End of Evangelion Extended Summary

A completely original summary End of Evangelion. This section is just the extended version. It's almost an exact script, so it's very, very long. Back to Movies. To Death Extended Summary. To Rebirth Extended Summary.

Shinji is standing by the lake created by the self-destruction of Unit 0 which is the reverse view from the ending credits of Death. At the first cranial ward Shinji is next to Asuka, who is in a coma-like state. Shinji says Misato and Ayanami scare me help me help me Asuka hey wake up hey wake up hey, hey. He is shaking Asuka. Shinji says Asuka…Asuka…Asuka. Shinji begins to sob. Shinji says help me please help me help me help me help me help me call me an idiot like you always do hey. Shinji pulls on Asuka and the wires on her chest cause her blouse to rip open, exposing her breasts. The door is shown locked and heavy breathing is heard. There is a substance on Shinji’s hand. Shinji says I’m so fucked up. Text appears saying: Evangelion: Rebirth. Maya says all access to and from headquarters has been restricted. Hyuga says we’re on first level alert. Maya says that doesn’t make sense I thought Kaworu was the last Angel. Aoba says he was all the Angels have been defeated. Hyuga says if we’re all safe, what are we doing on First Level Alert. Maya says what’s going to happen to NERV and the Evas I wish Dr. Akagi was here. Aoba says NERV will probably be disbanded I don’t know what they’re going to do with us. Hyuga says all we can do is wait for the Instrumentality Project to commence. Misato is in her car. Misato thinks so mankind, a race of flawed and incomplete separate entities, has reached the end of its evolutionary potential the Instrumentality Project will manufacture the evolution of man’s separate entities into a single consummate being and the Committee won’t use NERV or Adam they’ll use the Evas just like Kaji said they would. A meeting of SEELE is taking place; there are large black monoliths with SEELE and a different number on each. SEELE 1 says the time is at hand without the Lance of Longinus. The Lance of Longinus is shown on the moon. SEELE 1 says we cannot use Lilith to complete the Project our only hope is to proceed using Lilith’s only true offspring Eva Unit 1. Gendou says that was not part of SEELE’s original plan. Fuyutsuki says creating the Evangelion was the pinnacle of mankind’s existence. Gendou says humanity must evolve and shape this brave new world that was why we created the Eva Series. SEELE 9 says we need not cast aside our human form to use Evangelion as our own private Ark. SEELE 12 says it’s merely part of the process to free us all for rebirth. A member of SEELE says the fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth. A member of SEELE says through the sacrament of death, God, and humanity and all living beings will be united and reborn as one. Gendou says death creates nothing. A member of SEELE says you deserve death. The SEELE monoliths disappear. Fuyutsuki says mankind exists because it has the will to live that is the will of she who chose to remain in the Eva. Rei awakes at night she leaves her room and Gendou’s glasses lie broken. Shinji has headphones in his ears but his SDAT is out of batteries. Misato is at terminal hacking into the computer system and some empty containers of coffee. Misato says so that’s what really happened during Second Impact. Everything is deleted. Misato says they’re on to me no wait something else it’s begun. The emergency lights turn on. An announcement says we are under attack. Fuyutsuki says transfer the left to the emergency communications systems use satellite feed if you have to correct what’s the right side status. Someone says negative all outgoing network lines are being systematically cut off. Fuyutsuki says they’re going after the Magi. Aoba says data upload from external terminals they’re trying to hack into the Magi sir. Fuyutsuki says just as I thought is it coming from the Magi 2 in Matsushiro. Aoba says no there are five Magi systems working together so far I’ve identified the Magi from Germany, China, and the U.S. Fuyutsuki says SEELE is pooling all its resources five Magi against one not good odds. Aoba says the fourth firewall has been breached. Hyuga says locking the main databases negative the system is being overtaken. Maya says they’ve breached the next level the backup system is inoperative. Fuyutsuki thinks this is bad if they capture the Magi they’ll be able to occupy headquarters. In an isolation chamber the door opens and Ritsuko is inside. Ritsuko says let me guess they need help with the Magi’s self-defense system. The person in the doorway says yes report to the Second Command Center where you will be briefed by Lt. Ibuki. Ritsuko says he expects the woman he abandoned to jump when he calls arrogant bastard. Misato is walking down the hall and on the phone. Misato says status report. Hyuga says good morning Tokyo 2 launched Special Order A-801. Misato asks 801. Hyuga says NERV’s legal protection and jurisdiction has been rescinded and command has been transferred to the Japanese Government that was the only warning they tried to take the Magi but we’ve managed to contain the damage so far. Maya says Ibuki here Dr. Akagi is currently installing additional defense programs. Misato enters the room. Misato says Ritsuko. Ritsuko is in one of the Magi systems typing. Ritsuko thinks am I doing something stupid the interaction between men and women is so illogical. Ritsuko says isn’t that right. She touches the covering, which contains a brain. Ritsuko says mother. Misato says how much longer. Hyuga says we should make it Dr. Akagi is amazing. Misato thinks just hacking into the Magi yeah; right I doubt they’re going to let us off that easily. Fuyutsuki says the Magi was just foreplay they plan to launch an all-out offensive against Headquarters and take the two Evas by force don’t they. Gendou says of course we have both Adam and Lilith. Fuyutsuki says no wonder the old men are so nervous. Maya says external feed to the Magi has been halted a Danang B-Type Defense program is in