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Episode 19: A Man's Fight

Extended: Shinji is not getting out of Unit 1's entry plug. Maya says all codes are being blocked from the entry plug. Hyuga says if we hadn't of taken over you would have been killed. Shinji says that's not the point. Hyuga says but its true. Shinji says stop pushing me damn it don't push me anymore. He says Unit 1 still has 385 seconds of power left and that's enough to destroy at least half of headquarters. Aoba says he'll do it too the way he is. Maya says Shinji will you listen to us if the Commander hadn't made the decision to use the dummy plug everyone here could have been killed. Shinji says I said that's beside the point damn you. He says my father tried to kill Toji using my hands that bastard. He says father I know you're there say something answer me. Gendou says increase LCL level to maximum level we have no time to waste on a petulant child. Shinji says I've still got a direct control circuit. Outside Ritsuko asks how Misato is. She says she isn't hurt enough to stop doing her job. She asks what did they end up doing with Shinji. Ritsuko says they had to cut the hatch open with a laser cutter and remove him forcibly. Misato says this sucks I'm afraid that this time. Asuka says he's finished he can't talk his way out of this idiot. Rei says is he all right. Asuka says he wasn't injured if that's what you mean he's probably imagining it was all a dream. Rei says dream. Asuka says don't tell me you don't dream. Toji wakes up looks over and sees Shinji. Toji says Shinji why is he in a hospital bed next to me. He then says is this same hospital that my sister is in. He closes his eyes again and is on a train with Shinji and Ayanami. Rei says Ikari why did you do that. Shinji says because I couldn't trust him my father betrayed me Rei even though I could talk to him he still doesn't understand me at all. Rei says did you try to understand his feelings. Shinji says I did. Rei says why don't you try to understand him. Shinji says I said I did. Rei asks are you running away from the truth because it's ugly. Shinji says why not what's wrong with running away from reality if it sucks. Toji says this is weird what are those two arguing about. Toji looks up and sees Hikari. Hikari asks how he is feeling. Toji says lousy but at least he's alive. He says he thought Shinji was here or was that just a dream. Hikari says they took him out yesterday you slept 3 days. Toji says sorry I didn't get to eat the lunch you made. Hikari says don't worry it's all right. Toji asks her a favor, to tell his sister that there's nothing wrong with him. In a cell Shinji hears Shinji Ikari the Commander wants to see you. Gendou says disobeying orders, using Evas for personal vendettas, and childish intimidation. He says these are all criminal offenses do you have anything to say. Shinji says yes, I don't want to pilot Eva anymore and I don't want to stay here either. Gendou says well then you may leave. Shinji says yes, I'll go back to my teacher. Gendou says so you're running away again. He continues you disappoint me I assume that we'll never meet again. Shinji says yes that's my intent. Gendou calls someone and says that Rei will become Unit 1's designated pilot with the dummy plug as back up. Shinji is in his bed with boxes around him. The phone rings and goes to an answering machine. Its Kensuke who says Shinji can you hear me is it true you're leaving it is true isn't it. He continues why are you running away again I admired you I envied you you're different from us. He then says damn even Toji became a pilot. The line is cut off and a voice says for security reasons we have terminated this call thank you for your cooperation. Shinji says to Misato I don't think Asuka will be coming she must be pretty disgusted with me. Misato says yes she didn't even ask me to say goodbye to you. Shinji says that sounds like her that's good. Misato says it's going to be hard if you keep hiding your anger like that. Shinji says that's your philosophy Misato I can't live the way you do. Misato says you realize there will be restrictions placed on your activities from now on. Shinji says I know but why was Toji chosen to be the fourth child. Misato says all of your classmates are 4th level candidates I just found out myself. Misato says about Toji that was a mistake that can't be mended with words alone but to be honest I was projecting all my dreams and hopes onto you I know its been a huge burden for you but we, I mean everyone at NERV have had no choice except to place our future in your hands. She says I want you to remember that. Shinji says the ends justify the means. Misato says yes I'll leave your pass code to headquarters and your room how it is. Shinji says what's the point get rid of them I won't pilot that thing again. As Shinji gets into a NERV car Misato thinks this is the real Shinji talking I've never seen him sound so certain about anything before. Shinji is waiting for a train when an alarm sounds and a message says to evacuate to designated shelters. The 14th Angel Zeruel fires a blast penetrating the first 18 layers of armor. Misato says position Unit 2 for combat in the Geo Front in front of headquarters. She says Asuka will snipe target when it breaks into Geo Front. Gendou says send Rei out in Unit 1 with the dummy system as backup. Rei is in Unit 1 when they try to activate. Rei says its not working. A tech reports it is refusing neural connection. Ritsuko says is that possible. Fuyutsuki says Ikari. Gendou says yes is it refusing me. Gendou says