Episode Guide

Completely original summaries of the Evangelion episodes. Includes brief and extended versions. Click Here For Extended

Episode 1: Angel Attack

Brief: Misato picks up Shinji while 3rd Angel attacks. Shinji learns about NERV and is asked to pilot Evangelion Unit 1. After refusing they get Rei, who is badly injured. Shinji then decides to pilot the Eva and goes to the surface confronting the Angel.

Episode 2: The Beast

Brief: Shinji controls Unit 1 and battles the Angel. After Unit 1 is damaged Shinji wakes up in a hospital bed. Shinji is going to live alone but Misato decides to take him in to live with her. Here we see Misato's apartment and are introduced to Pen Pen. When Shinji is in his bed the rest of the battle between Unit 1 and the Angel are shown, where Unit 1 is beating the Angel when the Angel self-destructs.

Episode 3: The Phone That Never Rings

Brief: The episode starts with Shinji practicing with Unit 1's rifle. At school it is found out that Shinji is the pilot. Toji, who's sister was hurt in the last battle, punches Shinji twice. The fourth Angel approaches. Toji and Kensuke leave the evacuation shelter to see the battle. Shinji is forced to let Toji and Kensuke into Eva's cockpit. Shinji then charges and destroys the Angel against orders.

Episode 4: Rain, Escape and Afterwards

Brief: Misato finds out that Shinji has run away but is not suprised. Shinji wanders around Tokyo-3 and for days and is eventually found by NERV. After being yelled at he decides not to pilot and is going to leave. He meets Toji and Kensuke as they are going to see him off. Misato realizes the mistake she has made and speeds over to the train station. She arrives as the train is leaving but then sees that Shinji has not gotten on the train.

Episode 5: Rei, Beyond Her Heart

Brief: Starts out 22 days before and shows the failed activation test of Unit 0 where Gendou burnt his hands in order to get Rei out of the entry plug after it was force-ejected by the berserk Unit 0. Shinji wonders about Rei and what kind of person she is. He is asked to deliver her new security card. He goes to her apartment and enters, he puts on a broken pair of glasses and Rei appears in just a towel. She takes the glasses off him when he slips and falls on top of Rei. He follows her to headquarters and gives her the new card. It is the day of the reactivation test of Unit 0 it is successful. An unidentified object, the 5th Angel approaches. Unit 1 is sent out and is hit by the Angel immediately by an energy blast.

Episode 6: Showdown in Tokyo 3

Brief: When Unit 1 surfaces it is shot by the 5th Angel Ramiel. The Angel then starts to drill towards NERV headquarters. After tests Misato determines the best course of action would be to sniper the Angel from outside its standard firing zone. She acquires a positron cannon for a sniper rifle, a shield from the bottom of a space shuttle, and all the permission to use all the energy of Japan. Unit 1, piloted by Shinji, is to shoot the Angel and Unit 0, piloted by Rei, is to protect Unit 1. After being prepped Unit 1 shoots and the Angel fires at the same time. Their beams distort their paths and both miss. The Angel fires again melting the shield, and after the rifle cools Shinji fires again destroying the Angel. Shinji opens the heated hatch to Unit 0's entry plug to find Rei all right, where she smiles.

Episode 7: The Human Creation

Brief: Gendou talks to someone on the phone and tells him to proceed with the plan. Shinji begins to wonder what Eva truly is and realizes he knows nothing about it. Misato attends an event demonstrating an attempt to making something else that is capable of defeating the Angels. At the activation test the machine, Jet Alone, goes out of control and is headed toward a city with it's nuclear reactor close to meltdown. Shinji and Unit 1 are flown to the area. Unit 1 puts Misato on Jet Alone and holds it still. Misato types in a password to delete all programming and stop it, but it does not work. She then desperately tries to make the rods retract and she succeeds. Ritsuko then tells Gendou that except for Misato's mission everything went according to plan.

Episode 8: Asuka Strikes!

Brief: Misato takes Kensuke, Toji, and Shinji to the U.N. fleet guarding Unit 2. There they meet the second child, Asuka. They also encounter Kaji, who has had relations with Misato in the past. Kaji tells Shinji he's famous and Shinji says it is just luck. Asuka tries to impress Shinji by showing him Unit 2. An Angel attacks and both Asuka and Shinji get in Unit 2. Asuka has Unit 2 jump to the carrier to get an external power source. The Angel takes Unit 2 underwater and is partially eaten. Misato devises a plan to sink two battleships into the Angel's mouth and fire them remotely. The plan works and Asuka and Shinji working together are able to open the Angel's mouth. Toji, Kensuke, and Shinji later find out to their shock and horror that Asuka will be attending class with them.

