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Episode 13: Angel Invasion

Extended: The MAGI is almost ready to be reactivated. Ritsuko tells Maya that she's pretty quick and then suggests a change. She does it herself and types faster than Maya with one hand. Misato asks if the checkup is done yet. Ritsuko says she is almost finished. The checkup finishes and the MAGI enter self-diagnostic. Ritsuko says to herself that as usual mother's in good shape. Asuka complains that they have to take their clothes off for an autopilot test. The three pilots are standing behind some doors and Ritsuko wants them to go through the room. She says the cameras are shut off. They are doing it to monitor the harmonics from the bodies. The test sequence activates with autopilot recording. Simulation plugs are inserted into the simulation bodies, which are a stationary replica of the Eva body structure. Rei is told to focus moving her right hand. The MAGI enter into deliberation. Ritsuko says that you can see the creator's personality. Misato says she thought Ritsuko created it. Ritsuko says she created the uplinks and everything else was her mother's. In NERV command Aoba and Hyuga are checking on parts that are corroding. They say since it was hurried some air bubbles may have been trapped. Fuyutsuki says to fix it by tomorrow or Ikari will chew their asses off. Maya reports that there is corrosion in the protein wall above the floor but it will not affect the test. Ritsuko says they can't abandon tests because of minor difficulties or Ikari would chew her ass off. A.T. Field of Unit 0 is ready to be generated. Alert flashes. Contamination in the protein wall and the corrosion is spreading rapidly. Ritsuko orders the test aborted and the stopping of the pipe system. It keeps spreading. She orders the polysomes to be deployed with their lasers set at max to destroy every particle. Rei screams. Her simulation right arm starts moving. Maya reports that it is invading the simulation bodies' water system. The arm reaches towards the box room when it is blown off. All entry plugs are ejected. The polysomes use their lasers and they do not work because of A.T. Field. The simulation bodies start turning red. The pattern is confirmed blue, the 11th Angel Ireul. Cut off Central Dogma, all personnel evacuated. Gendou orders the red alert canceled and to call the committee and tell them there was an error in the alarm system. It is reported that it is spreading over Sigma unit. Fuyutsuki whispers to Gendou that it is too close. Gendou says that it is too close to Adam. The Evas are standing by and Gendou orders them to be launched Unit 1 first. He says if the Evas are contaminated they are finished. Kaji gets out of a box hanging in the middle of a tube. Fuyutsuki asks how they can fight the Angels without the Evas. They determine that its weakness is ozone. They inject ozone causing the area to get back to normal, but the central mass not changing. The heat levels rise and the ozone no longer works. It starts to absorb it after which they stop injecting ozone. An intruder is in the sub computer. They can't stop it as they try using decoy entries. The barrier is penetrated and they trace the hacker to the abandoned test box. The Angel is an organic computer. It cracks the password and breaks into the main banks. It then goes after the MAGI. They are told to shut off the IO system. They can't. The Angel enters the MAGI takes over Melchior and reprograms it. Melchior initiates self-destruct but it is overruled. It begins hacking into Balthasar. Ritsuko orders them to change the log in mode code every 15 seconds. They believe they bought two hours. Gendou says the MAGI have become their enemy. In a briefing area they say that the Angel is composed of nano-machines each the size of a virus forming an intelligent circuit. It keeps changing and adapting to the situation. Misato proposes the physical destruction of the MAGI. Ritsuko says that as long as the Angel keeps evolving they have a chance. Gendou says by controlling its evolution. Structure it to self-destruction. They may be able to hack into the Angel and upload a self-destruct program but they would have to remove the barrier. Gendou says if Casper is faster than the Angel they will succeed. Casper is lifted and Ritsuko crawls inside a small corridor. There are lots of papers inside. They are the developer's notes. With the notes they can program faster and Ritsuko thanks her mother. While Ritsuko is working Misato tries talking to her. She asks about the MAGI. Ritsuko asks if she knows about personality OS. Misato says it is the uploading of a personality allowing the system to think. It was used on Evas. Ritsuko says in a real way the MAGI is her mother's brain. She removes a cover exposing part of a human brain. She says she never really liked her mother. Balthasar is taken over and self-destruct will occur 20 seconds after all three MAGI confirm. It invades Casper, making 20 seconds to self-destruct. Ritsuko and Maya are typing. Ritsuko says she has one second to spare. The countdown reaches zero. The autonomous self-destruct is canceled. The MAGI return to normal. The three entry plugs are floating in a lake with the pilots still inside. Ritsuko talks to Misato and says that the night before her mother died she said there were three aspects to her life. They are her as a mother, scientist, and woman. Each of the three MAGI is slightly different. Ritsuko says she doesn't understand as a mother, respects her as a scientist, and hates her as a woman. Casper was the part of her that was a woman and it stayed a woman down to the very last second. To be continued…
