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Episode 22: At Least, Be Humane

Extended: A young Asuka is shown while people are talking one says how ironic that the experiments advocate became it's victim. Another says you believe the Contact Experiment was the direct cause. The other says killing herself and leaving a young girl behind is awful. He says I believe there may have been some additional causes. A woman is in a hospital bed talking to a doll as Asuka watches. The woman says Asuka darling mama cooked your favorite you mustn't complain about what you like and dislike or that girl over there will laugh at you. One person says she sits there everyday talking to that doll as if it were her real daughter. Another says it must be the guilt she must feel she devoted her life to research. The other says it's like looking at figures of a mother and her child perhaps there isn't much difference between humans and dolls. She says I may be a doctor but I'm a human being and a woman first. Asuka is in front of a gravestone with another woman. The woman says you are a strong girl Asuka but it's all right if you have to cry. The young Asuka says I don't have to cry I think for myself. Present day Ritsuko say Asuka your synch ratio has dropped eight points don't think about anything else just concentrate the way you used to. Asuka says I'm trying to. Maya says Asuka's synch ratio is getting lower and lower. Ritsuko says we don't have a spare let's concentrate efforts on fixing Unit 0 we can't waste time on the one we might not be able to use. Misato thinks Eva series was born from Adam in order to defeat the Angels we are using the same force that caused Second Impact only humans are so foolish to attempt to harness the engine of their own destruction. She thinks I hate the Evas is our revenge worth this. Misato while next to Hyuga says they've started construction on the Evas up to Unit 13 at seven different locations around the world. Hyuga says my source is reliable. Misato says why are they speeding up the construction process now. Hyuga says they've lost two Evas recently and two more are damaged I assume it's for a reserve force. Misato says perhaps we've been receiving spare parts from Germany meant for Units 5 and 6. Hyuga says they must be driven by something could it be in anticipation of intercepting multiple Angels at once. Misato says there would be no reason to do that outside official channels there's got to be some other reason. In the apartment Misato, Asuka, and Shinji are at the table eating. Misato thinks this is the first time all three of us have gotten together in awhile what's with the air of gloom. Asuka stands up and says I'm finished. The phone rings as Asuka walks away. Misato says Asuka. Asuka says why should I get it probably just Kaji you should get it. Misato says never again. Shinji gets up. Asuka says sorry the invincible Shinji should have to be bothered with such a thing. Shinji answers the phone and says yes hello. Asuka says I can't stand the way he ignores me. Shinji holds out the phone and says it's a call from Germany I think its your mother. Asuka says for me my mother give me that. She takes the phone and begins speaking in German. Shinji thinks when she speaks in a language I don't understand she seems to be a different person. She gets off later and Shinji says you two were on the phone for quite awhile. Asuka says it is just a routine communication. Shinji says I wish I could talk to my family. Asuka says its just for show she's not my real mother not like I hate her or anything I just feel like why am I telling you this. Shinji says sorry. Asuka says I've hit rock bottom when I get sympathy from you. Maya says synchrograph minus 12.8 its barely over the starting indicator. Ritsuko says that's pathetic its worse than yesterday. Misato says Asuka's not feeling well today it's her period. Ritsuko says synch ratios are not influenced by physical changes the problem is in her subconscious. Ritsuko thinks we may have to replace Unit 2's pilot. Ritsuko says Asuka you're finished now. Ritsuko says Asuka's pride has been badly damaged. Misato says it's hard to blame her after she was defeated so badly worse is she feels Shinji beat her maybe its time the three of us stopped living together. Ritsuko says hit your limit your nice family is falling apart. Misato says I don't have to take this from someone who fills holes in her life with cats and then says I'm sorry I'm just upset. Asuka in the bathroom says why do I have to suffer through this just because I'm a girl not like I want to have children anyway. She steps into an elevator with Rei. After some silence Rei says if you don't open your mind to her your Eva will not move. Asuka says you're saying it's my fault. Rei says yes Eva has its own mind. Asuka says it's just a big toy. Rei says you don't know. Asuka says something's wrong when Wonder Girl starts talking to me are you happy I'm having trouble with my Eva don't worry when next angel comes our invincible Shinji will destroy it we don't have to fight they only need Shinji. She says when a wind-up doll starts being sympathetic I've really hit rock bottom. Rei says I am not a doll. Asuka says you do anything your ordered to don't you you'd kill yourself if the commander told you to wouldn't you. Rei says yes. As she steps out of the elevator Asuka says then you are a toy you're an unthinking, emotionless doll and I hate you I hate everyone. Kensuke says Shinji's absent again today Rei misses all the time. Hikari says Asuka's gone too and Suzuhara can't leave the hospital. Kensuke says I guess it's gotten so serious