Episode Guide

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Episode 20: Form of the Mind, Form of the Man

Extended: Unit 1 roars and it begins eating the Angel. Misato says it's eating the Angel. Ritsuko says the armor bind it to our will the beast inside the Eva is free at last. Kaji says Unit 1's been awakened and been set free SEELE sure won't stay quiet for this. At a SEELE meeting one member says this is insane the Eva series isn't capable of creating S2 organs by themselves. Another member says we never imagined one would be able to take one into itself. Yet another member says it is at extreme odds with our scenario. A member says it was a mistake to trust NERV with Ikari. A member says he was the only one who could achieve the goals. Fuyutsuki says it's begun at last. Gendou says indeed this is the beginning. Ritsuko looks at command center and says it will be awhile before it can return to normal. Aoba says it's just a matter of time before they decide to abandon it. Ritsuko says they'll go to the secondary control center. Ritsuko says they have no choice when it goes to using Unit 1. Unit 1 in the cage Misato is standing next to Hyuga. Misato says it may be restrained by the cage but are you sure its safe. Hyuga says there are no reactions and S2 organ is completely inactive. Misato says nevertheless on three separate occasions Unit 1's moved without power. Three flashbacks are quickly shown of Unit 1's hand rising up, the 12th Angel, and the 14th Angel. Misato says you can't judge the situation by things you can see. Hyuga says it's as unpredictable as you are Major and then adds sorry. SEELE meeting. A member says concerns are not limited to Unit 1 serious damage was sustained to Units 0 and 2. A member says it happened because there wasn't a bell around Ikari's neck. A member says a bell was there it didn't ring. A member says a bell that doesn't ring has no purpose. Kaji is in a room with Gendou and Fuyutsuki. Kaji says what an unexpected situation how will you explain it to SEELE. Fuyutsuki says Unit 1 was not under our control it was an accident. Gendou says Unit 1 will remain frozen until the committee gives us further orders. Kaji says very appropriate decision, however isn't your son still trapped inside it. Screen says entry plug command eject- refused. Maya says its not accepting the codes. Ritsuko asks about the backup codes. Maya says it isn't working. Hyuga says the video monitor is still working channeling to main screen. The image is of an empty entry plug. Misato says what in the hell is this. Ritsuko says the truth behind a 400 percent synch ratio. Misato says I can't believe it what happened to Shinji. Ritsuko says he's been taken into Eva Unit 1. Misato says what the hell is an Eva. Ritsuko says a thing created by man in man's own image. She says can't really describe it. Misato says created by man you just copied something you found in the Antarctic what was the original. Ritsuko says it is not just a copy a human will is inside it. Misato says are you saying someone willed this to happen. Ritsuko says the Eva did. Misato says do something damn it take responsibility. Second day. Rei wakes up and says I'm still alive. Asuka in her room that is torn up with broken things everywhere is on the phone and says I know Wonder Girl's still alive don't bother me with crap like that Misato. Asuka hangs up and says I can't believe it I couldn't do anything I can't believe that stupid Shinji outperformed me. Third day. Misato says what do you mean salvage Shinji. Ritsuko says theoretically Shinji still resides in there. Ritsuko says losing Shinji is out of the question now. Misato says what NERV wants is Unit 1 as their tool not Shinji. Ritsuko says I don't deny it. Maya said their assumption is that his body lost its Ego Border and is floating in the entry plug in quantum form. Maya says they plan to reconstruct the body and put the soul in it. Misato says is that possible. Ritsuko says it is with the Magi. Misato says it is all theoretical you don't know what will happen until you do it. Fourth day. Shinji thinks what is this where am I in the entry plug but nobody's here. Images of people flash by. Shinji thinks I am myself what is this I don't understand. Shinji thinks people I know people who know me I understand now this is my world. An image of water appears. Shinji thinks what is this, this is supposed to be my world but this I don't understand an image from outside a hostile image. Shinji thinks that's right the enemy. Images of the Angels flash by. Shinji thinks enemy over and over. Shinji then thinks our enemies are called the Angels they have the names of Angels they are the targets of Eva and NERV this is our revenge for the death of Misato's father. Shinji thinks why do I fight. He continues why do I do this despite all the pain and suffering. Asuka appears and says what are you stupid an unknown enemy is attacking us of course we have to fight them who cares what they think. Shinji thinks am I odd to try to find a reason to fight am I not supposed to think about it. Shinji thinks that which threatens us is the enemy of course how can I be faulted for protecting my own life and the lives of others. Shinji thinks enemy again the images gradually turn to his father. Shinji thinks father my enemy. Shinji thinks damn it you hurt Toji and killed my mother father. Rei and Shinji are on an escalator. Rei says why do you hate your father. Shinji says anyone would hate him he's no father at all. Rei says you don't understand him do you. Shinji says of course not in fourteen years I've hardly even seen him. Rei says is that why you hate him. Shinji says yes my father doesn't need me my father deserted me. Rei says am I his substitute. Shinji says yes that must be it he abandoned me because he had Ayanami. A young Rei says as if you didn't run away by yourself. Shinji says shut up it's all his fault that time I was going to tell him I hate him. Shinji is standing in front of his father and says did you make me become I pilot just to make me suffer. Gendou says correct. Shinji says how can you say that why do you have to be so cold you didn't even need me did you. Gendou says I called because I had a use for you. Shinji says why me. Gendou says because there is no one else who can do it. Shinji says why have I never seen this before its not fair its not possible. Another Shinji appears and says I know it to be true. Shinji says I already knew Eva and then I ran away leaving my father and mother behind. Thirtieth day. Maya looks at the Salvage Operation Guideline and says it's incredible you could come up with this in