Episode Guide

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Episode 15: Lie and Silence

Extended: In a helicopter Fuyutsuki and Gendou are talking. Fuyutsuki says Chairman Keel of SEELE is complaining about the delays. Gendou says that Adam is going well and the dummy plug is proceeding. He asks what they are complaining about. Fuyutsuki says that instrumentality is behind. Gendou says the projects are linked and there are no problems. Fuyutsuki asks how they will deal with you know. They can make use of him for a while. In Kyoto Kaji is in an empty building. He talks to someone feeding cats. 107 of 158 of places with the Marduk are like that. On the board of directors are several names including Gendou, Fuyutsuki and Keel. Marduk is supposed to be an advisory body to select Eva pilots. The woman feeding the cats says that his job is to investigate NERV. Answering machine for Kaji, Asuka screams for help and yells don't touch me you pervert before hanging up. Hikari asks what's going on. Asuka says she was calling Kaji. She says he's always out doing something. Hikari asks Asuka for a favor, to go on a date with her big sister's friend. Rei is holding a rag and Shinji is watching. Toji hits him on the head and tells him to get back to work. While pilots are testing Ritsuko asks Misato what dress she's wearing. She eventually says she may buy a new one and the weddings are killing her bank account. She says everyone's in a rush to get married before 30. Ritsuko tells the pilots good work. Shinji looks over at Rei. Ritsuko says that Shinji seems more subdued than usual. Misato says tomorrow is the day. Shinji and Rei are in an elevator. Shinji says that tomorrow she has to see his father and asks her what he should talk about. Rei says she doesn't understand why he's asking her. He says that he's seen them talking and enjoy it. Shinji asks what his father is like. Rei says she doesn't know. Rei asks if he's been watching her because he wanted to ask her that. He says yes and then says that when they were cleaning and holding the cloth it reminder him of a mother. Rei blushes and says you embarrass me. Asuka and Pen Pen are watching TV. Misato tells Asuka she better go to bed because she has a date tomorrow. Asuka asks if she can use Misato's lavender perfume. Misato says she can't and asks if Shinji is in his room. Asuka says he's been there since he got home. Asuka asks why he goes through it. Misato says he doesn't hate him and that's the problem. Shinji is in his bed thinking about his father. Misato opens the door and says that he mustn't run away, nothing will ever change unless you have the courage to step forward. Also, that when he sees him to keep his chin held high. She leaves and Misato and Asuka talk about her new dress. Asuka, Misato and Shinji all leave, leaving Pen Pen alone. At the wedding reception Kaji is late. He walks up complements them and says he had trouble getting out of work on time. Misato tells him he should have shaved and adjusts his tie. Ritsuko says they act like they're married. Misato says who'd marry this bum. A long line of graves with Shinji and Gendou standing in front of one marked: Ikari Yui. Gendou says it's been three years. Shinji says since he ran away and he hasn't been back. He doesn't believe his mom rests there and doesn't remember her face. Gendou says burying memories is man's way of surviving and Yui taught him that one irreplaceable thing. Gendou says he keeps everything in his heart and is satisfied with that. A vehicle lands and Gendou says their time is up. Shinji says he is glad they could talk together. Gendou says indeed. Vehicle takes off with Rei in the window. Shinji walks away. Back at Misato's Shinji is playing the cello while Pen Pen sleeps. He stops and hears Asuka clapping. She says it's very nice and she didn't know he played. He says he started when he was five but isn't very good. She says she's impressed. Pen Pen looks out of the fridge and closes it again. Shinji says he could of quit anytime but no one told him to stop. He says that she's back early. Asuka says that he was more boring than him and when he was in line for a roller coaster she left. Misato, Ritsuko and Kaji are all sitting at a bar. Misato walks away to powder her nose. Ritsuko says she's losing control. Kaji says sometimes people drink to keep themselves under control. Kaji says him and Misato would be a doomed battle. Ritsuko says she doesn't think so. He gives her a cat coin. Kaji asks why Misato's taking so long. Ritsuko asks what he was doing in Kyoto. She says that he'll get his fingers burnt if he gets too involved. He says he'd rather be burnt by his passion for her. Misato walks up and says to Kaji that he's never changed. Ritsuko leaves. Misato calls Shinji saying she's out drinking with Kaji and not to wait up. Asuka asks if it was Misato. Shinji says it was and she said not to wait up. Misato throws up in an alley. Afterwards Kaji is carrying her on his back. He lets her down when she asks. She holds her heels while she's walking. She asks Kaji if he thinks she's changed. He says she's even prettier. Misato says that when she told him there was someone else she wasn't honest. She says that one day she realized how much like her father he was, she was terrified and ran. She says that she thought she hated her father and then fell in love with someone just like him. She says she decided to join NERV to sever ties with her father but found out he worked for NERV. She says then she tried to bury her feelings by avenging her father against the Angels. Kaji tells her that choosing the path was her decision and she didn't have to apologize. She says she ran, is a coward, and is no better than Shinji. Kaji says that's enough. She continues saying she has no right to be Shinji's guardian. Kaji kisses her and she drops her heels. Asuka asks Shinji if he wants to kiss her. He says what. She says you know kissing you ever done it. Shinji shakes his head. She says so let's do it. Shinji asks why. She says she has nothing better to do. He says that's your reason, you're weird. She asks if he is afraid. He says he's not. They both stand up. Asuka asks if he brushed his teeth. He says he did. Their faces get close and Asuka tells him to stop breathing because it's tickling her. She holds his nose and kisses. Shinji begins to turn colors. Pen Pen walks in, looks at Shinji, and then gets in his fridge. Shinji is blue when they stop kissing. Asuka runs out of the room gargles water and says she should never kiss to tell time. Misato and Kaji walk in. They greet Kaji, Asuka enthusiastically. Misato is in her bed and Kaji says he's going to leave. Asuka says he could spend the night there. Kaji says it'd never be lived down if he went like that to work, pointing to his suit. She stops as he leaves and whispers lavender perfume. Kaji says to take care of Misato. Shinji says to Asuka that she looks upset. She says its because you kissed me. At school roll is being called and Rei is absent. At NERV Headquarters Deep Underground Facility Central Dogma Rei is inside a tube with Gendou outside it. Rei looks at him and Gendou smiles. At Central Dogma, Depth 2008 Meters Terminal Dogma there is a keep out sign and beeps. This is followed by a gun being placed by the head of Kaji by Misato. He asks if she is feeling better. Misato says that Kaji is a spy for the Japanese government. Misato says that he could die if he keeps it up. He says perhaps not because Ikari has a use for him. He says he is sorry he kept it secret but there is one Gendou and Ritsuko are keeping from her. He swipes a card and a door opens revealing a large white figure cut off at the waist pinned to a giant red cross with a lance in it's chest. Kaji says this is the key to 2nd Impact and everything since. This is Adam. Misato says she doesn't know NERV, she doesn't know NERV at all. To be continued…
