Episode Guide

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Episode 5: Rei, Beyond Her Heart

Extended: The episode starts out by showing NERV Headquarters Experimental Station 2 22 Days Before beginning activation of the orange Unit 0, the Evangelion proto-type. There are no problems as activation enters third stage and reaches the absolute borderline. Then the pulses begin to flow backwards. Ritsuko says to break contact but Maya says that the signal is not being received. Unit 0 breaks out of its restraints and grabs its head. They cut its power by removing the umbilical cable. Unit 0 begins pounding on the control center window the experiment station 2. Unit 0 engages auto-eject and the entry plug flies to an upper corner of the room. It then falls to the ground. The suppression system is engaged as Unit 0 runs out of power. Gendou runs out to the entry plug and grabs onto the levers to open the hatch. He steps back in pain from the heat and his glasses fall off. He then grabs on again and opens the hatch. He asks Rei if she is all right. His glasses on the ground break. The scene changes to workers freeing Unit 0 from the suppression fluid as Ritsuko describes Rei as 14 years old, the first test subject select by the Marduk making her the First Child, and that her past has been erased. Misato asks if she knows the cause of the incident. Ritsuko says it might be mental instability by the pilot. Ritsuko then dismisses another thought that occurred to her saying it can't be that. The scene changes to a white outline of Unit 1 in the mountainside from the previous battle and then shows a large assortment of temporary buildings. Shinji has a hard hat on and is looking at the Angel. Computer shows 601, meaning it can't be analyzed. Ritsuko says they haven't figured out how the Angel's power works. She shows Misato and Shinji that its wave pattern is a 98.89% match to humans. Gendou examines the damaged core and Shinji notices that his father's hands are burnt. Ritsuko then explains how Commander Ikari rescued Rei. The scene changes to a pool at the school and shows female students as Rei sits off to the side. The male students are playing basketball; those who aren't are ogling the women. Shinji is staring at Rei. Toji and Kensuke notice and start to tease him. Shinji says he was just wondering why she's always alone. They say they don't really know as they start to jog. Unit 1 and Unit 0 are in the same room and Shinji is in the entry plug. He watches Rei by Unit 0 and then Gendou walks up. She runs over to him and they start to talk. Shinji watches, as they both seem to be happy talking. At Misato's apartment Shinji, Misato, and Ritsuko are about to eat. Ritsuko and Shinji both taste Misato's instant soup and dislike. Ritsuko thinks that only Misato could make instant soup taste so bad. Pen Pen is looking in the room and then looks at his plate and can of beer. It is the same food that they are having. A bead of sweat forms on his head as he takes a taste, then falls over. Shinji looks up when he hears a sound. Ritsuko then asks Shinji a favor, to go over to Rei's and give her a new security card before going to headquarters. Misato says that Shinji is staring at Rei's picture. Shinji denies it and Misato says that she embarrassed him. She says that he now has an excuse to go over to Rei's. Shinji says to stop teasing him and Misato says she likes to because he goes ballistic. Shinji says he doesn't know much about her. Ritsuko says she's nice but not very adept at living. At an apartment complex in the slums Shinji approaches room 402. There is no response. He opens the door and announces that he is coming in. He takes off his shoes and tiptoes into the room. He looks around and sees a pile of dirty bandages and her bed. He then notices a pair of broken glasses and puts them on. He hears a sound and turns around to see Rei in just a towel. She approaches Shinji and takes off the glasses. Shinji slips and falls into Rei, landing on top of her. Rei asks for him to get off and Shinji looks down to see his hand is on one of her breasts. He gets back in shock and apologizes. Rei gets up and starts to get dressed. Shinji struggles to speak but manages to say that he was asked to deliver her renewed security card. Rei puts the glasses into a case and leaves. Shinji follows Rei down the street, in a train, and to NERV headquarters. Rei swipes her card a few times at entrance 7 and it does not work. Shinji then uses her new card and the door opens. He then gives her the card. Shinji apologizes again on the escalator and asks if she is scared about the reactivation test. She asks why. He says he heard that she was hurt badly last time. Rei asks if Shinji has faith in his father's work. He says of course not. Rei turns around angry and then slaps Shinji. Rei puts on her plug-suit and smiles. Rei is in Unit 0 as they begin the reactivation experiment. Shinji and Misato are watching from a side view port. Rei looks down and sees Gendou's broken pair of glasses. Everyone looks on silently as the activation proceeds and passes the absolute borderline. Fuyutsuki receives a call and tells Gendou that an unidentified object is approaching NERV central and that it might be the 5th Angel. Gendou orders the test to be aborted and to go to 1st stage alert. He says that Rei is not ready to fight. Unit 1 launches, and while launching Aoba reports that there is a high-energy reaction inside the target. Unit 1 reaches the surface and Misato yells to duck. A large blast hit Unit 1 and Shinji starts to scream. To be continued...
