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Episode 7: The Human Creation

Extended: Gendou is on the phone talking to someone who said that under the freedom of information act he was forced to give data so he gave false data. Gendou tells him to proceed with plan and it then shows a picture of Jet Alone on his desk. Shinji is eating toast in the morning and Pen Pen is eating fish. Misato comes out and starts drinking. Shinji asks what’s wrong with coffee. Misato says she is coming to school for the parent teacher meeting. Toji and Kensuke arrive and he heads for school. Misato calls someone and say he’s left and tells the person to make sure you keep your eyes on him. Shows defeated Angel Ramiel lying in the city. At school Misato drives up and skids into the parking lot. Toji, Kensuke and a bunch of other male students are looking out the windows. Shinji begins to think and wonder what Eva is. He thinks the entry plug smells like blood but he is relaxed in it. He thinks to himself that he really knows nothing about it. Gendou is gone to attend a conference. On the plane someone sits next to Gendou. He says that the revised budget passed and except for the U.S. all members of the Security Council passed the construction for Unit 6. He comments that a pilot hasn’t been found yet. Ritsuko then tells Shinji that everything he learned about Second Impact was a lie. The history books say a meteorite hit Antarctica 15 years ago. Ritsuko then tells him that 15 years ago the first Angel was discovered on Antarctica and it mysteriously exploded. She then tells him that the purpose of NERV is to prevent a Third Impact. Ritsuko tells Misato the event will be tomorrow. Morning routine starts out with Shinji eating toast and Pen Pen eating fish again. Misato comes out in a dress suit to the shock of Pen Pen and Shinji. She says she has business in Tokyo, she will be getting back late, and to have something delivered for food. In a large room filled with many tables Misato and Ritsuko are alone at the NERV table. He says he will take questions. Ritsuko asks him the safety of the nuclear reactor in such a land-based weapon. She asks about problems with a remote control and manual control. He comments that is better than a weapon that goes berserk in the middle of a city. Ritsuko says NERV has the only weapon capable of defeating the Angels. He says the manner of the A.T. Field is only a matter of time and research. Back in their room Misato is mad and kicking a locker. Ritsuko is burning a Jet Alone sample document. Misato asks how he could know about the A.T. Field. She says that she wonders how something so classified could leak out. A computer screen is shown and all files on the screen are deleted. Jet Alone is revealed from the building it was in and they begin activation test. They release the control rods and begin the walk cycle. They control it to go forward ahead slow forward right leg. Forward left leg. One of the technicians reports a rise in pressure inside the reactor. They attempt to increase pump output, nothing happens. They send abort signal but it is not accepted. It continues to walk and walks through building they are in. One of the technicians reports that a meltdown is imminent. Misato wants the password to delete all programming. He says he doesn’t have the authority so he calls many people and then needs to send a written request. It is then reported that Jet Alone is headed for a city. Misato says she is taking responsibility. She calls Hyuga and tells him to bring Shinji and Unit 1 with the F-type equipment. Misato is getting ready and asks how to get inside Jet Alone. The technicians start to axe the control and say that it can be opened manually when the control signal is cut off. The main person then tells her that the password to delete all programming is “hope.” Shinji and Misato are inside a large plane and Misato briefs Shinji. She says that the target is Jet Alone and there is danger of a meltdown in five minutes. Shinji is to run alongside Jet Alone and put Misato on it. He is then to hold Jet Alone back from the populated area. He says it’s too dangerous. Misato says that the Eva will protect him from the explosion and radiation. He then says that he was talking about it being too dangerous for her. Unit 1 is dropped out of the plane with Misato in its hand and lands. It runs up to Jet Alone grabs a handle on it’s back and places Misato on it. She falls off but manages to grab a ladder rung and climbs back up. She goes inside. Shinji stops Jet Alone from moving anymore and a leak forms in Jet Alone. Misato types in “hope” and an error message pops up. She types it in again for the same result. She says the program must have been altered and begins to push on the rods from inside. Multiple leaks are forming all over Jet Alone. The reactor is nearly at critical and then Misato manages to make the rods retract. Jet Alone stops and the leaks stop. Shinji asks if Misato is all right. She is and knows that the whole thing was set up. Ritsuko is then talking to Gendou and says that except for Misato’s operation everything went according to plan. Normal morning routine with Shinji eating toast, Pen Pen eating fish, and Misato coming out and drinking. Toji and Kensuke come and Shinji heads for school. Toji says that Misato is so cool. Shinji says he used to think so too but she’s such a slob. Kensuke then says that Shinji really is a kid. He then explains that Misato shows him a side that she doesn’t show anyone else. That means she’s his family. Shinji then agrees and smiles. To be continued…
