Old news

From December 2001. Frames go up, down and they get jiggy with it.

12/29/01 Okay, I think I got all of the html figured out for frames. I've finished testing (I think) and will try putting up frames sometime tommorrow night.

12/26/01 Took down the holiday picture and put back the original. Meanwhile, testing continues with frames.

12/24/01 A hope rises from the ashes. I finally have found a way to take images from the dvds of Eva. You can expect a large amount of images to be placed on the site in the near future. Also, after testing with frames I may have perfected it, although I will need to get a new main graphic. I hope to have it up sometime before the new year.

12/22/01 I just found out Eva:Death & Rebirth has been delayed from late March to April 30th, 2002. This is sad considering all the delays taken place, but seeing it is the shortest one yet, about a month, I think it will come out around that time. Apparently the DVD's will contain commentaries, interviews, behind the scenes, and easter eggs.

12/19/01 I updated Pen Penny again. That's all currently.

12/16/01 I have decided to try frames again sometime late December, early January. I also may have found a way to get good screenshots, but need to test them.

12/13/01 A new picture for the holidays.

12/11/01 Nobody ever votes, I am thinking about forgetting the polls for now or move it to a more noticeable spot.

12/9/01 The frames were up for a few minutes, then as I was making sure all was well they screwed something up. I don't know what happened or why. Anyways they didn't look too good in the first place, but that could be on the account of me. You shouldn't expect frames for a while. I'll try different ways to fix it but I can't even give an estimate of when they will be back up. In other news the November month is now fully archived in the old news section.

12/8/01 I have decided to implement frames in the website to make it look neater and more organized. Expect them up in a couple of days.

12/5/01 An achievement that is sour. I got the sound byte of the "don't touch me there" scene up in the Sounds section, but alas it is of a lower quality than expected. It is also quite a big sound file, 7 mb. I fixed up the Old News section dividing it up in months. Until I find a better way to get sounds I'll start putting some of a loooowwwwwww quality up as it is.

12/4/01 Not an excuse, but a reason. I was going to update last night, but to my horror discovered Angelfire was not working correctly and would not load correctly so I could update. I also added a new Pen Pen for your thoughts

12/2/01 Letdown. Getting the sounds something messed up. I can't even get half as good as I could a month ago. I just don't know what's going on with my computer. I shall investigate and try to get sounds, and some more images, up.

12/1/01 Just stopped in today to remind those of you that still, or ever did, care "it" is being revealed Monday. Yes, the item mentioned last year that would "revolutionize the world" (they said something like that) will be revealed on ABC's Good Morning America. Most likely Monday night I will add my opinions, most likely ridicule and laughter, in the Pen Pen For Your Thoughts section.
