A Hopefully Helpful Guide To Fan Fics

Well, I decided to make this section after I went and read a lot of fan fics at once for no particular reason. Some are good, some bad, some ugly, and others hilarious. There were a lot of abbreviated terms and such that most pages didn't describe (I assume because they figure someone with as little knowledge in the subject matter wouldn't go there) and that made me sad (pause for small tear rolling down cheek). This section will include some of the abbreviations and what they (at least I'm pretty sure) mean. I may add more later.

WAFF- (warm and fuzzy feelings) this means that the fic will likely be upbeat.

OOC- (out of character) the characters to not behave as they normally would.

IC- (in character) the characters behave normally (or the author won't admit that they are OOC).

Lemon- this means that it contains graphic sex.

Lime- I believe this means that there is some sex (or sexual situations) and isn't too graphic about it.

Dark- opposite of WAFF, rather downbeat.

MST- (also MSTied, MST3K'd, etc.) Someone's fic or work is made fun of either by the author or someone else. For those of you who don't know what this is I pity you. MST3K was a television show where 3 people (1 person and 2 robots) watched movies and made fun of them.

Flame- not to describe a fic but a term for highly negative feedback (mostly bashing)

Omake- (also Omake Theater; not used to describe a fic and usually not posted saying they have one) it usually comes at the end of a chapter or at the end of a fic and is a short comedic piece. Some change parts of the earlier storyline others are just completely drawn from scratch.

SI- (self insertion) the author puts themself in the story as a character.

Song Fic- containing lyrics of a song to further the plot or written to be read while a song is playing.

R&R- read and review, do I really have to explain?

AU- (Alternate Universe) (I think) Allows the author to change around characters and history completely.

Crossover- Interchanges different characters, things, or events from 2 or more different anime.

ACC- (author created character) characters that do not appear in the actual story that are created in order to serve the author's story.

Yaoi- male/male character relations

Yuri- female/female character relations

Well, I hope that helps in your quest for good fan fics. I would like to get more fics up, but I would have to e-mail the authors for permission (unless people send some to me! e-mail to: fettkanos@aol.com) and some I don't know if I can get a hold off. If I think of more or see more they will be added here.