place external access has been cut off for the next 62 hours. Ritsuko says mother I’ll see you soon. At SEELE meeting a member says Ikari has installed a Type 666 firewall on the Magi’s external feed circuits that’s very difficult to breach apparently we will have to forgo acquisition of the Tokyo-3 Magi. SEELE 1 says I had hoped to settle this peacefully launch the invasion forces immediately. A military person says all units move out as planned. VTOLs, tanks, and rockets shoot. At NERV someone says we have lost the radar feed from sectors 8-17. Aoba says a large detachment of Special Force Units has invaded the outer defense perimeter. Hyuga says two more are approaching from the Gotenba sector. Fuyutsuki says after all we’ve been through our final enemy is our fellow man. Gendou says all personnel go to Level One battle stations. Maya says battle stations but they’re humans not Angels. Hyuga says I wish they felt the same way. A NERV person is killed and doors open revealing a mass of troops in black. A NERV person says what’s happening hey. Another NERV person says what’s wrong. The other NERV person says transmission from the southern hub has been. The area around them explodes. Soldiers run past dead NERV personnel. At the NERV Command Center a person says the Daigatake tunnel has been cut off. Another person says fire in the West No.5 entrance. Someone says hostile forces have entered Level 1. Misato says the west side attack is a decoy if they’re really after the Evas they’ll go after the pilots first tell Shinji to stand by in Unit 1. Hyuga says roger. Misato says where’s Asuka. Aoba says still in recovery room 303. Misato says get her in Unit 2. Maya says there’s no way she can synchronize with Unit 2. Misato says if they find her they’re going to kill her if we put her in Unit 2 at least she’ll be safe. Maya says understood. Misato says as soon as Asuka’s in there hide Unit 2 at the bottom of the lake it’s not the best hiding place but it’s better than the cage where’s Rei. Aoba says unable to locate pilot of Unit 0 is missing. Misato says she will be killed find her now. Rei is in a tube. Unit 2 launches. Hyuga says launching Unit 2 via gate number 8 the Eva will remain underwater at a depth of 70 meters. Misato says prepare to deploy Unit 1 station it in the Geofront. Aoba says we can’t Shinji isn’t there. A picture of Shinji sitting under a staircase appears on a screen. Misato says oh dear God. An announcement says full lock down has been instigated starting at Level 2 all non-combat personnel must evacuate via route 87 immediately I repeat. Aoba says the NO.3 underground barricade has been destroyed. Fuyutsuki says there’s nothing we can do to hold them off our defeat has become inevitable. Gendou says Professor Fuyutsuki please see to the rest of this for me. Fuyutsuki says yes Commander give my regards to Yui. There is an explosion troops advance firing. Someone shoots with a bazooka. Flying vehicles shoot into tubes where there are NERV personnel. Someone says no response from Level 2. Another person says contact has been lost with control room 77. Aoba says internal monorail track 57 has been destroyed. Hyuga says this is brutal I’d rather be fighting the Angels. Misato thinks of course we’re not used to fighting human enemies. One of NERV personnel is dragging another NERV member and is shot. Some shoot cables. Someone says sever the red ones first. The troops advance. At NERV Command someone says Level 3 Block B has been invaded there’s no stopping them. Aoba says enemy presence confirmed in Block F the main bypass in under fire. Misato says seal off levels 1-3 order a full retreat release Bakelite through all passages up through section 803. Aoba says right. An announcement says commencing Bakelite release in section 703 thirty seconds to completion commencing Bakelite release in section 737. Bakelite is released into the halls and other areas. Misato says well that should buy us some time. Hyuga says Major Katsuragi Route 47 is completely blocked the third Unit is unable to advance Shinji is cut off. Shinji is still sitting under the stairs. Misato says all non-combat personnel should avoid engaging the enemy these guys are pros. She checks her handgun ammunition. Misato says so if you can’t retreat ton Central Dogma you’re better off just surrendering take care of things here for me. Hyuga says right. A troop says this is harder than we thought. Another troop says we never get the easy jobs. Hyuga says this is insane the center wasn’t made to withstand invading armies. Aoba says we can barely hold off terrorists. Aoba gets out some weapons. Hyuga says if the JSSDF launches a full-scale attack we’re screwed. Aoba says slowly but surely they’ve been cutting our defense budget they’ve probably been planning this since the very beginning. Hyuga says very possible. There is an explosion and several troops enter NERV Command. Aoba gives Maya a handgun. Aoba says release the safety. Maya says I can’t I just can’t shoot this thing. Aoba says of course you can you’ve had basic training. Maya says but I shot at targets not at other human beings. Aoba says idiot it’s kill or be killed. Text appears saying: Evangelion: Rebirth. Rei is by where the Dummy Plugs were kept. Gendou says Rei I knew I’d find you here the time has come let’s go. A soldier says Level 1 has been secured over. Over the radio someone says roger that we are moving in on the Magi and the Level 2 Command Center we are currently engaged in combat commence cooling of the Fifth Malbolgia sector immediately. Person over radio says terminate Eva pilots on sight execution of non-combat personnel has been authorized. Over radio says Yahagihara and Shinjo units proceed to lower level. A shot is fired next to Shinji. A soldier says we’ve located the Third Child commencing termination. He puts a gun to Shinji’s head. The soldier says sorry kid nothing personal. The soldier is shot in the side of the head. Misato is running down the hall shooting. Misato pins the last remaining soldier against a wall says nothing personal here and shoots him in the head. Misato