartet Rehearsal TUNING. Toji says hey big shot what are you staring at so intently. Shinji says nothing. Kensuke says could it be Ayanami. Shinji says no. Kensuke says looks pretty obvious to me. Toji says Ayanami's breasts Ayanami's thighs Ayanami's calves. Shinji says it's nothing like that. Kensuke says then what were you looking at. Toji says you can't fool us Shinji. Shinji says I was just wondering why she's always alone. Toji says come to think of it she hasn't had any friends since she started here in the Seventh grade. Kensuke says you two are both Eva pilots right you ought to know her better than any of us Shinji. Toji says yeah that's right. Shinji says but we don't speak to each other. Rei is talking to Gendou and they both look happy as Shinji watches from afar. Ritsuko says she's a nice girl but she's like your father she's not very adept. Shinji says not adept at what. Ritsuko says living. Shinji presses a buzzer and then after a little while opens the door. Shinji says excuse me excuse me it's me Ikari Ayanami I'm coming in. In the room next to a bed there are bloody bandages and a set of glasses. Shinji walks up to the glasses. Shinji says are these Ayanami's. He puts on the glasses and Rei gets out of the shower. Shinji says um…I. Rei walks toward Shinji. Shinji says oh no I didn't mean. He slips and lands on Rei. Rei says please get off. Shinji gets off and Rei dresses. Rei says what is it. Shinji says uh, well, I was asked to uh, well, I was asked to… you know, so I … what was it the card your card it's been uh renewed so I was asked to deliver it I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Shinji is behind Rei on an escalator. Shinji says aren't you afraid of piloting Unit 0. Rei says why. Shinji says I heard that you were hurt pretty bad in an earlier experiment I was just wondering if you were nervous. Rei says aren't you Commander Ikari's son don't you have faith in your father's work. Shinji says of course not how could I ever trust him. Rei slaps him. Shinji wakes up in a hospital room. Shinji says Ayanami. Rei says pilot Ikari I've been sent to brief you on the Operation Yoshima time tables pilots Ikari and Ayanami will arrive both units will be activated be deployed await further orders your meal. Shinji says I don't feel like eating anything. Rei says we will depart in 60 minutes. Shinji says do I really have to pilot Eva again. Rei says yes you do. Shinji says I don't want to I don't want to go through it again. Rei says then you can just stay here in bed. Shinji says what do you mean. Rei says I will pilot Eva Unit 1 Dr. Akagi is already prepared to rewrite the personal data files for Unit 1. Shinji says Ritsuko is. Ritsuko says it's gone berserk stay back. Unit 0 in its orange armor is punching at the control room. Text appears saying: Activation. Text appears saying: Pulse Reversed. Text appears saying: Agony. Text appears saying: Prototype Eva 0. Text appears saying: Destruction. Text appears saying: Prototype Eva 0. Text appears saying: Activation. Text appears saying: Prototype Eva 0. Text appears saying: Destruction. Text appears saying: Agony. Text appears saying: Destruction. Text appears saying: Prototype Eva 0. Text appears saying: Destruction. Text appears saying: Prototype Eva 0. Bakelite is sprayed onto Unit 0 to stop it. Text appears saying: DECISIVE BATTLE WEAPON Humanoid Robot Evangelion Prototype Unit 0. Rei says goodbye. Ramiel shoots Unit 0 blocks the shot. Shinji says Ayanami why do you pilot the Eva. Rei says because I'm bonded to it. Shinji says you're bonded. Rei says yes, it's a bond. Shinji says you mean to my father. Rei says to all people. Shinji says you're very strong Rei. Rei says I have nothing else goodbye. Shinji opens the hatch to the entry plug and looks in. Shinji says Ayanami are you alright Ayanami don't say that you have nothing else and you're all alone just don't say that and don't say goodbye like that when you leave it's just too sad. Shinji cries. Rei says why are you crying I'm very sorry I don't know how I should act at a time like this. Shinji says maybe you should just try smiling. Rei looks at Shinji. Rei smiles. Unit 0 rises to the surface with one arm carrying something, an N2 mine. Shinji says Ayanami with no rifle. Rei says it's not a problem I can go if I die I can be replaced. Ritsuko says are you trying to get yourself killed. Gendou yells Rei. Rei says A.T. Field full power. Rei says a dream. Asuka says yes you do dream don't you. Explosion. Unit 0 is in a sea of LCL. Gendou says we must finish this before SEELE has time to act it is not acceptable to lose Unit 2 at this time. Unit 0 removes the lance from Lilith and the legs grow back. Fuyutsuki