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Episode 17: The Fourth Child

Extended: Misato is in a darkened room with members of SEELE talking to her. One of them says you still refuse to allow us to question the pilot of Unit 1. She says her belief that he is unstable emotionally. They say they will ask her. One says did the Angels attempt communication. She says there is no concrete evidence to validate that theory. One says if the subject's memory is correct, the AC recorder was not functioning. One asks if the Angel was interested in the human mind. She says she is unable to answer that. One says that the Angel tried to take an Eva in its self and asks if it is linked to the prediction of the 13th. Misato asks what he means. One says you may not ask questions and dismisses her. She disappears and Gendou appears. One asks what he thinks. He says the Angels are getting smarter. Two hospital personnel are talking about Toji's sister. They say she's still in elementary and her brother comes to see her at least twice a week. Gendou and Rei are talking. Gendou asks if things are satisfactory. Rei says she will be with Dr. Akagi tomorrow and at school the day after that. Gendou asks how school is. She says there are no problems and he says good. At school Rei and Kensuke are absent. Shinji asks Toji where Kensuke is. Toji says he is seeing a new battleship. The teacher call's Toji's name and asks him to deliver a document to Rei after school. He agrees. The Second Branch vanished. What happened is under investigation and there is nothing left. On a screen they watch as the Second Branch disappears. Ritsuko says that Unit 4, the experimental S2 engine, and Second Branch were destroyed along with thousands of people. According to the schedule they were in the middle of installing the S2 organ from Germany. Maya reports there are over 32,000 possibilities. Hyuga says it wasn't really an explosion and just disappeared. Ritsuko says that Unit 3 will be shipped here and says they can't blame them, after a disaster like that anyone would get nervous. Ritsuko talks to Gendou about the dummy plug. She says it is a pale duplication and still a machine. Gendou says if the Eva believes there's a pilot and synchronizes it is enough. He tells her to load the data into Units 1 and 2. One of the candidates will be chosen as the fourth child. Ritsuko says it can be done with one immediately. Lunch at school Toji says its his favorite part of the school day. Asuka is yelling at Shinji that he didn't make their lunches. Shinji says he didn't have time to cook. Toji says the newlyweds are fighting again and they both blush. Ritsuko tells Misato that the fourth child has been found. Misato says she hasn't gotten a report. Ritsuko tells her she will get it. Misato asks who it is. It is Toji. Ritsuko says the candidates have to be kept together for their own safety. Misato says Asuka and Rei will be fine. She says she doesn't want to expose Shinji to any more stress. Ritsuko says she shouldn't. Misato interrupts her saying complicate things. Hikari tells Toji not to forget he has bulletin duty and has to deliver it to Rei. He says he can't go to some girls place by himself and then calls out to Shinji saying he knows where Ayanami lives. Hikari seems disappointed. Shinji tries the buzzer then says that he's coming in. Toji says he can't enter her place without permission. Shinji says they have no choice. Toji is surprised that it is a girl's room. Shinji puts the papers on her bed. Toji looks and sees Gendou's glasses. Shinji begins cleaning up. Toji says he won't help him because it isn't manly. Shinji says Misato hates guys like that. He says he doesn't care it's his policy. Toji says that now he thinks of it Shinji's changed. He says the first time he saw him he didn't seem like someone who'd do something for someone else and he was so deep in his shell he couldn't see the real him. Rei walks in. Shinji says he cleaned up and says it was just trash right. Rei says thank you. After they leave Toji says Eva pilots are weird. Rei lies on her bed and thinks. She thinks thank you, words of gratitude and words I have never used not even with him. Fuyutsuki looks over the city and says the city is paradise created by man. Gendou says the city is for those who fear their enemies. Fuyutsuki says cowards tend to live longer. Fuyutsuki asks how Gendou will present the Unit 4 incident to the committee. Gendou says that he will with the facts, the cause is unknown. Gendou says it is of no consequence the data is still in Germany. Fuyutsuki says it has the committee panicked. Gendou says of course, it is not in their schedule. He continues saying incidents not predicted in the Dead Sea Scrolls may occur and this should teach the old men a lesson. Kaji says the intercept system is completed and no party. Maya says it is because of Commander Ikari. Misato walks up and Maya makes an excuse to leave. Kaji asks if Misato would prefer to be hit on. Misato says that he knows secrets with the Marduk Institute. Kaji says asking for help isn't like her. Misato says she's asking and the whole thing is too convenient. Kaji says the Marduk Institute doesn't exist and NERV is pulling the strings all by itself. He says code 707 is a good starting place. Misato says isn't that Shinji's school. Misato leaves when Shinji enters. Kaji asks if he can buy him a drink and Shinji says he' a boy. Shinji is talking to Kaji on a bench and say he thought that he would be a more serious person. Kaji says he wants to show him something. Shinji looks at some melons and asks if he grow them. Kaji says it is his hobby and tells him to keep it a secret. He says you can learn things from watching things grow and it also brings pleasure. Shinji says pain too. Kaji asks if he hates pain. Shinji says he doesn't like it. Kaji asks if he has found what gives him pleasure. Kaji says if you've known pain it's easier to be kinder to others and kindness isn't a weakness. Kaji's phone rings. He answers it and it is Misato, the synch tests are starting soon. Ritsuko looks at the readings and says she was afraid of this; Shinji's synch ratio is dropping. She says something's affected him. Ritsuko says the new pilot will be informed tomorrow. At school lunch starts and Toji is called to the principal's office. When he gets there Ritsuko asks if he is Toji. Shinji asks Kensuke how his trip was. Kensuke said he learned some disturbing information. He says Unit 3 was completed wasn't it. Shinji says he doesn't know. Kensuke asks if he's heard the rumor of the activation test. Kensuke asks Shinji if he will ask Misato if he can pilot. Kensuke asks if he knows about Unit 4 being lost. Kensuke is surprised he didn't know it disappeared along with the Second Branch. Shinji asks if he is sure. Kensuke says he's got his sources. Shinji says Misato didn't tell him anything. Toji comes back late to class and the teacher says he knows about it. School ends and Toji has clean up duty. Toji is eating and Hikari tells him he has cleanup duty and has to line up the desks. Toji says he hasn't had lunch and he'll do it after he's eaten. Hikari asks if he always buy lunch from school. He says there is no one at home that can cook. Hikari says she has two sisters she always makes lunch for and she's a good cook that ends up with too much. Toji says that's a waste and he'll help get rid of it. Asuka goes into the room with Kaji. Kaji says he's busy. Asuka grabs onto him and looks at the screen and asks who made him the fourth child. She says he won't stand for it. Unit 3 is shown in flight and Hikari is cooking. Toji is on the basketball court shoots and makes it. To be continued…