says let’s get you to Unit 1 come on. Misato is listening to one of the radios it says roger that we have the purple unit surrounded the Bakelite infusion was not a problem. Shinji and Misato are by her car in parking lot 667. Misato says damn they’re trying to prevent contact between Shinji and Unit 1 we’re running out of time this is it Shinji do you want to run away or do you want to pilot the Eva if you sit there and do nothing then you’re already dead. Shinji says help me Asuka help me. Misato says hiding behind the skirts of a little girl at a time like this giving up halfway is worse than never trying at all get up. She pulls on Shinji’s arm. Misato says move it. Shinji says I want to die I don’t want to do anything. Misato says stop talking like a stubborn little brat like it or not you’re still alive get moving and DO something you can die later. Fuyutsuki on the phone says unimportant securing Terminal Dogma is your top priority understand. There is shooting. Hyuga says they’ve destroyed everything else why don’t they just nuke us and get it over with. Aoba says if we weren’t sitting on top of the original Magi system they probably would have. Hyuga says they probably need it in as intact as they can get it. Aoba says I just hope they don’t use BC weapons things could get pretty ugly. Hyuga says that or N2 mines. A large explosion above Tokyo 3 opens a giant hole in the Geofront. Aoba says speak of the devil. Hyuga says they aren’t holding anything back. Fuyutsuki says they’re over doing it. Missiles are fired into the hole. Maya says why do they want the Eva this badly. Misato is in her car with Shinji driving by the heads of failed Evas. Misato says they plan to initiate Third Impact using the Eva series instead of the Angels 15 years ago Second Impact was intentionally engineered by mankind because it was the only way to minimize the potential damage they had to reduce Adam to an embryonic state before the other Angels awoke you see Shinji mankind was spawned from a being called Lilith just like Adam was we are the 18th Angel the other Angels are just different possibilities of what we could become sadly we can’t coexist even though we are fundamentally the same creatures listen Shinji you have to destroy the rest of the Eva Series it’s the only way to stay alive. Person at desk says the phone lines are all dead. Text appears saying: Nagano Prefecture, Neo Tokyo 2. Person standing says yes sir Missile impact was confirmed three minutes ago. Text appears saying: Prime Minister’s Official Residence Executive Office Number 3. Person at the desk says this Instrumentality Project NERV was secretly researching trying to initiate Third Impact and destroy all of mankind the whole thing makes me sick. The person standing says humanity is probably the only creature capable of hating its own kind. Person at desk says well, then I suppose all we have left to do is destroy NERV Headquarters. The person standing says should Germany or China begin re-development. Person at desk says no we won’t make the same mistake twice make sure no one can touch it for the next 20 years, like Old Tokyo. Soldier reports surface heat has dissipated high-pressure steam discharges have also stopped all detachment’s positions have been confirmed. A soldier says Dogma Level 3 and the purple unit are currently secured. A soldier says and the red one. The soldier says in the lake about 70 meters down we don’t know if the pilot is alive or dead. Asuka is in Unit 2. Asuka says I’m still alive. Depth charges land in the lake and go off Asuka screams. Asuka says I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die. A voice says you’re still alive you mustn’t die yet you must live I won’t let you die I will protect you you’re still alive I won’t let you die you mustn’t die please die with me don’t kill her. Asuka says I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die. A voice says you must live. Asuka says I DON’T WANT TO DIE!!!! There are brief pictures of Asuka: as a corpse covered in maggots, merging with a doll that is being hanged, a stuffed toy ripping apart, and Asuka crying. A picture of an ocean is shown. A young Asuka says Mamma you’ve been here all along. The young Asuka touches the figure. Asuka says Mamma. Unit 2 activates. A large beam comes out of the lake a soldier says what is that. Another soldier says dear God. Unit 2 lifts up a ship and uses it block missiles and then throws it. Asuka thinks Mamma, Mamma now I understand the meaning of the A.T. Field. Unit 2 flies through the air dodging missiles. Asuka thinks says you were always protecting me always watching over me. Unit 2 lands. Two missiles hit Unit 2 one in the head and the other in a hand. Asuka says we were always together Mamma. Someone says over the radio in Misato’s car Eva Unit 2 has activated Asuka is okay she’s alive. Misato says Asuka. Unit 2 is walking slowly. A soldier says the cable focus your firepower on that cable. The cable is severed. Asuka says even without my umbilical cable I’ve still got 12 thousand plates of fortified armor and I’ve got my A.T. Field. Unit 2 uses its A.T. Field to destroy VTOLs. Asuka says there’s no way I can lose. Unit 2 hits a VTOL. Asuka says not to you bastards. Unit 2 uses a VTOL to smash into another VTOL. Unit 2 kicks a VTOL, hits another, and back kicks another. A member of SEELE says that loathsome Evangelion once again our plans will go unrealized it seems we’ll have to fight fire with fire. Planes are in the air. Entry plugs with ‘Kaworu’ on the side enter into the white Evangelions that make up the Eva Series. The Eva Series fly down from the planes. Asuka says the Eva Series it’s been completed. The Eva Series circles above Unit 2. Fuyutsuki watches from the Geofront and says they’ve dispatched all 9 units equipped with s2 engines? That seems a bit much unless do the plan to start it here?! The Eva Series lands. By Misato’s (now wrecked) car are Shinji and Misato. Misato is on the phone and says listen up, Asuka I want you to destroy the rest of the Eva series Shinji will be there as soon as he can hang in there so we