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Episode 12: The Value Of A Miracle Is

Extended: 15 years ago in the year 2000. Amidst explosions a young girl is being carried to a small pod. It is Misato. As she is put inside she asks if the person is her dad. The small pod closes and there is a giant explosion. Giant wings come out of it with a screeching sound. Misato looks out of the pod now in water and sees the wings. Present day. Misato is getting dressed shows large scar on her chest. Toji and Kensuke are thanking Shinji for letting them in from the rainstorm. They ask where Misato is. He says she must still be asleep. They want to be quiet so they don't wake her. Asuka yells what are these creeps doing in here. She then says she's changing and if they peak they're dead. Toji yells back who'd want to watch a snake changing its skin anyway. Misato comes out. They ask if they woke her. She responds that she was already awake. Misato reminds Shinji of a harmonics test at the lab that evening. Kensuke congratulates Misato on her promotion. She says they are too kind. She leaves and Shinji asks if something happened. Kensuke says that she has two stripes now meaning she's been promoted to Major. They are upset that neither of them noticed. All three pilots are doing harmonics test. Unit 1 can still tolerate more so they lower it. They say his synch ratio is rapidly catching with Asuka's. A tech says it was if he was born to pilot. Misato says that it's not that he wants though. Ritsuko tells Shinji that he did excellent. Asuka says that it's still below hers. Ritsuko says that the raise in such a short time is still amazing. Asuka says she doesn't think so. Misato and Shinji are riding in a car. Shinji says that it's nice she got promoted. She says she's not really that thrilled. Shinji says that he's not crazy about getting praised in public either. He says that it just got Asuka angry. He asks why she got so upset and says it's stupid. Misato asks if it bothers him and he says yes. She says it's because he worries too much about what other people think of him. A promotion party is taking place at Misato's apartment where Misato, Shinji, Asuka, Toji, Kensuke, Hikari, and Pen Pen are all sitting at a table. Toji says it was Kensuke's idea. Shinji is looking around idly Toji asks what Hikari is doing there. Asuka says she invited her. Asuka asks where Kaji is and says he's late. Asuka says after hanging around these dorks all day it's nice to be around a real man. This starts an argument. Misato asks Shinji if it is still difficult to be in this situation. He says that he's not used to being around so many people and asks why they are so noisy. He says that since she got promoted someone must appreciate her work. He says that is why they are happy for you but you don't look happy. He then asks her why she joined NERV. She says it was a long time since she signed up. Kaji and Ritsuko come in. Asuka and Misato have upset looks. Kaji gives his sincerest regards and says he'll have to be polite to her from now on. Both commanders have never left at the same time before. A fleet is at the South Pole. Fuyutsuki says that the once living continent of Antarctica is now an ocean of death. Gendou says that mankind has returned. He says that science makes mankind powerful. Fuyutsuki says that this is the end result and it is the real Dead Sea. Gendou says that it is a world purified of the original sin. Fuyutsuki says he'd rather live in a world of people, no matter how much sin. They get a report that an Angel has appeared in orbit. At NERV command satellites show the 10th Angel Sahaqiel. The Angel's A.T. Field then destroys the satellites. Part of the Angel falls and creates a huge tidal wave in the ocean. Ritsuko points out that it is correcting its error ratio. An aerial N2 mine had no effect. Ritsuko says that if Sahaqiel falls on them the area would become an extension of the Pacific Ocean. The MAGI are unanimous in evacuation. Misato says that there will be a D-17 evacuation. They will not evacuate NERV but it isn't necessary to risk everyone. All residents and noncombatants are evacuated. Ritsuko asks if she is serious. She says the chance of success is one in ten thousand. Misato says she trusts the Evas and tells her not to forget that she is in charge. She says destroying the Angels is her duty. Ristuko tells her she just wants revenge. Asuka repeats in shock that they will catch it with their hands. Misato says they can catch it with their A.T. Fields. She says their chances aren't too good. Asuka says to pull it off would be a miracle. Misato says people can make miracles happen. Asuka asks how she can call it a plan. She says you can refuse. Silence. She says they are all supposed to write out a will. They all say that they won't. She says that she will treat all of them to a steak dinner afterwards. After she leaves Shinji asks if a steak dinner is supposed to impress them. Asuka starts deciding where they will go. Asuka asks if Wondergirl (Rei) will be joining them. She says she won't because she dislikes eating meat. They show the pilots the MAGI estimated drop zone radius. They will disperse the Evas. Rei asks what the dispersal is based on. Misato says a guess. In the elevator with Shinji, Asuka and Rei Shinji ask Asuka why she pilots. She says to show the world how great she is. He says so it is to prove she exists. She says that he could say that and then asks why he doesn't ask Rei. He says that he's already talked to her about it. She asks if they've been having secret meetings. Asuka asks why he does it. He says he doesn't know. She says what are you stupid. He says maybe I am. Misato tells the techs they can leave. They say that they can't just let the kids risk their lives by themselves. Misato says the safest place to be is inside an Eva. Shinji in his Eva thinks back to earlier. Misato says the other day you wanted to know why I joined NERV. She says her father lived for his work and sometimes she hated him. Shinji thinks that it is like his father. She says her father was a weak person who didn't want to face reality and that she was happy when her mother decided to divorce him. She thought he got what he deserved and then he sacrificed himself to save her life during Second Impact. She says she didn't know if she loved or hated him. She says it was clear she wanted to destroy the Angels who caused Second Impact. She must avenge her father to free herself. Shinji thinks of his father and thinks he mustn't run away. Present he says aloud I won't, I won't run away. Misato tells the Eva's to get on their marks. She says the MAGI will guide them and then they must use their own judgment. All three Evas start to run. Unit 1 runs faster until it turns into a blur. It stops right below the Angel spreading his A.T. Field. He catches it with his hands. The Angel starts to push Unit 1 into the ground. Rei tells Unit 2 to expand her A.T. Field. Asuka says that she's doing it. The Angel is pushed up with the combined A.T. Fields of the three Evas. Unit 0 cuts the A.T. Field and Unit 2 stabs the Angel. It falls down and explodes. In NERV wireless communication is restored and there is a transmission from Commander Ikari. Misato apologizes that Unit 1 incurred some damage. Fuyutsuki says it is fortunate the damage was minimal. Commander says excellent work Major Katsuragi and asks if the pilot of Unit 1 is there. He says he just read the report, good work Shinji. Shinji says yes sir. On a train Asuka says they have already picked out the place to eat. They go to a ramen place. Asuka says they now how poor she is and since there is no meat Wondergirl can eat there. Shinji says to Misato he finally understands the good part of being praised. He says the reason he pilots Eva is to hear those words from his father. Asuka says he really is an idiot. To be continued…
