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Episode 21: The Birth of NERV

Extended: Phone call to Misato gets answering machine, which says hi I'm not in right now, so leave your message after the beep. Kaji hangs up the phone and thinks my last assignment, looks at his card and says its red just like blood. Misato says Commander Fuyutsuki was abducted. A member of NERV Intelligence says two hours ago he was last seen in the 8th district. Misato says that's inside this installation what were you idiots in intelligence doing. The agent says someone inside was involved. Misato says someone who could outwit section two you don't think. The agent says Ryoji Kaji is suspected of being the mastermind behind this plot. Misato says that's why you came to me. One of the agents says we believe that you can help us. Another says we regret including the director of operations as a suspect but that is the nature of our profession. Misato says considering my relationship it's a natural precaution. A monolith with SEELE 01 on it appears in front of Fuyutsuki and says there are a number of matters we need to discuss without the commander the nature of your procurement was necessary. Fuyutsuki says you haven't changed how this affects me is inconsequential. A member says these measures were inevitable. A different member says please understand our situation. Fuyutsuki says I'm surprised not the committee but SEELE itself. One of them says creating a new god is not on our agenda. A member says we hope you will cooperate Professor Fuyutsuki. Fuyutsuki thinks Professor Fuyutsuki. People are calling Professor Fuyutsuki. Text appears saying Kyoto 1999. Fuyutsuki agrees to have a beer. The person he is sitting with says don't place enough value in relationships with others. Fuyutsuki says I'm sorry. The other person says I doubt that there's a new student who's just wrote a very interesting paper her name is Ikari have you heard about her before. Fuyutsuki says Ikari, no sir. The person he is sitting with says I've told her about your work and she asked if he could meet you she'll be calling you soon and I'd like you to take her on as a research student. Fuyutsuki agrees. Fuyutsuki says I read your paper last night there's a few things I have questions about but it's very interesting. The woman in front of him says thank you sir. Fuyutsuki says your full name is Yui Ikari right. Yui says yes. Fuyutsuki says what are your career plans would you like to do corporate research or join a school research facility. Yui says I haven't really thought about it much but there might be a third option. She says I'm thinking about getting married and having children assuming I meet the right person. Text appears saying 2015 AD. A SEELE member says by incorporating the S2 unit into itself it has achieved its ultimate form. A member says Evangelion Unit 1. A member says a living god, which we created what blasphemy. Another member says the creation of a supreme being is unacceptable. Another member says man must not create gods. A member says no one should possess such power. A member says can we trust Gendou Ikari. Fuyutsuki is on the phone and says Gendou Rokubungi well I have heard the name before. Text appears saying 1999 AD. Fuyutsuki says no I've never met him he does seem to be at the core of a lot of rumors I was appointed as his advisor I'll come bail him out. Gendou says I've been hearing some interesting things about you professor I've wanted to meet you. Fuyutsuki says getting drunk and starting a fight isn't the best introduction. Gendou says I didn't have a chance to say anything before they jumped me. He says I'm not used to being liked but I'm quite familiar with hatred. Fuyutsuki says your problems are none of my concern. Gendou says you're exactly the kind of person I expected you to be. Fuyutsuki in present says my first impression was that he was a rogue son of a bitch and back then there was still seasons in this country it was autumn. Fuyutsuki says are you serious. Yui says yes, I've been dating Gendou Rokubungi. Fuyutsuki present says when she told me that I couldn't hide my shock. Fuyutsuki says to Yui it's hard imaging you and him together. Yui says he's really a sweet person it's just that nobody knows him. Fuyutsuki says sometimes ignorance is bliss. Yui says are you upset I told him to list you as counselor. Fuyutsuki says I'll admit he's interesting but I just don't like him. Fuyutsuki in present says it was generally believed that Gendou's real object of his overtures to Yui was her talent and the support of the organization backing her that organization was called SEELE. Text appears saying 2000 AD Antarctica. Fuyutsuki in present says in the year 2000 second impact occurred. Text appears saying 2001 AD. Fuyutsuki in present says in the first year of the 21st century was a time I still feel hard talking about. Text appears saying 2002 AD. Fuyutsuki says this used to be a continent of ice the entire thing is gone. Gendou says Professor Fuyutsuki. Fuyutsuki says I don't believe it you're alive I had heard you were with the Katsuragi research team. Gendou says fortunately I returned to Japan