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Episode 18: The Judgment of Life

Extended: Unit 3 is shown flying. Shinji asks Misato if the rumors of Unit 4 are true and she says they are. Shinji says he heard Unit 3 was being brought here. She says its true, she'll be gone for four days but Kaji will be coming over to take care of them. Shinji says who will be the pilot. She doesn't say then someone is at the door. It's Kensuke who starts asking to be chosen as pilot. Ritsuko talks to Misato and ask if Shinji knows yet. Misato says she can't find a chance to tell him and sometimes she can't figure out what he's thinking. Ritsuko says you're the one who wanted to be his guardian. Misato says maybe the new pilot will tell Shinji himself. Ritsuko says he probably won't and only accepted under the condition that they transfer his younger sister to one of their private hospitals. At school Kensuke says he's dying to be pilot. Asuka enters. Shinji asks why she left before him and arrived later. She says she just didn't want to see their ugly faces. At lunch Kensuke asks where Toji is. Shinji says he left without his lunch. Kensuke says that's impossible. Shinji says he's been acting different. Toji is on the roof with Rei behind him. Toji says you know don't you I think Asuka knows too. He says Shinji's the only one who doesn't know. Toji says it's pretty rare for her to be concerned about someone else. He says you care about Shinji. Rei says maybe that's true. Toji says you do. Hikari watches them talk. Unit 3 arrives. Toji isn't in class and thinks about when he punched Shinji. Hikari says sorry to Asuka and says you usually walk home with Shinji. She says she walks home with Shinji because they work together and she doesn't feel like looking at him anyhow. Asuka says its about Toji isn't it and says that everybody knows except the three stooges. Hikari says Shinji seems sensitive in a naïve sort of way. Asuka says he's denser than lead. Hikari says she thinks Toji might be interested in Rei. Asuka says are you kidding and if Shinji is denser then lead; Rei is off the atomic scale. Asuka asks what do you see in that dumb jock. Hikari says his compassion. At the apartment Shinji says I wonder who's going to pilot Unit 3. Asuka says you haven't heard. Shinji asks who it is. Asuka hesitates and then says I don't know. Kaji comes out says that was refreshing and asks if they were fighting again. Asuka says she wants to be happy especially since he's spending the night but not now, with everything. Kaji says let's go to bed, I usually find that the best thing to do in this situation. Both in separate beds Shinji asks Kaji what his father's like. Shinji says it seems like you're always with my father. Kaji says Fuyutsuki is always with your father. Shinji says he's learned about him lately, about his work and mother. Kaji says he's wrong and only believe he's learned about him. He says people can't understand themselves much less others. He continues saying understanding 100% of anything is impossible that's why we spend so much time trying to figure out the motivations of others and ourselves. That's what makes life so interesting. Shinji says so you can't understand Misato either. Kaji says the gulf that separates male and female is broader than any ocean. Shinji says I just don't understand adults. Misato says to Ritsuko that she'll tell Shinji after the test. Hikari says Toji hasn't shown up yet. Asuka says he may not come in today. Kensuke asks if Unit 3 arrived. Shinji says it did. Kensuke asks who's going to pilot it and adds Toji is absent maybe its him. Shinji says I don't think so. The test starts and it's ordered to be aborted. Ritsuko says it's an Angel. There is an explosion. In NERV command they serve rescue squads and an unidentified object at the sight has pattern orange. Gendou says to go to first stage alert. Shinji in his Eva asks what they will do without Misato. Asuka says they will go for it themselves. Rei says Commander Ikari will command the operation. Unit 3 is shown walking on the monitor. Gendou orders the abort signal for the unit's entry plug. It doesn't work. The pilot is alive. Gendou says to reclassify it as the 13th Angel. He says to the pilots the target is approaching, prepare to engage. Shinji asks if that is the Angel. Gendou says correct. Shinji says it's also an Eva isn't it. Asuka says how could it have been possessed. Shinji says it must have a pilot. Asuka says the pilot of Unit 3 and the communications goes blank. Unit 2 falls to the ground and the pilot is ejected. Gendou tells Rei to stop it and avoid close range combat. The 13th Angel Bardiel walks past Unit 0 giving an open shot. Rei says the pilot is, right before the Angel flies back and lands on Unit 0. Maya reports it's merging into its arm. Gendou says sever the left arm. Maya says the nerve connections are still active. Gendou says cut it off. Unit 0's arm flies off pushing away the Angel. Maya reports the pilot is wounded. Gendou says to Shinji that he must destroy it. Shinji says it isn't just an Angel is it; someone's inside it, another kid just like me. The Angel approaches Unit 1 and jumps into it. Shinji sees the entry plug and says I knew it. The Angel's arms stretch to the neck of Unit 1 choking it and slamming it against the mountain. The pilot's life functions are in danger. Fuyutsuki says to cut the synch ratio to sixty percent. Gendou says belay that. Fuyutsuki says that the pilot could be killed. Gendou says Shinji why aren't you fighting. Shinji says there's a person inside that thing. Gendou says irrelevant it is an Angel destroys our enemy. Shinji says if he's alive they have to help him and he can't kill another human being. Gendou says its him or you. Shinji says no I'd rather die. Gendou orders the shutdown of Unit 1 and switch to dummy plug. Maya says it's not operational and Dr. Akagi hasn't approved its use. Gendou says its still better then the current pilot. The entry plug turns red and Shinji says what going on and what the hell are you doing father. Gendou says to engage the system and commence attack. Unit 1's eyes turn red and it starts to choke the Angel. The Angel's neck breaks and it goes limp. Unit 1's jaw opens. Gendou smiles. Unit 1 smashes the Angel's head and starts to rip it apart. All in the command look on silently. Shinji yells stop it, father stop it, please please just stop it and please make it stop. Unit 1 holds the entry plug and crushes it as Shinji yells make it stop. Aoba says Unit 3 I meant the target has gone silent. Hikari looks in a cookbook and says I sure hope he's hungry tomorrow. Misato wakes up bandaged and Kaji says she was lucky. Misato asks where Ritsuko is. Kaji tells her not to worry she wasn't hurt as badly. Misato says what about Eva Unit 3. Kaji says it was destroyed as an Angel, by Unit 1. Misato says I never told Shinji. Shinji is still in the entry plug and Misato says Shinji. Shinji says Misato you're okay. Misato says I'm sorry I have to tell you something important. Shinji says Misato I killed my dad forced me to I begged him to stop but. Misato says Shinji I'm sorry. Shinji hears report from entry plug recovery squad pilot's life signs confirmed. Shinji says he's alive and sees Toji bloodied and being pulled out. Misato says Shinji the pilot of Unit 3 is…the fourth child is. Misato repeats Shinji's name several times and he screams no. To be continued…
