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Episode 23: Tear

Extended: Misato is listening to Kaji's message again in her room. Misato thinks another phone that will never ring. Pen Pen and Shinji look at the note on Misato's door which reads: I'm on duty, sorry, but leave me alone. Shinji says Misato is shutting herself off again. Pen Pen and Shinji look at the note on Asuka's door, which reads: Authorized Personnel Only. If you enter without permission you will die. Entry Forbidden. Shinji says is Asuka going to come back today. Asuka is at Hikari's playing games. Hikari thinks she skips school she won't go home and she does nothing but plays those video games. Asuka says Hikari. Hikari says what is it. Asuka says I want to go to bed. In bed Asuka says I'm sorry I'm causing you inconvenience. Hikari says you're not. Asuka says I lost I'll never pilot an Eva again now its not worth living. She says I hate this I hate everyone I hate everything but most of all I hate myself I don't find value in my life anymore. Hikari says I think you could do anything you want and I wouldn't say a thing you did your best Asuka. Asuka cries. Ritsuko is talking to her grandmother, whose cat has died. SEELE is having a meeting one of them says it's impossible to recover the Lance of Longinus. One says why did you use it. Another says are you aware that we don't have enough of the Eva series yet. Gendou says destroying Angels is our top priority this is the fact we have to face. A member says is that the best excuse. Someone says your actions have a lack of respect for committee. A phone rings Gendou answers it and says Fuyutsuki we're in the middle of deliberations I understand. He hangs up the phone and says there is an Angel approaching let us finish this later. Someone says you're assuming you'll still have a seat here. Gendou disappears. One says are you going to betray us Ikari. Misato is in her car on the phone and says I'll be there in 15 minutes sortie Unit 0 deploy Unit 2 as backup. She says I don't have the authority to cancel freeze on Unit 1. Gendou says to move Unit 2 out, as it might be useful as a decoy. Asuka says I'm in this thing again how irresolute I am I'm just a deadweight for you right whatever doesn't matter. Misato comes in. Ritsuko says they are certain it is capable of assuming other forms. Misato says Rei you have to stay ready. Rei says no its coming. The 16th Angel Armisael stops rotating and goes towards Unit 0. Misato says Rei fight back. Hyuga says it's too late. The Angel goes through Unit 0's A.T. Field and goes into its torso. Unit 0 shoots the Angel to no avail. Contamination spreads. Misato says status on Unit 0's at field. Maya says its active but its being eroded. Ritsuko says is the angel trying to make first contact with Unit 0. Maya says bio contamination invading Unit 0. Misato says Unit 2 launch back Rei up and save her. Unit 2 goes up Misato says Asuka advance 300 meters and advance A.T. Field use the rifle and shoot it you got it Eva Unit 2 lift off. Unit 2 doesn't move. Misato says go ahead Asuka what's wrong. Maya says its no good her synch ratio is under ten. Misato says Asuka. Asuka says it won't go it won't go. Misato orders her to be retrieved. Rei says who is this. The reply is this is you. Rei says myself in Eva no I sense somebody other than myself. She says an Angel are you one of the beings we call the Angels. The other Rei says don't you want to become one with me. Rei says no I am me not you. The other Rei says okay but its too late let me share my heart with you let me share this feeling with you. It says doesn't this hurt doesn't your heart hurt. Rei says pain no, not pain loneliness. The other Rei says yes I'm lonely. Rei says loneliness I don't understand. The other Rei says you don't want to be by yourself correct we are many but you are alone you hate it don't you that is loneliness. The other Rei says that is your soul that is your soul filled with sorrow. Rei is in the entry plug again and is crying. Rei says is this a tear am I the one crying. Misato says Rei. Gendou says remove restraints from Unit 1 and sortie it immediately. Asuka says am I so worthless to you, you didn't do this for me. Misato says spread A.T. Field and rescue Rei. Shinji says right and spreads his A.T. Field. The Angel goes towards him. Rei says Ikari. Unit 1 dodges the Angel. Rei says does my soul want to become one with Ikari. The Angel breaks Shinji's rifle. Rei says no. Maya says A.T. Field has been reversed it will be corroded immediately. Ritsuko says is she going to hold the Angel. Misato says Rei abandon Unit 0 evacuate. Rei says no I can't do it I must stay to keep the A.T. Field in effect therefore I will not retreat. Misato says Rei are you going to kill yourself. Maya says the core will be destroyed. Rei sees a smiling Gendou before it explodes. Misato says this operation is officially over go to first stage alert. Misato says what is status of Unit 0. Maya says I don't think the entry plug ejected. Misato says rescue the pilot. Ritsuko says if she's still alive. There is a large lake and helicopters. Ritsuko looks in the entry plug and says keep this top-secret retrieve the plug and destroy all the parts. At a SEELE meeting someone says we have destroyed the 16th Angel. Someone says there's only one left according to SEELE's Dead Sea Scrolls. Another says the promised day is here. Someone says the way has been long and our losses are significant. Another says right we lost he Lance of Longinus and now Unit 0. Someone says this is sufficient to remove Ikari. Another says I thought he'd be smart enough to understand our intentions in releasing Fuyutsuki. Someone says we have to find another pawn to use against Ikari. Another says one who knows the