one day before the incident. Fuyutsuki says is that so Mr. Rokubungi you're. Gendou says excuse me, but I've changed my surname. He pulls out a card and hands it to him. The card reads: We got married Gendou & Yui Ikari It's been a long time! How are you doing? Fuyutsuki says Ikari Gendou Ikari. Gendou says my wife has been asking me to send you this for a while now she's still a fan of yours. Fuyutsuki says quite an honor considering. He says how is Yui doing why isn't she on this expedition. Gendou says Yui wanted to come as well but we have a child to consider now. Fuyutsuki says there are a lot of rumors about SEELE I don't like the way it bullies the committee. Gendou says I'm afraid it is necessary. Fuyutsuki says Second Impact changed a lot of things had the team been composed solely of SEELE personnel there would have been trouble were the rest of us invited for convenience. Text appears saying 2015 AD 4th isolation ward. Misato alone in the room thinks I hate the darkness all it does is bring back the most horrible memories. Fuyutsuki says who is she. Someone replies the only survivor of the research team. Text appears saying 2002 AD. The person says her name is Misato Katsuragi. Fuyutsuki says Katsuragi you mean Doctor Katsuragi's daughter. The person says yes, she hasn't said a word in two years. Fuyutsuki says how terrible. The person says she saw hell firsthand. He continues her physical wounds can be healed but repairing the damage to her mind could take time. Fuyutsuki says indeed. Fuyutsuki is saying the results of our investigation aren't easy to analyze and this giant of light is just one of many mysteries. He continues later the United Nations would make an official declaration that Second Impact was caused from a massive meteor strike in Antarctica. He continues from someone who knew what I knew those announcements were obvious fabrications SEELE and a man named Keel were behind this cover-up. He continues it became my goal to find the real answers the truth that was being suppressed. Text appears saying 2003 AD Hakone. He says even if my former student Yui is involved. Fuyutsuki is talking to Gendou and says why did you conceal the existence of the Giant you knew Second Impact was going to happen didn't you you say its just luck you returned the day before it happened but how do you explain the fact that you brought up all the expeditions research and findings I know for a fact your personal files contain more than we recovered. He puts pictures and documents on his desk. Gendou says I'm surprised that these weren't destroyed. Fuyutsuki says I've checked into your estate as well bringing up a child and educating him is expensive but isn't this a bit much. Gendou says very impressive Professor Fuyutsuki perhaps you should be teaching economics. Fuyutsuki says I'm going public with the truth about you, SEELE, Second Impact and the Dead Sea Scrolls what you've done is completely inexcusable. Gendou says as you wish but first there's something I'd like to show you. Fuyutsuki says how far down are we going. Gendou says worried. Fuyutsuki says a little. As they reach the giant underground area Gendou says we didn't make this someone or something else made this cavity although 89% of it was buried. Fuyutsuki says this was originally a giant sphere. Gendou says this Geo Front is what has been consuming all the resources of the human race. Naoko Akagi says Professor Fuyutsuki. Fuyutsuki says Doctor Akagi you're here too. Naoko says this is the place to advance research to create the ultimate bio-computer system I'm going to name them the Magi. Fuyutsuki says is this what you wanted to show me. Naoko says no it's over this way Ritsuko I'll be right back. Fuyutsuki says is this the Giant. Naoko says we refer to the Second Impact giant as Adam but this isn't the one. Fuyutsuki says what is this. Naoko says this is what man has created from Adam, Eva. Gendou says the operation to revive Adam is referred to as Project E this is Eva Unit 0 our system prototype will you join us in creating a new genesis for mankind. Text appears saying 2015 AD. Ritsuko says let's proceed with Rei's repeat test. Maya says I haven't seen Major Katsuragi today. Ritsuko says neither have I. Misato says Misato Katsuragi pleased to meet you to Ritsuko Text appears saying 2005 AD Tokyo-2 Nagano Tokyo-2 University. Ritsuko says mother I've just a girl named Katsuragi most people keep their distance from me when they find out who I am which forces me to remember how important your name is around here Misato's different she's very open and honest. She says even with me I also understand she is the only survivor of the original research team and she used to be mute but she talks almost constantly now like she's trying to make up for lost time. Naoko says dear Ritsuko I'm underground so much these days that I feel like a mole and I'm sick and tired of boxed lunches on the surface they've started construction of Tokyo-3. Ritsuko says Misato hasn't shown up to college for the past few days and I finally forced her to tell me why. She says she spent the whole week having sex with her new boyfriend I think there's