Episode 9: Both of You, Dance Like You Want To Win

Brief: The 7th Angel, Israphel, arrives Asuka attacks and it splits into two. It defeats both Shinji and Asuka. In order to defeat the Angel Misato has Asuka move in with her and Shinji. They are to do everything together in order to get into synch with choreographed music. After Rei and Shinji synchronize on their first attempt, Asuka is determined to do it for her honor. The night before the scheduled attack Misato isn't there and Asuka sleeps in another room. Asuka sleepwalks and lies down next to Shinji. Shinji is about to kiss her when she cries and mentions her mother. The next day they successfully defeat the Angel but end up with their Evas on top of each other. After yelling at each other Asuka finds out that Shinji tried to kiss her.

Episode 10: Magma Diver

Brief: Asuka is excited about going on a class trip to Okinawa when she learns she can't go because she is on permanent standby. Something is discovered inside a volcano and after investigation it is proven to be an Angel. They wish to go on the offensive and capture it. Using special equipment, Unit 2 successfully captures the Angel. As Unit 2 is being raised out of the volcano it begins to hatch. The progressive knife does not work until coolant is used on the Angel's body, allowing the progressive knife to penetrate the Angel, defeating it.

Episode 11: In the Still Darkness

Brief: The main power goes out at NERV, which is impossible, meaning sabotage. The military detects an Angel and having no response from Tokyo-3 sends a helicopter to carry the message. Hyuga hears it and confiscates a vehicle with a loud speaker. The three pilots try to find their way through NERV when they hear the announcement. Hyuga informs the Commander who helps the Evas get ready for manual launch. When the pilots fall in they go in and destroy the Angel.

Episode 12: The Value Of A Miracle Is

Brief: A flashback shows what Misato saw during Second Impact. She has been promoted to Major. Shinji's synch ratio continues to rise. Both commanders leave at the same time leaving Misato in charge. Shinji discovers that he has things in common with each other by way of their fathers. After inquiring Asuka he finds out she pilots to prove that she exists. The 10th Angel, Sahaqiel, attacks by using it's A.T. Field as an offensive weapon dropping from space. After dispersing the Evas to cover the drop zone Unit 1 catches it and with the help of Units 0 and 2 is defeated. Shinji is congratulated by his father, and decides that is why he pilots Eva.

Episode 13: Angel Invasion

Brief: The three pilots prepare to have a harmonics test with simulation bodies. There is some corrosion in the protein wall but will apparently not effect the test. The corrosion spreads rapidly and when they try to destroy it they discover it is the 11th Angel Ireul. It is able to adapt and evolve rapidly. The Angel is like an organic computer and hacks into the MAGI. The MAGI are three supercomputers made by Ritsuko's mother. It takes over one of the three and invades another before a barrier is placed in its way. They use the third to upload a self-destruct sequence into the Angel just in time to cancel the self-destruct of NERV initiated by the Angel.

Episode 14: SEELE, Throne of Souls

Brief: SEELE reviews all the previous Angel attacks and questions Ikari about the most recent invasion of NERV. Gendou denies NERV was invaded. Rei thinks about herself before a compatibility test with Unit 1, it goes fine. When Shinji does the same in Unit 0 it goes berserk after feeling an impression of Rei. It attacks the testing area but is shut down. Shinji is fine but doesn't remember anything. Gendou and Fuyutsuki discuss the current situation. Gendou says everything is going according to plan.

Episode 15: Lie and Silence

Brief: Kaji investigates some suspicious things with the Marduk institute that selects Eva pilots. Shinji meets with his father at his mother's grave and talks to him. Asuka goes on a date but leaves early and Misato goes to a wedding. After the wedding Misato goes drinking with Kaji and tells him that she lied to him. Shinji and Asuka kiss, after which Asuka washes her mouth. Misato discovers that Kaji is a spy and finds out that NERV is harboring what Kaji says is Adam, the First Angel.

Episode 16: Sickness Unto Death, and…

Brief: Shinji's synch ratio surpasses Asuka's. When the 12th Angel Leliel appears Shinji takes point. After shooting at the Angel it disappears and Shinji sinks into a shadow. It is determined that the shadow is the actual body of the Angel. Shinji struggles with his thoughts while in the Eva. Ritsuko plans to destroy the Angel and Unit 1 along with it. Before the plan is commenced Unit 1 goes berserk just as Shinji was about to die, destroying the Angel.

Episode 17: The Fourth Child

Brief: Unit 4 is gone along with an entire facility. Unit 3 is being shipped to Tokyo-3. A dummy plug system is being worked on and a fourth child needs to be found. They find one in Toji. Misato is suspicious that the pilot was so conveniently located and discovers that the Marduk Institute doesn't exist. Shinji's synch ratio has dropped and Misato is unsure how to tell him about Toji being selected as a pilot.

