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Episode 26: The Beast that Shouted "I" at the Heart of the World

Extended: Text appears saying: In the year 2016. This is the completion, the restoration of what Man's mind has lost. Instrumentality continues. However, there is not enough time to show the entire process. Therefore, for now, we will examine one mind, that of the boy, Shinji Ikari. CASE 3 Shinji Ikari. Asuka says I feel that I will disappear. Shinji says but I can disappear, because I believe I'm unworthy of existence. Rei says why is that. Asuka says because I am worthless. Shinji says I am unwanted, a useless child you don't care about me anyway, do you. Misato says using that, as an excuse is no different than running away what you truly fear is failure isn't it you fear that you may be hated by others you fear acknowledging that weakness even to yourself. Shinji says how can you criticize me when you do the same thing. Misato says you're right we are all basically the same. Ritsuko says our minds lack something basic. Asuka says we fear that deficiency. Rei says we fear it. Misato says that is why we are attempting to become one. Asuka says we will meld with and fill each other. Rei says this is Instrumentality. Fuyutsuki says mankind cannot live without being surrounded by others. Gendou says mankind cannot survive alone. Ritsuko says although you yourself are always unique. Kaji says that is why life is hard. Asuka says that is why life is sad and empty. Misato says that's why you want affection the close physical and mental presence of others. Rei says that is why we wish to become one. Fuyutsuki says the human soul is made of weak and fragile elements. Ritsuko says the body and mind are made of brittle components as well. Gendou says that's why via Instrumentality, Mankind must fill and complement each other. Text appears saying: Why? Gendou says must you ask because there is no other way to exist. Text appears saying: Really? Rei says why do you exist. Text appears saying: I don't know. Asuka says maybe I live to find out why I exist. Rei says for whom do you exist. Asuka says for myself of course. Shinji says maybe for myself. Text appears saying: Is that true? Rei says are you happy being alive. Shinji says I don't know. Rei says are you happy being alive. Asuka says of course I'm happy. Rei says are you happy being alive. Misato says I don't want anything except to be happy. Kaji says do you hate being sad. Shinji says I don't like it. Kaji says do you hate enduring pain. Misato says I don't like it. Kaji says is that why you run away. Misato says yes do you blame me why not run form something that hurts. Shinji says I mustn't run away. Rei says why mustn't you run away. Shinji says because escaping from the reality can be painful too. Rei says even though you're running from something more painful. Shinji says I can't bear it. Asuka says as long as you know what the pain is it can be endured. Misato says yes if the pain is too harsh you can escape it. Rei says if you really hate it you can still run. Shinji says no I won't I'm tired of running away yes I mustn't run away. Misato says that's because you are aware that running only brings more pain. Asuka says that's because running away can be far worse. Rei says that's why you do not wish to run away. Shinji says if I run away nobody will respect me don't leave me alone don't desert me I'm begging you. Ritsuko says there he goes again doing whatever others tell him to do that's a sad survival mechanism isn't it. Shinji says so what it's better than being left alone. Asuka says you fear being hurt. Misato says you try to make yourself believe that don't you. Kensuke says you're not the only one who gets hurt Shinji. Toji says everybody feels pain you aren't the only one. Hikari says it's just easier for you to think that's true isn't it. Shinji says shut up I don't care why should I nobody cares about me. Misato says once again you've abandoned all sense of self-worth. Rei says I have nothing. Asuka says there you go again saying that you have no worth at all. Misato says do you believe that by not expecting anything you won't get hurt either. Asuka says is that how you sustain your pathetic ego by asking others to praise you. Shinji says nobody accepts me. Misato says that's not true you just believe it to be true. Shinji says that's why I must pilot Eva. Misato says that's your point of view you've been trying to convince yourself that you're worthless since the beginning. Shinji says I have to I have to do it. Kensuke says not true you don't have to. Toji says no you just think you do. Shinji says no you're wrong my life is pointless otherwise. Asuka says that's why you pilot an Eva. Shinji says piloting Eva gives me an identity a purpose. Asuka says piloting Eva gives me an identity a purpose. Shinji says I had no value before I became a pilot the fact that I pilot an Eva justifies my presence here. Asuka says I have no other value. Rei says I have no other value. Shinji says I have no other value, no other value at all. Text appears saying: Value? Shinji says I perceive no value in myself. Text appears saying: Thus… Shinji says I hate myself. On the