facts. Ritsuko looks at a picture of herself, her mother and Gendou. Shinji is in bed. Misato says Shinji can I come in. Misato sits down next to him. Shinji says Misato I don't have any tears I feel the sadness but the tears won't come. Misato says Shinji this is all I can do for you right now. She reaches for his hand and he pulls away. He says no don't cut it out Misato. Misato says I'm sorry. Misato leaves and thinks I'm sure he's feeling lonely is he afraid of women no he's afraid of affection in general. Misato says Pen Pen come on. He doesn't. Misato thinks okay I just want anybody I'm the one who's lonely. Misato answers the phone and says what did you say, Shinji. Rei is standing in a hall. Shinji says Ayanami. He says I'm glad you're alive Ayanami my dad isn't here thank you for saving my life. Rei says what. Shinji says well you sacrificed Unit 0 to save me. Rei says I see so did I save you. Shinji says you don't remember. Rei says no I don't know the facts probably because I'm the third one. In Rei's room she looks at the classes squeezes them and then a tear falls on them. Rei says is this a tear I'm seeing this for the first time but it feels familiar am I crying why am I crying. Gendou says that's right status quo for the first child no restrictions are necessary this applies to the second and third as well just watch them. Fuyutsuki says but the fact that Rei's alive could cause trouble with Chairman Keel. Gendou says I have given an alternative to SEELE's old men don't worry about it. At SEELE with Ritsuko standing naked one says we'd like to carry this out calmly we do not want to disgrace you. Ritsuko says I feel no disgrace. Someone says she is a strong woman I can see why Ikari wants to keep her next to him. Another says but the one who sent you here is none other than Ikari himself. Someone says he refused to let us question the pilot of Unit 0 and sent you as a substitute. Ritsuko thinks I'm Rei's substitute am I. Kaji is talking and says this is a part of the truth you wanted to know I have sent the same thing thirty-six different ways but only this capsule will reach you this is my everything do with it as you will the pass code is our first memory bye take care. Misato thinks I quit worrying about the phone that will never ring because I have accepted your heart. SEELE is talking one says are you sure about releasing Dr. Akagi. Another says she isn't like Fuyutsuki it will be beneficial to release her. Someone says a woman of importance to the Eva series let be continued use for now. Another says for the future of mankind. One says there was to be eight Evangelion constructed. Another says so there are four more to go. One says the disappearance of Tokyo-3 is a good reason to proceed quickly with the project. Another says the promised day shall arrive on the day the Eva series is complete. The phone rings and Shinji answers it. It's Ritsuko who says listen I've released your restraint you can come out now. Shinji says Ritsuko. Ritsuko swipes a card but it doesn't work. Misato goes up behind her and says sorry wont work without my password. Ritsuko says I see did Kaji do this. Misato says I will see the secret with my own eyes. Ritsuko says okay but with him too. Misato sees Shinji. Misato says I agree. The three go down an elevator to a lab. Shinji says this is just like Rei's room. Ritsuko says this is Rei Ayanami's room its where she grew up. Shinji says this is. Ritsuko says yes she was born here the light and water that define the depths of her mind come from impressions of this place. Misato says Doctor Akagi I didn't come just to see this. Ritsuko says I know Misato. A light turns on to reveal something with the head of Unit 0 and bones in the form of arms and chest down to the end of the spinal column. Shinji says an Eva. Ritsuko says the very first one but it was a failure it was discarded ten years ago. Shinji looks out and sees others and says an Eva graveyard. Ritsuko says no just a dumping ground this is also where your mother disappeared you may not remember but you were watching when your mother disappeared. Misato says Ritsuko. They go in a room with things coming out of the ceiling to a small tube. Misato says is this the source of the dummy plug. Ritsuko says let me show you the truth. The walls reveal lots of floating Reis. Shinji says Rei Ayanami and they look at him. Misato says impossible Eva's dummy plug is. Ritsuko says right this is the production factory for the core of the dummy plug. Misato says this is. Ritsuko says these are all dummies they are also replacement parts for Rei. She says Man found God and they tried to pick him up for that Man was punished. She continues that was fifteen years ago and the God they found disappeared then Man tried to resurrect God with his own hands and created Adam from Adam Man created what resembles God himself that is Eva. Shinji says so are they human. Ritsuko says yes they are human we put supposedly mindless human souls in Eva all the souls were salvaged souls. Ritsuko says the souls are born only in Rei the room of Guaf is empty these are empty containers they have no souls so I want to destroy them because I hate them. She presses a button and the Reis fall apart. Misato says do you know what you're doing. Ritsuko says yes I do I'm destroying them. She says they are not men just things with human form but I lost to these dolls I couldn't win him I could stand any humiliation for him I don't care how wretched I become. She says but he chose…he chose…I knew this but I'm an idiot both the mother and daughter are idiots kill me if you want to I'd rather die. Misato says that will not release you from agony. Misato thinks the tragedy of the Eva Project is its people but I am one of them too. To be continued…