Episode 18: The Judgment of Life

Brief: Misato can't seem to tell Shinji that Toji is the fourth child. Hikari talks to Asuka about her feelings for Toji. The activation test of Unit 3 goes wrong, as the 13th Angel Bardiel possesses it. After defeating Units 0 and 2 Shinji refuses to fight as the entry plug is still inside the possessed Eva. Gendou has it switched to the dummy plug, which brutally rips apart the Angel. Shinji finds out the pilot is Toji when he sees him bloodied and being pulled from the crushed entry plug.

Episode 19: A Man's Fight

Brief: Shinji says he will never pilot again after what happened to his friend Toji. He is about to leave Tokyo-3 when the 14th Angel Zeruel attacks. After defeating both Units 0 and 2 and talking to Kaji he decides to pilot. Unit 1 was refusing a pilot or dummy system. As the Angel reaches NERV command Shinji attacks it successfully moving it back to the Geo Front. After running out of power Unit 1 is at the Angel's mercy until it reactivates. The Angel is defeated as the beast inside the Eva is freed.

Episode 20: Form of the Mind, Form of the Man

Brief: SEELE is upset that Unit 1 has been awakened. Unit 1 will be frozen until further notice. However Shinji has been taken into the Eva. Ritsuko plans to try and salvage him using data collected ten years earlier when a similar incident occurred, which ended in failure. Shinji examines himself, why he fights, and struggles with whether or not to come back. Strange things happen while in the Eva. The salvage operation fails but Shinji appears back nonetheless. Misato meets with Kaji and tries to get answers from him.

Episode 21: The Birth of NERV

Brief: Commander Fuyutsuki is kidnapped as he tells the story of NERV. Professor Fuyutsuki finds out about the cover-up of Second Impact and after confronting Gendou and finding out about Eva joins Gehirn. Misato was mute after witnessing Second Impact and later met Ritsuko in college. Shinji is present when his mother dies as Ritsuko's mother had planned to happen. Ritsuko's mother Naoko Akagi finishes the Magi. She chokes Rei before dying herself. The Human Instrumentality Project is approved by SEELE and Gehirn is changed into NERV. Kaji is alone in a room and a gunshot is heard.

Episode 22: At Least, Be Humane

Brief: Asuka's mother died when she was a little girl and said she wouldn't cry. Asuka's synch ratio continues to drop. With Asuka's pride damaged she is angry with others. Rei tries to help her understand Eva but Asuka doesn't want help. When the next Angel attacks Asuka takes point. She is attacked mentally and the 15th Angel Arael rapes her mind. Past memories are brought up that she wanted to forget. It is out of range of all their rifles. Finally, on Gendou's orders, Rei uses the Lance of Longinus to defeat the Angel.

Episode 23: Tear

Brief: Misato is in grief and Asuka stays over at Hikari's. The next Angel attacks and Rei is contaminated. Asuka is unable to synch with Unit 2. When Unit 1 is released and attacked by the Angel Rei sacrifices herself and Unit 0 to save Shinji by self-destruct. Shinji is sad but later finds out Rei is alive. He talks to her and finds out she doesn't remember what happens. Misato decides to find out the truth. Ritsuko becomes angry with Gendou after he sends her to SEELE. Ritsuko shows Shinji and Misato some of the secrets NERV has. She shows where Rei grew up, where Shinji's mother disappeared and tells him he saw it happen. She then takes them that the dummy plug system is actually made with a soulless body of Rei. She destroys them.

Episode 24: The Final Messenger

Brief: Asuka remembers as a little girl seeing her mother after killing herself. Shinji is unsure how to act around Rei also Toji and Kensuke have moved. The fifth child arrives to replace Asuka and befriends Shinji. He is able to set his synch ratio at whatever he sees fit. It turns out he is the 17th Angel Tabris. The last Angel takes Unit 2 and heads toward Terminal Dogma where a giant lies pinned to a cross. Shinji is unable to stop him as he reaches it. The Angel looks at the giant and realizes it is the 2nd Angel Lilith. Unit 1 stops Unit 2 and grabs Kaworu. Kaworu says that Shinji made his life meaningful and tells Shinji to kill him in order to save humanity. After a long pause Shinji does.

Episode 25: The Ending World

Brief: Shinji is troubled over what he did to Kaworu. Asuka is depressed and so it Misato. The characters examine themselves as Instrumentality begins. The minds of Shinji, Asuka, Rei, and Misato are looked at. Shinji creates a world free of pain and nothingness.

Episode 26: The Beast that Shouted "I" at the Heart of the World

Brief: As Instrumentality continues Shinji deals with his hate for himself. He creates a world with nothing, complete freedom. He tries to figure out his existence and why he lives. He examines his very Self and attempts to determine what makes up his Self. He is shown another reality in which he exists without Eva. In the end, Shinji decides life is worth living.

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