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Episode 10: Magma Diver

Extended: Asuka is shopping with Kaji for swimsuits. Asuka says she is anxious about her school trip; they will be going to Okinawa where they will go scuba diving among other things. He said it's been years since he's gone diving. Asuka asks where he went for his class trip. He said nowhere because of Second Impact. In Misato's apartment Pen Pen is relaxing with a bath when he hears Asuka start to yell. She is yelling because she can't go on the trip. She asks if she is on permanent standby and Misato says she is. Asuka asks Shinji why he doesn't act like a man. Shinji said he expected they wouldn't get to go. Asuka asks why are they on the defensive, and why can't they find the Angels and attack them first. Misato says if they could do that they would. She says they can catch up on studies while the rest of the class is away and she is disappointed in their grades. Shinji and Asuka watch as the plane takes off and their friends say their good-byes. Rei is swimming in a pool while Shinji sits at a table with a laptop. Asuka asks what he's got there. He responds that he has basic physics and then is briefly surprised when he sees her in a swimsuit. She says if she can't go diving in Okinawa she will here. She asks what he is working on and then finishes the problem. Shinji asks why she does so badly on the tests. She says she has trouble figuring out what the questions are, because she can't read them. She says she didn't have to study it in college, and after Shinji repeated it questionably she said that she graduated last year. Asuka explains thermal expansion saying that most things expand when they get hot and shrink when they get cold. She then asks him an example, if she was to warm up her breasts with her hands would they grow larger or smaller? Shinji says he doesn't think about things like that. Rei gets out of the pool and Shinji looks at her. Asuka calls for Shinji's attention and then gets in the pool with the scuba gear. NERV personnel are looking at some photos taken by a probe in a volcano. The Magi say it is a 50/50 chance it is an Angel. Misato is at the site and orders to go beyond the safety levels. She says if it breaks they'll pay for the damage. They start analysis and the probe implodes. The pattern is blue it's an Angel. Misato says that the site is under the jurisdiction of NERV and all records will become top secret. Misato calls NERV headquarters and says she needs an A-17. Gendou is at a meeting with SEELE, discussing whether or not to do an offensive attack. Some say it is too dangerous. Gendou points out that it would move them to an offensive posture and it is important to obtain a living specimen. The three Eva pilots are briefed that the operation is to capture the Angel. If they fail they are to destroy it. Asuka is chosen to pilot. Rei and Unit 0 are to remain on standby. Asuka says the heat resistant plug suit doesn't seem any different. She presses the other wrist button and the suit expands several times. She looks at Unit 2 in the D type equipment and is upset by the giant protective covering. Ritsuko says the exo-suit is to protect from extreme environmental duress. Asuka says she won't do it and that this is what they have Shinji for. Kaji says that he's disappointed he won't get to see her in action. She hides from his view and says he can't see her like this. Shinji starts to speak up and then Rei says she will go in Unit 2. Asuka says she'd rather do it then let Rei take her place. Planes carry Units 1 and 2 to the site. Asuka asks if Kaji is there and Misato says he won't be coming. Asuka says she wanted him to see her greatest triumph. Kaji is in a lift car talking to someone. The person asks why he didn't try and stop them. He said that it was an official order and he couldn't. Shinji sees some jets flying around and asks why they are there. Misato says the UN and Air Force are there in case they fail, in which case they will destroy the Angel and them. Asuka asks what kind of jerk would order something like that. Misato says that it was Commander Ikari. They begin lowering Unit 2. Before she enters she calls Shinji's attention and does a scissor dive with her Eva. She says her visibility is zero so she switches to a CT monitor. She can still barely see. They descend more than 1000, the safety depth. Unit 2 reaches 1300, the estimated target depth. The target is not there so, Unit 2 descends further. At 1400 there is a crack in a coolant pipe. The maximum depth is exceeded and Misato says they will go to a local hot spring when they are done. The progressive knife falls off of Unit 2's side. Hyuga says they have to stop it. Misato says she will manage the operation as she sees fit. Asuka says she agrees with Misato. Unit 2 reaches 1780 and sees the target. She is told she has one chance to make contact. The cage spreads and there are no problems. She is completed and begins to ascend. Shinji asks if she is all right and she says of course. Ritsuko says she was scared about the operation. Asuka yells its going crazy. The 8th Angel Sandalphon begins to hatch. The cage can't handle it and is jettisoned. Asuka is told to prepare for combat. She reaches for her missing progressive knife. She releases from the holster to avoid a charge by the Angel and loses sight of it. Unit 1 throws it's progressive knife down. The Angel approaches Asuka. Sandalphon bites at Unit 2. She starts hitting the Angel with the progressive knife but it doesn't work. Shinji yells think physics. Asuka says thermal expansion. She rips out a coolant pipe and says to direct all the coolant flow to that pipe. She strikes with the progressive knife and defeats the Angel. The D type equipment begins to crush. She says she's done it but that's it she's done for. The suspension wire breaks and Unit 2 starts to fall, then stops. Asuka looks up and sees Unit 1 holding both ends and Asuka quietly calls him an idiot and showoff. Shinji gets a package, that's from Kaji. He opens it and Pen Pen pops out and looks around. He looks around and Shinji says that the springs are over that way. Shinji is relaxing and Pen Pen is swimming around on the men's side of the springs. Misato calls over the wall and asks for body shampoo. Shinji throws it over and Asuka yells in pain. Asuka says you idiot watch where you're throwing you dork. She then says he hit me in my most private part. Misato says let me take a look. Asuka says watch your fingers. Misato says, wow your skin is so soft and smooth Asuka. Asuka says don't you're tickling me. She then says oh don't touch me there. Misato says come on what gives. Pen Pen is staring at Shinji; he covers himself and gets back in the water. He thinks, it expanded how embarrassing. Asuka and Misato are sitting next to each other and Asuka looks at a scar on Misato's chest. Misato says it happened during Second Impact. Asuka says that she knows her past. Misato says it's her job, it's ancient history know, and she ought to let it go. To be continued…