says but you can't just use the Lance of Longinus without getting SEELE's approval. Rei says you can rest today we'll take care of everything. Shinji says but I'm feeling just fine now. Unit 0 throws the lance and destroys the 15th Angel. Rei says well that's good for you. The 16th Angel is floating. Misato says Rei evasive action. Ritsuko says Rei Ayanami age 14 the first of the test subjects chosen in accordance with the Marduk report the first child designated pilot for the Evangelion Unit 0 her past has been eradicated all her personal records have been erased. Maya says target invasion continuing. Unit 2 surfaces. Misato says Eva Unit 2 roll out Eva Unit 2 lift off what are you doing Asuka what's wrong with Unit 2. Maya says her synch ratio is under 10%. Misato says Asuka. Asuka says it won't move. Rei says I will go in Unit 2 this is pain, pain no it's different loneliness yes this is loneliness. Rei is crying. Rei says am I the one crying. Misato says Rei. Gendou says I want Evangelion Unit 1 taken out of cryostasis launch it immediately. Misato says what. Gendou says do it. Misato says yes sir. Asuka says you didn't do that for me. Unit 1 launches. Misato says spread you're A.T. Field to full get Rei out of there now. Shinji says right. Rei says it smells like Ikari. The Angel moves toward Unit 1. Rei says Ikari is this on my mind to become one with Ikari no. Maya says her A.T. Field's been reversed. Rei says I cannot if I leave Unit 0 the A.T. Field will cease to be I will not let it. Rei pulls a switch. Misato says Rei are you trying to kill yourself. Rei sees Gendou and Unit 0 explodes. Text appears saying: 12 years earlier. Fuyutsuki says same weather day after day somehow the disappearance of autumn makes this country seem more melancholy if the scenario described in SEELE's secret Dead Sea Scrolls is correct then the Third Impact will occur in a little over ten years from now. Yui says that's why they created SEELE and Gehirn to stop that from happening. Fuyutsuki says I know your intentions are good but not SEELE's. Yui says professor Fuyutsuki opening the seal in this world would by catastrophic. Fuyutsuki says Ikari is in charge of the project now but it takes more than one person to accomplish something like that what happened last time must never be repeated I've been sent a warning it seems those bastards would have no qualms over making me vanish. Yui says you or any other of the survivors it's so easy to erase someone. Fuyutsuki says that's why you shouldn't become the next test subject. Yui says everything has its place in the flow of life that's why I'm a member of SEELE for Shinji's sake. A grave reads: Ikari Yui 1977-2004. Gendou is standing next to Shinji and Gendou says it's been three years since we were last here. Shinji says that's when I ran away I haven't come back here since then I just don't believe that my mom is really resting here I don't even remember her face. Gendou says burying memories is a man's way of surviving but there are some things a man should never forget Yui taught me that I come here to confirm that. Shinji says you don't have a picture of her. Gendou says no photographs nothing remains even this grave is an artifice. Shinji says that's like my teacher said you threw everything away. Gendou says everything is kept in my heart that's good enough for me. Text appears saying: 5 years earlier. Ritsuko says the night before she died my mother told me that the Magi were the three aspects of her live: herself as a scientist herself as a mother and herself as a woman those three aspects of her are struggling for dominance inside the Magi she intentionally implanted the dilemmas that humans have. Naoko says you've always been so cool and analytical about these things aren't you afraid you'll lose your chance at happiness. Ritsuko says first I have to define happiness it's been a while since I went out. Naoko says have a good night. Ritsuko says see you later. A young Rei enters the room. Naoko says what are you doing here Rei. Rei says I got lost. Naoko says do you want to come with me then. Rei says no thanks. Naoko says but how will you get back all by yourself. Rei says that's not your business old hag. Naoko says what. Rei says I can find my way home by myself old hag. Naoko says you shouldn't call someone "old hag" Rei. Rei says but you are an old hag aren't you. Naoko says I'm getting mad Commander Ikari will scold you for this. Rei says the Commander is the one who calls you that he says "that old hag is annoying that old hag is no use anymore" that old hag is annoying that old hag is no use anymore that old hag is no use that old hag is no use the Commander says that about you. Rei transforms