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Episode 24: The Final Messenger

Extended: A young Asuka is running and says Momma, momma they chose me I'm an elite pilot I'll defend Mankind as the best in the world. A door opens. While still running she says I have to keep it a secret so I'll only tell you momma. A door opens. She says everyone's being so nice to me I won't feel so lonely anymore. A door opens. She says I'm okay now even without papa. A door opens. She says so look, look at me momma. The young Asuka opens the door and sees the corpse of her mother who has hung herself. Present Asuka is sitting in a bathtub in a partially destroyed building. Asuka says synch ratio zero I can't be the second child anymore I have no reason left to live nobody cares about me anymore my papa my momma nobody cares I have no reason left to live. A man comes up and says are you Asuka Langely Sohryu. Hyuga says the second child has been taken into custody. Misato says it isn't like them to lose her in the first place and then take seven days to find her. Hyuga says they must have done it on purpose they're trying to make trouble for us. Misato says it could be. Misato thinks the fifth child arrives today to replace Asuka this whole thing is just too convenient. In the apartment Shinji is in his bed and thinks Rei Ayanami there's a feeling about her like my mother Rei and my mother what are you doing with them father. Ritsuko is in an isolation chamber Gendou enters. Ritsuko says Commander Ikari did you know my cat died the cat my grandmother was caring for I hadn't taken care of it for a long time and now I'll never see it again. Gendou says why did you destroy the dummy system. Ritsuko says it wasn't the dummy system I destroyed it was Rei. Gendou says I'll ask you once more why did you do it. Ritsuko says I'm not happy anymore not even when you make love to me go ahead and do whatever you want it's never stopped you before. Gendou says you disappoint me. Ritsuko says disappoint you had no hopes or expectations of me to start with I was nothing I am nothing. Gendou leaves she says what can I do now mother. Shinji is in front of Unit 2 and says Asuka where have you disappeared. Shinji thinks but what could I talk to her about could I talk about Ayanami with her. Shinji is looking at the new lake formed by Unit 0's explosion. Shinji thinks Toji, Kensuke…their homes were destroyed and now they've left friends I don't have anybody left whom I could call my friend nobody I cant go see Ayanami again. I don't have the courage to face her I don't even know how to talk or act around her now. He thinks Asuka…Misato…mother…what do I do what can I do. Someone is humming Beethoven Shinji looks over and sees someone on a statue. The person says singing is good singing brings joy and revitalizes the soul I think that Song is the greatest achievement of the Lilim culture don't you agree Shinji Ikari. Shinji says how do you know my name. The person says everyone knows your name not to be rude but you're rather ignorant of your own position. Shinji says really and you are. He says I am Kaworu, Kaworu Nagisa like you I'm one of the chosen the fifth child. Shinji says you're the fifth child you Mister Nagisa. Kaworu says call me Kaworu Mister Ikari. Shinji says oh no you can call me Shinji. Hyuga says the fifth child has just arrived. Misato says Nagisa Kaworu of the Seashore his records were erased just like Rei. Hyuga says he was born on the same day as Second Impact. Misato says the committee sent him directly to us there must be more to it. Hyuga says the Marduk Report's file on the fifth child was classified so I hacked into the Intelligence Department's computer system. Misato says I can't believe you did that. Hyuga says it was worth doing and whispers I found out where Ritsuko is what do you want to do about the fifth child's synch tests. Misato says I don't have any tricks up my sleeve this time let's see what he can do. Fuyutsuki says are these readouts correct. Hyuga says all testing systems are operating correctly. Maya says Magi confirm that there are no data errors. Fuyutsuki says incredible that he can synch with Unit 2 before we've configured the core he's amazing. Maya says this isn't possible on this system it can't happen. Misato says nevertheless it's happening we must accept that and begin investigating why it's happening. Rei goes up an escalator and sees Kaworu. Kaworu says you're the first child aren't you Rei Ayanami you're the same as I am. Rei says who are you. Fuyutsuki says the fifth child has made contact with Rei. Gendou says I see. Fuyutsuki says the Magi are analyzing the nature of the Fifth and what his powers may be. Misato at home says we still don't know who or what he is