one month. Ritsuko says the majority of data is from 10 years ago. Maya says has this happened before. Ritsuko says it happened before when my mother was here. Maya says how did it come out 10 years ago. Ritsuko says they didn't succeed. Thirty-first day. Shinji says kindness warmth is this warmth part of being human I was never aware of it till now. Shinji is in an elevator with Rei. Rei says what is loneliness. Shinji says I was never aware of it before but now I think I know what it is. Rei says what is happiness. Shinji says I didn't know what it was but now I think I understand. Rei says are others kind to you. Shinji says they are. Rei says why. Shinji says because I pilot Eva that's why they treat me well that's the reason I keep going on. He says it's the justification for why I exist who and why I am that's why I have to pilot the Eva. Rei says which means. Shinji and Rei are on a train now. Shinji says I have to fight the ones they call our enemies. Rei says and that means. Shinji says I have to win I can't lose I must be the pilot I must do what they tell me to do and I've got to win otherwise I'm nobody. Shinji is holding a phone different people are telling him to work hard the last one his father says good work Shinji. Shinji says Misato, Ritsuko, Asuka, Toji, Kensuke, and father. He says they respect me they all respect me when I pilot Eva they respect this totally worthless being they all tell me to pilot it so I'll prove to my father I'm worth something. He says I'm doing my best somebody be nice to me I'm doing the best I can can't you treat me better why can't you be nice to me. An image of waves against a beach appears and someone says I'm nice to you. An image of Misato says tell me Shinji do you want to become one with me to be of one mind and body it could be very very nice ask me anytime I'm ready. An image of Asuka say hey Shinji you idiot don't you want to be one with me to be of one mind and body it could be nice you ought to appreciate your good fortune come on. An image of Rei says Ikari do you want to become one with me to be of one mind and body it could be very pleasant Shinji. Misato says do you want to become one with me. Asuka says to be of one mind and body. Rei says it could be very pleasant. The images blur and they all say relax and release your soul. Ritsuko orders to start the salvage operation. Aoba says signal received no rejection. Maya says send second and third signals. Ritsuko says shift subject to stage two. Misato says Shinji. The image is black with people's names written as they call out to Shinji. The voices become higher in pitch and cycle faster until it becomes one sound. Maya says its no good the Ego Border is frozen in a loop. Ritsuko says try to radiate wave patterns from all directions. Ritsuko says we failed abort intervention maintaining current position has priority prevent back flow. Maya says I can't stop it. Ritsuko says what's going on don't you want to come back why Shinji. Shinji says I don't understand I…I… Misato says what do you want. Asuka says what do you want. Rei says what do you want. A form says what do you want Shinji. Maya says it's rejecting the signal. One of the techs says pressure in the plug increasing. Ritsuko says abort all operations power down. Maya says its not working the plug in being ejected. The hatch opens and LCL spills out with Shinji's plug suit. Misato says Shinji. Shinji is in a hospital bed and says where am I. A young Shinji says inside the Eva. Shinji says inside the Eva did I pilot the Eva again why. Misato appears to him and says you wont pilot the Eva anymore. Shinji says I decided I would never pilot Eva again. Misato says but you have just piloted Evangelion Unit 1 Shinji you are here because you have piloted the Eva piloting the Eva has created your present. She continues you can never deny your past Shinji nor can you deny that you indeed piloted once more that which is, is its true. She continues I just wanted to tell you that only you can decide it's your future only you can decide Shinji you must make a choice. Shinji says I…I... Misato is crying into Shinji's empty plug suit and says what good is your science it can't even save one life give me back my Shinji. Shinji sees Misato after fighting the 12th Angel. Shinji says that scent a human smell Misato Ayanami no not them that's right this is the smell of my mother. An image of a child with his mother appears. Gendou says Second Impact has occurred must he live in this hell. Yui says anywhere can be heaven as long as you try to live because he is alive as long as he lives he will have a chance to attain happiness. Gendou says yes you're right. Shinji says mother. Yui says have you decided yet. Gendou says if it is a boy Shinji, if it's a girl I'll name the baby Rei. Yui says Shinji…Rei… Shinji says mother. Misato is still crying hears a noise looks over and sees Shinji. Thirty-third day. Ritsuko says Unit 1's restoration ought to be finished in two days. Misato says when given divine power humans treat it as a matter of fact. Ritsuko says I can hardly agree with that on that matter the committee is looking at freezing the Evas. Misato says Evangelion may be manmade but who knows what lurks inside that box I'm just glad that Shinji's life was saved. Ritsuko says no thanks to me credit probably goes to you want to go to a bar tonight. Misato says sorry I've got to go somewhere. As Misato drives off Ritsuko says Shinji's just been saved and she's already running to her lover well I can't blame her. In bed with Kaji Misato says Ritsuko must think I'm pretty disgusting. Kaji says giving into sexual desires makes for a more realistic appearance a good deception. Misato say to deceive the Intelligence Department or the Commander and Ritsuko or me. Kaji says no I meant myself. Misato says you want to fool the others you never show interest in others but you want their attention you really are just like my dad. Kaji says I didn't know you still smoked. Misato says I only smoke after this sort of thing so nobody knows but you. Kaji says really I'm honored. Misato says and how's Instrumentality going Adam could wipe out mankind why is he being kept there. Kaji says did you come to see me just to learn that. Misato says that's one of the reasons I want you to know what I want what are NERV and Commander Ikari really planning. Kaji says I'd like to know that myself. Misato says hey you can't dodge my questions by doing that don't put strange things in there what is it. A pill is put down on a desk. Kaji says this is for you the first time in eight years and maybe the last as well. To be continued...