into Yui in Naoko's vision. Naoko is choking Rei. Naoko says you. Kaworu is shown in Rei's eyes. Shinji looks up. Unit 1 activates and stops Zeruel's attack. Unit 1 pull Zeruel close and kicks it away. Maya says Eva's reactivated. Unit 1 regenerates its arm. Misato says amazing. Maya says this is impossible it must be wrong Unit 1's synch ratio is over 400%. Ritsuko says she's reawakening. Unit 1 goes over to the Angel on all fours and starts to eat it. Misato says it's eating the Angel. Ritsuko says the S2 engine she's taking it into herself. Unit 1's armor breaks off. Ritsuko says it's breaking free. Hyuga says free of what. Ritsuko says those plates weren't just armor they were also restraints those bindings allowed us to control it but now the Eva is removing the web that binds it to our will the Eva is free at last. Kaji says Unit 1's been awakened and set free SEELE sure won't stay quiet for this was this part of your scenario Commander Ikari. Fuyutsuki says it has begun. Gendou says indeed this is the beginning. Rei opens her eyes. Rei says I'm still alive. Shinji says Ayanami I'm so glad you're safe my father isn't coming thank you thank you for saving my life. Rei says for doing what. Shinji says Ayanami didn't you sacrifice Unit 0 to save me. Rei says oh did I save you. Shinji says don't you remember. Rei says I don't know I think I must be the third. Reis are in a large tank. Shinji says Rei Ayanami. The Reis look at him. Misato says it can't be you mean the dummy plugs are. Ritsuko says yes these are the cores of the dummy plugs it's the production lab. Misato says these. Ritsuko says these, these are empty vessels nothing but spare parts spare Reis mankind found a God and man in his folly tried to make the god his toy for that arrogance mankind was punished that happened 15 years ago and the God that man found was lost but man continues to attempt to resurrect the God and from that God Adam man attempted to make a man who was like a God himself and that was Eva. Shinji says what Eva's are human. Ritsuko says yes inside the empty shell of each Eva is a human soul but the only vessel who could hold a soul was Rei she was the only one who could hold a soul these things are empty husks they have no souls no right to live the Chamber of Guf is empty. Ritsuko presses a button and the Reis fall apart. Misato says you do you have any idea what you're doing. Ritsuko says yes I do I'm destroying these things with human forms. Rei is holding a rag. In the practice area Asuka says you're late. Kaworu says sorry, sorry. Text appears saying: String Quartet Rehearsal Start Appointed Time Violin-First String. Kaworu says shall we begin. Text appears saying: String Quartet Piece. Text appears saying: JOHANN PACHELBEL Kanon D-dur. At school Toji is looking up. Shinji is punched onto the ground. Toji says sorry newcomer but I had to clobber you I had to work off my own anger. Shinji says they made me pilot the stupid thing. Voice says c'mon let's go. Unit 3 is shown. Text appears saying: Production Model Eva 3. Text appears saying: Insertion. The entry plug is inserted. Text appears saying: Production Model: Unit 3. Text appears saying: Out Of Control. Text appears saying: Production Model Eva 3. The entry plug is attempted to eject but it is blocked from doing so. Text appears saying: Parasitism. Unit 3 steps by a fallen Unit 2 lying on the ground. Text appears saying: Trembling. Unit 3 flies up. Text appears saying: Threat. Unit 3 lands on Unit 0 and smashes it into the ground. Text appears saying: Insult. Text appears saying: Parasitism. Unit 3 tries to merge with Unit 0's arm. Text appears saying: Insult. Text appears saying: Production Model Eva 3. Text appears saying: Trembling. Unit 3's jaw opens. Text appears saying: Production Model Eva 3. Text appears saying: DECISIVE BATTLE WEAPON Humanoid Robot Evangelion Production Model: Unit 3. Gendou says reclassify Unit 3 as the 13th Angel. Rei says but he's the pilot. Shinji says is that the Angel. Gendou says correct that is your target. The 13th Angel kicks Unit 1 and stretches its arms, choking Unit 1 against a mountain. Gendou says Shinji why aren't you fighting. Shinji says there's still a person inside there. Gendou says irrelevant it's an Angel destroy our enemy. Shinji says I can't if he's alive we've got to help him I can't kill another human being. Gendou says then you will die. Shinji says that's okay I'd rather die. Gendou says that's enough shut down all of Unit 1's synchronization circuits immediately. Maya says shut them down. Gendou says correct switch all control to the dummy plug system. Maya says but sir the dummy plug isn't fully operational yet Dr. Akagi hasn't approved its