another side of her I haven't seem before she introduced me to him today he's handsome but sloppy attitude bothered me. Naoko says you've always been a little boy-shy Ritsuko dear I think it's because you only had a mother and no men in your life I'm ashamed to admit it but I only acted like a mother when it suited me. Naoko says out loud which wasn't often. Text appears saying 2004 AD Hakone 2nd Underground Lab. Fuyutsuki says why is there a child in here. Naoko says that's Commander Ikari's son. Fuyutsuki says Ikari this isn't a daycare center this is an important event. Yui says I'm sorry Professor I brought him here. Fuyutsuki says this is your experiment today. Yui says that's why I brought him I want to show him how bright the future will be. Naoko thinks those words would be Yui's last…a freak accident wiped her from this existence just as I had hoped it would. She says what a disgusting woman I am after that day Commander Ikari changed completely. Fuyutsuki says where have you been all week I understand your grief you must know your life no longer belongs to you alone. Gendou says I know as of today we will begin the new project I have already made the proposal to Chairman Keel the path with becoming one with God the Human Instrumentality project. Text appears saying 2008 AD. Ritsuko says mother I congratulate you on completion of Magi theorems it's been decided I will officially join Gehirn I'll start working on Project E next month. Someone asks Ritsuko who she is. Ritsuko says Dr. Ritsuko Akagi Technology Development Section here's my ID I came to see how the new command center was coming along but I got lost. The person says the commander and Dr. Akagi will see you in command. Naoko says are you all right. Gendou says I have no regrets concerning my work. Naoko says you're lying you still can't forget about Yui can you that's acceptable to me. Ritsuko watches as they kiss. Text appears saying 2010 AD. Gendou says this is Gehirn headquarters. Naoko says good morning Commander did you bring your child today I thought you had a son. Gendou says this isn't Shinji I've decided to take care of an acquaintance's child her name is Rei Ayanami. Ritsuko says hello Rei I'm Ritsuko. Naoko thinks she resemble someone…Yui. Naoko says all of the records containing Rei Ayanami have been deleted they're all blank what's going on. Text appears saying S.C. Magi System Complete. Naoko says Magi Casper…Magi Balthasar…Magi Melchior…the Magi are the three aspects of myself, myself as a scientist myself as a mother and myself as a woman the three aspects that combine to make one whole. Ritsuko says all that's left to do is turn the power on I'll be leaving early today Misato just got back. Naoko says I heard she joined Gehirn in Germany if I recall she's with the 3rd Branch. They discuss that Misato and Kaji broke up and Ritsuko leaves. Rei enters. Naoko says did you need me for something Rei. Rei says I'm lost. Naoko says do you want to come with me then. Rei says no. Naoko says how will you get home by yourself. Rei says that' s not your business old hag I can find my way home by myself old hag. Naoko says you shouldn't call someone a hag. Rei says you are an old hag aren't you. Naoko says I'm getting mad Commander Ikari will spank you. Rei says the Commander is the one who calls you that he says that old hag is annoying that old hag is no use anymore. Naoko chokes Rei and says you little bitch you're replaceable too did you know that Rei replaceable just like me. Fuyutsuki says Gehirn was dissolved in order do complete the project a new organization called NERV was formed all existing personnel transferred to NERV except for one person the one who had rendered such a great service to the Magi System. Blood is shown with a body outline. Text appears saying 2015 AD. Fuyutsuki says is that you. Kaji says yes it is. Fuyutsuki says this action will probably result in your death. Kaji says all I want is to get closer to the truth to have it in my grasp. The door to the room Misato was in opens. Someone says thank you for your cooperation. Misato says is it over. The person says a solution to the problem has been found. Misato says I see where is he. The person says I wouldn't know that. Kaji says hi you're a little late aren't you. Gunshot. At Misato's apartment she says I'm home. There is a message on her answering machine. She presses play. Kaji says Katsuragi its me I'm sure you're listening to this message especially after I caused you so much trouble sorry please tell Ritsuko I'm sorry too. He says there's one more thing to trouble you with I've been growing watermelons I'd appreciate it if you could water them for me Shinji knows where they are. He says Katsuragi the truth is with you don't hesitate move ahead if I see you again I will say the words I could not say eight years ago bye. A voice says this message was recorded at 12:02 PM. Misato starts crying and says you fool you were always such a fool. Shinji looks out sees Misato and goes back into his room. Shinji says all I could do was run, run away from Misato there was nothing I could say I was just a child but I understood. To be continued…