abort activation send Rei in Unit 0 reactivate Unit 1 with the dummy system. Rei says I can go if I die I can be replaced. Shinji watches Zeruel attack and thinks I made up my mind I swore I'd never pilot that thing. Someone yells at him to get in the shelter. Misato says I'm counting on you Asuka. The Angel breaks through and Asuka says here it comes I can beat it even without Shinji. She shoots until the rifle empties and grabs two more. As there is no foreseeable damage Asuka says I'm neutralizing it's A.T. Field aren't I why wont you collapse damn you. Unit 2 grabs two rocket launchers and shoots them. Asuka says I can't lose again. The Angel's arms fold down shoot out and take off both of Unit 2's arms. Asuka screams and charges with Unit 2. Misato says disengage Asuka's nerve connections now. Unit 2's head is sliced off. Shinji in a shelter recalls earlier Asuka said evacuation training what are you stupid that stuff's not for pilots like us. Unit 2' head destroys most of the shelter. Misato asks how Asuka is. One of the techs says she's alive. Asuka says damn. The Angel starts moving again. The dummy plug upload is complete. Alert flashes. The dummy plug is refused. Ritsuko says the dummy plug and Rei. Fuyutsuki says both refused. Gendou tells Fuyutsuki to take over. Shinji is standing looking at Unit 2. Someone yells at him you want to die. Shinji says Asuka. Someone says Shinji. Shinji looks over to see Kaji and says Kaji what are you doing here. Kaji says that's my line what are you doing here Shinji. Shinji says I decided I'd never pilot Eva again and since I decided that. Kaji says oh really well to answer your question since my job became public knowledge I'm off the combat roster so here I am sprinkling. Shinji says at a time like this. Kaji says what better time although I'd rather be between Misato's melons this is the place I'd like to be when I die. Shinji says die. Kaji says that's right it is said that if an Angel comes into contact with Adam who lies sleeping beneath this very ground humanity will be eradicated in the Third Impact. He says the only thing that can stop it is the one thing with the power equal to an Angel's Evangelion. Unit 0 reaches the surface holding a small object. Shinji says Ayanami with no rifle. Ritsuko says it's an N2 mine. Gendou says Rei. Rei reaches the A.T. Field and says A.T. Field full power. Rei gets the mine through and just before it makes contact with the core a cover goes over it. The mine explodes when it hits the cover. Misato says Rei. Unit 0 falls to the ground. Kaji says Shinji the only thing I can do is stand here and water but you have something that you can do that only you can do. He says nobody is forcing you think for yourself and make that decision by yourself think about what you have to do now about no longer having any regrets. Shinji thinks and then begins running. Misato says the main shaft is open the main shaft is completely open. Ritsuko says isn't Unit 1 ready yet. It's not working. Gendou says keep trying repeat the process from step 108. Shinji says let me pilot it please let me pilot Unit 1 father. Gendou says why are you here. Shinji says I'm here because I'm the pilot of Evangelion Unit 1 Shinji Ikari. Aoba says the target is inside the main shaft it's advancing. Misato says where's it headed. Hyuga says it's advancing directly towards Central Dogma. Misato says it's coming here all personnel evacuate. An announcement says all personnel evacuate. The Angel breaks through the wall and slowly goes right in front of the command where Misato, Ritsuko, and all of the techs are. It's about to fire when the fist of Unit 1 breaks through the wall hitting it. Misato says Eva Unit 1 Shinji. Unit 1 is about to punch it again when it's arm is shot off. Unit 1 kicks the Angel and wrestles it onto one of the catapults. Shinji yells Misato. Misato says launch the fifth catapult. The catapult reaches the Geo Front and flings Unit 1 and the Angel into the air. Unit 1 lands on the top of the Angel and hits it. Unit 1 begins pulling on the Angel's head. Unit 1 stops moving and Shinji says energy reserves depleted. In an elevator Maya says Unit 1's drained its reserves back up power isn't working. Misato says Shinji. The Angle wraps Unit 1's head and throws it against a mountain. Misato calls out to Shinji. In Unit 1 Shinji says move now or there's no point to any of this. Unit 1 is stabbed in the chest by Zeruel and blasts Unit 1 exposing a red core. Misato says what's that. Inside the entry plug Shinji says move over and over and then says move now or everyone will be killed I'm sick of it already. Shinji looks up and stops moving. Unit 1 sticks its hand out and destroys the Angel's arm pulls it toward it then kicks it off. Unit 1 puts the Angel's arm up to its shoulder and regenerates its own arm. Maya says its impossible it must be wrong how can Shinji's synch ratio be over 400 percent. Ritsuko says it's aware. Unit 1 roars and swings its hand ripping through the Angel. Unit 1 begins eating it. Misato says it's eating the Angel. Ritsuko says she's taking the S2 organ into herself. As plates begin to fly off Unit 1 Ritsuko says it's breaking free. Hyuga says free of what. Ritsuko says those plates weren't just armor they were also restraints those bindings allowed us to control it but now the beast inside the Eva is free at last. Kaji says Unit 1's been awakened and been set free SEELE sure won't stay quiet for this was part of you scenario Commander Ikari. Fuyutsuki says it's begun at last. Gendou says indeed this is the beginning. To be continued…