use. Gendou says it's still better than the current pilot do it. Shinji says what the hell are you doing father. Unit 1 reactivates, its eyes red. Unit 1 chokes the 13th Angel. Someone says all systems nominal power is increasing. Unit 1 breaks the 13th Angel's neck and smashes its head. Kensuke says Toji was real sorry about everything his kid sister yelled at him she said it was the robot that saved our lives. Shinji says stop it father stop, stop doing this dammit make it stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. The entry plug is crushed. Hikari is in her kitchen and is looking at a cookbook and says I'll try this one I hope he's hungry tomorrow. Misato says Shinji I'm sorry I couldn't tell you the pilot of Unit 3 is… the Fourth Child is. Shinji sees the pilot and says Toji. Misato says Shinji…Shinji. Shinji says can you tell me what my father's like. Kaji says well there's a surprise question I would have thought you'd ask about Katsuragi it seems like you're always with my father. Kaji says Commander Fuyutsuki is the one who's always with him have you been asking around about your father. Shinji says I just haven't been around him much. Kaji says so you really don't know him. Shinji says but I've learned a lot about him lately I've learned how he feels about his work about my mother. Kaji says no you're wrong Shinji you only think you understand but people can't even really understand themselves much less each other understanding 100% of anything is impossible that's why we spend so much time trying to understand our own motivations and those of others that's what makes life so interesting so you can't understand Misato either the Kanji we use for the word "she" means "a woman far away" and women will always seem to be on a distant shore the gulf that separates male and female is deeper than any ocean. Ritsuko is at a bar next to Kaji and Ritsuko says what were you doing in Kyoto. Kaji says that's a souvenir from Matsushiro. Ritsuko says don't try to fool me you'll get your fingers burned if you get too involved in this that's the advice of a friend. Kaji says I'd rather be burned by the heat of my passion for you. Misato says should I buy you some fireworks then. Kaji says hello. Misato says Kaji do you think I've changed. Kaji says you're even prettier. Misato says I'm tired of being pretty I'm tired of keeping myself clean I'm tired of pretending to be pure an noble so tired of it all I want to disgrace myself I want to see my life and my reputation ruined. Kaji says Katsuragi it's me I'm sure you're listening to this message especially after I caused so much trouble sorry please tell Ritsu I'm sorry too and there's one more thing to trouble you with I've been growing melons I'd appreciate it if you could water them for me Shinji knows where they are Katsuragi the truth is with you don't hesitate move ahead if I can see you again I will say the words I could not say eight years ago bye. Misato cries and says you fool you were always such a fool. Kaji says you're a little late aren't you. Asuka says stop saying such moronic things you irresponsible jerk. Shinji says why won't you listen to me Kaji is gone. Asuka says liar. Shinji is looking out over the lake and in his mind sees Misato Asuka crying and Reis. He looks at his arm. There is someone humming. Kaworu the song is good singing brings joy and revitalizes the human soul I think that song is the highest achievement of the Lilim culture don't you agree Shinji Ikari. Shinji says how do you know my name. Kaworu says everyone knows your name you're rather ignorant of your own status. Shinji says really who are you. Kaworu says I am Kaworu, Kaworu Nagisa I am like you I am one of the selected children the Fifth Child. Shinji says you're the Fifth Child um Mr. Nagisa. Kaworu says call me Kaworu Mr. Ikari. Shinji says Mr. Ikari you can call me Shinji. Kaworu says it is time let us go Adam's dark shadow servant of the Lilim Kaworu floats off a platform in front of Unit 2. Hyuga says Eva Unit 2 just activated. Misato says that's impossible where's Asuka. Aoba says she's in Room 303 I've confirmed it. Misato says who the hell is piloting it. Maya says it's unmanned the entry plug hasn't been inserted. Misato says unmanned then the Fifth Child isn't there. Hyuga says A.T. Field detected in Central Dogma. Misato says Eva 2. Hyuga says no the pattern is blue it's definitely an Angel. Misato says what that boy is an Angel. Hyuga says the target has passed through the 4th defensive layer and is still descending. Aoba says its no good we can't cut the power to the linear motor car. Fuyutsuki says seal all shutters and bulkheads surrounding Central Dogma we've got to buy ourselves more