phone everyone says they hate him. Shinji says see everyone hates me every person in existence must hate me. Rei says no that's just what you imagine. Shinji says yes that must be it because I hate myself. Rei says because you hate yourself no one respects you. Text appears saying: HATE! Asuka says I hate you I hate you I hate everything. Shinji says but they're nice to me when I pilot the Eva they treat me well they act as if they like me. Text appears saying: So, you were happy? Shinji says other people were being nice to me. Text appears saying: But were you happy? Rei says which are your true feelings. There is an image of Shinji with multiple images inside his outline. Shinji says I don't know perhaps both are my true feelings. Misato says so that's why you pilot Eva. Shinji says I have no choice I only have the Eva. Rei says otherwise you could not retain your own identity. Misato says in fact Eva Unit 1 is a part of yourself your sense of being. Ritsuko says if you depend only on the Eva then the Eva will become your only identifier. Kaji says Eva will become your only value. Misato says you, the real you will be erased from existence. Shinji says I don't care I had no other value to start with anyway I was learning to play the cello but that didn't help me either. Asuka says you just didn't discipline yourself. Shinji says but now that I can pilot the Eva I must be able to. Asuka says no you may lose your identity as I have you may lose Eva and your self-worth. There are images of Asuka flashing by. Text appears saying: Why do I pilot Eva? Shinji says I pilot it because it is all I can do. It is raining heavily outside. Shinji says rain dark shadows of gloom hang above me that's how I feel this isn't how I wish to be. The sun is setting. Rei says the setting sun the ending of life this is not how I wish it to be. The sun is rising. Asuka says morning the beginning of a day the beginning of another terrible day this is not how I wish it was. Shinji says blue sky something warm something unfamiliar something that fills me with horror I don't want this I don't want it to be this way. Asuka says everything, everything I hate everything. Misato says what do you wish. Text appears saying: Do you fear anxiety? Asuka says what do you desire. Text appears saying: Do you want peace of mind? Rei says what do you want. Text appears saying: Don't hate me. Asuka says don't hate me please. There is a doll with its head ripped out. Shinji says what I fear is. Text appears saying: Rejection. Rei says what I want is. Text appears saying: Another's touch, another's respect. Shinji says can I stay next to you. Rei says may I stay here. Asuka says do you like me. Text appears saying: Do you love…your mother? Young Asuka says do you want to be with your real mother. Asuka says no I don't. Young Shinji says don't you want to be with your father. Shinji says no I don't. Young Rei says why. Text appears saying: Because I'm afraid. Young Shinji says I'm afraid of being hated. Young Asuka says my identity might start to disappear. Text appears saying: And So? Misato says what is it that you wish. Text appears saying: Dissolution of Anxiety. Rei says what is it that you want. Text appears saying: Erasure of Loneliness. Yui says you're very insecure aren't you. Shinji says to become secure I have to have value I want to be something I want to be worth enough to attract the attention of others. Text appears saying: You seek your own value. Yui says that is something you have to find for yourself you have to find your own value for yourself. Text appears saying: That's why I pilot Eva. Shinji says I have no value without it. Asuka says my life is worthless without it. Multiple Reis say then what are you. Shinji says then what am I what am I this is…me. There are different images of Shinji. Shinji says this is the shape that lets others recognize me as myself it is my symbol for my self this is…this is… this is. Text appears saying: Shinji Ikari. Shinji says a representation everything is a description not my real Self everything's a shape an identifier to let others recognize me as me but then what am I. Text appears saying: What am I? Shinji says is this me. More images of Shinji are shown. Shinji says my true Self my fake Self. Rei says you are you there is little difference between how you interpret yourself and how others interpret you. Shinji says right my clothes…my shoes…my room… these are all parts of what makes up my Self. Rei says these things are connected through your consciousness. Shinji says so what I think is me is me what I recognize as Self is myself but I don't understand myself where am I what am I what am I. Text appears saying: You wished for a wall, a barrier to seal off your world. Shinji says nobody understands me. Asuka says what are you stupid of course nobody understands you nobody can ever understand you. Misato says the only one who can take care of you and understand you is yourself. Rei says so you must take care of yourself. Shinji says but I still don't understand my Self I don't even know what it is that makes me myself how could I love myself. Text appears saying: You are afraid. Rei says you are still unstable. Misato