Episode Guide

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Episode 16: Sickness Unto Death, and…

Extended: Asuka is in the bathroom and comes out saying that it is too hot. Shinji apologizes. Asuka says that he's always apologizing and asks if he really thinks it's his fault. She says its his condition reflex to any kind of concentration and asks if he has any spine at all. Shinji apologizes again. Asuka says there you go again why do you have to go punishing yourself for everything. Misato says its just Shinji's way. Asuka says that it's easy for Misato to accept his pathetic habits. Talking about her and Kaji she says she's never been around anyone involved in such an indecent relationship. A harmonics test is being conducted. Misato asks how Shinji's doing and says that knowing this will probably boost his confidence. Misato tells Shinji that his synch ratio is the highest. Asuka is talking while Rei is behind her. She says that its not just that he beat them it's that he beat them so easily is what pisses her off. She says it makes their job easier but they'll have to work double time so not to be left behind. Rei says she's leaving and exits. Asuka punches a locker. Shinji is riding a bus clenching and unclenching his hand. He clenches and says yeah. A black shadow emerges on the ground. A giant white and black sphere floats in the air. Misato asks how it wasn't detected earlier. It is reported that it suddenly appeared right above them. No A.T. Field is detected and the Commander is not there again. Unit 1 waits by with a handgun. Misato says that's all the information they know and tells them to try to lure it out of the city and to back each other up. Asuka says that Shinji should take point because he has the highest synch ratio. Shinji says he can do it and he'll show her how it ought to be done. Asuka says Unit 2 will back him up. Rei says Unit 0 will back him up as well. Misato says he'll have to chew Shinji out when he gets back. Shinji asks if Asuka and Rei are in positions yet. Both say they are not. Asuka's cable reaches its end; she disconnects, and pulls one out of a building. Shinji clenches his fist and thinks I'll stop it myself. Unit 1 reaches around the corner and fires. The target disappeared. The pattern is blue and it's beneath Unit 1. A dark shadow appears and Unit 1 starts to sink. Misato tells him to get out of there. Misato orders the entry plug ejected but there is no response. Unit 1 sinks out of sight. Misato orders the others to rescue Unit 1. Unit 0 shoots and Ritsuko yells to watch the shadow. Unit 2 jumps onto a building and starts to climb it as it begins to sink. Misato orders Asuka and Rei to pull back. Rei says the Unit 1 and Shinji are still in there. Misato says it's an order and says to withdraw now. Misato is in a helicopter overlooking the 12th Angel Leliel. They reeled the cable back in put the other end was empty. Unit 1 without power, if it stays at minimal life support mode, he can survive for 16 hours. Ground troops surround the shadow to theoretically apply pressure. Asuka says that Shinji taking matters into his own hands and not going with procedure got what he deserved. She says why'd he go and try to show me what ought to be done. Rei walks up to her and says I wonder do you only pilot an Eva for the praise of others. Asuka says she doesn't need anyone's approval except her own. Misato says Asuka is right, he acted without consulting anyone and she'll have to punish him when he gets back. In Unit 1 Shinji says I never thought doing nothing could be this exhausting. He engages Unit 1 and looks out and says still nothing but white noise. He says it's been twelve hours since he switched to life support mode. He says his life will end in four or five hours and then says I'm hungry. Ritsuko explains that the shadow is the Angel's body with an inverted A.T. Field and is a region of space defined only by abstract mathematics, a sea of Dirac. She says it could be another universe and the sphere in the sky is its shadow. In Unit 1 Shinji says the water getting cloudy, the water purification system is breaking down and it smells like blood. H starts pounding against the side yelling to get out. Ritsuko wishes to drop all 992 N2 mines into the center while activating the A.T. Fields of the remaining Evas. Misato asks what kind of rescue operation it is. Ritsuko says the priority is to get the Eva back even if it hast to be destroyed and under these conditions the pilot's life is irrelevant. Misato slaps Ritsuko. Ritsuko says that Misato's responsible if Shinji's lost. Misato asks why her and Commander Ikari are so worried about Unit 1. Ritsuko says she's been given all the information. Ritsuko says she is taking command of the operation. Misato thinks there are so many secrets she's in the dark about. Shinji is on a train and says who is that. A voice responds Shinji Ikari. Shinji says that's me. The voice says I am you, this self has always been composed of two selves: the self, which is observed, and the self, which observes itself. It continues to expound there is the Shinji in Misato's mind, the Shinji in Rei's mind, the Shinji in Asuka's mind, and the Shinji in Gendou's mind. What you fear is the Shinji Ikaris in the minds of others. Shinji says he's afraid of being hated. The voice, now Shinji as a young boy says you're afraid of being hurt. Shinji asks who is bad. Young Shinji says father is, the father that deserted us. Shinji says he's the one who's bad. Asuka appears and says do you really think it's your fault. Shinji says I'm worthless. Misato says that he just believes he's worthless. Shinji is slapped by Rei who says don't you trust your own father. Shinji says I thought I hated him, now I'm not sure. Gendou says good work Shinji. Shinji says father called me by my name. Young Shinji says will you spend the rest of your life regurgitating those few pleasant memories. Shinji says if I trust their words it's enough. Young Shinji replies even though you know you're deceiving yourself. Shinji responds everybody does it, its how they survive. He continues the world is filled with too much pain and suffering to go on. Young Shinji says you can't swim. Shinji says humans aren't made to float. Young Shinji responds self-deception. He continues you have been shutting your eyes and covering your ears making yourself blind and deaf to that which you wish to avoid. Kensuke, talking about Toji says his sister was injured. Misato says who cares what the others say. Gendou says leave. Shinji says I don't want to hear this. Young Shinji says are you going to keep running away from reality. He continues no one can justify their life by linking a few happy moments into a rosary, in particular I cannot. Shinji says what's wrong with doing something I want to do and yells why won't you leave me alone. Ritsuko pushes the schedule forward and says let's do this while there's a possibility that Shinji's alive. An image is shown of a young Shinji crying and his father walking away. Present day Shinji says father don't you want me. Young Shinji says it was yourself you ran away from. People talking about his father killed his own wife. Shinji says no. Shinji is in the entry plug and says he hates the place and hates the loneliness. He says heat system and oxygen giving out and it's cold. He says the suit is giving out too, so cold. He says he's so tired of everything and stops moving. After awhile white, glowing hands touch him; it is in the form of a woman. Shinji says/asks mother. A silhouette of a woman says is this enough, well that's good for you. The Evas are in position and 60 seconds to mine drop. The shadow starts to crack. Everyone is surprised. Misato says could it be Shinji. Ritsuko says it's impossible the power level must be at zero. There is a spray of blood as Unit 1 emerges from the floating sphere. Asuka says is that what I'm piloting. Ritsuko says what kind of monster have we made this from. Misato thinks about what NERV is planning to do about the Evas once the Angels are destroyed. Misato repeats Shinji and opens the plug asking if he is all right. She falls onto him crying and Shinji says I just wanted to see them one more time. Asuka says weren't you going to punish him. Ritsuko and Gendou are looking at Unit 1 being cleaned. Ritsuko says she's never seen Eva looking as horrifying as it did today and says she thinks Major Katsuragi suspects something. Gendou says let her be at least for now. Ritsuko says if Rei or Shinji were to learn about the Evas secrets they'd never forgive us. Shinji wakes up in a hospital bed. Rei says he can rest today and they'll take care of everything. Shinji says he's feeling fine now. Rei says that's good for you. Shinji is a little surprised. Rei leaves and Shinji sees that Asuka was standing outside the door. Shinji laughs and then smells his arm. He says it still smells like blood. To be continued…