who in the hell is this boy. Misato and Pen Pen look at the sign on Asuka's room. Misato looks in Shinji's room and says Shinji hasn't come back yet either I'm not deserving of his trust. Kaworu sees Shinji and says you weren't waiting here for me were you. Shinji says no well not really waiting anyway. Kaworu says so what are you doing. Shinji says well usually when the tests end I just take a shower and go home but I don't really want to go home these days. Kaworu says you have a home to return to and that will lead you to happiness that's good. Shinji says you think so. Kaworu says I'd like to talk some more may I come with you to the shower aren't you going now do you mind. Shinji says oh no I don't mind. In the shower area Kaworu says you are extremely afraid of First Contact are you that scared of affection if you don't get close to others you won't be betrayed and you won't hurt each other however neither will you forget what loneliness is man can never make loneliness disappear because man is alone but man can forget so man can find the will to live. Kaworu puts his hand on Shinji's. Shinji says it's time. Kaworu says is this it. Shinji says yeah I have to go to bed. Kaworu says with me. Shinji says no you have your own room I think. Kaworu says right and stands up. He says man always has pain in his heart since his heart feels pain he experiences life as pain you are delicate like glass. Shinji says am I. Kaworu says yes and that earns my sympathy. Shinji says sympathy. Kaworu says in other words I love you. At a SEELE meeting one says NERV was formed as SEELE's executive branch. Another says it was created to carry out our scenario. Someone says however it has been taken over by a selfish man. Another says yes it has we must return it to our control. Someone says before the promised day. Someone says we must restore NERV and the Eva series to their original purpose. Another says Ikari will answer to SEELE for his malfeasance. Gendou in front of Unit 1 says it will not be much time the Lance of Longinus that was hindering our wish is gone forever the last Angel should appear soon and our wish will be attained upon destroying that Angel soon very soon Yui. Rei is in her room and says why am I here why am I still alive for what purpose for whose purpose the fifth child in what way are he and I alike why. Misato is looking over her balcony at her apartment and holding Pen Pen. Misato says I am glad this apartment is in the suburbs thank god you're safe but there is no guarantee this won't happen again so the Horaki family will take care of you starting tomorrow I won't be able to see you for a while Pen Pen. Pen Pen squawks. Shinji and Kaworu are in the same room Shinji is on the ground next to Kaworu in his bed. Kaworu says I think I should sleep on the floor. Shinji says no I am staying at your place I should sleep down here. Kaworu says what do you want to talk about you want me to listen to you don't you. Shinji says many things have happened since I came here I used to live with my teacher they were calm and boring days I was just living but I was fine with that there was really nothing I had to do. Kaworu says do you hate people. Shinji says not really I don't care but I hate my dad. Shinji thinks why did I tell Kaworu that. Kaworu says I was probably born to meet you. On a bridge Misato and Hyuga are standing next to each other. Misato says did you get his data. Hyuga says this is it I got this from Ibuki without her knowledge. Misato says I'm sorry that I made you do this what's this. Hyuga says its no wonder Maya can't reveal this it is not theoretically possible. Misato says you're right the issue gets even more mysterious how can he fix the synch ratio at whatever point he wishes I have to take another chance. Misato is in the isolation room with Ritsuko. Ritsuko says what a surprise to see you here. Misato says I have a question for you. Ritsuko says our conversation is monitored here. Misato says I don't care what is the boy the fifth child. Ritsuko says he is probably the last Angel. Kaworu is in front of Unit 2 and says well let's go come Adam's alter ego and Lilith's minion. He steps off the platform and flies. Hyuga says Eva Unit 2 is activating. Misato says that's impossible where's Asuka. Aoba says she's in room 303 I've just confirmed it. Misato says then who the hell is piloting it. Maya says it is unmanned there is no entry plug inserted in Unit 2. Misato says unmanned so the fifth child is not there. Hyuga says A.T. Field detected in Central Dogma. Misato says is it Unit 2. Hyuga says no the blood pattern is blue it is definitely an Angel. Misato says what the hell that boy an Angel. Hyuga says the target has passed fourth layer and is descending. Aoba says