says that is the present you. Asuka says and the people around the present you. Rei says and the environment that surrounds the present you. Misato says none of these last forever. Asuka says time continues to flow and time brings change. Rei says your world is in a state of constant change you are capable of change anytime your mind perceives these changes. Shinji is flying in nothingness. Shinji says what is this, a world of nothing a world with nobody in it. Young Shinji's voice says this is the world of perfect freedom. Shinji says freedom. Young Shinji's voice says a world of perfect freedom, a world in which you have no restrictions. Shinji says is this really freedom. Young Shinji's voice says yes this is what it is. Rei's voice says however this world has nothing in it. Shinji says unless I do something. Misato says right unless you do or think of something. Shinji says but I don't know what to do or think. Rei says he is uncertain. Asuka says he has no image of Self to orient himself. Young Shinji says there's nothing solid here. Misato says it is a world in which there are no obstacles. Text appears saying: This is true freedom? Kaji says this is a world in which you can do anything you wish. Misato says but you're afraid aren't you. Fuyutsuki says don't you know what it is that you want to do. Shinji says what should I do. Gendou says let me give you a restriction. A line appears and Shinji lands. Asuka says now you have a top and bottom. Rei says but you have lost a degree of your freedom. Misato says now you must stand on ground. Kaji says but now you feel easier don't you. Hyuga says you have less to trouble your mind. Aoba says and now you can walk. Shinji walks. Maya says this is happening because you will it to be. Shinji says is this my will. Ritsuko says this world with the floor is the only thing around yourself. Toji says but now you can move around to anywhere you wish to within it. Kensuke says you could even turn the world upside down if you wanted to. Hikari says and the position of your world is not the same either. Kaji says it changes with the passage of time. Fuyutsuki says you can change yourself as well. Shinji changes shape into several different forms. Gendou says what forms your shape is your mind and its interaction with the world around you. Ritsuko says you can do anything here because this is your world. Misato says this is the shape of your reality. Text appears saying: What is reality? Shinji says what is this an empty space an empty world a world where nothing exists but myself but with only myself I have nothing to interact with it's as if I'm here but not here at all it's as if I'm slowly fading out of existence. Text appears saying: Why? Yui says because only you are here. Shinji says only myself. Yui says without others to interact with you cannot truly recognize your own image. Shinji says my own image. Text appears saying: The image of myself? Misato says yes in the act of observing others you may recognize yourself. Asuka says your image of yourself is restrained by having to observe the barriers between yourself and others. Rei says and yet you cannot see yourself without the presence of others. Shinji says when there are others I can perceive myself as an individual if I am alone then I will be the same as everything else there will be no difference between myself and nothing. Misato says by recognizing the differences between yourself and others you establish your identity as yourself. Rei says the very first other person is your mother. Asuka says your mother is a different individual. Shinji says right I am me and she is she but are you really sure that others form my Self. Misato says it's true Shinji Ikari. Asuka says man has it taken you this long to realize that simple fact you idiot. Shinji wakes up in a room. Asuka says it's about time you got up Shinji you idiot. Shinji says what is it Asuka. Asuka says what the hell does that mean can't you appreciate the fact that I went to the trouble of coming to wake you up I don't hear any words of gratitude for your oldest childhood friend. Shinji says thanks but let me sleep a little longer. Asuka says what are you doing its time to get up. She pulls off his covers and says you stupid pervert I didn't mean that. Shinji says I can't help it it's morning. Yui is cooking while Gendou reads a newspaper. Yui says that Shinji Asuka's so sweet to come pick him up every morning and he doesn't appreciate it dear you have to get ready too gosh you're just like Shinji. Gendou says are you ready. Yui says anytime I'm the one who gets complaints from Professor Fuyutsuki if you're late for the meeting. Gendou says that's true he's your biggest fan. Yui says oh you cut that out and get ready. Gendou says I understand Yui. Asuka says hurry up. Shinji says I know you're such a pain in the ass sometimes Asuka. Asuka says what did you say. Asuka slaps Shinji. Asuka says we're leaving now. Shinji says I'm leaving. Yui says see you later sweetie come on dear put the newspaper down. Gendou says I understand Yui. Asuka and Shinji are running. Shinji says hey isn't a there a new student starting today. Asuka says that's right since this city's going to become