can get to Unit 1 through Access route 20, right? Hyuga responds on the phone saying affirmative we placed triple protection on the power supply. So long as you get there in the nest three minutes it’ll take you directly to cage 7. Misato drags Shinji by the arm. Asuka says destroy the rest of the Eva Series huh? Is that anyway to talk to someone fresh out of the hospital? Nine units in only three and a half minutes so that’s 20 seconds each. Unit 2 runs and leaps landing with its foot in the head of an Eva series, which then explodes in a spray blood. Unit 2 lands the headless Eva falls onto it Unit 2 then picks it up and cracks its torso spilling blood directly onto Unit 2. Asuka says Erste. Misato and Shinji are walking towards a door. Misato says this is it. Afterwards they are shot at and Misato is hit as they make it into the room right before a bazooka shell hits it. One of the SEELE army personnel says they got away. Another says into the radio target has not been terminated should we pursue them? The radio responds negative that area has been targeted for demolition pull back immediately. He says roger. Misato says well that should hold them off for a while don’t worry its not as bad as it looks. She pushes the button on the elevator. Misato says the power is still on there’s still time. Shinji, listen to me from now on, you’re on your own you’ll have to make your own decisions. Shinji says I… I can’t I’m no good I can’t pilot Eva if all I do is hurt and kill people. I thought I had no choice but to pilot Eva, but I was just lying to myself. I’m not worthy of piloting an Eva because I don’t understand anything. I’m incapable of doing anything good for anyone else. I did something terrible to Asuka. I killed Kawrou. I’m a horrible person. I’m dishonest and a coward. All I ever do is hurt other people, so I’d rather do nothing at all! Misato says I’m not going to feel sorry for you. If you don’t like feeling pain then you can just sit here and die. Crying isn’t going to solve anything either. You hate yourself don’t you? That’s why you hurt others. Deep down you know that you suffer more when you cause someone else pain than if you just let yourself get hurt, but Shinji that was YOUR decision so that makes it a valid choice. That was what you wanted so that makes it worthwhile. Stop lying to yourself and realize that you DO have options then accept the choices you’ve made. Shinji says but you’re not me you don’t understand. Misato yells so what if I’m not you! She continues, saying that doesn’t mean its okay for you to give up. If you do I’ll never forgive you as long as I live. I’m not perfect either. I’ve made tons of stupid mistakes and later I regretted them. And I’ve done it over and over again a cycle of hollow joy and vicious self-hatred but even so, every time I learned something about myself. Please Shinji. You’ve got to pilot Eva and settle this once and for all. Find out why you came here. Why you exist at all and when you’ve found your answers come back to me. Misato gives Shinji the cross she always wears around her neck. Misato says promise me, see you soon. Misato kisses Shinji. Misato says that was a grown-up kiss we’ll do the rest when you get back. The elevator opens and Shinji falls back into it. After the door closes Misato falls to the ground. Misato says if I had known it would end like this I would have changed the carpet like Asuka suggested, right Pen Pen? Kaji… I did the right thing didn’t I? A figure of Rei stands above Misato and then the room explodes. In the elevator, Shinji notices the blood from Misato in his mouth and begins to cry. Unit 2 dives over a bridge taking one of the Evas with it. Unit 2 gets out a progressive knife and stabs into the Eva’s head while the knife breaks off. Unit 2 extends it more then runs up to another and slices off its arm. The progressive knife is completely broken. The one-armed Eva grabs Unit 2’s head. Unit 2 puts the Eva in a headlock and breaks its neck. An Eva is coming down from a jump with weapon ready. Unit 2 rolls out of the way and picks up the same type of weapon dropped by another one of the Evas. They clash with the weapons. Asuka says damn they’re persistent. Of course that idiot Shinji is nowhere to be found. Shinji is by Unit 1 and it is covered in Bakelite. Unit 2 strikes the Eva behind the head. Gendou and Rei stand by the regenerated Lilith. Ritsuko is there and stands up saying I’ve been waiting for you. She pulls out a gun. The top half of a torso flies through the air and Unit 2 does a low sweep and cuts off part of leg of another Eva. Another Eva tackles Unit 2. Unit 2 shoots spikes out of its shoulder into the Eva’s head then shoots another volley that also goes into its head. Ritsuko says I’m sorry but I changed the MAGI’s programming without telling you. A loving daughter’s final request, mother let’s end it together. She presses a button but nothing happens. Ritsuko says its not working why? The little screen shows Casper has denied access. Ritsuko says Casper betrayed me, mother how could you choose your lover instead of me. Gendou raises a gun. He says Ritsuko Akagi I truly… After that there is no sound and his move. Ritsuko says liar. Gendou shoots Ritsuko. Ritsuko falls back into LCL and sees an image of Rei as she falls. Hyuga says what’s happening out there? Maya says less than a minute left in her power reserves. At this rate Asuka will. Asuka says I cannot be defeated, mama is watching me. Shinji says mama? Mother. Unit 2 pulls out and Eva hiding behind a building and throws it into another Eva. Asuka says this is the last one. Unit 2 runs up and punches threw the first Eva and into the second. One of the Eva’s weapons is flying towards Unit 2. Unit 2 puts up it’s A.T. Field and the weapon changes into a Lance. Asuka says the Lance of Longinus? The lance breaks through the A.T. Field and goes through the head of Unit 2. Asuka screams as her power also reaches zero. Unit 2 falls backwards and slides down part of the lance. Asuka moves the controls, screaming and blood pouring out. Maya says internal power supply depleted operational