they can't come anymore. Asuka is speaking to Unit 2 and says you're my doll so move like I tell you to and don't argue why does a weapon need a mind got to obey all of my orders this is stupid. An alarms sounds and an announcement declares first stage alert. Asuka says an Angel another one. Aoba gives visual confirmation. Hyuga says its orbit is just outside ore defenses. Misato says it is just looking for place to land or does it plan destroy us from up there. Hyuga says we can't attack it from this distance. Misato says unless it comes in range nothing we can do Evas can't destroy enemies in orbit. She says roll out Unit 0 and tells Asuka to be ready to back up Unit 0. Asuka says me back up Unit 0. Misato says that's right take rear guard position. Asuka says you can't be serious Eva Unit 2 launch now. Unit 2 launches. Ritsuko says if she screws this up she won't be able to pilot anymore. Hyuga says aren't we going to use Unit 1. Misato says Unit 1 stays in stasis those are Commander Ikari's orders. Misato thinks after what happened we better accept that. Shinji is sitting in Unit 1. A rifle comes up to Unit 2. Asuka says if I fail they won't let me pilot anymore you can't make any mistakes Asuka. A tech reports the target is still out of range. Asuka says why are you so slow come and fight. A large beam of light goes over Unit 2. Maya says mental contamination imminent. Ritsuko says a psychic attack the Angels understand our minds that well. Asuka says damn it and shoots missing it. She continues to shoot with in no real direction with some hitting the city until she is out of ammo. A tech says its some kind of energy oscillation. Maya says contamination crossing borderline. Asuka says don't, don't come into me. Text flashes by saying hatred, shame, invader, and others as Asuka says no several times. Asuka says get out of my mind please don't rape my mind. Ritsuko says we've got to get her out of there her mind will be permanently damaged. Misato says Asuka retreat. Asuka says no. Misato says it's an order. Asuka says never I'd rather die. Misato says Asuka. Unit 0 readies and shoots. The shot is deflected off the 15th Angel Arael's A.T. Field. Ritsuko says to switch Unit 2 to life support only. Ritsuko thinks that ray scanned her wavelength and adapted are Angels trying to analyze our mind. A young Asuka is crying Asuka says why am I crying I swore I wouldn't cry anymore. A man says what's wrong Asuka it's a present from your new mother don't you like it. Young Asuka says no. The man says why not. Older Asuka says because I'm not a child I had to grow up I don't need a stuffed toy. Young Asuka says please look at me I beg you don't stop being my mama. Asuka's mother says come to heaven with me. Young Asuka says mama no please. She says I am not a doll I think for myself live for myself. Asuka says no don't make me remember that I wanted to forget those things I don't want those terrible memories anymore. Asuka in her entry plug says stop this my mind's being contaminated. She says Kaji, its raping my mind what will I do its defiling my mind. A tech says life support crash pilot's mind entering danger zone. Shinji says let me go out in Unit 1. Fuyutsuki says no this target has the ability to attack the pilot's mind. Gendou says we cannot allow Unit 1 to be touched by an Angel. Shinji says that can't happen as long as I'm not defeated. Gendou says there is no guarantee of that. Shinji says if we don't Asuka will. Gendou says I don't care Rei go to Dogma and get the Lance. Fuyutsuki says the Lance of Longinus you can't do that Ikari. Gendou says it's the only way to kill a target beyond our A.T. Fields and says proceed. Misato says I thought if Adam and Eva would come into contact it would cause third impact can't take that chance it is much too dangerous. Misato thinks another lie Second Impact wasn't caused by contact between two Angels. Unit 0 is being lowered. Misato thinks if something like this won't cause Third Impact then what really happened to cause Second Impact. Unit 0 lands. Fuyutsuki says Ikari I still think it's too early to use the Lance. Gendou says the committee has already started to mass-produce Evas this is our chance. Fuyutsuki says but. Gendou says we cannot make time run backwards but we can spur it forwards with our own hands. Fuyutsuki says the old men won't allow this. Gendou says therefore we must finish this before SEELE has a time to act. He says after all it's not acceptable to lose Unit 2 at this time. Fuyutsuki says but you can't use the Lance without SEELE's approval. Unit 0 takes the Lance out of a giant pinned to a cross. Gendou says the need is the justification there are no other factors to consider. Fuyutsuki says justification no what you're looking for is an excuse. Unit 0 reaches the surface. Misato says so that's the Lance of Longinus. Right before Unit 0 throws the Lance the points join together to form one. The Lance destroys the Angel. Fuyutsuki says what' the status on the Lance. Hyuga says it reached escape velocity and is moving into lunar orbit. Fuyutsuki says it's impossible to recover it now. Hyuga says yes there are no methods to recover an object of that mass. In the morning Maya says Unit 2's psychograph returning to normal and is ordered to return it to the second cage. Misato says how's Asuka. Hyuga says she's alive but is quarantined because of the contamination. Shinji says I'm glad your okay Asuka. Asuka says shut up who the hell is okay how could it get any worse. She says that little bitch that little bitch rescued me I'd rather have died I hate you I hate everyone I hate you all. To be continued…