the new capital there're a lot of people moving in it's no wonder we're getting so many new kids. Shinji says oh, that makes sense I wonder what she's like I hope she's cute. Rei running says I'm late I'm late I can't be late for the first day. Rei and Shinji run into each other. Rei says I'm sorry I'm in a hurry I'm really very sorry. Rei runs off. At school on a desk is written: what are you, stupid?! Toji says what did you see her panties. Shinji says well it wasn't a good look just a little flash. Toji says I can't believe that you're the one who has all the luck. Hikari grabs Toji's ear. Toji says what'd you do that for. Hikari says just exactly what were you talking about go change the water in the flower vase right now you understand. Toji says you're so mean. Hikari says what did you just say. Shinji says poor Toji's so hen-pecked it's sad isn't it. Asuka says look who's talking. Shinji says are you saying I'm easily manipulated. Asuka says I'm merely reporting the facts. Shinji says how so. Asuka says it just is accept it. Shinji says why do you treat me like this. Asuka says hey that hurts you idiot. Kensuke says the calm, peace and tranquility… A car skids into the parking lot. Toji says its Miss Misato our teacher. Toji, Kensuke, and Shinji are looking out the window. Asuka and Hikari say just look at those three stupid stooges have they no shame. Hikari says stand up bow sit down. Misato says listen up dudes we've got a new blue-haired babe here to introduce herself. Rei says my name's Rei Ayanami nice to meet you. Shinji is shocked. Rei says you're the jerk who was staring at my panties. Asuka stands up and says hey what do you mean by that you're the one who was flashing them at Shinji. Rei says who are you and why are you defending him are you guys doing it. Asuka says no we're just really good childhood friends you shut up. Hikari says be quiet you two we're in a class not a bar. Misato says hey this is more entertaining than class I want to see how this turns out please continue. Shinji says I see, this is another possibility another possible world this current Self is the same way it's not my true Self I can be any way I wish to be I see I can exist without being an Eva pilot as well. Misato appears next to Shinji. Misato says if you consider that perhaps this world isn't so bad. Shinji says still even though the reality itself might not be bad I could still hate myself. Hyuga says it's your mind, which takes reality and separates it into what's bad and hateful. Aoba says it is only the mind, which separates reality from truth. Maya says your view of reality changes your perception of its nature it is all literally a matter of perspective. Kaji says there are as many truths as there are people. Kensuke says but there is only one truth that is your truth that's the one that's formed by whatever narrow point of view you choose to view from it's a perception that protects you from the twisted truth. Toji says that's true and one can have a perspective that is far too small. Hikari says but a person can only see things from the perspective they choose. Asuka says one must learn to judge all things via the perceived truths that one receives from others. Misato says for example sunny days make you feel good. Rei says rainy days make you feel gloomy. Asuka says if you are told this is so that is what you will believe to be so. Ritsuko says but you can have fun on a rainy day as well. Fuyutsuki says your truth can be changed simply by the way you accept it that's how fragile the truth for a human is. Kaji says a person's truth is so simple that most ignore it to concentrate on what they think are deeper truths. Gendou says you for example are simply unused to what it is to be liked. Misato says you've never learned how to deal with the fear of how others feel about you so you avoid it. Shinji says but don't others hate me. Asuka says what are you stupid it's all in your imagination. Shinji says but I hate myself. Rei says one who truly hates himself cannot love he cannot place his trust in another. Shinji says I'm a coward I'm cowardly, sneaky and weak. Misato says now that you know yourself you can take care of yourself. Shinji says I hate myself but I could love myself. Some glass cracks. Shinji says maybe my life could have a greater value. More glass of Shinji's world cracks. Shinji says that's right I am no more or less than myself. More cracks form. Shinji says I am me I want to be myself. Even more cracks form. Shinji says I want to continue existing in this world. More cracks. Shinji says I am worth living here. The world Shinji is in explodes around him and people surround him. Misato says congratulations. Asuka says congratulations. Rei says congratulations. Ritsuko says congratulations. Kaji says congratulations. Hikari says congratulations. Kensuke says congratulations. Toji says congratulations. Pen Pen squawks. Hyuga says congratulations. Aoba says congratulations. Maya says congratulations. Fuyutsuki says congratulations. Gendou and Yui say congratulations. Shinji smiles and says thank you all. Text appears saying: Thank you to my father. Good-bye to my mother. And to all of the children…Congratulations!