limit has been reached. Unit 2 has gone silent. What the? The defeated Eva Series. The Eva Series units get back up. Maya says the Eva Series units have reactivated. All the units take out their wings. Aoba says are they going to finish her off? The Evas fly up and land around Unit 2 and eat it. Hyuga says what’s happening. Maya says I don’t want to see this I can’t watch. Hyuga says is that Unit 2. On the computer screen pieces of Unit 2 are disappearing. The Evas fly up carrying parts of Unit 2. Asuka says I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. Unit 2 roars. Asuka says I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. Unit 2 lifts up its hand. Asuka says I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. Hyuga says berserker. Maya says stop it Asuka. Stop. Asuka says I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. Asuka’s arm slices in half, where a lance has landed and done to Unit 2. Seven others impale Unit 2. Maya says over the comm. Shinji! Unit 2 Asuka is-Asuka! Shinji says I can’t get to Eva there’s nothing I can do. Unit 1’s hand breaks through the Bakelite and crushes the catwalk around Shinji. Shinji says mother. Gendou says Unit 1 has finally awoken. Unit 1’s eyes glow as the pyramid at the Geofront explodes. A member of the SEELE army says Evangelion Unit 1. Another says the devil himself. Unit 1 with wings on it flies up. Shinji looks around. Shinji says Asuka… He sees all the ripped and partially eaten pieces of Unit 2 in the Eva Series mouths. Shinji screams. Text says to be continued. Part 1 ends and credits roll. Text says I wish to express my HEARTFELT gratitude to the cast, staff, friends, and the five women who helped bring this picture to its completion. Thank you very much. Hideaki Anno. The End of Evangelion. Gendou says I have already joined with Adam. The only way I will every see my Yui again, is through the forbidden fusion of Adam and Lillith. Rei’s arm falls off. Gendou says we’re running out of time. Your A.T. Field won’t hold its shape for much longer. Let us begin, Rei. Release your A.T. Field, the barrier of your mind. Make our imperfect souls whole again. Discard this unnecessary physical shape merge all souls into one and then take me to Yui’s side. Gendou reaches his hand into Rei. Text says Episode 26 My Purest Heart For You. Shinji says Asuka and screams. Rei says Ikari. Unit 1 breaks off its shoulder guards. And more wings come out. The Lance of Longinus in the surface of the moon pulls itself out. One of the SEELE army says there’s an object approaching at tremendous speed from Lunar space. Another says what the hell. Fuyutsuki says it’s not-it’s the Lance of Longinus. The lance stops at Unit 1’s neck. A SEELE member says at long last, our dreams will be realized. Another member says the original Lance of Longinus has been returned to us. A member says we have fewer Units than we planned but we’ll have to make do. All of them say bring forth the true form of the Eva Series. The true form will evangelize humanity through indiscriminate death and through prayer we will return to our original state. Keele says and our souls will be at peace, let the sacrament begin. The Eva Series units drop the pieces of Unit 2. Two of lances impale Unit 1 in the palms. The other units bite down on the wings. Hyuga says Eva Unit 1 has been captured. Aoba says ascending to 12,000 meters and still rising. Fuyutsuki those bastards, does SEELE plan to use Unit 1 as a medium? The Eva Series flies off of Unit 1’s wings and it’s eyes stop glowing. A SEELE member says Eva Unit 1 has been marked with the Holy Stigmata. All of SEELE says let us restore the Tree of Life. Keele says the Eva Series have been our faithful servants and this is the reason they were created. The Evas start to glow. Aoba says the Eva Series has unleashed their S2 engines. Hyuga says dimensional values are inverting numerical expression and measurement is impossible. Fuyutsuki says it’s an Anti-A.T. Field. Maya looking at a computer analyzing the data says it’s the same as what happened 15 years ago. Has Third Impact actually begun? A SEELE army member says the S2 engines have reached critical limit. Another says we’re unable to maintain gravitational control. One says our mission is a failure. There is a very large explosion. Aoba says direct hit surface ground layers are melting. Hyuga says the second wave is eroding the headquarters periphery the outer hull has been exposed. Fuyutsuki says these are only physical shock waves set absorbers on maximum it should hold. A SEELE member says here to represent eternity. Another says the Red Earth Purification Ceremony. A member says first the Geofront is returned to. Another says its original form. Fuyutsuki says the Egg of Lilith, source of all human life, the Black Moon. We no longer wish to return inside her shell but that is for Lilith to decide. Gendou says it appears to have begun now. Rei it’s time to reunite me with Yui once more. What? Rei says I am not a puppet. Gendou’s hand in Rei disappears. Gendou says but why. Rei says because I am not you. Rei regenerates her arm having taken Gendou’s. Gendou says Rei. Rei floats up. Gendou says please wait Rei. Rei says I can’t Ikari is calling me. Gendou say Rei. Rei is in front of Lilith and says I’m home. Text appears saying Welcome Home. Lilith absorbs Rei. Lilith takes itself off the giant cross and lands in the LCL below. The mask falls off and the form turns into Rei. Gendou says Rei. Aoba says an unidentified high-energy object from Terminal Dogma is approaching rapidly. Hyuga says A.T. Field confirmed pattern blue. Maya says not an Angel? Hyuga says negative it’s a… a human. A giant Rei comes up. It’s hand passes through Maya and she begins screaming. Shinji looks at the cross in his hand and puts hands to his head. Shinji says damn it damn it. Rei rises up in front of Unit 1. Shinji says Ayanami?! Rei? Rei blinks and looks at him. Shinji screams. A SEELE member says through the destruction of the Ego of Eva Unit 1’s pilot humanity shall now be completed. Another member says the Third Retribution is at