Episode Guide

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Episode 9: Both of You, Dance Like You Want To Win

Extended: People are talking about the new student, Asuka. People are talking about how they like her. Toji and Kensuke selling photos of Asuka. Asuka talks to Shinji, asks why he is so gloomy. She says he should appreciate his good fortune. She asks about Rei, who she refers to as the other one. Rei is reading on a bench. Asuka moves into the light and Rei moves her book. Asuka walks into the light again and introduces herself. She says they should be friends because it is convenient. Rei says that she will if she is ordered. Ritsuko and Kaji in the same room. Kaji is being smooth with her. Ritsuko says he can't put the moves on her with the face on the window. An angry Misato is looking through the window. Misato asks, since he is finished with delivering Unit 2 why he is still here. He says he has orders to stay. Target approaches, data analyzed, it's the 7th Angel, Israphel. Ramiel's carcass is still lying in city. Shinji and Asuka are to intercept at the water. Units 1 and 2 mount a coordinated attack. Asuka complains she's not going solo and Shinji says its procedure. Asuka tells him not to get in her way. Units 1 and 2 released by plane and connect external power sources. Asuka is still complaining. Angel rises out of the water. Asuka tells Shinji to cover her. Shinji yells, damn it, don't talk to me like that you dumb rookie. Asuka charges, and attacks with a downward slice splitting the Angel in two. Shinji says I'll be damned. Asuka arrogant saying battles should be clean and without waste. Israphel starts to move, splits into two. Asuka is surprised and Misato is upset. Shinji and Asuka are in briefing room. Shows both Evas with feet up in the air. Unit 2 is in the ground and Unit 1 is in the water. Asuka blames Shinji, and Shinji replies that she is the one who charged like an idiot. Fuyutsuki says they have been humiliated. The UN forces took over and used an N2 mine. Fuyutsuki says they'll have to redraw the map. Angel is damaged but the second attack will be in a few days. Fuyutsuki asks what they're job is. Asuka responds that it is to pilot Eva. He says she is wrong; it is to defeat the Angels. Misato has a stack of papers in front of her of protest, damage reports, bill from the UN, and etc. She says it is good luck Ikari wasn't here. Misato asks if Ritsuko has an idea to save her job. Misato says it is from Kaji and Misato smiles. Shinji walks home to see boxes everywhere. Asuka says they are her personal belongings. Asuka asks why he is still here and says he's been dumped for the newer model. She adds that it makes sense due to her abilities. She asks why Japanese rooms are so small, and that she couldn't get half of her stuff in. Shinji looks over and sees his belongings have been shoved carelessly into a box. Asuka continues saying Japanese have no sense of privacy living in rooms without locks. Misato walks up and says the Japanese way is to consider another's needs before your own. She says that they will get along well together. She explains at a table, with some beer, that the only way to defeat the Angel is to execute simultaneous attack while the Angel is separated. The both of them are going to live together from now on. The next assault begins in six days. She says the attack pattern has been choreographed with music. Kensuke and Toji get out of an elevator to see Hikari, the class representative, do the same. She says she is going to see how Asuka's doing. Toji and Kensuke say they are checking in on Shinji. Door opens with Shinji and Asuka dressed the same. All three outside door are surprised. They both say its Misato's fault, and they have to eat, breathe, and sleep together. Hikari says they are living in sin and they both reply that it's not like that. Misato walks up with Rei. They are laughing about it after Misato has obviously explained it. They ask how drills are coming along and they aren't. Asuka says it's impossible after not being synchronized again. Shinji and Asuka are both on pads that have touch sensitive areas and a pattern for their synch. Misato asks if she is giving up. Asuka says they don't have anyone else. Misato asks Rei to try. She gets up and walks over to the pads. Rei and Shinji have complete synchronization. Misato says that maybe they should just pair Shinji and Rei. Asuka is upset and leaves. Toji says that even the devil can cry. Hikari yells at Shinji to apologize because he made her cry. Shinji walks up to Asuka and she says not to say anything. She says she is going to put Rei and Misato to shame. That she must avenge herself and it's a matter of honor. Both of them are trying to synch on pads. Next, it shows them brushing their teeth together. Then, they are both trying to watch a different show on TV. Shinji, Asuka, and Misato are sleeping next to each other. After that it shows Shinji and Pen Pen waiting to go to the bathroom. Asuka slams door in Shinji's face and Pen Pen runs in. Pen Pen, Shinji, and Asuka are eating together and then it shows Asuka and Shinji listening to music. Finally, it shows then completely synchronized on the pads. Asuka comes out of the shower and asks where Misato is. Shinji says that she's going to be at work all night. Asuka takes her stuff into another room and tells Shinji that it is the impenetrable wall of Jericho and if he takes one step over it he'll be dead, and then she says good night children. Later that night Shinji is still awake and listening to music. Asuka opens the door; Shinji turns off the music and puts his head down. Asuka goes to the bathroom, comes back, and lies on the ground next to Shinji. Shinji opens his eyes, sees her, and accidentally makes his tape player fast forward. Asuka is right next to Shinji, their heads almost touching. Shinji moves his mouth closer to hers. Asuka says, mama and a tear rolls down her cheek. Shinji's tape comes to an end. Shinji is on the other side of the room with a pillow and blanket and says that she's just a child herself. Misato and Kaji are in an elevator kissing. The elevator stops, Misato walks out and says there's nothing between them. Kaji replies that her lips didn't say no, and which should he trust her lips or her words. Misato is angry. Misato and Ritsuko are sitting next to each other. Misato says that getting involved with Kaji was the stupidest thing she'd ever done. She says he's still immature. The Angel, Israphel is moving again. Units 1 and 2 are next to each other. They detach external power and launch. They leap up into the air and use weapons to slice the Angel in two. They both shoot at it with guns, and then avoid blasts by back flipping. They go behind a shield and both shoot Israphel. Missiles are also being fired at the Angel. They both uppercut a different of the two split Angel, then kick and jump into the air. They spin in the air and both hit the core of the combined Angel destroying it. Unit 2 is on top of Unit 1. Shinji gets out and answers phone. Asuka is yelling at Shinji. Asuka asks what he was doing up so late last night. Shinji says he was image training. Asuka says she knows he tried to kiss her. Shinji calls her a cheat and says she was awake. Asuka said she was just kidding and asked if he really kissed her. Shinji says he didn't, he stopped, and she was the one calling for her mother and sleepwalking. Fuyutsuki says that the kids are embarrassing them again. To be continued…