its no good we cant cut the power. Fuyutsuki says close all Central Dogma shutters buy us some time unbelievable SEELE itself sent an Angel to us. Gendou says the old men want to advance another step with our help. At a SEELE meeting someone says the last Angel has invaded Central Dogma it is currently descending. Another says just as we planned. One says Ikari you were our good friend our comrade and conspirator but this is you last job I expect you will use unit 1 to accomplish the mission. Aoba says Unit 2 has penetrated armor shutters. Gendou says pursue it with Unit 1. He says use any means to keep it from invading Terminal Dogma. Misato thinks why did it take Unit 2. Fuyutsuki says is it going to fuse with Unit 2. Gendou says or is it going to bring destruction. Shinji in the entry plug says lie, lie, it's a lie I don't believe that Kaworu is an Angel it's a lie. Misato says this is a fact face it sortie you got it. Kaworu says Shinji is late. Shinji says you betrayed me you hurt my feelings you betrayed me just like my father did. He sees him and says there he is. Kaworu says I have been waiting for you Shinji. Shinji says Kaworu. Unit 2 and Unit 1 grapple. Shinji says I'm sorry Asuka. As Kaworu talks Units 1 and 2 start to fight with their progressive knives. Kaworu says the Eva series was born from Adam humans must abhor their existence Lilim try to survive even if it means using the thing they hate I do not understand this. Shinji says Kaworu stop this why are you doing this. Kaworu says Eva is created from the same tissue as I am I am also born from Adam so I can synchronize with it as easily as if I had no soul unit 2's soul is now shutting itself up. Shinji directs the progressive knife to Kaworu, which meets an A.T. Field. Shinji says an A.T. Field. Kaworu says yes that's what you Lilim call it this is the light of the soul sacred territory where no one should intrude don't you Lilim know everybody has an A.T. Field. Shinji says I don't understand what you're talking about. Misato says to Hyuga if Unit 1's signal disappears and then any changes occur. Hyuga says I know self-destruct the entire complex it's better than letting the Third Impact occur. Misato says I'm sorry. Hyuga says I don't mind it if it's with you. Misato says thank you. Units 1 and 2 are stabbing each other. Kaworu says it is human fate human hope is made with sorrow. Misato says what is that. Hyuga says the strongest A.T. Field ever has been detected. Aoba says it's shutting out everything we can't monitor anything. Misato says this is absolutely impossible. Maya says signals from the target Unit 2 and Unit 1 are lost we've lost communication with the pilot. Unit 1 lands. Shinji says Kaworu wait. Unit 2 grabs Unit 1. Hyuga says Heaven's Door is open. Misato says the Angel has finally reached it Hyuga. Hyuga nods. Unit 1 stabs Unit 2 in the head the room shudders. Shinji says what now. Misato says what's going on. Hyuga says another A.T. Field. Aoba says a field as strong as the first one has surrounded Terminal Dogma. Maya says it's invading the other A.T. Field. Misato says impossible is it another Angel. Aoba says I don't know I can't confirm it, it just disappeared. Misato says disappeared the Angel has. Rei is looking down. Kaworu says Adam, our mother one born of Adam must return to Adam although it could destroy all humanity no this is Lilith I see I understand Lilim now. Unit 1 stands over a fallen Unit 2 and grabs Kaworu. Kaworu says thank you Shinji I wanted you to stop Unit 2 otherwise it would have survived with her. Shinji says Kaworu why. Kaworu says because it is my destiny to live although it would bring destruction to humanity I would prefer to die here life and death are equal to me death of the self that is the only absolute freedom. Shinji says what are you I don't understand what you're talking about. Kaworu says that is my will now destroy me otherwise you will be destroyed only one life form can be chosen to evade the destruction and inherit the future and you are not the existence that should die. Kaworu looks at Rei and smiles. Then he says you need the future thank you my life was meaningful because of you. There is a long pause. Kaworu is crushed. Unit 1 is being washed blood is still on its hand. Shinji is with Misato where he met Kaworu. Shinji says Kaworu said that he loved me. He says I have never, never had such kind words he was like me and like Ayanami I loved him too Kaworu should have survived he was much better than I am Kaworu should have survived. Misato says no the one who survives is the one who has the will to survive he wished for death he neglected his will to survive and chose a false hope you are not wrong. Shinji says how can you be so cruel. To be continued…