hand. Eye-like things open on Eva Series’ wings and the units change formation. Aoba says the A.T. Fields of the Eva Series are all resonating. Hyuga says resonation is increasing. Fuyutsuki says have they begun merging with Rei. Rei’s head comes out of all the Eva Series unit’s mouths. Shinji screams and Unit 1 roars. Unit 1’s chest opens, exposing the core. Aoba says psychograph signal is down. Hyuga says destrado has begun to manifest. Fuyutsuki says the pilot’s ego won’t be able to take much more of this. Shinji says I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take it anymore. Rei has turned into Kawrou and says is this better. Shinji says have you been there the whole time Kawrou. Aoba says the solenoid graph is inverting his ego barrier is getting weaker. Hyuga says A.T. Field has shift to pattern red. Fuyutsuki says the Fruit of Life is held by the Angels. The Fruit of Wisdom is held by man. The Lance of Longinus enters the core of Unit 1. Fuyutsuki says Eva Unit 1 now possesses them both and therefore becomes God. Unit 1 is engulfed and becomes tree-like. Fuyutsuki says now the source of all souls, the Tree of Life, has been formed again. Will it be an Ark to save mankind from the vacuum of Third Impact? Or is it the demon that will destroy us all? The fate of mankind now lies in the hands of Ikari’s son. Maya says tell me have we done the right thing? Aoba says how should I know. Eyes open all over Unit 1. Yui’s voice says this Rei is your heart; she embodies your hopes and your dreams. Rei says what is it you wish for. The image of a drop of water hitting the surface of water is shown. A swing is swinging. There are two large hills behind and the sun in between them. Shinji says I see it’s just like when I first started playing the cello I thought that if I came here I would find what I was looking for. A young Shinji is in front of a sandbox with stage lights behind him. A voice says hey Shinji c’mon. A second voice says let’s build a sand castle. Shinji nods. One child says look Mama’s here. The other one says we gotta go now. The child says bye. Both of them says mama, mama. Shinji builds a sand pyramid. It becomes dark and lights come on. Shinji kicks the pyramid and then completely destroys it. The swing stops. Shinji begins building again. Asuka says enough already even just the sight of you gets on my nerves. Shinji says because I’m just like you? A young Asuka says mama. Asuka in her sleep says mama. Shinji says mama. Misato says I wasn’t able to be a mother to Shinji in the end. In a room Misato says let’s do it. Kaji says again I thought you were meeting your friend at school today. Misato says oh yeah, Ritsuko, don’t worry I’ve got plenty of time. Kaji says we’ve been hanging around here for the past week. Misato says yeah but I think I’m finally starting to get the hang of it c’mere. Misato with voicing over says I guess I just do things like that to prove I exist. Asuka says that’s stupid it’s just two depressed grown-ups licking each other’s wounds. Misato’s legs are shown in the air as Shinji watches in the back of the room still holding Misato’s cross. Ritsuko says it’s nice to feel needed even if it’s just physically. Misato says it makes me feel wanted and so it makes me happy. Asuka says it’s just an easy way to convince yourself that you’re worth something. Shinji says does Misato really do things like that. Misato says yes this is also me. Shinji looks angry. Misato says the me that exists when two hearts are joined as one, the me that Shinji has never known, reality can be painful but it’s something that you must learn to accept. Asuka says when I grow up does that mean I’ll do the same things Misato does? You wanna kiss me. Misato says you can’t. Asuka says why are you scared. Misato says that stuff’s not for kids. Asuka says here I come. Asuka walks up to Shinji. Asuka says you don’t understand anything you just stay away from me. Shinji says I do understand. Asuka says you couldn’t possibly you big JERK. Asuka kicks Shinji. Asuka says you really think you can ever know me? You think you can even help me? I can’t believe how arrogant you are you will NEVER understand! Shinji says how can I ever understand you if you won’t say anything you never talk to me but you expect me to understand you that’s IMPOSSIBLE. Rei says did you ever really try Ikari? Rei and Shinji are on a train. Shinji says of course I did. Asuka says idiot, I know all about your little jerk off fantasies about me go ahead and do it like you always do. I’ll even stand here and watch if you like, if I can’t have you all to myself then I don’t want anything from you. Shinji says then try being nice to me. Misato, Rei, and Asuka say we are nice to you. Shinji says liars you’re just hiding behind those smiles intentionally keeping things ambiguous. Rei says because the truth causes everyone pain because the truth is very, very traumatic. Shinji says but ambiguity only causes me more pain. Rei says that’s just an excuse. Shinji says but it scares me because I don’t know if everyone will stop wanting me again. I feel awkward and uneasy let me hear your voice don’t leave me please care about me. Misato, Rei, and Asuka are on the train looking at him. In the apartment Asuka is sitting at the table with her head down and Shinji walks up to her. Shinji says I want to help you Asuka and I want to stay with you. Asuka says then don’t do anything don’t come near me all you ever do is hurt me. Shinji says Asuka help me you’re the only one that can help me. Asuka says liar. Asuka gets up. Asuka says anyone will do you don’t care who it is. You’re afraid of Misato and the First Child. You’re afraid of your mother and father, too. So now you come running to me because that’s the easiest way to keep from getting hurt. Asuka chases Shinji around the table. Shinji says I need you to help me. Asuka says you never even loved yourself you’re all you have and you never even learned to like yourself. She pushes Shinji to the ground and the coffee pot is spilt as he falls. Pen Pen watches. Asuka says pathetic. Shinji says help me, somebody please