time. A message is played all personnel evacuate. Fuyutsuki says SEELE has sent an Angel to us. Gendou says the Old Man wants to advance his schedule using us as his tools. SEELE 2 says those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it unless man accepts and atones for his sins he will never evolve. SEELE says we won't rely on Adam and the Angels we must take the fate of the future into our own hands Unit 1 will be our instrument. Aoba says Unit 2 has penetrated the armored shutters. Hyuga says target has penetrated the second barrier. Gendou says send Unit 1 in to pursue it. Misato says yes sir. Gendou says under all circumstances the last Angel must be kept from entering Terminal Dogma. Misato says but why did the Angel take Unit 2. Fuyutsuki says you don't think it's going to attempt to fuse with Unit 2 do you. Gendou says or will it bring about our total destruction. Shinji says it's a lie I won't believe that Kaworu's an Angel it's a lie. Misato says it's a fact Shinji you must stop him prepare for combat. Kaworu says Shinji you are late. Hyuga says Eva Unit 1 descending via Route 2 it's about to intercept the target. Shinji says you betrayed me you betrayed the trust I placed in you, you betrayed me just like my father did. Someone says Unit 1 has reached the fourth layer it's about to confront the target. Shinji says there he is. Kaworu says I've been waiting Shinji. Shinji says Kaworu. Unit 1 grapples with Unit 2. Shinji says Asuka I'm sorry. They take out their progressive knives. Kaworu says the Eva series was born from Adam and yet the Lilim will utilize that which they hate most of all in order to survive I do not understand. Shinji says Kaworu stop why. Kaworu says you Evas and I are composed of the same matter born from Adam I can synchronize with it easily as long as there is no dominant soul and Unit 2's soul is now hiding itself. Unit 1's knife goes by Kaworu and is blocked. Shinji says an A.T. Field. Kaworu says yes at least that is what you Lilim call this thing this is the light of my soul a sacred territory in which no one may intrude aren't you Lilim aware that you're A.T. Field is merely that wall that encloses one's mind. Shinji says I don't understand what you're talking about Kaworu. Someone says 20 seconds until the target intercepts Terminal Dogma. Misato says if Unit 1's signal cuts off or disappears. Hyuga says I know I'll initiate the self-destruct it's better than letting Third Impact take place. Misato says I'm sorry. Hyuga says it's all right as long as I die beside you. Misato says thank you. Kaworu says this is mankind's fate human hope is paired with sorrow. Misato says what was that. Hyuga says it's another A.T. Field the strongest we've ever detected. Aoba says it's shutting out everything. Maya says they're all gone we've lost communication with the pilot. The Evas land. Shinji says Kaworu wait. Unit 2 grabs Unit 1's leg. Aoba says final safety penetrated. Hyuga says they've reached it Heaven's door is open. Misato says then the Angel has finally reached its goal get ready. Unit 1 battles Unit 2. Shinji says what's that. Misato says what's going on. Hyuga says it's another A.T. Field. Aoba says a field as strong as the first one has appeared around Terminal Dogma. Maya says it's breaking through the other A.T. Field. Misato says what is it another Angel. Aoba says negative I can't confirm it, it just disappeared. Misato says disappeared the Angel. Rei is looking down at them. Kaworu says Adam that from which we came must one who was born from Adam return to Adam even though it will destroy man wait this isn't…Lilith I see I understand now. Unit 2 is shown on the ground. Unit 1 grabs Kaworu. Kaworu says thank you Shinji I wanted you to take Unit 2 from me otherwise I might have lived much longer. Shinji says Kaworu…but why. Kaworu says it is my destiny to live forever though my survival will destroy the human race however it is possible for me to be killed and whether I live or die makes no difference death is the only absolute freedom. Shinji says what are you Kaworu I don't understand what you're talking about Kaworu. Kaworu says this is my final request please give me freedom otherwise you will be destroyed only one life form can be chosen to evade the destruction and seize the future and you are not the existence which should die. Kaworu looks at Rei. Kaworu says you need the future thank you Shinji I am happy I met you. There is a long pause, and then there is a crushing sound and Kaworu's head falls into the LCL. The credits go across the screen as the sun slowly sets. There is a brief intermission before Rebirth starts.

To Rebirth Extended Summary

To End of Evangelion Extended Summary