help me, help me, help me, somebody help me. Shinji throws the table. Pen Pen looks surprised. Shinji says don’t leave me alone. Shinji picks up a chair and hits the other chair with it. Shinji says don’t abandon me, please don’t kill me. Shinji throws the chair on the ground. After a brief silence Asuka says no. Shinji chokes Asuka. Images flash of Shinji choking Asuka and Naoko Akagi strangling Rei. There are several images of crayon drawings with blood and dead animals. All the episode titles and movie titles flash by. There is a blurred Unit 1. Shinji says no one understands me. Rei says you never understood anything. More images flash by. Shinji says I thought this was supposed to be a world without pain and without uncertainty. Rei says that’s because you thought that everyone else felt the same as you do. Shinji says you betrayed me you betrayed my feelings. Rei says you misunderstood from the very beginning you just believed what you wanted to believe. Shinji says nobody wants me so they can all just die. Rei says then what is your hand for. Other images are flash by blurred. Shinji says nobody cares whether or not I exist; nothing ever changes so they can all just die. Rei says then tell me what is your heart for. Shinji say it would be better if I never existed I should just die too. There are red shapes in human form floating. Rei says then why are you here. Shinji says is it okay for me to be here? Text appears saying (silence). Shinji screams and all the images that flash by have lines through them. Hyuga says pilot response approaching infinite zero. Aoba says Eva Series and Geofront are approaching the E layer and still rising. Someone announces current altitude is 220,000 kilometers now entering F layer. Hyuga says all Eva Units are operational. Aoba says the Anti-A.T. Field from Lilith is expanding and materializing. The “black moon” rises and Rei’s hands are on both sides of if. Hyuga says Anti-A.T. Field has exceeded critical limits. Aoba says if this continues individual entities will be unable to maintain their separate form. Wings come out of Rei. Fuyutsuki says the Chamber of Guf is open the door to both the beginning and the end of the world is open at last. Rei’s palms open. The dead people in the halls of NERV turn into LCL accompanied by many Reis. Rei says this world is overflowing with sorrow. Ritsuko’s clothes float in LCL. Rei says its people are drowning in emptiness. A Rei is by Misato’s jacket. Rei says loneliness fills their hearts. A Rei in front of Hyuga turns into Misato and kisses him. He then changes into LCL. Aoba is surrounded by many Reis and one grabs him turning him into LCL. Fuyutsuki says Ikari did you also finally get to see Yui again. A Rei floats down turns into Yui and Fuyutsuki turns into LCL. Maya says the A.T. Fields; the A.T. Fields are all disappearing. Is this the answer is this what I was looking for? Ritsuko types something into the computer. Maya says Ritsuko. Ritsuko says Maya. They hug. Maya says Ritsuko, Ritsuko, Ritsuko, Ritsuko. Maya turns into LCL. The computer screen reads: I need you. The SEELE monoliths are shutting down. Keele says the beginning and the end are one and the same yes all is right with the world. Keele turns into LCL, where lots of devices are shown to have been in him. Gendou is on the ground. He says I’ve waited so long for this moment to arrive I will finally be with you again Yui. Yui is beside him. Gendou says when Shinji is near me all I ever do is cause him pain, it was better when I did nothing at all. Yui says were you afraid of Shinji. Gendou says I didn’t believe that anyone could love me I don’t deserve to be loved. Kawrou says so you were running away you rejected the others so that you would never be hurt. Yui says you were terrified by the invisible bonds that people form. Rei says you were afraid and so you closed your heart. Gendou says this is my retribution forgive me Shinji. Gendou is being held by Unit 1 who bites off his upper torso. Rei picks up Gendou’s glasses on the ground. All three Reis stand next to each other. The Eva Series units stab themselves with weapons. Crosses form all over above the surface of the earth while a swirling circle goes into Rei’s palms. A third eye opens in Rei’s head. Unit 1 in cross thing goes into it, and it closes. Shinji sees bunches of Reis. Shinji says Ayanami Rei. Images quickly flash by while different voices say: I hate you. Don’t call me anymore. You bother me. God you’re persistent. Goodbye. I wish you’d leave. I have no interest in getting back together with you. Let’s just be friends. Do I even know you? Look at you. You really get on my nerves. Who the hell are you? I couldn’t care less whether you live or die. I don’t love you that way. I don’t want you in my life. To be honest you get on my nerves. Stop following me around. I can’t do this anymore. Let’s break up. I don’t need you anymore. Who would want to go out with you? I don’t need you I never did. Go away. You wimp. Shinji and Misato are together. Misato says if it’s too painful you can always make it stop. Rei says if you don’t like it you can just run away. Misato says do you want to be at ease? Do you want to feel peace of mind? Do you want to become one with me? To have our bodies and souls join as one? Asuka says I’d rather die than do it with you. A non-animated empty movie theater. Non-animated images of a city; light tower, a train, a cat, a high view of a city, city electric towers, a swing, a skyline, and a crowd walking. Shinji says hey. Misato says what is it. Shinji says what are dreams. Asuka says dreams. Rei says yes dreams. A partially filled movie theater. Text appears saying: [does it feel good?] Shinji says I don’t’ understand. Three women stand in a crowd not moving while everyone else walks around them. Shinji says I don’t’ understand what reality is. Rei says you can’t bridge the gap between your own truth and the reality of others. Shinji says I don’t know where to find happiness. Rei says so you only find happiness in your dreams. Shinji says then this is not reality this world where no one exists. Rei says no, it’s only a dream. Image zooms in on crowd there are the backs of Asuka, Rei, and Misato. Shinji says then I don’t exist here either. Rei says this convenient fabrication is your attempt to change reality. Shinji says is that wrong. Rei says you were using fantasy to escape reality. Shinji says why can’t I dream that I’m alone. Rei says that is not a dream that’s a substitute for reality. A movie theater with people suddenly becomes empty. Shinji says so where is my dream. Rei says it is a continuation of reality. Shinji says but where is my reality. Rei says it is at the end of your dream. Hate letters flash by. A slice in Rei’s neck forms and a spray of blood comes out the side forming a line in the sky. A liquid surrounds Shinji and Rei with the moon around them. Shinji says Ayanami where are we. Rei says this place is a sea of LCL the primordial soup of life. Rei’s hands are inside Shinji. Rei says a place with no A.T. Fields, where individual forms do not exist. An ambiguous world where you cannot tell where you end and others begin. A world where you exist everywhere and yet you’re nowhere all at once. Shinji says is this death. Rei says not quite. This is a world where we are all one this is the world you wished for. Misato’s cross floats out of Shinji’s hand. Shinji says but this isn’t right, this feels wrong. Rei says if you wish for others to exist the walls of their hearts will separate them again. They will all feel fear once more. Shinji says okay then. He takes Rei’s hands out of him and squeezes her hand. Shinji says thank you. Shinji’s head is resting on Rei’s lap. Shinji says I only felt pain when I existed in that reality. So I thought it was all right to run away. But there was nothing good in the place I escaped to either. Because I didn’t exist there, and so no one existed. Kawrou appears. Kawrou says is it all right for the A.T. Field to cause you and others pain again? Shinji, now standing, says I don’t mind. But what are the two of you within my heart? Rei and Kawrou are side by side. Rei says we are the hope that people will one day be able to understand each other. Kawrou says and we are the words, ‘I love you.’ Bodies start appearing on the ground. Shinji says but that’s just a pretense. A selfish belief. Like some kind of prayer. It can’t possibly last forever. Eventually, I’ll be betrayed and it will abandon me. Crowds are walking in a street around them. Shinji says but still, I want to see them again, because at the time, I know my feelings were real. A group picture of Shinji and the others all smiles. The giant Rei falls backwards and the wings disappear. Unit 1 breaks out of an eye. The holes in Rei’s palms close. Unit 1’s wings come out. Red lines form in the Egg of Lilith and drip down onto Rei. The Egg of Lilith explodes. Kawrou’s voice says reality exists in a place unknown and dreams exist within that reality. Rei’s voice says and truth lies in your heart. Kawrou’s voice says the contents of a person’s heart shapes their appearance. The large Rei’s head falls off followed by an arm. Rei’s voice says and new images will change their hearts and their forms. The power of imagination is the ability to create your own future, and the power to create your own flow of time. Rei’s head crashes into the Earth. Kawrou’s voice says but if people don’t act of their own free will, then nothing will change at all. Rei’s voice says so; you must regain your own lost form by your own volition. Even if it means your words become lost or confused with the words of others. Lance comes out of Unit 1’s mouth. Unit 1 grabs the lance and straightens it. It shoots out light that destroys the lances in the Eva Series units. Rei’s voice says anyone can return to human form as long as they are able to imagine themselves within their own heart. Eva series units fall to earth. Yui’s voice says don’t worry darling. All living creatures have the power to be brought back to life and the will to go on living. Anywhere can be paradise, as long as you have the will to live. After all, you are alive. Unit 1’s wings fold up. Yui’s voice says so you will always have the chance to be happy. The lights in Unit 1’s eyes go out. Rei floats in front of Unit 1. Yui’s voice says as long as the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth exist, everything will be all right. A water drop strikes a surface of water. Yui touches Shinji’s face. Yui says will you be all right? Shinji says I still don’t know where my happiness lies. I’ll still think about why I’m here, and whether or not it was good to come back. But that’s just stating the obvious over and over. They start floating apart. Shinji says I am myself. Shinji reaches the surface. Shinji says but, Mother… what will you do, Mother? Rei’s head is falling apart in front of him. Flashback, Fuyutsuki and Yui are under a tree with a young Shinji. Fuyutsuki says when man created Evangelion were we trying to create a clone of God? Yui says yes. Humans can only exist on this earth, but the Evangelion can live forever along with the human soul that dwells within. View moves away from the Earth. Yui says even 5 billion years from now, when the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun are gone. View moves past the moon, with a blood spot on it and past the sun. Yui continues Eva will exist. It will be lonely, but as long as one person still lives. View moves past Unit 1, which has a blue flame around it. Fuyutsuki says it will be eternal proof that mankind ever existed. Shinji’s voice says Goodbye, Mother. Half of Rei’s head is in the background. Misato’s cross is nailed to a stick in the ground and a streak of blood is in the sky. Shinji and Asuka are lying on the beach, Asuka has some bandages. Both are looking up. Shinji looks over and sees Rei above water disappears. Shinji sits up and looks at Asuka. He gets on top of Asuka and starts choking her. Asuka’s hand touches his face. Shinji stops choking her and cries. Asuka looks at him. Asuka says how disgusting. Text appears saying: _fin. The credits roll.

To Death Extended Summary

To Rebirth Extended Summary
